if your build has dependencies from a private repository you can include a project settings xml into the source code repository as below (replace the `<url>`
`PIPER_VAULTCREDENTIAL_USERNAME` and `PIPER_VAULTCREDENTIAL_PASSWORD` are the username and password for the private repository and are exposed as environment variables that must be present
in the environment where the Piper step runs or alternatively can be created using :
[vault general purpose credentials](../infrastructure/vault.md#using-vault-for-general-purpose-and-test-credentials)
include the below `<repositories>` tag in your `pom.xml` to reference the `<server>` and make sure the values in the `<id>` tags match
description:Password for the alternative deployment repository to which the project artifacts should be deployed ( other than those specified in <distributionManagement> ). This password will be updated in settings.xml . When no settings.xml is provided a new one is created corresponding with <servers> tag
description:User for the alternative deployment repository to which the project artifacts should be deployed ( other than those specified in <distributionManagement> ). This user will be updated in settings.xml . When no settings.xml is provided a new one is created corresponding with <servers> tag
description:Url for the alternative deployment repository to which the project artifacts should be deployed ( other than those specified in <distributionManagement> ). This Url will be updated in settings.xml . When no settings.xml is provided a new one is created corresponding with <servers> tag
description:Id for the alternative deployment repository to which the project artifacts should be deployed ( other than those specified in <distributionManagement> ). This id will be updated in settings.xml and will be used as a flag with DaltDeploymentRepository along with mavenAltDeploymentRepositoryUrl during maven deploy . When no settings.xml is provided a new one is created corresponding with <servers> tag
- name:commonPipelineEnvironment
- name:customTlsCertificateLinks
description:"List of download links to custom TLS certificates. This is required to ensure trusted connections to instances with repositories (like nexus) when publish flag is set to true."
- name:publish
description:Configures maven to run the deploy plugin to publish artifacts to a repository.
description:path to the cacerts file used by Java. When maven publish is set to True and customTlsCertificateLinks (to deploy the artifact to a repository with a self signed cert) are provided to trust the self signed certs, Piper will extend the existing Java cacerts to include the new self signed certs. if not provided Piper will search for the cacerts in $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts
description:build settings info is typically filled by the step automatically to create information about the build settings that were used during the maven build . This information is typically used for compliance related processes.