# Taskfile Versions The Taskfile syntax and features changed with time. This document explains what changed on each version and how to upgrade your Taskfile. ## What the Taskfile version mean The Taskfile version follows the Task version. E.g. the change to Taskfile version `2` means that Task `v2.0.0` should be release to support it. The `version:` key on Taskfile accepts a semver string, so either `2`, `2.0` or `2.0.0` is accepted. You you choose to use `2.0` Task will not enable future `2.1` features, but if you choose to use `2`, than any `2.x.x` features will be available, but not `3.0.0+`. ## Version 1 > NOTE: Taskfiles in version 1 are not supported on Task >= v3.0.0 anymore. In the first version of the `Taskfile`, the `version:` key was not available, because the tasks was in the root of the YAML document. Like this: ```yaml echo: cmds: - echo "Hello, World!" ``` The variable priority order was also different: 1. Call variables 2. Environment 3. Task variables 4. `Taskvars.yml` variables ## Version 2.0 At version 2, we introduced the `version:` key, to allow us to envolve Task with new features without breaking existing Taskfiles. The new syntax is as follows: ```yaml version: '2' tasks: echo: cmds: - echo "Hello, World!" ``` Version 2 allows you to write global variables directly in the Taskfile, if you don't want to create a `Taskvars.yml`: ```yaml version: '2' vars: GREETING: Hello, World! tasks: greet: cmds: - echo "{{.GREETING}}" ``` The variable priority order changed to the following: 1. Task variables 2. Call variables 3. Taskfile variables 4. Taskvars file variables 5. Environment variables A new global option was added to configure the number of variables expansions (which default to 2): ```yaml version: '2' expansions: 3 vars: FOO: foo BAR: bar BAZ: baz FOOBAR: "{{.FOO}}{{.BAR}}" FOOBARBAZ: "{{.FOOBAR}}{{.BAZ}}" tasks: default: cmds: - echo "{{.FOOBARBAZ}}" ``` ## Version 2.1 Version 2.1 includes a global `output` option, to allow having more control over how commands output are printed to the console (see [documentation][output] for more info): ```yaml version: '2' output: prefixed tasks: server: cmds: - go run main.go prefix: server ``` From this version it's not also possible to ignore errors of a command or task (check documentation [here][ignore_errors]): ```yaml version: '2' tasks: example-1: cmds: - cmd: exit 1 ignore_error: true - echo "This will be print" example-2: cmds: - exit 1 - echo "This will be print" ignore_error: true ``` ## Version 2.2 Version 2.2 comes with a global `includes` options to include other Taskfiles: ```yaml version: '2' includes: docs: ./documentation # will look for ./documentation/Taskfile.yml docker: ./DockerTasks.yml ``` ## Version 2.6 Version 2.6 comes with `preconditions` stanza in tasks. ```yaml version: '2' tasks: upload_environment: preconditions: - test -f .env cmds: - aws s3 cp .env s3://myenvironment ``` Please check the [documentation][includes] [output]: usage.md#output-syntax [ignore_errors]: usage.md#ignore-errors [includes]: usage.md#including-other-taskfiles