--- slug: /faq/ sidebar_position: 7 --- # FAQ This page contains a list of frequently asked questions about Task. ## Why won't my task update my shell environment? This is a limitation of how shells work. Task runs as a subprocess of your current shell, so it can't change the environment of the shell that started it. This limitation is shared by other task runners and build tools too. A common way to work around this is to create a task that will generate output that can be parsed by your shell. For example, to set an environment variable on your shell you can write a task like this: ```yaml my-shell-env: cmds: - echo "export FOO=foo" - echo "export BAR=bar" ``` Now run `eval $(task my-shell-env)` and the variables `$FOO` and `$BAR` will be available in your shell. ## I can't reuse my shell in a task's commands Task runs each command as a separate shell process, so something you do in one command won't effect any future commands. For example, this won't work: ```yaml version: '3' tasks: foo: cmds: - a=foo - echo $a # outputs "" ``` To work around this you can either use a multiline command: ```yaml version: '3' tasks: foo: cmds: - | a=foo echo $a # outputs "foo" ``` Or for more complex multi-line commands it is recommended to move your code into a separate file and call that instead: ```yaml version: '3' tasks: foo: cmds: - ./foo-printer.bash ``` ```bash #!/bin/bash a=foo echo $a ``` ## 'x' builtin command doesn't work on Windows The default shell on Windows (`cmd` and `powershell`) do not have commands like `rm` and `cp` available as builtins. This means that these commands won't work. If you want to make your Taskfile fully cross-platform, you'll need to work around this limitation using one of the following methods: - Use the `{{OS}}` function to run an OS-specific script. - Use something like `{{if eq OS "windows"}}powershell {{end}}<my_cmd>` to detect windows and run the command in Powershell directly. - Use a shell on Windows that supports these commands as builtins, such as [Git Bash][git-bash] or [WSL][wsl]. We want to make improvements to this part of Task and the issues below track this work. Constructive comments and contributions are very welcome! - [#197](https://github.com/go-task/task/issues/197) - [mvdan/sh#93](https://github.com/mvdan/sh/issues/93) - [mvdan/sh#97](https://github.com/mvdan/sh/issues/97) <!-- prettier-ignore-start --> <!-- prettier-ignore-end --> [git-bash]: https://gitforwindows.org/ [wsl]: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install