2019-04-01 11:07:05 +02:00
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
2019-03-27 15:44:28 +01:00
2019-05-21 11:53:33 +02:00
def cli = new CliBuilder(
usage: 'groovy createDocu [<options>]',
header: 'Options:',
footer: 'Copyright: SAP SE')
cli.with {
i longOpt: 'in', args: 1, argName: 'file', 'The file containing the mapping as created by the unit tests..'
o longOpt: 'out', args: 1, argName: 'file', 'The file containing the condenced mappings.'
h longOpt: 'help', 'Prints this help.'
def options = cli.parse(args)
if(options.h) {
System.err << "Printing help.\n"
if(! options.i) {
System.err << "No input file"
if(! options.o) {
System.err << "No output file"
def steps = new JsonSlurper().parseText(new File(options.i).text)
2019-03-27 15:44:28 +01:00
def piperSteps = steps.piperSteps
def calls = steps.calls
2019-05-24 16:40:31 +02:00
// only temporary in order to avoid manipulating the map during
// iterating over it.
def tmpCalls = [:]
2019-03-27 15:44:28 +01:00
// Adjust naming
calls.each { c ->
2019-05-24 16:40:31 +02:00
tmpCalls.put(retrieveStepName(c.key), c.value as Set)
2019-03-27 15:44:28 +01:00
2019-05-24 16:40:31 +02:00
calls = tmpCalls
tmpCalls = null
2019-03-27 15:44:28 +01:00
// Remove selfs
calls.each { c ->
2019-05-17 14:52:27 +02:00
2019-03-27 15:44:28 +01:00
int counter=0
def alreadyHandled = []
2019-05-21 14:36:19 +02:00
// in case we exceed the value we assume some cyclic call
// between plugin steps.
int MAX_LOOP = 1600
boolean done = false
while(counter < MAX_LOOP) {
2019-03-27 15:44:28 +01:00
2019-05-21 14:22:13 +02:00
def hereWeNeedToReplace = null
def toBeReplaced = null
2019-03-27 15:44:28 +01:00
2019-05-21 14:36:19 +02:00
if(alreadyHandled.size() == calls.size()) {
done = true
2019-03-27 15:44:28 +01:00
for (def call in calls.entrySet()) {
stepName = call.key
calledSteps = call.value
if(alreadyHandled.contains(stepName)) {
for (def calledStep in calledSteps) {
2019-05-21 15:28:56 +02:00
if(! ( calledStep in Map)) {
// in case the calledStep is a map the map
// was introduced in an earlier loop.
// This means this entry is already handled.
2019-03-27 15:44:28 +01:00
if(calledStep in piperSteps) {
toBeReplaced = calledStep
hereWeNeedToReplace = calledSteps
2019-05-17 14:52:27 +02:00
2019-03-27 15:44:28 +01:00
if(toBeReplaced) {
def replacement = [:]
replacement[toBeReplaced] = calls[toBeReplaced] as Set
def removed = hereWeNeedToReplace.remove(toBeReplaced)
} else {
alreadyHandled << stepName
2019-05-21 14:36:19 +02:00
if(! done) {
throw new Exception('Unable to resolve transitive plugin calls.')
2019-03-27 15:44:28 +01:00
piperStepCallMappings = [:]
for(def entry : calls.entrySet()) {
def performedCalls = flatten(entry, (Set)[])
piperStepCallMappings.put(entry.key, performedCalls)
2019-05-21 17:04:42 +02:00
// special handling since since changeManagement util class
// is separated from the steps itself
// should be improved in the future in order not to have
// that bells and whistles here.
def cm = piperStepCallMappings.get('changeManagement')
for (cmStepName in [
]) {
// end of special handling
2019-05-21 11:53:33 +02:00
File performedCalls = new File(options.o)
2019-03-27 15:44:28 +01:00
if (performedCalls.exists()) performedCalls.delete()
performedCalls << groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson(piperStepCallMappings)
def flatten(def entry, Set result) {
for(def e : entry.value) {
if(e in Map) { // the map here is expected to hold one entry always
for(def steps : e.entrySet().value) {
for(def step : steps) {
if (step in Map) {
flatten(step, result)
} else {
result << step
} else {
result << e.value.toString()
static retrieveStepName(String s) {
firstCharToLowerCase(removeTrailing(s, 'Test'))
static removeTrailing(String s, String trail) {
return s.replaceAll(trail + '$', '')
static firstCharToLowerCase(CharSequence cs) {
char[] c = cs.getChars()
c[0] = Character.toLowerCase(c[0])
new String(c)