2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
package checkmarx
import (
2020-11-25 13:47:26 +01:00
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
2020-05-25 19:48:59 +02:00
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
2020-11-25 13:47:26 +01:00
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
piperHttp "github.com/SAP/jenkins-library/pkg/http"
type senderMock struct {
token string
httpMethod string
httpStatusCode int
urlCalled string
requestBody string
responseBody string
header http . Header
logger * logrus . Entry
errorExp bool
func ( sm * senderMock ) SendRequest ( method , url string , body io . Reader , header http . Header , cookies [ ] * http . Cookie ) ( * http . Response , error ) {
if sm . errorExp {
return & http . Response { } , errors . New ( "Provoked technical error" )
sm . httpMethod = method
sm . urlCalled = url
sm . header = header
if body != nil {
buf := new ( bytes . Buffer )
buf . ReadFrom ( body )
sm . requestBody = buf . String ( )
2020-10-05 08:16:18 +02:00
var httpError error
if sm . httpStatusCode > 399 {
httpError = fmt . Errorf ( "http error %v" , sm . httpStatusCode )
return & http . Response { StatusCode : sm . httpStatusCode , Body : ioutil . NopCloser ( strings . NewReader ( sm . responseBody ) ) } , httpError
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
2021-10-21 10:03:42 +02:00
func ( sm * senderMock ) UploadFile ( url , file , fieldName string , header http . Header , cookies [ ] * http . Cookie , uploadType string ) ( * http . Response , error ) {
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
sm . httpMethod = http . MethodPost
sm . urlCalled = url
sm . header = header
return & http . Response { StatusCode : sm . httpStatusCode , Body : ioutil . NopCloser ( bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( sm . responseBody ) ) ) } , nil
2021-10-21 10:03:42 +02:00
func ( sm * senderMock ) UploadRequest ( method , url , file , fieldName string , header http . Header , cookies [ ] * http . Cookie , uploadType string ) ( * http . Response , error ) {
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
sm . httpMethod = http . MethodPost
sm . urlCalled = url
sm . header = header
return & http . Response { StatusCode : sm . httpStatusCode , Body : ioutil . NopCloser ( bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( sm . responseBody ) ) ) } , nil
2020-05-25 19:48:59 +02:00
func ( sm * senderMock ) Upload ( _ piperHttp . UploadRequestData ) ( * http . Response , error ) {
return & http . Response { } , fmt . Errorf ( "not implemented" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
func ( sm * senderMock ) SetOptions ( opts piperHttp . ClientOptions ) {
sm . token = opts . Token
func TestSendRequest ( t * testing . T ) {
logger := log . Entry ( ) . WithField ( "package" , "SAP/jenkins-library/pkg/checkmarx_test" )
opts := piperHttp . ClientOptions { }
t . Run ( "test success" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
myTestClient := senderMock { responseBody : ` { "some": "test"} ` , httpStatusCode : 200 }
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
sys := SystemInstance { serverURL : "https://cx.server.com" , client : & myTestClient , logger : logger }
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
myTestClient . SetOptions ( opts )
_ , err := sendRequest ( & sys , "GET" , "/test" , nil , nil )
2020-09-24 07:41:06 +02:00
assert . NoError ( t , err , "Error occurred but none expected" )
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "https://cx.server.com/cxrestapi/test" , myTestClient . urlCalled , "Called url incorrect" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
} )
t . Run ( "test error" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
myTestClient := senderMock { responseBody : ` { "some": "test"} ` , httpStatusCode : 400 }
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
sys := SystemInstance { serverURL : "https://cx.server.com" , client : & myTestClient , logger : logger }
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
myTestClient . SetOptions ( opts )
_ , err := sendRequest ( & sys , "GET" , "/test" , nil , nil )
2020-09-24 07:41:06 +02:00
assert . Error ( t , err , "Error expected but none occurred" )
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "https://cx.server.com/cxrestapi/test" , myTestClient . urlCalled , "Called url incorrect" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
} )
t . Run ( "test technical error" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
myTestClient := senderMock { responseBody : ` { "some": "test"} ` , httpStatusCode : 400 }
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
sys := SystemInstance { serverURL : "https://cx.server.com" , client : & myTestClient , logger : logger }
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
myTestClient . SetOptions ( opts )
_ , err := sendRequest ( & sys , "error" , "/test" , nil , nil )
2020-09-24 07:41:06 +02:00
assert . Error ( t , err , "Error expected but none occurred" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
} )
2020-10-05 08:16:18 +02:00
func TestSendRequestInternal ( t * testing . T ) {
logger := log . Entry ( ) . WithField ( "package" , "SAP/jenkins-library/pkg/checkmarx_test" )
opts := piperHttp . ClientOptions { }
t . Run ( "test accepted error" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
myTestClient := senderMock { responseBody : ` { "some": "test"} ` , httpStatusCode : 404 }
sys := SystemInstance { serverURL : "https://cx.server.com" , client : & myTestClient , logger : logger }
myTestClient . SetOptions ( opts )
_ , err := sendRequestInternal ( & sys , "GET" , "/test" , nil , nil , [ ] int { 404 } )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "No error expected but error occurred" )
} )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
func TestGetOAuthToken ( t * testing . T ) {
logger := log . Entry ( ) . WithField ( "package" , "SAP/jenkins-library/pkg/checkmarx_test" )
opts := piperHttp . ClientOptions { }
t . Run ( "test success" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
myTestClient := senderMock { responseBody : ` { "token_type":"Bearer","access_token":"abcd12345","expires_in":7045634} ` , httpStatusCode : 200 }
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
sys , _ := NewSystemInstance ( & myTestClient , "https://cx.server.com" , "test" , "user" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
myTestClient . SetOptions ( opts )
token , err := sys . getOAuth2Token ( )
2020-09-24 07:41:06 +02:00
assert . NoError ( t , err , "Error occurred but none expected" )
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "https://cx.server.com/cxrestapi/auth/identity/connect/token" , myTestClient . urlCalled , "Called url incorrect" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "Bearer abcd12345" , token , "Token incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , "client_id=resource_owner_client&client_secret=014DF517-39D1-4453-B7B3-9930C563627C&grant_type=password&password=user&scope=sast_rest_api&username=test" , myTestClient . requestBody , "Request body incorrect" )
} )
t . Run ( "test authentication failure" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
myTestClient := senderMock { responseBody : ` { } ` , httpStatusCode : 400 }
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
sys := SystemInstance { serverURL : "https://cx.server.com" , client : & myTestClient , logger : logger }
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
myTestClient . SetOptions ( opts )
_ , err := sys . getOAuth2Token ( )
2020-09-24 07:41:06 +02:00
assert . Error ( t , err , "Error expected but none occurred" )
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "https://cx.server.com/cxrestapi/auth/identity/connect/token" , myTestClient . urlCalled , "Called url incorrect" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
} )
t . Run ( "test new system" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
myTestClient := senderMock { responseBody : ` { "token_type":"Bearer","access_token":"abcd12345","expires_in":7045634} ` , httpStatusCode : 200 }
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
_ , err := NewSystemInstance ( & myTestClient , "https://cx.server.com" , "test" , "user" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
2020-09-24 07:41:06 +02:00
assert . NoError ( t , err , "Error occurred but none expected" )
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "https://cx.server.com/cxrestapi/auth/identity/connect/token" , myTestClient . urlCalled , "Called url incorrect" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "Bearer abcd12345" , myTestClient . token , "Token incorrect" )
} )
t . Run ( "test technical error" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
myTestClient := senderMock { responseBody : ` { } ` , httpStatusCode : 400 }
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
sys := SystemInstance { serverURL : "https://cx.server.com" , client : & myTestClient , logger : logger }
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
myTestClient . SetOptions ( opts )
myTestClient . errorExp = true
_ , err := sys . getOAuth2Token ( )
2020-09-24 07:41:06 +02:00
assert . Error ( t , err , "Error expected but none occurred" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
} )
func TestGetTeams ( t * testing . T ) {
logger := log . Entry ( ) . WithField ( "package" , "SAP/jenkins-library/pkg/checkmarx_test" )
opts := piperHttp . ClientOptions { }
t . Run ( "test success" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
2020-11-26 11:22:54 +01:00
myTestClient := senderMock { responseBody : ` [ { "id":"1", "fullName":"Team1"}, { "id":2, "fullName":"Team2"}, { "id":3, "fullName":"Team3"}, { "id":4, "fullName":"/Team/4"}] ` , httpStatusCode : 200 }
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
sys := SystemInstance { serverURL : "https://cx.server.com" , client : & myTestClient , logger : logger }
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
myTestClient . SetOptions ( opts )
teams := sys . GetTeams ( )
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "https://cx.server.com/cxrestapi/auth/teams" , myTestClient . urlCalled , "Called url incorrect" )
2020-11-26 09:18:01 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , 4 , len ( teams ) , "Number of Teams incorrect" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "Team1" , teams [ 0 ] . FullName , "Team name 1 incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , "Team2" , teams [ 1 ] . FullName , "Team name 2 incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , "Team3" , teams [ 2 ] . FullName , "Team name 3 incorrect" )
2020-11-26 11:22:54 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "/Team/4" , teams [ 3 ] . FullName , "Team name 4 incorrect" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
t . Run ( "test filter teams by name" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
2022-02-28 14:22:47 +01:00
team2 , _ := sys . FilterTeamByName ( teams , "Team2" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "Team2" , team2 . FullName , "Team name incorrect" )
2020-11-25 13:47:26 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , json . RawMessage ( [ ] byte ( strconv . Itoa ( 2 ) ) ) , team2 . ID , "Team id incorrect" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
} )
2020-11-26 09:18:01 +01:00
t . Run ( "test filter teams by name with backslash/forward slash" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
2022-02-28 14:22:47 +01:00
team4 , _ := sys . FilterTeamByName ( teams , "\\Team\\4" )
2020-11-26 11:22:54 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "/Team/4" , team4 . FullName , "Team name incorrect" )
2020-11-26 09:18:01 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , json . RawMessage ( [ ] byte ( strconv . Itoa ( 4 ) ) ) , team4 . ID , "Team id incorrect" )
} )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
t . Run ( "test Filter teams by ID" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
2020-11-25 13:47:26 +01:00
team1 := sys . FilterTeamByID ( teams , json . RawMessage ( ` "1" ` ) )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "Team1" , team1 . FullName , "Team name incorrect" )
2020-11-25 13:47:26 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , json . RawMessage ( ` "1" ` ) , team1 . ID , "Team id incorrect" )
} )
t . Run ( "test Filter teams by numeric ID" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
team3 := sys . FilterTeamByID ( teams , json . RawMessage ( ` 3 ` ) )
assert . Equal ( t , "Team3" , team3 . FullName , "Team name incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , json . RawMessage ( ` 3 ` ) , team3 . ID , "Team id incorrect" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
} )
t . Run ( "test fail Filter teams by name" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
2022-02-28 14:22:47 +01:00
team , err := sys . FilterTeamByName ( teams , "Team" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "" , team . FullName , "Team name incorrect" )
2022-02-28 14:22:47 +01:00
assert . Contains ( t , fmt . Sprint ( err ) , "Failed to find team" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
} )
} )
t . Run ( "test technical error" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
myTestClient := senderMock { responseBody : ` [ { "id":"1", "fullName":"Team1"}, { "id":"2", "fullName":"Team2"}, { "id":"3", "fullName":"Team3"}] ` , httpStatusCode : 200 }
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
sys := SystemInstance { serverURL : "https://cx.server.com" , client : & myTestClient , logger : logger }
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
myTestClient . SetOptions ( opts )
myTestClient . errorExp = true
teams := sys . GetTeams ( )
2020-09-24 07:41:06 +02:00
assert . Equal ( t , 0 , len ( teams ) , "Error expected but none occurred" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
} )
func TestGetProjects ( t * testing . T ) {
logger := log . Entry ( ) . WithField ( "package" , "SAP/jenkins-library/pkg/checkmarx_test" )
opts := piperHttp . ClientOptions { }
t . Run ( "test success" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
myTestClient := senderMock { responseBody : ` [ { "id":"1", "teamId":"1", "name":"Project1"}, { "id":"2", "teamId":"2", "name":"Project2"}] ` , httpStatusCode : 200 }
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
sys := SystemInstance { serverURL : "https://cx.server.com" , client : & myTestClient , logger : logger }
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
myTestClient . SetOptions ( opts )
2020-09-29 09:23:31 +02:00
projects , err := sys . GetProjects ( )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
2020-09-29 09:23:31 +02:00
assert . NoError ( t , err )
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "https://cx.server.com/cxrestapi/projects" , myTestClient . urlCalled , "Called url incorrect" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , 2 , len ( projects ) , "Number of Projects incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , "Project1" , projects [ 0 ] . Name , "Project name 1 incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , "Project2" , projects [ 1 ] . Name , "Project name 2 incorrect" )
t . Run ( "test Filter projects by name" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
project1 := sys . FilterProjectByName ( projects , "Project1" )
assert . Equal ( t , "Project1" , project1 . Name , "Project name incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , "1" , project1 . TeamID , "Project teamId incorrect" )
} )
t . Run ( "test fail Filter projects by name" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
project := sys . FilterProjectByName ( projects , "Project5" )
assert . Equal ( t , "" , project . Name , "Project name incorrect" )
} )
} )
t . Run ( "test technical error" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
myTestClient := senderMock { httpStatusCode : 200 }
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
sys := SystemInstance { serverURL : "https://cx.server.com" , client : & myTestClient , logger : logger }
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
myTestClient . SetOptions ( opts )
myTestClient . errorExp = true
2020-09-29 09:23:31 +02:00
_ , err := sys . GetProjects ( )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
2020-09-29 09:23:31 +02:00
assert . Contains ( t , fmt . Sprint ( err ) , "Provoked technical error" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
} )
func TestCreateProject ( t * testing . T ) {
logger := log . Entry ( ) . WithField ( "package" , "SAP/jenkins-library/pkg/checkmarx_test" )
opts := piperHttp . ClientOptions { }
t . Run ( "test success" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
myTestClient := senderMock { responseBody : ` { "id": 16} ` , httpStatusCode : 200 }
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
sys := SystemInstance { serverURL : "https://cx.server.com" , client : & myTestClient , logger : logger }
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
myTestClient . SetOptions ( opts )
2020-09-29 09:23:31 +02:00
result , err := sys . CreateProject ( "TestProjectCreate" , "4711" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
2020-09-29 09:23:31 +02:00
assert . NoError ( t , err , "CreateProject call not successful" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , 16 , result . ID , "Wrong project ID" )
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "https://cx.server.com/cxrestapi/projects" , myTestClient . urlCalled , "Called url incorrect" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "POST" , myTestClient . httpMethod , "HTTP method incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , "application/json" , myTestClient . header . Get ( "Content-Type" ) , "Called url incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , ` { "isPublic":true,"name":"TestProjectCreate","owningTeam":"4711"} ` , myTestClient . requestBody , "Request body incorrect" )
} )
t . Run ( "test technical error" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
myTestClient := senderMock { httpStatusCode : 200 }
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
sys := SystemInstance { serverURL : "https://cx.server.com" , client : & myTestClient , logger : logger }
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
myTestClient . SetOptions ( opts )
myTestClient . errorExp = true
2020-09-29 09:23:31 +02:00
_ , err := sys . CreateProject ( "Test" , "13" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
2020-09-29 09:23:31 +02:00
assert . Contains ( t , fmt . Sprint ( err ) , "" , "expected a different error" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
} )
func TestUploadProjectSourceCode ( t * testing . T ) {
logger := log . Entry ( ) . WithField ( "package" , "SAP/jenkins-library/pkg/checkmarx_test" )
opts := piperHttp . ClientOptions { }
t . Run ( "test success" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
myTestClient := senderMock { httpStatusCode : 204 }
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
sys := SystemInstance { serverURL : "https://cx.server.com" , client : & myTestClient , logger : logger }
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
myTestClient . SetOptions ( opts )
2020-09-29 09:23:31 +02:00
err := sys . UploadProjectSourceCode ( 10415 , "sources.zip" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
2020-09-29 09:23:31 +02:00
assert . NoError ( t , err , "UploadProjectSourceCode call not successful" )
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "https://cx.server.com/cxrestapi/projects/10415/sourceCode/attachments" , myTestClient . urlCalled , "Called url incorrect" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "POST" , myTestClient . httpMethod , "HTTP method incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , 2 , len ( myTestClient . header ) , "HTTP header incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , "gzip,deflate" , myTestClient . header . Get ( "Accept-Encoding" ) , "HTTP header incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , "text/plain" , myTestClient . header . Get ( "Accept" ) , "HTTP header incorrect" )
} )
func TestUpdateProjectExcludeSettings ( t * testing . T ) {
logger := log . Entry ( ) . WithField ( "package" , "SAP/jenkins-library/pkg/checkmarx_test" )
opts := piperHttp . ClientOptions { }
t . Run ( "test success" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
myTestClient := senderMock { httpStatusCode : 204 }
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
sys := SystemInstance { serverURL : "https://cx.server.com" , client : & myTestClient , logger : logger }
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
myTestClient . SetOptions ( opts )
2020-09-29 09:23:31 +02:00
err := sys . UpdateProjectExcludeSettings ( 10457 , "some,test,a/b/c" , "*.go" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
2020-09-29 09:23:31 +02:00
assert . NoError ( t , err , "UpdateProjectExcludeSettings call not successful" )
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "https://cx.server.com/cxrestapi/projects/10457/sourceCode/excludeSettings" , myTestClient . urlCalled , "Called url incorrect" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "PUT" , myTestClient . httpMethod , "HTTP method incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , 1 , len ( myTestClient . header ) , "HTTP header incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , "application/json" , myTestClient . header . Get ( "Content-Type" ) , "HTTP header incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , ` { "excludeFilesPattern":"*.go","excludeFoldersPattern":"some,test,a/b/c"} ` , myTestClient . requestBody , "Request body incorrect" )
} )
func TestGetPresets ( t * testing . T ) {
logger := log . Entry ( ) . WithField ( "package" , "SAP/jenkins-library/pkg/checkmarx_test" )
opts := piperHttp . ClientOptions { }
t . Run ( "test success" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
myTestClient := senderMock { responseBody : ` [ { "id":1, "name":"Preset1", "ownerName":"Team1", "link": { "rel":"rel", "uri":"https://1234"}}, { "id":2, "name":"Preset2", "ownerName":"Team1", "link": { "rel":"re2l", "uri":"https://12347"}}] ` , httpStatusCode : 200 }
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
sys := SystemInstance { serverURL : "https://cx.server.com" , client : & myTestClient , logger : logger }
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
myTestClient . SetOptions ( opts )
presets := sys . GetPresets ( )
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "https://cx.server.com/cxrestapi/sast/presets" , myTestClient . urlCalled , "Called url incorrect" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , 2 , len ( presets ) , "Number of Presets incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , "Preset1" , presets [ 0 ] . Name , "Preset name incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , "https://1234" , presets [ 0 ] . Link . URI , "Preset name incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , "Preset2" , presets [ 1 ] . Name , "Preset name incorrect" )
t . Run ( "test Filter preset by name" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
preset2 := sys . FilterPresetByName ( presets , "Preset2" )
assert . Equal ( t , "Preset2" , preset2 . Name , "Preset name incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , "Team1" , preset2 . OwnerName , "Preset ownerName incorrect" )
} )
t . Run ( "test fail Filter preset by name" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
preset := sys . FilterPresetByName ( presets , "Preset5" )
assert . Equal ( t , "" , preset . Name , "Preset name incorrect" )
} )
t . Run ( "test Filter preset by ID" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
preset2 := sys . FilterPresetByID ( presets , 2 )
assert . Equal ( t , "Preset2" , preset2 . Name , "Preset ID incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , "Team1" , preset2 . OwnerName , "Preset ownerName incorrect" )
} )
t . Run ( "test fail Filter preset by ID" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
preset := sys . FilterPresetByID ( presets , 15 )
assert . Equal ( t , "" , preset . Name , "Preset ID incorrect" )
} )
} )
func TestUpdateProjectConfiguration ( t * testing . T ) {
logger := log . Entry ( ) . WithField ( "package" , "SAP/jenkins-library/pkg/checkmarx_test" )
opts := piperHttp . ClientOptions { }
t . Run ( "test success" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
myTestClient := senderMock { httpStatusCode : 204 }
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
sys := SystemInstance { serverURL : "https://cx.server.com" , client : & myTestClient , logger : logger }
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
myTestClient . SetOptions ( opts )
2020-09-29 09:23:31 +02:00
err := sys . UpdateProjectConfiguration ( 12 , 15 , "1" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
2020-09-29 09:23:31 +02:00
assert . NoError ( t , err , "UpdateProjectConfiguration call not successful" )
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "https://cx.server.com/cxrestapi/sast/scanSettings" , myTestClient . urlCalled , "Called url incorrect" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "POST" , myTestClient . httpMethod , "HTTP method incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , ` { "engineConfigurationId":1,"presetId":15,"projectId":12} ` , myTestClient . requestBody , "Request body incorrect" )
} )
func TestScanProject ( t * testing . T ) {
logger := log . Entry ( ) . WithField ( "package" , "SAP/jenkins-library/pkg/checkmarx_test" )
opts := piperHttp . ClientOptions { }
t . Run ( "test success" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
myTestClient := senderMock { responseBody : ` { "id":1, "link": { "rel":"rel", "uri":"https://scan1234"}} ` , httpStatusCode : 200 }
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
sys := SystemInstance { serverURL : "https://cx.server.com" , client : & myTestClient , logger : logger }
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
myTestClient . SetOptions ( opts )
2020-09-29 09:23:31 +02:00
scan , err := sys . ScanProject ( 10745 , false , false , false )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
2020-09-29 09:23:31 +02:00
assert . NoError ( t , err , "ScanProject call not successful" )
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "https://cx.server.com/cxrestapi/sast/scans" , myTestClient . urlCalled , "Called url incorrect" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "POST" , myTestClient . httpMethod , "HTTP method incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , 1 , scan . ID , "Scan ID incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , "https://scan1234" , scan . Link . URI , "Scan link URI incorrect" )
} )
func TestGetScans ( t * testing . T ) {
logger := log . Entry ( ) . WithField ( "package" , "SAP/jenkins-library/pkg/checkmarx_test" )
opts := piperHttp . ClientOptions { }
t . Run ( "test success" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
myTestClient := senderMock { responseBody : ` [
"id" : 1000000 ,
"project" : {
"id" : 1 ,
"name" : "Project 1 (CxTechDocs)"
} ,
"status" : {
"id" : 7 ,
"name" : "Finished"
} ,
"isIncremental" : false
} ,
"id" : 1000001 ,
"project" : {
"id" : 2 ,
"name" : "Project 2 (CxTechDocs)"
} ,
"status" : {
"id" : 7 ,
"name" : "Finished"
} ,
"isIncremental" : true
] ` , httpStatusCode : 200 }
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
sys := SystemInstance { serverURL : "https://cx.server.com" , client : & myTestClient , logger : logger }
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
myTestClient . SetOptions ( opts )
2020-09-29 09:23:31 +02:00
scans , err := sys . GetScans ( 10745 )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
2020-09-29 09:23:31 +02:00
assert . NoError ( t , err , "ScanProject call not successful" )
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "https://cx.server.com/cxrestapi/sast/scans?last=20&projectId=10745" , myTestClient . urlCalled , "Called url incorrect" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "GET" , myTestClient . httpMethod , "HTTP method incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , 2 , len ( scans ) , "Incorrect number of scans" )
assert . Equal ( t , true , scans [ 1 ] . IsIncremental , "Scan link URI incorrect" )
} )
func TestGetScanStatusAndDetail ( t * testing . T ) {
logger := log . Entry ( ) . WithField ( "package" , "SAP/jenkins-library/pkg/checkmarx_test" )
opts := piperHttp . ClientOptions { }
t . Run ( "test success" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
myTestClient := senderMock { responseBody : ` { "status": { "id":1,"name":"SUCCESS", "details": { "stage": "1 of 15", "step": "One"}}} ` , httpStatusCode : 200 }
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
sys := SystemInstance { serverURL : "https://cx.server.com" , client : & myTestClient , logger : logger }
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
myTestClient . SetOptions ( opts )
result , detail := sys . GetScanStatusAndDetail ( 10745 )
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "https://cx.server.com/cxrestapi/sast/scans/10745" , myTestClient . urlCalled , "Called url incorrect" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "GET" , myTestClient . httpMethod , "HTTP method incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , "SUCCESS" , result , "Request body incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , "One" , detail . Step , "Detail step incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , "1 of 15" , detail . Stage , "Detail stage incorrect" )
} )
func TestGetResults ( t * testing . T ) {
logger := log . Entry ( ) . WithField ( "package" , "SAP/jenkins-library/pkg/checkmarx_test" )
opts := piperHttp . ClientOptions { }
t . Run ( "test success" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
myTestClient := senderMock { responseBody : ` { "highSeverity":5, "mediumSeverity":4, "lowSeverity":20, "infoSeverity":10} ` , httpStatusCode : 200 }
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
sys := SystemInstance { serverURL : "https://cx.server.com" , client : & myTestClient , logger : logger }
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
myTestClient . SetOptions ( opts )
result := sys . GetResults ( 10745 )
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "https://cx.server.com/cxrestapi/sast/scans/10745/resultsStatistics" , myTestClient . urlCalled , "Called url incorrect" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "GET" , myTestClient . httpMethod , "HTTP method incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , 5 , result . High , "High findings incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , 4 , result . Medium , "Medium findings incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , 20 , result . Low , "Low findings incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , 10 , result . Info , "Info findings incorrect" )
} )
func TestRequestNewReport ( t * testing . T ) {
logger := log . Entry ( ) . WithField ( "package" , "SAP/jenkins-library/pkg/checkmarx_test" )
opts := piperHttp . ClientOptions { }
t . Run ( "test success" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
myTestClient := senderMock { responseBody : ` {
"reportId" : 6 ,
"links" : {
"report" : {
"rel" : "content" ,
"uri" : "/reports/sastScan/6"
} ,
"status" : {
"rel" : "status" ,
"uri" : "/reports/sastScan/6/status"
} ` , httpStatusCode : 200 }
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
sys := SystemInstance { serverURL : "https://cx.server.com" , client : & myTestClient , logger : logger }
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
myTestClient . SetOptions ( opts )
2020-09-29 09:23:31 +02:00
result , err := sys . RequestNewReport ( 10745 , "XML" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
2020-09-29 09:23:31 +02:00
assert . NoError ( t , err , "Result status incorrect" )
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "https://cx.server.com/cxrestapi/reports/sastScan" , myTestClient . urlCalled , "Called url incorrect" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , ` { "comment":"Scan report triggered by Piper","reportType":"XML","scanId":10745} ` , myTestClient . requestBody , "Request body incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , "POST" , myTestClient . httpMethod , "HTTP method incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , 6 , result . ReportID , "Report ID incorrect" )
} )
func TestGetReportStatus ( t * testing . T ) {
logger := log . Entry ( ) . WithField ( "package" , "SAP/jenkins-library/pkg/checkmarx_test" )
opts := piperHttp . ClientOptions { }
t . Run ( "test success" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
myTestClient := senderMock { responseBody : ` {
"link" : {
"rel" : "content" ,
"uri" : "/reports/sastScan/51"
} ,
"contentType" : "application/xml" ,
"status" : {
"id" : 2 ,
"value" : "Created"
} ` , httpStatusCode : 200 }
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
sys := SystemInstance { serverURL : "https://cx.server.com" , client : & myTestClient , logger : logger }
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
myTestClient . SetOptions ( opts )
2020-09-29 09:23:31 +02:00
result , err := sys . GetReportStatus ( 6 )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
2020-09-29 09:23:31 +02:00
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error occured but none expected" )
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "https://cx.server.com/cxrestapi/reports/sastScan/6/status" , myTestClient . urlCalled , "Called url incorrect" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "GET" , myTestClient . httpMethod , "HTTP method incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , 2 , result . Status . ID , "Status ID incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , "Created" , result . Status . Value , "Status incorrect" )
} )
func TestDownloadReport ( t * testing . T ) {
logger := log . Entry ( ) . WithField ( "package" , "SAP/jenkins-library/pkg/checkmarx_test" )
opts := piperHttp . ClientOptions { }
t . Run ( "test success" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
myTestClient := senderMock { responseBody : "abc" , httpStatusCode : 200 }
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
sys := SystemInstance { serverURL : "https://cx.server.com" , client : & myTestClient , logger : logger }
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
myTestClient . SetOptions ( opts )
2020-09-29 09:23:31 +02:00
result , err := sys . DownloadReport ( 6 )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "DownloadReport returned unexpected error" )
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "https://cx.server.com/cxrestapi/reports/sastScan/6" , myTestClient . urlCalled , "Called url incorrect" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "GET" , myTestClient . httpMethod , "HTTP method incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , [ ] byte ( "abc" ) , result , "Result incorrect" )
} )
func TestCreateBranch ( t * testing . T ) {
logger := log . Entry ( ) . WithField ( "package" , "SAP/jenkins-library/pkg/checkmarx_test" )
opts := piperHttp . ClientOptions { }
t . Run ( "test success" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
myTestClient := senderMock { responseBody : ` { "id": 13, "link": { }} ` , httpStatusCode : 201 }
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
sys := SystemInstance { serverURL : "https://cx.server.com" , client : & myTestClient , logger : logger }
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
myTestClient . SetOptions ( opts )
result := sys . CreateBranch ( 6 , "PR-17" )
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "https://cx.server.com/cxrestapi/projects/6/branch" , myTestClient . urlCalled , "Called url incorrect" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "POST" , myTestClient . httpMethod , "HTTP method incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , ` { "name":"PR-17"} ` , myTestClient . requestBody , "Request body incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , 13 , result , "result incorrect" )
} )
func TestGetProjectByID ( t * testing . T ) {
logger := log . Entry ( ) . WithField ( "package" , "SAP/jenkins-library/pkg/checkmarx_test" )
opts := piperHttp . ClientOptions { }
t . Run ( "test success" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
myTestClient := senderMock { responseBody : ` { "id": 209, "teamID": "Test", "name":"Project1_PR-18"} ` , httpStatusCode : 200 }
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
sys := SystemInstance { serverURL : "https://cx.server.com" , client : & myTestClient , logger : logger }
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
myTestClient . SetOptions ( opts )
2020-09-29 09:23:31 +02:00
result , err := sys . GetProjectByID ( 815 )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "GetProjectByID returned unexpected error" )
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "https://cx.server.com/cxrestapi/projects/815" , myTestClient . urlCalled , "Called url incorrect" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "GET" , myTestClient . httpMethod , "HTTP method incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , 209 , result . ID , "Result incorrect" )
} )
func TestGetProjectByName ( t * testing . T ) {
logger := log . Entry ( ) . WithField ( "package" , "SAP/jenkins-library/pkg/checkmarx_test" )
opts := piperHttp . ClientOptions { }
t . Run ( "test success" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
myTestClient := senderMock { responseBody : ` [ { "id": 209, "teamID": "Test", "name":"Project1_PR-18"}] ` , httpStatusCode : 200 }
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
sys := SystemInstance { serverURL : "https://cx.server.com" , client : & myTestClient , logger : logger }
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
myTestClient . SetOptions ( opts )
2020-09-29 09:23:31 +02:00
result , err := sys . GetProjectsByNameAndTeam ( "Project1_PR-18" , "Test" )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error occured but none expected" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , 1 , len ( result ) , "GetProjectByName returned unexpected error" )
2020-02-06 14:22:58 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "https://cx.server.com/cxrestapi/projects?projectName=Project1_PR-18&teamId=Test" , myTestClient . urlCalled , "Called url incorrect" )
2020-01-27 23:40:53 +01:00
assert . Equal ( t , "GET" , myTestClient . httpMethod , "HTTP method incorrect" )
assert . Equal ( t , "Project1_PR-18" , result [ 0 ] . Name , "Result incorrect" )
} )