*`script` defines the global script environment of the Jenkinsfile run. Typically `this` is passed to this parameter. This allows the function to access the [`commonPipelineEnvironment`](commonPipelineEnvironment.md) for storing the measured duration.
*`buildResult` may be used to overrule the build result coming from `currentBuild.result`. This is for example used in the step `pipelineRestartSteps`
*`gitCommitId` defines a dedicated git commitId for culprit retrieval.
*`gitUrl` and `gitCommitId` are used to retrieve culprit information.
*`gitSshKeyCredentialsId` only required if your git repository is protected. It defines the credentialsId for the git ssh credentials.
*`notificationAttachment` defines if the console log file should be attached to the notification mail.
*`notificationRecipients` defines the fixed list of recipient that always get the notification. In case you want to send the notification to the culprits only set it to an empty string `''`.
!!! note
Multiple recipients need to be separated with the `space` character.
In case you do not want to have any fixed recipients of the notifications leave the property empty.
*`notifyCulprits` defines if potential culprits should receive an email.
*`numLogLinesInBody` defines the number of log lines (=last lines of the log) which are included into the body of the notification email.
*`projectName` may be used to specify a different name in the email subject.
*`wrapInNode` needs to be set to `true` if step is used outside of a node context, e.g. post actions in a declarative pipeline script.
## Step configuration
We recommend to define values of step parameters via [config.yml file](../configuration.md).
In following sections the configuration is possible: