* **Neo Java Web SDK** - can be downloaded from [Maven Central](http://central.maven.org/maven2/com/sap/cloud/neo-java-web-sdk/). The Neo Java Web SDK
needs to be extracted into the folder provided by `neoHome`. In case this parameters is not provided and there is no NEO_HOME parameter in the environment
`<neoRoot>/tools` needs to be in the `PATH`.
* **Java 8 or higher** - needed by the *Neo-Java-Web-SDK*
| `deployHost` | no | `'DEPLOY_HOST'` from `commonPipelineEnvironment` | |
| `deployAccount` | no | `'CI_DEPLOY_ACCOUNT'` from `commonPipelineEnvironment` | |
| `neoCredentialsId` | no | `'CI_CREDENTIALS_ID'` | |
| `neoHome` | no | Environment is checked for `NEO_HOME`, <br>otherwise the neo toolset is expected in the path | |
*`script` - The common script environment of the Jenkinsfile run. Typically `this` is passed to this parameter. This allows the function to access the [`commonPipelineEnvironment`](commonPipelineEnvironment.md) for retrieving e.g. configuration parameters.
*`archivePath`- The path to the archive for deployment to SAP CP.
*`deployHost` - The SAP Cloud Platform host to deploy to.
*`deployAccount` - The SAP Cloud Platform account to deploy to.
*`credentialsId` - The Jenkins credentials containing user and password used for SAP CP deployment.
*`neoHome` - The path to the `neo-java-web-sdk` tool used for SAP CP deployment. If no parameter is provided, the path is retrieved from the Jenkins environment variables using `env.NEO_HOME`. If this Jenkins environment variable is not set it is assumed that the tool is available in the `PATH`.