2021-01-12 13:17:42 +02:00
package cmd
import (
2021-01-22 16:55:50 +02:00
2021-01-12 13:17:42 +02:00
piperhttp "github.com/SAP/jenkins-library/pkg/http"
2021-01-22 16:55:50 +02:00
type integrationArtifactDeployMockUtils struct {
2021-01-12 13:17:42 +02:00
* mock . ExecMockRunner
2021-01-22 16:55:50 +02:00
func newIntegrationArtifactDeployTestsUtils ( ) integrationArtifactDeployMockUtils {
utils := integrationArtifactDeployMockUtils {
2021-01-12 13:17:42 +02:00
ExecMockRunner : & mock . ExecMockRunner { } ,
return utils
2021-01-22 16:55:50 +02:00
func TestRunIntegrationArtifactDeploy ( t * testing . T ) {
2021-01-12 13:17:42 +02:00
t . Parallel ( )
t . Run ( "Successfull Integration Flow Deploy Test" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
2021-01-22 16:55:50 +02:00
config := integrationArtifactDeployOptions {
2021-01-12 13:17:42 +02:00
Host : "https://demo" ,
OAuthTokenProviderURL : "https://demo/oauth/token" ,
Username : "demouser" ,
Password : "******" ,
IntegrationFlowID : "flow1" ,
IntegrationFlowVersion : "1.0.1" ,
Platform : "cf" ,
2021-01-22 16:55:50 +02:00
httpClient := httpMockCpis { CPIFunction : "IntegrationArtifactDeploy" , ResponseBody : ` ` , TestType : "Positive" }
2021-01-12 13:17:42 +02:00
2021-01-22 16:55:50 +02:00
err := runIntegrationArtifactDeploy ( & config , nil , & httpClient )
if assert . NoError ( t , err ) {
t . Run ( "check url" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "https://demo/api/v1/DeployIntegrationDesigntimeArtifact?Id='flow1'&Version='1.0.1'" , httpClient . URL )
} )
t . Run ( "check method" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "POST" , httpClient . Method )
} )
2021-01-12 13:17:42 +02:00
} )
t . Run ( "Failed case of Integration Flow Deploy Test" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
2021-01-22 16:55:50 +02:00
config := integrationArtifactDeployOptions {
2021-01-12 13:17:42 +02:00
Host : "https://demo" ,
OAuthTokenProviderURL : "https://demo/oauth/token" ,
Username : "demouser" ,
Password : "******" ,
IntegrationFlowID : "flow1" ,
IntegrationFlowVersion : "1.0.1" ,
Platform : "cf" ,
2021-01-22 16:55:50 +02:00
httpClient := httpMockCpis { CPIFunction : "IntegrationArtifactDeploy" , ResponseBody : ` ` , TestType : "Negative" }
err := runIntegrationArtifactDeploy ( & config , nil , & httpClient )
2021-01-12 13:17:42 +02:00
assert . EqualError ( t , err , "HTTP POST request to https://demo/api/v1/DeployIntegrationDesigntimeArtifact?Id='flow1'&Version='1.0.1' failed with error: Internal Server Error" )
} )
type httpMockCpis struct {
Method string
URL string
Header map [ string ] [ ] string
ResponseBody string
Options piperhttp . ClientOptions
StatusCode int
CPIFunction string
TestType string
func ( c * httpMockCpis ) SetOptions ( options piperhttp . ClientOptions ) {
c . Options = options
func ( c * httpMockCpis ) SendRequest ( method string , url string , r io . Reader , header http . Header , cookies [ ] * http . Cookie ) ( * http . Response , error ) {
c . Method = method
c . URL = url
if r != nil {
_ , err := ioutil . ReadAll ( r )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
if c . Options . Token == "" {
c . ResponseBody = "{\r\n\t\t\t\"access_token\": \"demotoken\",\r\n\t\t\t\"token_type\": \"Bearer\",\r\n\t\t\t\"expires_in\": 3600,\r\n\t\t\t\"scope\": \"\"\r\n\t\t}"
c . StatusCode = 200
res := http . Response {
StatusCode : c . StatusCode ,
Header : c . Header ,
Body : ioutil . NopCloser ( bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( c . ResponseBody ) ) ) ,
return & res , nil
2021-02-17 10:59:56 +02:00
if c . CPIFunction == "" {
c . CPIFunction = cpi . GetCPIFunctionNameByURLCheck ( url , method , c . TestType )
resp , error := cpi . GetCPIFunctionMockResponse ( c . CPIFunction , c . TestType )
c . CPIFunction = ""
return resp , error
2021-01-12 13:17:42 +02:00
return cpi . GetCPIFunctionMockResponse ( c . CPIFunction , c . TestType )