2023-05-03 18:02:11 +02:00
//go:build unit
// +build unit
2022-02-22 10:58:22 +02:00
package cmd
import (
piperhttp "github.com/SAP/jenkins-library/pkg/http"
func TestDiscoverServerSuccess ( t * testing . T ) {
config := gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksOptions {
Host : "http://testHost.com:50000" ,
Client : "000" ,
Repository : "testRepo" ,
Username : "testUser" ,
Password : "testPassword" ,
Scope : "localChangedObjects" ,
Commit : "0123456789abcdefghijkl" ,
Workspace : "/var/jenkins_home/workspace/myFirstPipeline" ,
t . Run ( "discover server successful" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
httpClient := httpMockGcts {
StatusCode : 200 ,
Header : map [ string ] [ ] string { "x-csrf-token" : { "ZegUEgfa50R7ZfGGxOtx2A==" } } ,
ResponseBody : `
< ? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ? >
< app : service xmlns : app = "http://www.w3.org/2007/app" xmlns : atom = "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" / >
` }
header , err := discoverServer ( & config , & httpClient )
if assert . NoError ( t , err ) {
t . Run ( "check url" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/adt/core/discovery?sap-client=000" , httpClient . URL )
} )
t . Run ( "check method" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "GET" , httpClient . Method )
} )
t . Run ( "check header" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , http . Header { "x-csrf-token" : [ ] string { "ZegUEgfa50R7ZfGGxOtx2A==" } } , * header )
} )
} )
func TestDiscoverServerFailure ( t * testing . T ) {
config := gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksOptions {
Host : "http://testHost3.com:50000" ,
Client : "000" ,
Repository : "testRepo" ,
Username : "testUser" ,
Password : "testPassword" ,
Scope : "localChangedObjects" ,
Commit : "0123456789abcdefghijkl" ,
Workspace : "/var/jenkins_home/workspace/myFirstPipeline" ,
t . Run ( "a http error occurred" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
httpClient := httpMockGctsT { StatusCode : 403 , ResponseBody : `
< html >
< head >
< meta http - equiv = "content-type" content = "text/html; charset=windows-1252" >
< title > Service cannot be reached < / title >
< style >
body {
background : # ffffff ;
text - align : center ;
width : 100 % ;
height : 100 % ;
overflow : hidden ;
< / style >
< / head >
< body >
< div class = "content" >
< div class = "valigned" >
< p class = "centerText" > < span class = "errorTextHeader" > 403 Forbidden < / span > < / p >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "footer" >
< div class = "footerLeft" > < / div >
< div class = "footerRight" >
< p class = "bottomText" > < span class = "biggerBottomText" > & copy ; < / span > 2020 SAP SE , All rights reserved . < / p >
< / div >
< / div >
< / body >
< / html >
` }
header , err := discoverServer ( & config , & httpClient )
t . Run ( "check error" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . EqualError ( t , err , "discovery of the ABAP server failed: a http error occurred" )
} )
t . Run ( "check header" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , ( * http . Header ) ( nil ) , header )
} )
} )
t . Run ( "discovery response is nil" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
httpClient := httpMockGctsT { StatusCode : 200 , ResponseBody : ` ` }
header , err := discoverServer ( & config , & httpClient )
t . Run ( "check error" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . EqualError ( t , err , "discovery of the ABAP server failed: did not retrieve a HTTP response" )
} )
t . Run ( "check header" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , ( * http . Header ) ( nil ) , header )
} )
} )
t . Run ( "discovery header is nil" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
httpClient := httpMockGctsT {
StatusCode : 200 ,
Header : nil ,
ResponseBody : `
< ? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ? >
< app : service xmlns : app = "http://www.w3.org/2007/app" xmlns : atom = "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" / >
` }
header , err := discoverServer ( & config , & httpClient )
t . Run ( "check error" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . EqualError ( t , err , "discovery of the ABAP server failed: did not retrieve a HTTP response" )
} )
t . Run ( "check header" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , ( * http . Header ) ( nil ) , header )
} )
} )
func TestGetLocalObjectsSuccess ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Run ( "return multiple objects successfully" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
config := gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksOptions {
Host : "http://testHost.com:50000" ,
Client : "000" ,
Repository : "testRepo" ,
Username : "testUser" ,
Password : "testPassword" ,
Commit : "0123456789abcdefghijkl" ,
Scope : "localChangedObjects" ,
Workspace : "/var/jenkins_home/workspace/myFirstPipeline" ,
httpClient := httpMockGctsT { StatusCode : 200 }
object1 := repoObject {
Object : "ZCL_GCTS" ,
Type : "CLAS" ,
object2 := repoObject {
Object : "ZP_GCTS" ,
Type : "DEVC" ,
object3 := repoObject {
Object : "ZIF_GCTS_API" ,
Type : "INTF" ,
var repoObjects [ ] repoObject
repoObjects = append ( repoObjects , object1 )
repoObjects = append ( repoObjects , object2 )
repoObjects = append ( repoObjects , object3 )
objects , err := getLocalObjects ( & config , & httpClient )
if assert . NoError ( t , err ) {
t . Run ( "check url" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/repository/testRepo/compareCommits?fromCommit=xyz987654321&toCommit=0123456789abcdefghijkl&sap-client=000" , httpClient . URL )
} )
t . Run ( "check method" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "GET" , httpClient . Method )
} )
t . Run ( "check package objects" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , repoObjects , objects )
} )
} )
t . Run ( "no objects returned by http call" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
config := gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksOptions {
Host : "http://testHost.com:50000" ,
Client : "000" ,
Repository : "testRepo2" ,
Username : "testUser" ,
Password : "testPassword" ,
Commit : "0123456789abcdefghijkl" ,
Scope : "localChangedObjects" ,
Workspace : "/var/jenkins_home/workspace/myFirstPipeline" ,
var repoObjects [ ] repoObject
httpClient := httpMockGctsT { StatusCode : 200 , ResponseBody : ` { } ` }
objects , err := getLocalObjects ( & config , & httpClient )
if assert . NoError ( t , err ) {
t . Run ( "check url" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/repository/testRepo2/compareCommits?fromCommit=xyz987654321&toCommit=0123456789abcdefghijkl&sap-client=000" , httpClient . URL )
} )
t . Run ( "check method" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "GET" , httpClient . Method )
} )
t . Run ( "check package objects" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , repoObjects , objects )
} )
} )
func TestGetLocalObjectsFailure ( t * testing . T ) {
config := gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksOptions {
Host : "http://testHost.com:50000" ,
Client : "000" ,
Repository : "testRepo" ,
Username : "testUser" ,
Password : "testPassword" ,
Commit : "0123456789abcdefghijkl" ,
Scope : "localChangedObjects" ,
Workspace : "/var/jenkins_home/workspace/myFirstPipeline" ,
t . Run ( "http error occurred" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
httpClient := httpMockGcts { StatusCode : 500 , ResponseBody : `
"exception" : "No relation between system and repository"
` }
_ , err := getLocalObjects ( & config , & httpClient )
assert . EqualError ( t , err , "get local changed objects failed: get history failed: a http error occurred" )
} )
func TestGetRemoteObjectsSuccess ( t * testing . T ) {
config := gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksOptions {
Host : "http://testHost.com:50000" ,
Client : "000" ,
Repository : "testRepo" ,
Username : "testUser" ,
Password : "testPassword" ,
Commit : "0123456789abcdefghijkl" ,
Scope : "remoteChangedObjects" ,
Workspace : "/var/jenkins_home/workspace/myFirstPipeline" ,
t . Run ( "return multiple objects successfully" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
httpClient := httpMockGctsT { StatusCode : 200 }
object1 := repoObject {
Object : "ZCL_GCTS" ,
Type : "CLAS" ,
object2 := repoObject {
Object : "ZP_GCTS" ,
Type : "DEVC" ,
object3 := repoObject {
Object : "ZIF_GCTS_API" ,
Type : "INTF" ,
var repoObjects [ ] repoObject
repoObjects = append ( repoObjects , object1 )
repoObjects = append ( repoObjects , object2 )
repoObjects = append ( repoObjects , object3 )
objects , err := getRemoteObjects ( & config , & httpClient )
if assert . NoError ( t , err ) {
t . Run ( "check url" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/repository/testRepo/compareCommits?fromCommit=7845abaujztrw785&toCommit=0123456789abcdefghijkl&sap-client=000" , httpClient . URL )
} )
t . Run ( "check method" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "GET" , httpClient . Method )
} )
t . Run ( "check package objects" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , repoObjects , objects )
} )
} )
t . Run ( "no objects returned by http call" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
config := gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksOptions {
Host : "http://testHost.com:50000" ,
Client : "000" ,
Repository : "testRepo2" ,
Username : "testUser" ,
Password : "testPassword" ,
Commit : "0123456789abcdefghijkl" ,
Scope : "remoteChangedObjects" ,
Workspace : "/var/jenkins_home/workspace/myFirstPipeline" ,
httpClient := httpMockGctsT { StatusCode : 200 , ResponseBody : ` { } ` }
var repoObjects [ ] repoObject
objects , err := getRemoteObjects ( & config , & httpClient )
if assert . NoError ( t , err ) {
t . Run ( "check url" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/repository/testRepo2/compareCommits?fromCommit=7845abaujztrw785&toCommit=0123456789abcdefghijkl&sap-client=000" , httpClient . URL )
} )
t . Run ( "check method" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "GET" , httpClient . Method )
} )
t . Run ( "check package objects" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , repoObjects , objects )
} )
} )
func TestGetRemoteObjectsFailure ( t * testing . T ) {
config := gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksOptions {
Host : "http://testHost.com:50000" ,
Client : "000" ,
Repository : "testRepo" ,
Username : "testUser" ,
Password : "testPassword" ,
Commit : "0123456789abcdefghijkl" ,
Scope : "remoteChangedObjects" ,
Workspace : "/var/jenkins_home/workspace/myFirstPipeline" ,
t . Run ( "http error occurred" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
httpClient := httpMockGcts { StatusCode : 500 , ResponseBody : `
"exception" : "No relation between system and repository"
` }
_ , err := getRemoteObjects ( & config , & httpClient )
assert . EqualError ( t , err , "get remote changed objects failed: get repository history failed: a http error occurred" )
} )
func TestGetLocalPackagesSuccess ( t * testing . T ) {
config := gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksOptions {
Host : "http://testHost.com:50000" ,
Client : "000" ,
Repository : "testRepo" ,
Username : "testUser" ,
Password : "testPassword" ,
Commit : "0123456789abcdefghijkl" ,
Scope : "localChangedPackages" ,
Workspace : "/var/jenkins_home/workspace/myFirstPipeline" ,
t . Run ( "return multiple objects successfully" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
httpClient := httpMockGctsT { StatusCode : 200 }
object1 := repoObject {
Object : "SGCTS" ,
Type : "DEVC" ,
object2 := repoObject {
Object : "SGCTS_2" ,
Type : "DEVC" ,
var repoObjects [ ] repoObject
repoObjects = append ( repoObjects , object1 )
repoObjects = append ( repoObjects , object2 )
objects , err := getLocalPackages ( & config , & httpClient )
if assert . NoError ( t , err ) {
t . Run ( "check url" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/objects/INTF/ZIF_GCTS_API?sap-client=000" , httpClient . URL )
} )
t . Run ( "check method" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "GET" , httpClient . Method )
} )
t . Run ( "check package objects" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , repoObjects , objects )
} )
} )
t . Run ( "no objects returned by http call" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
config := gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksOptions {
Host : "http://testHost.com:50000" ,
Client : "000" ,
Repository : "testRepo2" ,
Username : "testUser" ,
Password : "testPassword" ,
Commit : "0123456789abcdefghijkl" ,
Scope : "localChangedObjects" ,
Workspace : "/var/jenkins_home/workspace/myFirstPipeline" ,
httpClient := httpMockGctsT { StatusCode : 200 , ResponseBody : ` { } ` }
var repoObjects [ ] repoObject
objects , err := getLocalPackages ( & config , & httpClient )
if assert . NoError ( t , err ) {
t . Run ( "check url" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/repository/testRepo2/compareCommits?fromCommit=xyz987654321&toCommit=0123456789abcdefghijkl&sap-client=000" , httpClient . URL )
} )
t . Run ( "check method" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "GET" , httpClient . Method )
} )
t . Run ( "check package objects" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , repoObjects , objects )
} )
} )
func TestGetLocalPackagesFailure ( t * testing . T ) {
config := gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksOptions {
Host : "http://testHost.com:50000" ,
Client : "000" ,
Repository : "testRepo" ,
Username : "testUser" ,
Password : "testPassword" ,
Commit : "0123456789abcdefghijkl" ,
Scope : "localChangedPackages" ,
Workspace : "/var/jenkins_home/workspace/myFirstPipeline" ,
t . Run ( "http error occurred" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
httpClient := httpMockGctsT { StatusCode : 500 , ResponseBody : `
"exception" : "No relation between system and repository"
` }
_ , err := getLocalPackages ( & config , & httpClient )
assert . EqualError ( t , err , "get local changed objects failed: get history failed: a http error occurred" )
} )
func TestGetRemotePackagesSuccess ( t * testing . T ) {
config := gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksOptions {
Host : "http://testHost.com:50000" ,
Client : "000" ,
Repository : "testRepo" ,
Username : "testUser" ,
Password : "testPassword" ,
Commit : "0123456789abcdefghijkl" ,
Scope : "remoteChangedPackages" ,
Workspace : "/var/jenkins_home/workspace/myFirstPipeline" ,
t . Run ( "return multiple objects successfully" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
httpClient := httpMockGctsT { StatusCode : 200 }
object1 := repoObject {
Object : "SGCTS" ,
Type : "DEVC" ,
object2 := repoObject {
Object : "SGCTS_2" ,
Type : "DEVC" ,
var repoObjects [ ] repoObject
repoObjects = append ( repoObjects , object1 )
repoObjects = append ( repoObjects , object2 )
objects , err := getRemotePackages ( & config , & httpClient )
if assert . NoError ( t , err ) {
t . Run ( "check url" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/objects/INTF/ZIF_GCTS_API?sap-client=000" , httpClient . URL )
} )
t . Run ( "check method" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "GET" , httpClient . Method )
} )
t . Run ( "check package objects" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , repoObjects , objects )
} )
} )
t . Run ( "no objects returned by http call" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
config := gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksOptions {
Host : "http://testHost.com:50000" ,
Client : "000" ,
Repository : "testRepo2" ,
Username : "testUser" ,
Password : "testPassword" ,
Commit : "0123456789abcdefghijkl" ,
Scope : "remoteChangedPackages" ,
Workspace : "/var/jenkins_home/workspace/myFirstPipeline" ,
httpClient := httpMockGctsT { StatusCode : 200 , ResponseBody : ` { } ` }
var repoObjects [ ] repoObject
objects , err := getRemoteObjects ( & config , & httpClient )
if assert . NoError ( t , err ) {
t . Run ( "check url" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/repository/testRepo2/compareCommits?fromCommit=7845abaujztrw785&toCommit=0123456789abcdefghijkl&sap-client=000" , httpClient . URL )
} )
t . Run ( "check method" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "GET" , httpClient . Method )
} )
t . Run ( "check package objects" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , repoObjects , objects )
} )
} )
func TestGetRemotePackagesFailure ( t * testing . T ) {
config := gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksOptions {
Host : "http://testHost.com:50000" ,
Client : "000" ,
Repository : "testRepo" ,
Username : "testUser" ,
Password : "testPassword" ,
Commit : "0123456789abcdefghijkl" ,
Scope : "remoteChangedPackages" ,
Workspace : "/var/jenkins_home/workspace/myFirstPipeline" ,
t . Run ( "http error occurred" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
httpClient := httpMockGctsT { StatusCode : 500 , ResponseBody : `
"exception" : "No relation between system and repository"
` }
_ , err := getRemotePackages ( & config , & httpClient )
assert . EqualError ( t , err , "get remote changed packages failed: get repository history failed: a http error occurred" )
} )
func TestGetPackagesSuccess ( t * testing . T ) {
config := gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksOptions {
Host : "http://testHost.com:50000" ,
Client : "000" ,
Repository : "testRepo" ,
Username : "testUser" ,
Password : "testPassword" ,
Commit : "0123456789abcdefghijkl" ,
Scope : "packages" ,
Workspace : "/var/jenkins_home/workspace/myFirstPipeline" ,
t . Run ( "return multiple objects successfully" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
httpClient := httpMockGctsT { StatusCode : 200 }
object1 := repoObject {
Pgmid : "R3TR" ,
Object : "ZP_GCTS" ,
Type : "DEVC" ,
Description : "Package(ABAP Objects)" ,
var repoObjects [ ] repoObject
repoObjects = append ( repoObjects , object1 )
objects , err := getPackages ( & config , & httpClient )
if assert . NoError ( t , err ) {
t . Run ( "check url" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/repository/testRepo/objects?sap-client=000" , httpClient . URL )
} )
t . Run ( "check method" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "GET" , httpClient . Method )
} )
t . Run ( "check package objects" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , repoObjects , objects )
} )
} )
t . Run ( "no objects returned by http call" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
config := gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksOptions {
Host : "http://testHost.com:50000" ,
Client : "000" ,
Repository : "testRepo2" ,
Username : "testUser" ,
Password : "testPassword" ,
Commit : "0123456789abcdefghijkl" ,
Scope : "packages" ,
Workspace : "/var/jenkins_home/workspace/myFirstPipeline" ,
httpClient := httpMockGcts { StatusCode : 200 , ResponseBody : ` { } ` }
var repoObjects [ ] repoObject
objects , err := getPackages ( & config , & httpClient )
if assert . NoError ( t , err ) {
t . Run ( "check url" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/repository/testRepo2/objects?sap-client=000" , httpClient . URL )
} )
t . Run ( "check method" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "GET" , httpClient . Method )
} )
t . Run ( "check package objects" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , repoObjects , objects )
} )
} )
func TestGetPackagesFailure ( t * testing . T ) {
config := gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksOptions {
Host : "http://testHost.com:50000" ,
Client : "000" ,
Repository : "testRepo2" ,
Username : "testUser" ,
Password : "testPassword" ,
Commit : "0123456789abcdefghijkl" ,
Scope : "packages" ,
Workspace : "/var/jenkins_home/workspace/myFirstPipeline" ,
t . Run ( "http error occurred" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
httpClient := httpMockGctsT { StatusCode : 500 , ResponseBody : `
"exception" : "No relation between system and repository"
` }
_ , err := getPackages ( & config , & httpClient )
assert . EqualError ( t , err , "get packages failed: could not get repository objects: a http error occurred" )
} )
func TestGetRepositoryObjectsSuccess ( t * testing . T ) {
config := gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksOptions {
Host : "http://testHost.com:50000" ,
Client : "000" ,
Repository : "testRepo" ,
Username : "testUser" ,
Password : "testPassword" ,
Commit : "0123456789abcdefghijkl" ,
Scope : "repository" ,
Workspace : "/var/jenkins_home/workspace/myFirstPipeline" ,
t . Run ( "return multiple objects successfully" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
httpClient := httpMockGctsT { StatusCode : 200 }
object1 := repoObject {
Pgmid : "R3TR" ,
Object : "ZCL_GCTS" ,
Type : "CLAS" ,
Description : "Class (ABAP Objects)" ,
object3 := repoObject {
Pgmid : "R3TR" ,
Object : "ZIF_GCTS_API" ,
Type : "INTF" ,
Description : "Interface (ABAP Objects)" ,
var repoObjects [ ] repoObject
repoObjects = append ( repoObjects , object1 )
repoObjects = append ( repoObjects , object3 )
objects , err := getRepositoryObjects ( & config , & httpClient )
if assert . NoError ( t , err ) {
t . Run ( "check url" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/repository/testRepo/objects?sap-client=000" , httpClient . URL )
} )
t . Run ( "check method" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "GET" , httpClient . Method )
} )
t . Run ( "check package objects" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , repoObjects , objects )
} )
} )
t . Run ( "no objects returned by http call" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
config := gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksOptions {
Host : "http://testHost.com:50000" ,
Client : "000" ,
Repository : "testRepo2" ,
Username : "testUser" ,
Password : "testPassword" ,
Commit : "0123456789abcdefghijkl" ,
Scope : "repository" ,
Workspace : "/var/jenkins_home/workspace/myFirstPipeline" ,
httpClient := httpMockGctsT { StatusCode : 200 , ResponseBody : ` { } ` }
var repoObjects [ ] repoObject
objects , err := getRepositoryObjects ( & config , & httpClient )
if assert . NoError ( t , err ) {
t . Run ( "check url" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/repository/testRepo2/objects?sap-client=000" , httpClient . URL )
} )
t . Run ( "check method" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "GET" , httpClient . Method )
} )
t . Run ( "check package objects" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , repoObjects , objects )
} )
} )
func TestGetRepositoryObjectsFailure ( t * testing . T ) {
config := gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksOptions {
Host : "http://testHost.com:50000" ,
Client : "000" ,
Repository : "testRepo" ,
Username : "testUser" ,
Password : "testPassword" ,
Commit : "0123456789abcdefghijkl" ,
Scope : "repository" ,
Workspace : "/var/jenkins_home/workspace/myFirstPipeline" ,
t . Run ( "http error occurred" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
httpClient := httpMockGctsT { StatusCode : 500 , ResponseBody : `
"exception" : "No relation between system and repository"
` }
_ , err := getRepositoryObjects ( & config , & httpClient )
assert . EqualError ( t , err , "could not get repository objects: a http error occurred" )
} )
func TestExecuteAUnitTestSuccess ( t * testing . T ) {
config := gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksOptions {
Host : "http://testHost.com:50000" ,
Client : "000" ,
Repository : "testRepo" ,
Username : "testUser" ,
Password : "testPassword" ,
Commit : "0123456789abcdefghijkl" ,
Scope : "repository" ,
Workspace : "/var/jenkins_home/workspace/myFirstPipeline" ,
AtcResultsFileName : "ATCResults.xml" ,
AUnitResultsFileName : "AUnitResults.xml" ,
t . Run ( "all unit tests were successful" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
httpClient := httpMockGctsT { StatusCode : 200 }
object := repoObject {
Pgmid : "R3TR" ,
Object : "ZCL_GCTS" ,
Type : "CLAS" ,
Description : "Clas Object" ,
var repoObjects [ ] repoObject
repoObjects = append ( repoObjects , object )
err := executeAUnitTest ( & config , & httpClient , repoObjects )
if assert . NoError ( t , err ) {
t . Run ( "check url" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/repository/testRepo?sap-client=000" , httpClient . URL )
} )
t . Run ( "check method" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "GET" , httpClient . Method )
} )
} )
t . Run ( "no unit tests found" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
httpClient := httpMockGctsT { StatusCode : 200 , ResponseBody : `
< ? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ? >
< aunit : runResult xmlns : aunit = "http://www.sap.com/adt/aunit" >
< alerts >
< alert kind = "noTestClasses" severity = "tolerable" >
< title > The task definition does not refer to any test < / title >
< / alert >
< / alerts >
< / aunit : runResult >
` }
object := repoObject {
Pgmid : "R3TR" ,
Object : "ZP_NON_EXISTANT" ,
Type : "CLAS" ,
Description : "Clas Object" ,
var repoObjects [ ] repoObject
repoObjects = append ( repoObjects , object )
err := executeAUnitTest ( & config , & httpClient , repoObjects )
if assert . NoError ( t , err ) {
t . Run ( "check url" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/repository/testRepo?sap-client=000" , httpClient . URL )
} )
t . Run ( "check method" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "GET" , httpClient . Method )
} )
} )
func TestExecuteAUnitTestFailure ( t * testing . T ) {
config := gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksOptions {
Host : "http://testHost.com:50000" ,
Client : "000" ,
Repository : "testRepo" ,
Username : "testUser" ,
Password : "testPassword" ,
Commit : "0123456789abcdefghijkl" ,
Scope : "repository" ,
Workspace : "/var/jenkins_home/workspace/myFirstPipeline" ,
AtcResultsFileName : "ATCResults.xml" ,
AUnitResultsFileName : "AUnitResults.xml" ,
var repoObjects [ ] repoObject
t . Run ( "a http error occurred" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
httpClient := httpMockGctsT { StatusCode : 403 , ResponseBody : `
CSRF token validation failed
` }
header := make ( http . Header )
header . Add ( "Accept" , "application/atomsvc+xml" )
header . Add ( "x-csrf-token" , "ZegUEgfa50R7ZfGGxOtx2A==" )
header . Add ( "saml2" , "disabled" )
err := executeAUnitTest ( & config , & httpClient , repoObjects )
assert . EqualError ( t , err , "execute of Aunit test has failed: run of unit tests failed: discovery of the ABAP server failed: a http error occurred" )
} )
func TestExecuteATCCheckSuccess ( t * testing . T ) {
config := gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksOptions {
Host : "http://testHost.com:50000" ,
Client : "000" ,
Repository : "testRepo" ,
Username : "testUser" ,
Password : "testPassword" ,
Commit : "0123456789abcdefghijkl" ,
Scope : "repository" ,
Workspace : "/var/jenkins_home/workspace/myFirstPipeline" ,
AtcResultsFileName : "ATCResults.xml" ,
header := make ( http . Header )
header . Add ( "Accept" , "application/atomsvc+xml" )
header . Add ( "x-csrf-token" , "ZegUEgfa50R7ZfGGxOtx2A==" )
header . Add ( "saml2" , "disabled" )
t . Run ( "atc checks were found" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
httpClient := httpMockGctsT { StatusCode : 200 }
object := repoObject {
Pgmid : "R3TR" ,
Object : "ZCL_GCTS" ,
Type : "CLAS" ,
Description : "Clas Object" ,
var repoObjects [ ] repoObject
repoObjects = append ( repoObjects , object )
err := executeATCCheck ( & config , & httpClient , repoObjects )
if assert . NoError ( t , err ) {
t . Run ( "check url" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/repository/testRepo?sap-client=000" , httpClient . URL )
} )
t . Run ( "check method" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "GET" , httpClient . Method )
} )
} )
t . Run ( "no ATC Checks were found" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
httpClient := httpMockGctsT { StatusCode : 200 }
config := gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksOptions {
Host : "http://testHost.com:50000" ,
Client : "000" ,
Repository : "testRepo" ,
Username : "testUser" ,
Password : "testPassword" ,
Commit : "0123456789abcdefghijkl" ,
AtcVariant : "CUSTOM_REMOTE_REF" ,
Scope : "repository" ,
Workspace : "/var/jenkins_home/workspace/myFirstPipeline" ,
AtcResultsFileName : "ATCResults.xml" ,
object := repoObject {
Pgmid : "R3TR" ,
Object : "ZP_NON_EXISTANT" ,
Type : "CLAS" ,
Description : "Clas Object" ,
var repoObjects [ ] repoObject
repoObjects = append ( repoObjects , object )
err := executeATCCheck ( & config , & httpClient , repoObjects )
if assert . NoError ( t , err ) {
t . Run ( "check url" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/adt/atc/worklists/3E3D0764F95Z01ABCDHEF9C9F6B5C14P?sap-client=000" , httpClient . URL )
} )
t . Run ( "check method" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "GET" , httpClient . Method )
} )
} )
func TestExecuteATCCheckFailure ( t * testing . T ) {
object := repoObject {
Pgmid : "R3TR" ,
Object : "ZP_PIPER" ,
Type : "CLAS" ,
Description : "Clas Object" ,
var repoObjects [ ] repoObject
repoObjects = append ( repoObjects , object )
config := gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksOptions {
Host : "http://testHost.com:50000" ,
Client : "000" ,
Repository : "testRepo" ,
Username : "testUser" ,
Password : "testPassword" ,
Commit : "0123456789abcdefghijkl" ,
Scope : "repository" ,
Workspace : "/var/jenkins_home/workspace/myFirstPipeline" ,
AtcResultsFileName : "ATCResults.xml" ,
t . Run ( "a http error occurred" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
httpClient := httpMockGcts { StatusCode : 403 , ResponseBody : `
CSRF token validation failed
` }
header := make ( http . Header )
header . Add ( "Accept" , "application/atomsvc+xml" )
header . Add ( "x-csrf-token" , "ZegUEgfa50R7ZfGGxOtx2A==" )
header . Add ( "saml2" , "disabled" )
err := executeATCCheck ( & config , & httpClient , repoObjects )
assert . EqualError ( t , err , "execution of ATC Checks failed: get worklist failed: discovery of the ABAP server failed: a http error occurred" )
} )
func TestParseAUnitResultSuccess ( t * testing . T ) {
config := gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksOptions {
Host : "http://testHost.com:50000" ,
Client : "000" ,
Repository : "testRepo" ,
Username : "testUser" ,
Password : "testPassword" ,
Commit : "0123456789abcdefghijkl" ,
Scope : "repository" ,
Workspace : "/var/jenkins_home/workspace/myFirstPipeline" ,
AUnitResultsFileName : "AUnitResults.xml" ,
t . Run ( "unit test is successful" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
httpClient := httpMockGctsT { StatusCode : 200 }
var xmlBody = [ ] byte ( `
< ? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ? >
< aunit : runResult xmlns : aunit = "http://www.sap.com/adt/aunit" >
< program adtcore : uri = "/sap/bc/adt/oo/classes/zcl_gcts" adtcore : type = "CLAS/OC" adtcore : name = "ZCL_GCTS" uriType = "semantic" xmlns : adtcore = "http://www.sap.com/adt/core" >
< testClasses >
< testClass adtcore : uri = "/sap/bc/adt/oo/classes/zcl_gcts/includes/testclasses#type=CLAS%2FOCL;name=LTCL_MASTER" adtcore : type = "CLAS/OL" adtcore : name = "LTCL_MASTER" uriType = "semantic" navigationUri = "/sap/bc/adt/oo/classes/zcl_gcts/includes/testclasses#type=CLAS%2FOCL;name=LTCL_MASTER" durationCategory = "short" riskLevel = "harmless" >
< testMethods >
< testMethod adtcore : uri = "/sap/bc/adt/oo/classes/zcl_gcts/includes/testclasses#type=CLAS%2FOLD;name=LTCL_MASTER%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20CHECK" adtcore : type = "CLAS/OLI" adtcore : name = "CHECK" executionTime = "0" uriType = "semantic" navigationUri = "/sap/bc/adt/oo/classes/zcl_gcts/includes/testclasses#type=CLAS%2FOLD;name=LTCL_MASTER%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20CHECK" unit = "s" / >
< / testMethods >
< / testClass >
< / testClasses >
< / program >
< / aunit : runResult >
` )
var resp * runResult
xml . Unmarshal ( xmlBody , & resp )
parsedRes , err := parseUnitResult ( & config , & httpClient , resp )
if assert . NoError ( t , err ) {
t . Run ( "check url" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/repository/testRepo?sap-client=000" , httpClient . URL )
} )
t . Run ( "check method" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "GET" , httpClient . Method )
} )
t . Run ( "check file name" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "/var/jenkins_home/workspace/myFirstPipeline//objects/CLAS/ZCL_GCTS/CINC ZCL_GCTS======================CCAU.abap" , parsedRes . File [ 0 ] . Name )
} )
} )
t . Run ( "unit test failed" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
httpClient := httpMockGctsT { StatusCode : 200 }
var xmlBody = [ ] byte ( ` < ? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ? >
< aunit : runResult xmlns : aunit = "http://www.sap.com/adt/aunit" >
< program adtcore : uri = "/sap/bc/adt/oo/classes/zcl_gcts_piper_demo" adtcore : type = "CLAS/OC" adtcore : name = "ZCL_GCTS_PIPER_DEMO" uriType = "semantic" xmlns : adtcore = "http://www.sap.com/adt/core" >
< testClasses >
< testClass adtcore : uri = "/sap/bc/adt/oo/classes/zcl_gcts_piper_demo/includes/testclasses#type=CLAS%2FOCL;name=LTCL_MASTER" adtcore : type = "CLAS/OL" adtcore : name = "LTCL_MASTER" uriType = "semantic" navigationUri = "/sap/bc/adt/oo/classes/zcl_gcts_piper_demo/includes/testclasses#type=CLAS%2FOCL;name=LTCL_MASTER" durationCategory = "short" riskLevel = "harmless" >
< testMethods >
< testMethod adtcore : uri = "/sap/bc/adt/oo/classes/zcl_gcts_piper_demo/includes/testclasses#type=CLAS%2FOLD;name=LTCL_MASTER%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20CHECK" adtcore : type = "CLAS/OLI" adtcore : name = "CHECK" executionTime = "0" uriType = "semantic" navigationUri = "/sap/bc/adt/oo/classes/zcl_gcts_piper_demo/includes/testclasses#type=CLAS%2FOLD;name=LTCL_MASTER%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20CHECK" unit = "s" >
< alerts >
< alert kind = "failedAssertion" severity = "critical" >
< title > Critical Assertion Error : ' Check : ASSERT_EQUALS ' < / title >
< details >
< detail text = "Different Values:" >
< details >
< detail text = "Expected [Hello] Actual [Hello2]" / >
< / details >
< / detail >
< detail text = "Test 'LTCL_MASTER->CHECK' in Main Program 'ZCL_GCTS_PIPER_DEMO===========CP'." / >
< / details >
< stack >
< stackEntry adtcore : uri = "/sap/bc/adt/oo/classes/zcl_gcts_piper_demo/includes/testclasses#start=21,0" adtcore : type = "CLAS/OCN/testclasses" adtcore : name = "ZCL_GCTS_PIPER_DEMO" adtcore : description = "Include: <ZCL_GCTS_PIPER_DEMO===========CCAU> Line: <21> (CHECK)" / >
< / stack >
< / alert >
< / alerts >
< / testMethod >
< / testMethods >
< / testClass >
< / testClasses >
< / program >
< / aunit : runResult > ` )
var resp * runResult
xml . Unmarshal ( xmlBody , & resp )
parsedRes , err := parseUnitResult ( & config , & httpClient , resp )
if assert . NoError ( t , err ) {
t . Run ( "check url" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/repository/testRepo?sap-client=000" , httpClient . URL )
} )
t . Run ( "check method" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "GET" , httpClient . Method )
} )
t . Run ( "check file name" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "/var/jenkins_home/workspace/myFirstPipeline//objects/CLAS/ZCL_GCTS_PIPER_DEMO/CINC ZCL_GCTS_PIPER_DEMO===========CCAU.abap" , parsedRes . File [ 0 ] . Name )
} )
t . Run ( "check line number" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "21" , parsedRes . File [ 0 ] . Error [ 0 ] . Line )
} )
t . Run ( "check severity" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "error" , parsedRes . File [ 0 ] . Error [ 0 ] . Severity )
} )
t . Run ( "check source" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "LTCL_MASTER/CHECK" , parsedRes . File [ 0 ] . Error [ 0 ] . Source )
} )
t . Run ( "check message" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , " Different Values: Expected [Hello] Actual [Hello2] Test 'LTCL_MASTER->CHECK' in Main Program 'ZCL_GCTS_PIPER_DEMO===========CP'." , parsedRes . File [ 0 ] . Error [ 0 ] . Message )
} )
} )
func TestParseAUnitResultFailure ( t * testing . T ) {
config := gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksOptions {
Host : "http://testHost.com:50000" ,
Client : "000" ,
Repository : "testRepo" ,
Username : "testUser" ,
Password : "testPassword" ,
Commit : "0123456789abcdefghijkl" ,
Scope : "repository" ,
Workspace : "/var/jenkins_home/workspace/myFirstPipeline" ,
AUnitResultsFileName : "AUnitResults.xml" ,
t . Run ( "parser fails" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
httpClient := httpMockGctsT { StatusCode : 403 }
var xmlBody = [ ] byte ( ` < ? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ? >
< aunit : runResult xmlns : aunit = "http://www.sap.com/adt/aunit" >
< program adtcore : uri = "/sap/bc/adt/oo/classes/zcl_gcts_piper_demo" adtcore : type = "CLAS/OC" adtcore : name = "ZCL_GCTS_PIPER_DEMO" uriType = "semantic" xmlns : adtcore = "http://www.sap.com/adt/core" >
< testClasses >
< testClass adtcore : uri = "/sap/bc/adt/oo/classes/zcl_gcts_piper_demo/includes/testclasses#type=CLAS%2FOCL;name=LTCL_MASTER" adtcore : type = "CLAS/OL" adtcore : name = "LTCL_MASTER" uriType = "semantic" navigationUri = "/sap/bc/adt/oo/classes/zcl_gcts_piper_demo/includes/testclasses#type=CLAS%2FOCL;name=LTCL_MASTER" durationCategory = "short" riskLevel = "harmless" >
< testMethods >
< testMethod adtcore : uri = "/sap/bc/adt/oo/classes/zcl_gcts_piper_demo/includes/testclasses#type=CLAS%2FOLD;name=LTCL_MASTER%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20CHECK" adtcore : type = "CLAS/OLI" adtcore : name = "CHECK" executionTime = "0" uriType = "semantic" navigationUri = "/sap/bc/adt/oo/classes/zcl_gcts_piper_demo/includes/testclasses#type=CLAS%2FOLD;name=LTCL_MASTER%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20CHECK" unit = "s" >
< alerts >
< alert kind = "failedAssertion" severity = "critical" >
< title > Critical Assertion Error : ' Check : ASSERT_EQUALS ' < / title >
< details >
< detail text = "Different Values:" >
< details >
< detail text = "Expected [Hello] Actual [Hello2]" / >
< / details >
< / detail >
< detail text = "Test 'LTCL_MASTER->CHECK' in Main Program 'ZCL_GCTS_PIPER_DEMO===========CP'." / >
< / details >
< stack >
< stackEntry adtcore : uri = "/sap/bc/adt/oo/classes/zcl_gcts_piper_demo/includes/testclasses#start=21,0" adtcore : type = "CLAS/OCN/testclasses" adtcore : name = "ZCL_GCTS_PIPER_DEMO" adtcore : description = "Include: <ZCL_GCTS_PIPER_DEMO===========CCAU> Line: <21> (CHECK)" / >
< / stack >
< / alert >
< / alerts >
< / testMethod >
< / testMethods >
< / testClass >
< / testClasses >
< / program >
< / aunit : runResult > ` )
var resp * runResult
xml . Unmarshal ( xmlBody , & resp )
parsedRes , err := parseUnitResult ( & config , & httpClient , resp )
if assert . Error ( t , err ) {
t . Run ( "check method" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "parse AUnit Result failed: get file name has failed: could not check readable source format: could not get repository layout: a http error occurred" , err . Error ( ) )
} )
assert . NotEmpty ( t , parsedRes , "results are not empty" )
} )
func TestParseATCCheckResultSuccess ( t * testing . T ) {
config := gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksOptions {
Host : "http://testHost.com:50000" ,
Client : "000" ,
Repository : "testRepo" ,
Username : "testUser" ,
Password : "testPassword" ,
Commit : "0123456789abcdefghijkl" ,
Scope : "repository" ,
Workspace : "/var/jenkins_home/workspace/myFirstPipeline" ,
AtcResultsFileName : "ATCResults.xml" ,
t . Run ( "atc found" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
httpClient := httpMockGctsT { StatusCode : 200 }
var xmlBody = [ ] byte ( ` < ? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ? >
< atcworklist : worklist atcworklist : id = "248A076493C01EEC8FA9CEAED527BD53" atcworklist : timestamp = "2021-11-04T09:08:18Z" atcworklist : usedObjectSet = "99999999999999999999999999999999" atcworklist : objectSetIsComplete = "true" xmlns : atcworklist = "http://www.sap.com/adt/atc/worklist" >
< atcworklist : objectSets >
< atcworklist : objectSet atcworklist : name = "00000000000000000000000000000000" atcworklist : title = "All Objects" atcworklist : kind = "ALL" / >
< atcworklist : objectSet atcworklist : name = "99999999999999999999999999999999" atcworklist : title = "Last Check Run" atcworklist : kind = "LAST_RUN" / >
< / atcworklist : objectSets >
< atcworklist : objects >
< atcobject : object adtcore : uri = "/sap/bc/adt/atc/objects/R3TR/CLAS/ZCL_GCTS" adtcore : type = "CLAS" adtcore : name = "ZCL_GCTS" adtcore : packageName = "ZPL_GCTS" atcobject : author = "testUser" xmlns : atcobject = "http://www.sap.com/adt/atc/object" xmlns : adtcore = "http://www.sap.com/adt/core" >
< atcobject : findings >
< atcfinding : finding adtcore : uri = "/sap/bc/adt/atc/findings/itemid/248A076493C01EEC8FA9D609860AFD93/index/233439" atcfinding : location = "/sap/bc/adt/oo/classes/zcl_gcts/source/main#type=CLAS%2FOSI;name=ZCL_GCTS;start=20" atcfinding : processor = "testUser" atcfinding : lastChangedBy = "testUser" atcfinding : priority = "1" atcfinding : checkId = "78A08159CD2A822100535FBEB655BDB8" atcfinding : checkTitle = "Package Check (Remote-enabled)" atcfinding : messageId = "USEM" atcfinding : messageTitle = "Package Violation - Error" atcfinding : exemptionApproval = "" atcfinding : exemptionKind = "" atcfinding : checksum = "553596936" atcfinding : quickfixInfo = "atc:248A076493C01EEC8FA9D609860AFD93,233439" xmlns : atcfinding = "http://www.sap.com/adt/atc/finding" >
< atom : link href = "/sap/bc/adt/documentation/atc/documents/itemid/248A076493C01EEC8FA9D609860AFD93/index/233439" rel = "http://www.sap.com/adt/relations/documentation" type = "text/html" xmlns : atom = "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" / >
< atcfinding : quickfixes atcfinding : manual = "false" atcfinding : automatic = "false" atcfinding : pseudo = "false" / >
< / atcfinding : finding >
< / atcobject : findings >
< / atcobject : object >
< / atcworklist : objects >
< / atcworklist : worklist > ` )
var resp * worklist
xml . Unmarshal ( xmlBody , & resp )
parsedRes , err := parseATCCheckResult ( & config , & httpClient , resp )
if assert . NoError ( t , err ) {
t . Run ( "check file name" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "/var/jenkins_home/workspace/myFirstPipeline//objects/CLAS/ZCL_GCTS/CPRI ZCL_GCTS.abap" , parsedRes . File [ 0 ] . Name )
} )
t . Run ( "check line number" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "20" , parsedRes . File [ 0 ] . Error [ 0 ] . Line )
} )
t . Run ( "check severity" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "error" , parsedRes . File [ 0 ] . Error [ 0 ] . Severity )
} )
t . Run ( "check source" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "ZCL_GCTS" , parsedRes . File [ 0 ] . Error [ 0 ] . Source )
} )
t . Run ( "check message" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "Package Check (Remote-enabled) Package Violation - Error" , parsedRes . File [ 0 ] . Error [ 0 ] . Message )
} )
assert . NotEmpty ( t , parsedRes , "results are not empty" )
} )
t . Run ( "no ATC Checks were found" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
config := gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksOptions {
Host : "http://testHost.com:50000" ,
Client : "000" ,
Repository : "testRepo" ,
Username : "testUser" ,
Password : "testPassword" ,
Commit : "0123456789abcdefghijkl" ,
Scope : "repository" ,
Workspace : "/var/jenkins_home/workspace/myFirstPipeline" ,
AtcResultsFileName : "ATCResults.xml" ,
httpClient := httpMockGctsT { StatusCode : 200 }
var xmlBody = [ ] byte ( ` < ? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ? >
< atcworklist : worklist atcworklist : id = "248A076493C01EEC8FA9CEAED527BD53" atcworklist : timestamp = "2021-11-08T08:44:40Z" atcworklist : usedObjectSet = "99999999999999999999999999999999" atcworklist : objectSetIsComplete = "true" xmlns : atcworklist = "http://www.sap.com/adt/atc/worklist" >
< atcworklist : objectSets >
< atcworklist : objectSet atcworklist : name = "00000000000000000000000000000000" atcworklist : title = "All Objects" atcworklist : kind = "ALL" / >
< atcworklist : objectSet atcworklist : name = "99999999999999999999999999999999" atcworklist : title = "Last Check Run" atcworklist : kind = "LAST_RUN" / >
< / atcworklist : objectSets >
< atcworklist : objects / >
< / atcworklist : worklist > ` )
var resp * worklist
xml . Unmarshal ( xmlBody , & resp )
parsedRes , err := parseATCCheckResult ( & config , & httpClient , resp )
if assert . NoError ( t , err ) {
assert . Equal ( t , parsedRes . Version , "1.0" )
} )
func TestParseATCCheckResultFailure ( t * testing . T ) {
config := gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksOptions {
Host : "http://testHost.com:50000" ,
Client : "000" ,
Repository : "testRepo" ,
Username : "testUser" ,
Password : "testPassword" ,
Commit : "0123456789abcdefghijkl" ,
Scope : "repsoitory" ,
Workspace : "/var/jenkins_home/workspace/myFirstPipeline" ,
AtcResultsFileName : "ATCResults.xml" ,
t . Run ( "a http error occurred" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
httpClient := httpMockGctsT { StatusCode : 403 }
var xmlBody = [ ] byte ( ` < ? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ? >
< atcworklist : worklist atcworklist : id = "248A076493C01EEC8FA9CEAED527BD53" atcworklist : timestamp = "2021-11-04T09:08:18Z" atcworklist : usedObjectSet = "99999999999999999999999999999999" atcworklist : objectSetIsComplete = "true" xmlns : atcworklist = "http://www.sap.com/adt/atc/worklist" >
< atcworklist : objectSets >
< atcworklist : objectSet atcworklist : name = "00000000000000000000000000000000" atcworklist : title = "All Objects" atcworklist : kind = "ALL" / >
< atcworklist : objectSet atcworklist : name = "99999999999999999999999999999999" atcworklist : title = "Last Check Run" atcworklist : kind = "LAST_RUN" / >
< / atcworklist : objectSets >
< atcworklist : objects >
< atcobject : object adtcore : uri = "/sap/bc/adt/atc/objects/R3TR/CLAS/ZCL_GCTS" adtcore : type = "CLAS" adtcore : name = "ZCL_GCTS" adtcore : packageName = "ZPL_GCTS" atcobject : author = "testUser" xmlns : atcobject = "http://www.sap.com/adt/atc/object" xmlns : adtcore = "http://www.sap.com/adt/core" >
< atcobject : findings >
< atcfinding : finding adtcore : uri = "/sap/bc/adt/atc/findings/itemid/248A076493C01EEC8FA9D609860AFD93/index/233439" atcfinding : location = "/sap/bc/adt/oo/classes/zcl_gcts/source/main#type=CLAS%2FOSI;name=ZCL_GCTS;start=20" atcfinding : processor = "testUser" atcfinding : lastChangedBy = "testUser" atcfinding : priority = "1" atcfinding : checkId = "78A08159CD2A822100535FBEB655BDB8" atcfinding : checkTitle = "Package Check (Remote-enabled)" atcfinding : messageId = "USEM" atcfinding : messageTitle = "Package Violation - Error" atcfinding : exemptionApproval = "" atcfinding : exemptionKind = "" atcfinding : checksum = "553596936" atcfinding : quickfixInfo = "atc:248A076493C01EEC8FA9D609860AFD93,233439" xmlns : atcfinding = "http://www.sap.com/adt/atc/finding" >
< atom : link href = "/sap/bc/adt/documentation/atc/documents/itemid/248A076493C01EEC8FA9D609860AFD93/index/233439" rel = "http://www.sap.com/adt/relations/documentation" type = "text/html" xmlns : atom = "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" / >
< atcfinding : quickfixes atcfinding : manual = "false" atcfinding : automatic = "false" atcfinding : pseudo = "false" / >
< / atcfinding : finding >
< / atcobject : findings >
< / atcobject : object >
< / atcworklist : objects >
< / atcworklist : worklist > ` )
var resp * worklist
xml . Unmarshal ( xmlBody , & resp )
parsedRes , err := parseATCCheckResult ( & config , & httpClient , resp )
assert . EqualError ( t , err , "conversion of ATC check results to CheckStyle has failed: get file name has failed: could not check readable source format: could not get repository layout: a http error occurred" )
assert . NotEmpty ( t , parsedRes )
} )
type httpMockGctsT struct {
Method string // is set during test execution
URL string // is set before test execution
Header map [ string ] [ ] string // is set before test execution
ResponseBody string // is set before test execution
Options piperhttp . ClientOptions // is set during test
StatusCode int // is set during test
func ( c * httpMockGctsT ) SetOptions ( options piperhttp . ClientOptions ) {
c . Options = options
func ( c * httpMockGctsT ) SendRequest ( method string , url string , r io . Reader , header http . Header , cookies [ ] * http . Cookie ) ( * http . Response , error ) {
c . Method = method
c . URL = url
switch url {
case "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/adt/core/discovery?sap-client=000" :
c . Header = map [ string ] [ ] string { "X-Csrf-Token" : { "ZegUEgfa50R7ZfGGxOtx2A==" } }
c . ResponseBody = `
< ? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ? >
< app : service xmlns : app = "http://www.w3.org/2007/app" xmlns : atom = "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" / >
case "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/repository/testRepo?sap-client=000" :
c . ResponseBody = `
"result" : {
"rid" : "testRepo" ,
"name" : "testRepo" ,
"role" : "PROVIDED" ,
"type" : "GIT" ,
"vsid" : "vSID" ,
"privateFlag" : "false" ,
"url" : "http://github.com/testRepo" ,
"createdBy" : "testUser" ,
"createdDate" : "02/02/2022" ,
"objects" : 3 ,
"currentCommit" : "xyz987654321"
case "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/repository/testRepo2?sap-client=000" :
c . ResponseBody = `
"result" : {
"rid" : "testRepo2" ,
"name" : "testRepo2" ,
"role" : "PROVIDED" ,
"type" : "GIT" ,
"vsid" : "vSID" ,
"privateFlag" : "false" ,
"url" : "http://github.com/testRepo2" ,
"createdBy" : "testUser" ,
"createdDate" : "02/02/2022" ,
"objects" : 3 ,
"currentCommit" : "xyz987654321"
case "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/repository/testRepo/getCommit?sap-client=000" :
c . ResponseBody = `
"commits" : [
"id" : "0123456789abcdefghijkl"
} ,
"id" : "7845abaujztrw785"
} ,
"id" : "45poiztr785423"
case "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/repository/testRepo2/getCommit?sap-client=000" :
c . ResponseBody = `
"commits" : [
"id" : "0123456789abcdefghijkl"
} ,
"id" : "7845abaujztrw785"
} ,
"id" : "45poiztr785423"
case "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/repository/testRepo/getHistory?sap-client=000" :
c . ResponseBody = `
"result" : [
"rid" : "testRepo" ,
"checkoutTime" : 20220216233655 ,
"fromCommit" : "xyz987654321" ,
"toCommit" : "0123456789abcdefghijkl" ,
"caller" : "USER" ,
"type" : "PULL"
} ,
"rid" : "testRepo" ,
"checkoutTime" : 20220216233788 ,
"fromCommit" : "ghi98765432" ,
"toCommit" : "xyz987654321" ,
"caller" : "USER" ,
"type" : "PULL"
case "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/repository/testRepo2/getHistory?sap-client=000" :
c . ResponseBody = `
"result" : [
"rid" : "testRepo" ,
"checkoutTime" : 20220216233655 ,
"fromCommit" : "xyz987654321" ,
"toCommit" : "0123456789abcdefghijkl" ,
"caller" : "USER" ,
"type" : "PULL"
} ,
"rid" : "testRepo" ,
"checkoutTime" : 20220216233788 ,
"fromCommit" : "ghi98765432" ,
"toCommit" : "xyz987654321" ,
"caller" : "USER" ,
"type" : "PULL"
case "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/repository/testRepo/compareCommits?fromCommit=xyz987654321&toCommit=0123456789abcdefghijkl&sap-client=000" :
c . ResponseBody = `
"objects" : [
"name" : "ZCL_GCTS" ,
"type" : "CLAS" ,
"action" : "Class (ABAP Objects)"
} ,
"name" : "ZP_GCTS" ,
"type" : "DEVC" ,
"action" : "Package(ABAP Objects)"
} ,
"name" : "ZIF_GCTS_API" ,
"type" : "INTF" ,
"action" : "Interface (ABAP Objects)"
case "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/repository/testRepo/compareCommits?fromCommit=7845abaujztrw785&toCommit=0123456789abcdefghijkl&sap-client=000" :
c . ResponseBody = `
"objects" : [
"name" : "ZCL_GCTS" ,
"type" : "CLAS" ,
"action" : "Class (ABAP Objects)"
} ,
"name" : "ZP_GCTS" ,
"type" : "DEVC" ,
"action" : "Package(ABAP Objects)"
} ,
"name" : "ZIF_GCTS_API" ,
"type" : "INTF" ,
"action" : "Interface (ABAP Objects)"
case "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/objects/CLAS/ZCL_GCTS?sap-client=000" :
c . ResponseBody = `
"pgmid" : "R3TR" ,
"object" : "CLAS" ,
"objName" : "ZCL_GCTS" ,
"srcsystem" : "src" ,
"author" : "HUGO" ,
"devclass" : "SGCTS"
case "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/objects/INTF/ZIF_GCTS_API?sap-client=000" :
c . ResponseBody = `
"pgmid" : "R3TR" ,
"object" : "INTF" ,
"objName" : "ZIF_GCTS_API" ,
"srcsystem" : "src" ,
"author" : "HUGO" ,
"devclass" : "SGCTS_2"
case "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/objects/DEVC/ZP_GCTS?sap-client=000" :
c . ResponseBody = `
"pgmid" : "R3TR" ,
"object" : "DEVC" ,
"objName" : "ZP_GCTS" ,
"srcsystem" : "src" ,
"author" : "HUGO" ,
"devclass" : "SGCTS"
case "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/repository/testRepo/layout?sap-client=000" :
c . ResponseBody =
` {
"layout" : {
"formatVersion" : 5 ,
"format" : "json" ,
"objectStorage" : "plain" ,
"metaInformation" : ".gctsmetadata/" ,
"tableContent" : "true" ,
"subdirectory" : "src/" ,
"readableSource" : "false"
case "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/repository/testRepo/objects?sap-client=000" :
c . ResponseBody = `
"objects" : [
"pgmid" : "R3TR" ,
"object" : "ZCL_GCTS" ,
"type" : "CLAS" ,
"description" : "Class (ABAP Objects)"
} ,
"pgmid" : "R3TR" ,
"object" : "ZP_GCTS" ,
"type" : "DEVC" ,
"description" : "Package(ABAP Objects)"
} ,
"pgmid" : "R3TR" ,
"object" : "ZIF_GCTS_API" ,
"type" : "INTF" ,
"description" : "Interface (ABAP Objects)"
case "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/adt/abapunit/testruns?sap-client=000" :
c . Header = map [ string ] [ ] string { "Accept" : { "application/xml" } }
c . Header = map [ string ] [ ] string { "x-csrf-token" : { "ZegUEgfa50R7ZfGGxOtx2A==" } }
c . Header = map [ string ] [ ] string { "Content-Type" : { "application/vnd.sap.adt.abapunit.testruns.result.v1+xml" } }
c . ResponseBody = `
< ? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ? >
< aunit : runResult xmlns : aunit = "http://www.sap.com/adt/aunit" >
< program adtcore : uri = "/sap/bc/adt/oo/classes/zcl_gcts_piper_demo" adtcore : type = "CLAS/OC" adtcore : name = "ZCL_GCTS" uriType = "semantic" xmlns : adtcore = "http://www.sap.com/adt/core" >
< testClasses >
< testClass adtcore : uri = "/sap/bc/adt/oo/classes/zcl_gcts/includes/testclasses#type=CLAS%2FOCL;name=LTCL_MASTER" adtcore : type = "CLAS/OL" adtcore : name = "LTCL_MASTER" uriType = "semantic" navigationUri = "/sap/bc/adt/oo/classes/zcl_gcts/includes/testclasses#type=CLAS%2FOCL;name=LTCL_MASTER" durationCategory = "short" riskLevel = "harmless" >
< testMethods >
< testMethod adtcore : uri = "/sap/bc/adt/oo/classes/zcl_gcts/includes/testclasses#type=CLAS%2FOLD;name=LTCL_MASTER%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20CHECK" adtcore : type = "CLAS/OLI" adtcore : name = "CHECK" executionTime = "0" uriType = "semantic" navigationUri = "/sap/bc/adt/oo/classes/zcl_gcts/includes/testclasses#type=CLAS%2FOLD;name=LTCL_MASTER%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20CHECK" unit = "s" / >
< / testMethods >
< / testClass >
< / testClasses >
< / program >
< / aunit : runResult >
case "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/adt/atc/worklists?checkVariant=DEFAULT_REMOTE_REF&sap-client=000" :
c . Header = map [ string ] [ ] string { "Location" : { "/atc/worklists/worklistId/123Z076495C01ABCDEF9C9F6B257OD70" } }
case "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/adt/atc/worklists?checkVariant=CUSTOM_REMOTE_REF&sap-client=000" :
c . Header = map [ string ] [ ] string { "Location" : { "/atc/worklists/worklistId/3E3D0764F95Z01ABCDHEF9C9F6B5C14P" } }
case "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/adt/atc/runs?worklistId=123Z076495C01ABCDEF9C9F6B257OD70?sap-client=000" :
c . ResponseBody =
` < ? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ? >
< atcworklist : worklistRun xmlns : atcworklist = "http://www.sap.com/adt/atc/worklist" >
< atcworklist : worklistId > 123 Z076495C01ABCDEF9C9F6B257OD70 < / atcworklist : worklistId >
< atcworklist : worklistTimestamp > 2021 - 11 - 29 T14 : 46 : 46 Z < / atcworklist : worklistTimestamp >
< atcworklist : infos >
< atcinfo : info xmlns : atcinfo = "http://www.sap.com/adt/atc/info" >
< atcinfo : type > FINDING_STATS < / atcinfo : type >
< atcinfo : description > 0 , 0 , 1 < / atcinfo : description >
< / atcinfo : info >
< / atcworklist : infos >
< / atcworklist : worklistRun > `
case "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/adt/atc/worklists/3E3D0764F95Z01ABCDHEF9C9F6B5C14P?sap-client=000" :
c . ResponseBody =
` < ? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ? >
< atcworklist : worklist atcworklist : id = "42010AEF3CA51EDC94AC4683B035E12D" atcworklist : timestamp = "2021-11-29T22:18:58Z" atcworklist : usedObjectSet = "99999999999999999999999999999999" atcworklist : objectSetIsComplete = "true" xmlns : atcworklist = "http://www.sap.com/adt/atc/worklist" >
< atcworklist : objectSets >
< atcworklist : objectSet atcworklist : name = "00000000000000000000000000000000" atcworklist : title = "All Objects" atcworklist : kind = "ALL" / >
< atcworklist : objectSet atcworklist : name = "99999999999999999999999999999999" atcworklist : title = "Last Check Run" atcworklist : kind = "LAST_RUN" / >
< / atcworklist : objectSets >
< atcworklist : objects / >
< / atcworklist : worklist > `
case "http://testHost.com:50000/sap/bc/adt/atc/worklists/123Z076495C01ABCDEF9C9F6B257OD70?sap-client=000" :
c . ResponseBody =
` < ? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ? >
< atcworklist : worklist atcworklist : id = "248A076493C01EEC8FA9CEAED527BD53" atcworklist : timestamp = "2021-11-04T09:08:18Z" atcworklist : usedObjectSet = "99999999999999999999999999999999" atcworklist : objectSetIsComplete = "true" xmlns : atcworklist = "http://www.sap.com/adt/atc/worklist" >
< atcworklist : objectSets >
< atcworklist : objectSet atcworklist : name = "00000000000000000000000000000000" atcworklist : title = "All Objects" atcworklist : kind = "ALL" / >
< atcworklist : objectSet atcworklist : name = "99999999999999999999999999999999" atcworklist : title = "Last Check Run" atcworklist : kind = "LAST_RUN" / >
< / atcworklist : objectSets >
< atcworklist : objects >
< atcobject : object adtcore : uri = "/sap/bc/adt/atc/objects/R3TR/CLAS/ZCL_GCTS" adtcore : type = "CLAS" adtcore : name = "ZCL_GCTS" adtcore : packageName = "ZPL_GCTS" atcobject : author = "testUser" xmlns : atcobject = "http://www.sap.com/adt/atc/object" xmlns : adtcore = "http://www.sap.com/adt/core" >
< atcobject : findings >
< atcfinding : finding adtcore : uri = "/sap/bc/adt/atc/findings/itemid/248A076493C01EEC8FA9D609860AFD93/index/233439" atcfinding : location = "/sap/bc/adt/oo/classes/zcl_gcts/source/main#type=CLAS%2FOSI;name=ZCL_GCTS;start=20" atcfinding : processor = "testUser" atcfinding : lastChangedBy = "testUser" atcfinding : priority = "1" atcfinding : checkId = "78A08159CD2A822100535FBEB655BDB8" atcfinding : checkTitle = "Package Check (Remote-enabled)" atcfinding : messageId = "USEM" atcfinding : messageTitle = "Package Violation - Error" atcfinding : exemptionApproval = "" atcfinding : exemptionKind = "" atcfinding : checksum = "553596936" atcfinding : quickfixInfo = "atc:248A076493C01EEC8FA9D609860AFD93,233439" xmlns : atcfinding = "http://www.sap.com/adt/atc/finding" >
< atom : link href = "/sap/bc/adt/documentation/atc/documents/itemid/248A076493C01EEC8FA9D609860AFD93/index/233439" rel = "http://www.sap.com/adt/relations/documentation" type = "text/html" xmlns : atom = "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" / >
< atcfinding : quickfixes atcfinding : manual = "false" atcfinding : automatic = "false" atcfinding : pseudo = "false" / >
< / atcfinding : finding >
< / atcobject : findings >
< / atcobject : object >
< / atcworklist : objects >
< / atcworklist : worklist > `
if r != nil {
2023-08-16 12:57:04 +02:00
_ , err := io . ReadAll ( r )
2022-02-22 10:58:22 +02:00
if err != nil {
return nil , err
res := http . Response {
StatusCode : c . StatusCode ,
Header : c . Header ,
2023-08-16 12:57:04 +02:00
Body : io . NopCloser ( bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( c . ResponseBody ) ) ) ,
2022-02-22 10:58:22 +02:00
if c . StatusCode >= 400 {
return & res , errors . New ( "a http error occurred" )
return & res , nil