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// Copyright (c) 2017, Daniel Martí <mvdan@mvdan.cc>
// See LICENSE for licensing information
package expand
import (
// A Config specifies details about how shell expansion should be performed. The
// zero value is a valid configuration.
type Config struct {
// Env is used to get and set environment variables when performing
// shell expansions. Some special parameters are also expanded via this
// interface, such as:
// * "#", "@", "*", "0"-"9" for the shell's parameters
// * "?", "$", "PPID" for the shell's status and process
// * "HOME foo" to retrieve user foo's home directory (if unset,
// os/user.Lookup will be used)
// If nil, there are no environment variables set. Use
// ListEnviron(os.Environ()...) to use the system's environment
// variables.
Env Environ
// TODO(mvdan): consider replacing NoGlob==true with ReadDir==nil.
// NoGlob corresponds to the shell option that disables globbing.
NoGlob bool
// GlobStar corresponds to the shell option that allows globbing with
// "**".
GlobStar bool
// CmdSubst expands a command substitution node, writing its standard
// output to the provided io.Writer.
// If nil, encountering a command substitution will result in an
// UnexpectedCommandError.
CmdSubst func(io.Writer, *syntax.CmdSubst) error
// ReadDir is used for file path globbing. If nil, globbing is disabled.
// Use ioutil.ReadDir to use the filesystem directly.
ReadDir func(string) ([]os.FileInfo, error)
bufferAlloc bytes.Buffer
fieldAlloc [4]fieldPart
fieldsAlloc [4][]fieldPart
ifs string
// A pointer to a parameter expansion node, if we're inside one.
// Necessary for ${LINENO}.
curParam *syntax.ParamExp
// UnexpectedCommandError is returned if a command substitution is encountered
// when Config.CmdSubst is nil.
type UnexpectedCommandError struct {
Node *syntax.CmdSubst
func (u UnexpectedCommandError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("unexpected command substitution at %s", u.Node.Pos())
var zeroConfig = &Config{}
func prepareConfig(cfg *Config) *Config {
if cfg == nil {
cfg = zeroConfig
if cfg.Env == nil {
cfg.Env = FuncEnviron(func(string) string { return "" })
cfg.ifs = " \t\n"
if vr := cfg.Env.Get("IFS"); vr.IsSet() {
cfg.ifs = vr.String()
return cfg
func (cfg *Config) ifsRune(r rune) bool {
for _, r2 := range cfg.ifs {
if r == r2 {
return true
return false
func (cfg *Config) ifsJoin(strs []string) string {
sep := ""
if cfg.ifs != "" {
sep = cfg.ifs[:1]
return strings.Join(strs, sep)
func (cfg *Config) strBuilder() *bytes.Buffer {
b := &cfg.bufferAlloc
return b
func (cfg *Config) envGet(name string) string {
return cfg.Env.Get(name).String()
func (cfg *Config) envSet(name, value string) {
wenv, ok := cfg.Env.(WriteEnviron)
if !ok {
// TODO: we should probably error here
wenv.Set(name, Variable{Value: value})
// Literal expands a single shell word. It is similar to Fields, but the result
// is a single string. This is the behavior when a word is used as the value in
// a shell variable assignment, for example.
// The config specifies shell expansion options; nil behaves the same as an
// empty config.
func Literal(cfg *Config, word *syntax.Word) (string, error) {
if word == nil {
return "", nil
cfg = prepareConfig(cfg)
field, err := cfg.wordField(word.Parts, quoteNone)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return cfg.fieldJoin(field), nil
// Document expands a single shell word as if it were within double quotes. It
// is simlar to Literal, but without brace expansion, tilde expansion, and
// globbing.
// The config specifies shell expansion options; nil behaves the same as an
// empty config.
func Document(cfg *Config, word *syntax.Word) (string, error) {
if word == nil {
return "", nil
cfg = prepareConfig(cfg)
field, err := cfg.wordField(word.Parts, quoteDouble)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return cfg.fieldJoin(field), nil
// Pattern expands a single shell word as a pattern, using syntax.QuotePattern
// on any non-quoted parts of the input word. The result can be used on
// syntax.TranslatePattern directly.
// The config specifies shell expansion options; nil behaves the same as an
// empty config.
func Pattern(cfg *Config, word *syntax.Word) (string, error) {
cfg = prepareConfig(cfg)
field, err := cfg.wordField(word.Parts, quoteNone)
if err != nil {
return "", err
buf := cfg.strBuilder()
for _, part := range field {
if part.quote > quoteNone {
} else {
return buf.String(), nil
// Format expands a format string with a number of arguments, following the
// shell's format specifications. These include printf(1), among others.
// The resulting string is returned, along with the number of arguments used.
// The config specifies shell expansion options; nil behaves the same as an
// empty config.
func Format(cfg *Config, format string, args []string) (string, int, error) {
cfg = prepareConfig(cfg)
buf := cfg.strBuilder()
esc := false
var fmts []rune
initialArgs := len(args)
for _, c := range format {
switch {
case esc:
esc = false
switch c {
case 'n':
case 'r':
case 't':
case '\\':
case len(fmts) > 0:
switch c {
case '%':
fmts = nil
case 'c':
var b byte
if len(args) > 0 {
arg := ""
arg, args = args[0], args[1:]
if len(arg) > 0 {
b = arg[0]
fmts = nil
case '+', '-', ' ':
if len(fmts) > 1 {
return "", 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid format char: %c", c)
fmts = append(fmts, c)
case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
fmts = append(fmts, c)
case 's', 'd', 'i', 'u', 'o', 'x':
arg := ""
if len(args) > 0 {
arg, args = args[0], args[1:]
var farg interface{} = arg
if c != 's' {
n, _ := strconv.ParseInt(arg, 0, 0)
if c == 'i' || c == 'd' {
farg = int(n)
} else {
farg = uint(n)
if c == 'i' || c == 'u' {
c = 'd'
fmts = append(fmts, c)
fmt.Fprintf(buf, string(fmts), farg)
fmts = nil
return "", 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid format char: %c", c)
case c == '\\':
esc = true
case args != nil && c == '%':
// if args == nil, we are not doing format
// arguments
fmts = []rune{c}
if len(fmts) > 0 {
return "", 0, fmt.Errorf("missing format char")
return buf.String(), initialArgs - len(args), nil
func (cfg *Config) fieldJoin(parts []fieldPart) string {
switch len(parts) {
case 0:
return ""
case 1: // short-cut without a string copy
return parts[0].val
buf := cfg.strBuilder()
for _, part := range parts {
return buf.String()
func (cfg *Config) escapedGlobField(parts []fieldPart) (escaped string, glob bool) {
buf := cfg.strBuilder()
for _, part := range parts {
if part.quote > quoteNone {
if syntax.HasPattern(part.val) {
glob = true
if glob { // only copy the string if it will be used
escaped = buf.String()
return escaped, glob
// Fields expands a number of words as if they were arguments in a shell
// command. This includes brace expansion, tilde expansion, parameter expansion,
// command substitution, arithmetic expansion, and quote removal.
func Fields(cfg *Config, words ...*syntax.Word) ([]string, error) {
cfg = prepareConfig(cfg)
fields := make([]string, 0, len(words))
dir := cfg.envGet("PWD")
for _, expWord := range Braces(words...) {
wfields, err := cfg.wordFields(expWord.Parts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, field := range wfields {
path, doGlob := cfg.escapedGlobField(field)
var matches []string
abs := filepath.IsAbs(path)
if doGlob && !cfg.NoGlob {
base := ""
if !abs {
base = dir
matches, err = cfg.glob(base, path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(matches) == 0 {
fields = append(fields, cfg.fieldJoin(field))
for _, match := range matches {
if !abs {
match = strings.TrimPrefix(match, dir)
fields = append(fields, match)
return fields, nil
type fieldPart struct {
val string
quote quoteLevel
type quoteLevel uint
const (
quoteNone quoteLevel = iota
func (cfg *Config) wordField(wps []syntax.WordPart, ql quoteLevel) ([]fieldPart, error) {
var field []fieldPart
for i, wp := range wps {
switch x := wp.(type) {
case *syntax.Lit:
s := x.Value
if i == 0 && ql == quoteNone {
if prefix, rest := cfg.expandUser(s); prefix != "" {
// TODO: return two separate fieldParts,
// like in wordFields?
s = prefix + rest
if ql == quoteDouble && strings.Contains(s, "\\") {
buf := cfg.strBuilder()
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
b := s[i]
if b == '\\' && i+1 < len(s) {
switch s[i+1] {
case '\n': // remove \\\n
case '"', '\\', '$', '`': // special chars
s = buf.String()
field = append(field, fieldPart{val: s})
case *syntax.SglQuoted:
fp := fieldPart{quote: quoteSingle, val: x.Value}
if x.Dollar {
fp.val, _, _ = Format(cfg, fp.val, nil)
field = append(field, fp)
case *syntax.DblQuoted:
wfield, err := cfg.wordField(x.Parts, quoteDouble)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, part := range wfield {
part.quote = quoteDouble
field = append(field, part)
case *syntax.ParamExp:
val, err := cfg.paramExp(x)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
field = append(field, fieldPart{val: val})
case *syntax.CmdSubst:
val, err := cfg.cmdSubst(x)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
field = append(field, fieldPart{val: val})
case *syntax.ArithmExp:
n, err := Arithm(cfg, x.X)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
field = append(field, fieldPart{val: strconv.Itoa(n)})
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unhandled word part: %T", x))
return field, nil
func (cfg *Config) cmdSubst(cs *syntax.CmdSubst) (string, error) {
if cfg.CmdSubst == nil {
return "", UnexpectedCommandError{Node: cs}
buf := cfg.strBuilder()
if err := cfg.CmdSubst(buf, cs); err != nil {
return "", err
return strings.TrimRight(buf.String(), "\n"), nil
func (cfg *Config) wordFields(wps []syntax.WordPart) ([][]fieldPart, error) {
fields := cfg.fieldsAlloc[:0]
curField := cfg.fieldAlloc[:0]
allowEmpty := false
flush := func() {
if len(curField) == 0 {
fields = append(fields, curField)
curField = nil
splitAdd := func(val string) {
for i, field := range strings.FieldsFunc(val, cfg.ifsRune) {
if i > 0 {
curField = append(curField, fieldPart{val: field})
for i, wp := range wps {
switch x := wp.(type) {
case *syntax.Lit:
s := x.Value
if i == 0 {
prefix, rest := cfg.expandUser(s)
curField = append(curField, fieldPart{
quote: quoteSingle,
val: prefix,
s = rest
if strings.Contains(s, "\\") {
buf := cfg.strBuilder()
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
b := s[i]
if b == '\\' {
b = s[i]
s = buf.String()
curField = append(curField, fieldPart{val: s})
case *syntax.SglQuoted:
allowEmpty = true
fp := fieldPart{quote: quoteSingle, val: x.Value}
if x.Dollar {
fp.val, _, _ = Format(cfg, fp.val, nil)
curField = append(curField, fp)
case *syntax.DblQuoted:
allowEmpty = true
if len(x.Parts) == 1 {
pe, _ := x.Parts[0].(*syntax.ParamExp)
if elems := cfg.quotedElems(pe); elems != nil {
for i, elem := range elems {
if i > 0 {
curField = append(curField, fieldPart{
quote: quoteDouble,
val: elem,
wfield, err := cfg.wordField(x.Parts, quoteDouble)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, part := range wfield {
part.quote = quoteDouble
curField = append(curField, part)
case *syntax.ParamExp:
val, err := cfg.paramExp(x)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
case *syntax.CmdSubst:
val, err := cfg.cmdSubst(x)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
case *syntax.ArithmExp:
n, err := Arithm(cfg, x.X)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
curField = append(curField, fieldPart{val: strconv.Itoa(n)})
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unhandled word part: %T", x))
if allowEmpty && len(fields) == 0 {
fields = append(fields, curField)
return fields, nil
// quotedElems checks if a parameter expansion is exactly ${@} or ${foo[@]}
func (cfg *Config) quotedElems(pe *syntax.ParamExp) []string {
if pe == nil || pe.Excl || pe.Length || pe.Width {
return nil
if pe.Param.Value == "@" {
return cfg.Env.Get("@").Value.([]string)
if nodeLit(pe.Index) != "@" {
return nil
val := cfg.Env.Get(pe.Param.Value).Value
if x, ok := val.([]string); ok {
return x
return nil
func (cfg *Config) expandUser(field string) (prefix, rest string) {
if len(field) == 0 || field[0] != '~' {
return "", field
name := field[1:]
if i := strings.Index(name, "/"); i >= 0 {
rest = name[i:]
name = name[:i]
if name == "" {
return cfg.Env.Get("HOME").String(), rest
if vr := cfg.Env.Get("HOME " + name); vr.IsSet() {
return vr.String(), rest
u, err := user.Lookup(name)
if err != nil {
return "", field
return u.HomeDir, rest
func findAllIndex(pattern, name string, n int) [][]int {
expr, err := syntax.TranslatePattern(pattern, true)
if err != nil {
return nil
rx := regexp.MustCompile(expr)
return rx.FindAllStringIndex(name, n)
// TODO: use this again to optimize globbing; see
// https://github.com/mvdan/sh/issues/213
func hasGlob(path string) bool {
magicChars := `*?[`
if runtime.GOOS != "windows" {
magicChars = `*?[\`
return strings.ContainsAny(path, magicChars)
var rxGlobStar = regexp.MustCompile(".*")
// pathJoin2 is a simpler version of filepath.Join without cleaning the result,
// since that's needed for globbing.
func pathJoin2(elem1, elem2 string) string {
if elem1 == "" {
return elem2
if strings.HasSuffix(elem1, string(filepath.Separator)) {
return elem1 + elem2
return elem1 + string(filepath.Separator) + elem2
// pathSplit splits a file path into its elements, retaining empty ones. Before
// splitting, slashes are replaced with filepath.Separator, so that splitting
// Unix paths on Windows works as well.
func pathSplit(path string) []string {
path = filepath.FromSlash(path)
return strings.Split(path, string(filepath.Separator))
func (cfg *Config) glob(base, pattern string) ([]string, error) {
parts := pathSplit(pattern)
matches := []string{""}
if filepath.IsAbs(pattern) {
if parts[0] == "" {
// unix-like
matches[0] = string(filepath.Separator)
} else {
// windows (for some reason it won't work without the
// trailing separator)
matches[0] = parts[0] + string(filepath.Separator)
parts = parts[1:]
for _, part := range parts {
switch {
case part == "", part == ".", part == "..":
var newMatches []string
for _, dir := range matches {
// TODO(mvdan): reuse the previous ReadDir call
if cfg.ReadDir == nil {
continue // no globbing
} else if _, err := cfg.ReadDir(filepath.Join(base, dir)); err != nil {
continue // not actually a dir
newMatches = append(newMatches, pathJoin2(dir, part))
matches = newMatches
case part == "**" && cfg.GlobStar:
for i, match := range matches {
// "a/**" should match "a/ a/b a/b/cfg ..."; note
// how the zero-match case has a trailing
// separator.
matches[i] = pathJoin2(match, "")
// expand all the possible levels of **
latest := matches
for {
var newMatches []string
for _, dir := range latest {
var err error
newMatches, err = cfg.globDir(base, dir, rxGlobStar, newMatches)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(newMatches) == 0 {
// not another level of directories to
// try; stop
matches = append(matches, newMatches...)
latest = newMatches
expr, err := syntax.TranslatePattern(part, true)
if err != nil {
// If any glob part is not a valid pattern, don't glob.
return nil, nil
rx := regexp.MustCompile("^" + expr + "$")
var newMatches []string
for _, dir := range matches {
newMatches, err = cfg.globDir(base, dir, rx, newMatches)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
matches = newMatches
return matches, nil
func (cfg *Config) globDir(base, dir string, rx *regexp.Regexp, matches []string) ([]string, error) {
if cfg.ReadDir == nil {
// TODO(mvdan): check this at the beginning of a glob?
return nil, nil
infos, err := cfg.ReadDir(filepath.Join(base, dir))
if err != nil {
// Ignore the error, as this might be a file instead of a
// directory. v3 refactored globbing to only use one ReadDir
// call per directory instead of two, so it knows to skip this
// kind of path at the ReadDir call of its parent.
// Instead of backporting that complex rewrite into v2, just
// work around the edge case here. We might ignore other kinds
// of errors, but at least we don't fail on a correct glob.
return matches, nil
for _, info := range infos {
name := info.Name()
if !strings.HasPrefix(rx.String(), `^\.`) && name[0] == '.' {
if rx.MatchString(name) {
matches = append(matches, pathJoin2(dir, name))
return matches, nil
// The config specifies shell expansion options; nil behaves the same as an
// empty config.
func ReadFields(cfg *Config, s string, n int, raw bool) []string {
cfg = prepareConfig(cfg)
type pos struct {
start, end int
var fpos []pos
runes := make([]rune, 0, len(s))
infield := false
esc := false
for _, r := range s {
if infield {
if cfg.ifsRune(r) && (raw || !esc) {
fpos[len(fpos)-1].end = len(runes)
infield = false
} else {
if !cfg.ifsRune(r) && (raw || !esc) {
fpos = append(fpos, pos{start: len(runes), end: -1})
infield = true
if r == '\\' {
if raw || esc {
runes = append(runes, r)
esc = !esc
runes = append(runes, r)
esc = false
if len(fpos) == 0 {
return nil
if infield {
fpos[len(fpos)-1].end = len(runes)
switch {
case n == 1:
// include heading/trailing IFSs
fpos[0].start, fpos[0].end = 0, len(runes)
fpos = fpos[:1]
case n != -1 && n < len(fpos):
// combine to max n fields
fpos[n-1].end = fpos[len(fpos)-1].end
fpos = fpos[:n]
var fields = make([]string, len(fpos))
for i, p := range fpos {
fields[i] = string(runes[p.start:p.end])
return fields