package read

import (



var (
	// ErrIncludedTaskfilesCantHaveDotenvs is returned when a included Taskfile contains dotenvs
	ErrIncludedTaskfilesCantHaveDotenvs = errors.New("task: Included Taskfiles can't have dotenv declarations. Please, move the dotenv declaration to the main Taskfile")

	defaultTaskfiles = []string{

func readTaskfile(
	node Node,
	offline bool,
	tempDir string,
	l *logger.Logger,
) (*taskfile.Taskfile, error) {
	var b []byte
	var err error
	var cache *Cache

	if node.Remote() {
		cache, err = NewCache(tempDir)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	// If the file is remote, check if we have a cached copy
	// If we're told to download, skip the cache
	if node.Remote() && !download {
		if b, err =; !errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) && err != nil {
			return nil, err

		if b != nil {
			l.VerboseOutf(logger.Magenta, "task: [%s] Fetched cached copy\n", node.Location())

	// If the file is remote, we found nothing in the cache and we're not
	// allowed to download it then we can't do anything.
	if node.Remote() && b == nil && offline {
		if b == nil && offline {
			return nil, &errors.TaskfileCacheNotFound{URI: node.Location()}

	// If we still don't have a copy, get the file in the usual way
	if b == nil {
		b, err = node.Read(context.Background())
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		// If the node was remote, we need to check the checksum
		if node.Remote() {
			l.VerboseOutf(logger.Magenta, "task: [%s] Fetched remote copy\n", node.Location())

			// Get the checksums
			checksum := checksum(b)
			cachedChecksum := cache.readChecksum(node)

			// If the checksum doesn't exist, prompt the user to continue
			if cachedChecksum == "" {
				if cont, err := l.Prompt(logger.Yellow, fmt.Sprintf("The task you are attempting to run depends on the remote Taskfile at %q.\n--- Make sure you trust the source of this Taskfile before continuing ---\nContinue?", node.Location()), "n", "y", "yes"); err != nil {
					return nil, err
				} else if !cont {
					return nil, &errors.TaskfileNotTrustedError{URI: node.Location()}
			} else if checksum != cachedChecksum {
				// If there is a cached hash, but it doesn't match the expected hash, prompt the user to continue
				if cont, err := l.Prompt(logger.Yellow, fmt.Sprintf("The Taskfile at %q has changed since you last used it!\n--- Make sure you trust the source of this Taskfile before continuing ---\nContinue?", node.Location()), "n", "y", "yes"); err != nil {
					return nil, err
				} else if !cont {
					return nil, &errors.TaskfileNotTrustedError{URI: node.Location()}

			// If the hash has changed (or is new), store it in the cache
			if checksum != cachedChecksum {
				if err := cache.writeChecksum(node, checksum); err != nil {
					return nil, err

	// If the file is remote and we need to cache it
	if node.Remote() && download {
		l.VerboseOutf(logger.Magenta, "task: [%s] Caching downloaded file\n", node.Location())
		// Cache the file for later
		if err = cache.write(node, b); err != nil {
			return nil, err

	var t taskfile.Taskfile
	if err := yaml.Unmarshal(b, &t); err != nil {
		return nil, &errors.TaskfileInvalidError{URI: filepathext.TryAbsToRel(node.Location()), Err: err}
	t.Location = node.Location()

	return &t, nil

// Taskfile reads a Taskfile for a given directory
// Uses current dir when dir is left empty. Uses Taskfile.yml
// or Taskfile.yaml when entrypoint is left empty
func Taskfile(
	node Node,
	insecure bool,
	download bool,
	offline bool,
	tempDir string,
	l *logger.Logger,
) (*taskfile.Taskfile, error) {
	var _taskfile func(Node) (*taskfile.Taskfile, error)
	_taskfile = func(node Node) (*taskfile.Taskfile, error) {
		t, err := readTaskfile(node, download, offline, tempDir, l)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		// Annotate any included Taskfile reference with a base directory for resolving relative paths
		if node, isFileNode := node.(*FileNode); isFileNode {
			_ = t.Includes.Range(func(key string, includedFile taskfile.IncludedTaskfile) error {
				// Set the base directory for resolving relative paths, but only if not already set
				if includedFile.BaseDir == "" {
					includedFile.BaseDir = node.Dir
					t.Includes.Set(key, includedFile)
				return nil

		err = t.Includes.Range(func(namespace string, includedTask taskfile.IncludedTaskfile) error {
			if t.Version.Compare(taskfile.V3) >= 0 {
				tr := templater.Templater{Vars: t.Vars, RemoveNoValue: true}
				includedTask = taskfile.IncludedTaskfile{
					Taskfile:       tr.Replace(includedTask.Taskfile),
					Dir:            tr.Replace(includedTask.Dir),
					Optional:       includedTask.Optional,
					Internal:       includedTask.Internal,
					Aliases:        includedTask.Aliases,
					AdvancedImport: includedTask.AdvancedImport,
					Vars:           includedTask.Vars,
					BaseDir:        includedTask.BaseDir,
				if err := tr.Err(); err != nil {
					return err

			uri, err := includedTask.FullTaskfilePath()
			if err != nil {
				return err

			includeReaderNode, err := NewNode(uri, insecure,
			if err != nil {
				if includedTask.Optional {
					return nil
				return err

			if err := checkCircularIncludes(includeReaderNode); err != nil {
				return err

			includedTaskfile, err := _taskfile(includeReaderNode)
			if err != nil {
				if includedTask.Optional {
					return nil
				return err

			if t.Version.Compare(taskfile.V3) >= 0 && len(includedTaskfile.Dotenv) > 0 {
				return ErrIncludedTaskfilesCantHaveDotenvs

			if includedTask.AdvancedImport {
				dir, err := includedTask.FullDirPath()
				if err != nil {
					return err

				// nolint: errcheck
				includedTaskfile.Vars.Range(func(k string, v taskfile.Var) error {
					o := v
					o.Dir = dir
					includedTaskfile.Vars.Set(k, o)
					return nil
				// nolint: errcheck
				includedTaskfile.Env.Range(func(k string, v taskfile.Var) error {
					o := v
					o.Dir = dir
					includedTaskfile.Env.Set(k, o)
					return nil

				for _, task := range includedTaskfile.Tasks.Values() {
					task.Dir = filepathext.SmartJoin(dir, task.Dir)
					if task.IncludeVars == nil {
						task.IncludeVars = &taskfile.Vars{}
					task.IncludedTaskfileVars = includedTaskfile.Vars
					task.IncludedTaskfile = &includedTask

			if err = taskfile.Merge(t, includedTaskfile, &includedTask, namespace); err != nil {
				return err

			if includedTaskfile.Tasks.Get("default") != nil && t.Tasks.Get(namespace) == nil {
				defaultTaskName := fmt.Sprintf("%s:default", namespace)
				task := t.Tasks.Get(defaultTaskName)
				task.Aliases = append(task.Aliases, namespace)
				task.Aliases = append(task.Aliases, includedTask.Aliases...)
				t.Tasks.Set(defaultTaskName, task)

			return nil
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		if t.Version.Compare(taskfile.V3) < 0 {
			if node, isFileNode := node.(*FileNode); isFileNode {
				path := filepathext.SmartJoin(node.Dir, fmt.Sprintf("Taskfile_%s.yml", runtime.GOOS))
				if _, err = os.Stat(path); err == nil {
					osNode := &FileNode{
						BaseNode:   NewBaseNode(WithParent(node)),
						Entrypoint: path,
						Dir:        node.Dir,
					b, err := osNode.Read(context.Background())
					if err != nil {
						return nil, err
					var osTaskfile *taskfile.Taskfile
					if err := yaml.Unmarshal(b, &osTaskfile); err != nil {
						return nil, &errors.TaskfileInvalidError{URI: filepathext.TryAbsToRel(node.Location()), Err: err}
					t.Location = node.Location()
					if err = taskfile.Merge(t, osTaskfile, nil); err != nil {
						return nil, err

		for _, task := range t.Tasks.Values() {
			// If the task is not defined, create a new one
			if task == nil {
				task = &taskfile.Task{}
			// Set the location of the taskfile for each task
			if task.Location.Taskfile == "" {
				task.Location.Taskfile = t.Location

		return t, nil
	return _taskfile(node)

// Exists will check if a file at the given path Exists. If it does, it will
// return the path to it. If it does not, it will search the search for any
// files at the given path with any of the default Taskfile files names. If any
// of these match a file, the first matching path will be returned. If no files
// are found, an error will be returned.
func Exists(path string) (string, error) {
	fi, err := os.Stat(path)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	if fi.Mode().IsRegular() {
		return filepath.Abs(path)

	for _, n := range defaultTaskfiles {
		fpath := filepathext.SmartJoin(path, n)
		if _, err := os.Stat(fpath); err == nil {
			return filepath.Abs(fpath)

	return "", errors.TaskfileNotFoundError{URI: path, Walk: false}

// ExistsWalk will check if a file at the given path exists by calling the
// exists function. If a file is not found, it will walk up the directory tree
// calling the exists function until it finds a file or reaches the root
// directory. On supported operating systems, it will also check if the user ID
// of the directory changes and abort if it does.
func ExistsWalk(path string) (string, error) {
	origPath := path
	owner, err := sysinfo.Owner(path)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	for {
		fpath, err := Exists(path)
		if err == nil {
			return fpath, nil

		// Get the parent path/user id
		parentPath := filepath.Dir(path)
		parentOwner, err := sysinfo.Owner(parentPath)
		if err != nil {
			return "", err

		// Error if we reached the root directory and still haven't found a file
		// OR if the user id of the directory changes
		if path == parentPath || (parentOwner != owner) {
			return "", errors.TaskfileNotFoundError{URI: origPath, Walk: false}

		owner = parentOwner
		path = parentPath

func checkCircularIncludes(node Node) error {
	if node == nil {
		return errors.New("task: failed to check for include cycle: node was nil")
	if node.Parent() == nil {
		return errors.New("task: failed to check for include cycle: node.Parent was nil")
	curNode := node
	location := node.Location()
	for curNode.Parent() != nil {
		curNode = curNode.Parent()
		curLocation := curNode.Location()
		if curLocation == location {
			return fmt.Errorf("task: include cycle detected between %s <--> %s",
	return nil