2019-07-18 15:06:11 +02:00
import com.sap.piper.ConfigurationHelper
import com.sap.piper.GenerateDocumentation
import com.sap.piper.JenkinsUtils
import com.sap.piper.JsonUtils
import com.sap.piper.Utils
import com.sap.piper.integration.TransportManagementService
import groovy.transform.Field
import static com . sap . piper . Prerequisites . checkScript
@Field String STEP_NAME = getClass ( ) . getName ( )
/ * *
* Print more detailed information into the log .
* @possibleValues ` true ` , ` false `
* /
/ * *
* If specific stashes should be considered , their names need to be passed via the parameter ` stashContent ` .
* /
'stashContent' ,
/ * *
* Defines the path to * . mtar for the upload to the Transport Management Service .
* /
'mtaPath' ,
/ * *
* Defines the name of the node to which the * . mtar file should be uploaded .
* /
'nodeName' ,
/ * *
* Credentials to be used for the file and node uploads to the Transport Management Service .
* /
'credentialsId' ,
/ * *
* Can be used as the description of a transport request . Will overwrite the default . ( Default: Corresponding Git Commit - ID )
* /
2019-12-03 14:55:53 +01:00
'customDescription' ,
/ * *
* Proxy which should be used for the communication with the Transport Management Service Backend .
* /
2019-07-18 15:06:11 +02:00
] )
2020-04-01 10:00:36 +02:00
2019-07-18 15:06:11 +02:00
/ * *
* This step allows you to upload an MTA file ( multi - target application archive ) into a TMS ( SAP Cloud Platform Transport Management Service ) landscape for further TMS - controlled distribution through a TMS - configured landscape .
* TMS lets you manage transports between SAP Cloud Platform accounts in Neo and Cloud Foundry , such as from DEV to TEST and PROD accounts .
* For more information , see [ official documentation of Transport Management Service ] ( https: //help.sap.com/viewer/p/TRANSPORT_MANAGEMENT_SERVICE)
* ! ! ! note "Prerequisites"
* * You have subscribed to and set up TMS , as described in [ Setup and Configuration of SAP Cloud Platform Transport Management ] ( https: //help.sap.com/viewer/7f7160ec0d8546c6b3eab72fb5ad6fd8/Cloud/en-US/66fd7283c62f48adb23c56fb48c84a60.html), which includes the configuration of a node to be used for uploading an MTA file.
* * A corresponding service key has been created , as described in [ Set Up the Environment to Transport Content Archives directly in an Application ] ( https: //help.sap.com/viewer/7f7160ec0d8546c6b3eab72fb5ad6fd8/Cloud/en-US/8d9490792ed14f1bbf8a6ac08a6bca64.html). This service key (JSON) must be stored as a secret text within the Jenkins secure store.
* /
void call ( Map parameters = [ : ] ) {
handlePipelineStepErrors ( stepName: STEP_NAME , stepParameters: parameters ) {
def script = checkScript ( this , parameters ) ? : this
def utils = parameters . juStabUtils ? : new Utils ( )
def jenkinsUtils = parameters . jenkinsUtilsStub ? : new JenkinsUtils ( )
// load default & individual configuration
Map config = ConfigurationHelper . newInstance ( this )
. loadStepDefaults ( )
. mixinGeneralConfig ( script . commonPipelineEnvironment , GENERAL_CONFIG_KEYS )
. mixinStepConfig ( script . commonPipelineEnvironment , STEP_CONFIG_KEYS )
. mixinStageConfig ( script . commonPipelineEnvironment , parameters . stageName ? : env . STAGE_NAME , STEP_CONFIG_KEYS )
. mixin ( parameters , PARAMETER_KEYS )
//mandatory parameters
. withMandatoryProperty ( 'mtaPath' )
. withMandatoryProperty ( 'nodeName' )
. withMandatoryProperty ( 'credentialsId' )
. use ( )
// telemetry reporting
new Utils ( ) . pushToSWA ( [
step : STEP_NAME ,
stepParamKey1: 'scriptMissing' ,
stepParam1 : parameters ? . script = = null
] , config )
def jsonUtilsObject = new JsonUtils ( )
// make sure that all relevant descriptors, are available in workspace
utils . unstashAll ( config . stashContent )
// make sure that for further execution whole workspace, e.g. also downloaded artifacts are considered
config . stashContent = [ ]
def customDescription = config . customDescription ? "${config.customDescription}" : "Git CommitId: ${script.commonPipelineEnvironment.getGitCommitId()}"
def description = customDescription
def namedUser = jenkinsUtils . getJobStartedByUserId ( ) ? : config . namedUser
def nodeName = config . nodeName
def mtaPath = config . mtaPath
2019-10-22 12:28:43 +02:00
if ( ! fileExists ( mtaPath ) ) {
error ( "Mta file '${mtaPath}' does not exist." )
2019-07-18 15:06:11 +02:00
if ( config . verbose ) {
echo "[TransportManagementService] CredentialsId: '${config.credentialsId}'"
echo "[TransportManagementService] Node name: '${nodeName}'"
echo "[TransportManagementService] MTA path: '${mtaPath}'"
echo "[TransportManagementService] Named user: '${namedUser}'"
def tms = parameters . transportManagementService ? : new TransportManagementService ( script , config )
withCredentials ( [ string ( credentialsId: config . credentialsId , variable: 'tmsServiceKeyJSON' ) ] ) {
def tmsServiceKey = jsonUtilsObject . jsonStringToGroovyObject ( tmsServiceKeyJSON )
def clientId = tmsServiceKey . uaa . clientid
def clientSecret = tmsServiceKey . uaa . clientsecret
def uaaUrl = tmsServiceKey . uaa . url
def uri = tmsServiceKey . uri
if ( config . verbose ) {
echo "[TransportManagementService] UAA URL: '${uaaUrl}'"
echo "[TransportManagementService] TMS URL: '${uri}'"
echo "[TransportManagementService] ClientId: '${clientId}'"
def token = tms . authentication ( uaaUrl , clientId , clientSecret )
def fileUploadResponse = tms . uploadFile ( uri , token , "${workspace}/${mtaPath}" , namedUser )
def uploadFileToNodeResponse = tms . uploadFileToNode ( uri , token , nodeName , fileUploadResponse . fileId , description , namedUser )
echo "[TransportManagementService] File '${fileUploadResponse.fileName}' successfully uploaded to Node '${uploadFileToNodeResponse.queueEntries.nodeName}' (Id: '${uploadFileToNodeResponse.queueEntries.nodeId}')."
echo "[TransportManagementService] Corresponding Transport Request: '${uploadFileToNodeResponse.transportRequestDescription}' (Id: '${uploadFileToNodeResponse.transportRequestId}')"