2021-03-17 08:08:33 +01:00
package cmd
import (
2023-01-11 11:59:09 +01:00
2021-03-17 08:08:33 +01:00
sliceUtils "github.com/SAP/jenkins-library/pkg/piperutils"
type executedExecutables struct {
executable string
params [ ] string
type newmanExecuteMockUtils struct {
// *mock.ExecMockRunner
// *mock.FilesMock
errorOnGlob bool
errorOnNewmanInstall bool
errorOnRunShell bool
errorOnNewmanExecution bool
errorOnLoggingNode bool
errorOnLoggingNpm bool
executedExecutables [ ] executedExecutables
filesToFind [ ] string
commandIndex int
func newNewmanExecuteMockUtils ( ) newmanExecuteMockUtils {
return newmanExecuteMockUtils {
filesToFind : [ ] string { "localFile.json" , "localFile2.json" } ,
func TestRunNewmanExecute ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
allFineConfig := newmanExecuteOptions {
NewmanCollection : "**.json" ,
NewmanEnvironment : "env.json" ,
NewmanGlobals : "globals.json" ,
NewmanInstallCommand : "npm install newman --global --quiet" ,
NewmanRunCommand : "run {{.NewmanCollection}} --environment {{.Config.NewmanEnvironment}} --globals {{.Config.NewmanGlobals}} --reporters junit,html --reporter-junit-export target/newman/TEST-{{.CollectionDisplayName}}.xml --reporter-html-export target/newman/TEST-{{.CollectionDisplayName}}.html" ,
t . Run ( "happy path" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
// init
utils := newNewmanExecuteMockUtils ( )
// test
err := runNewmanExecute ( & allFineConfig , & utils )
// assert
assert . NoError ( t , err )
assert . Contains ( t , utils . executedExecutables , executedExecutables { executable : "node" , params : [ ] string { "--version" } } )
assert . Contains ( t , utils . executedExecutables , executedExecutables { executable : "npm" , params : [ ] string { "--version" } } )
assert . Contains ( t , utils . executedExecutables , executedExecutables { executable : "npm" , params : [ ] string { "install" , "newman" , "--global" , "--quiet" , "--prefix=~/.npm-global" } } )
2021-10-18 15:01:51 +02:00
assert . Contains ( t , utils . executedExecutables , executedExecutables { executable : filepath . FromSlash ( "/home/node/.npm-global/bin/newman" ) , params : [ ] string { "run" , "localFile.json" , "--environment" , "env.json" , "--globals" , "globals.json" , "--reporters" , "junit,html" , "--reporter-junit-export" , "target/newman/TEST-localFile.xml" , "--reporter-html-export" , "target/newman/TEST-localFile.html" , "--suppress-exit-code" } } )
assert . Contains ( t , utils . executedExecutables , executedExecutables { executable : filepath . FromSlash ( "/home/node/.npm-global/bin/newman" ) , params : [ ] string { "run" , "localFile2.json" , "--environment" , "env.json" , "--globals" , "globals.json" , "--reporters" , "junit,html" , "--reporter-junit-export" , "target/newman/TEST-localFile2.xml" , "--reporter-html-export" , "target/newman/TEST-localFile2.html" , "--suppress-exit-code" } } )
2021-03-17 08:08:33 +01:00
} )
t . Run ( "happy path with fail on error" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
// init
utils := newNewmanExecuteMockUtils ( )
fineConfig := allFineConfig
fineConfig . FailOnError = true
// test
err := runNewmanExecute ( & fineConfig , & utils )
// assert
assert . NoError ( t , err )
assert . Contains ( t , utils . executedExecutables , executedExecutables { executable : "node" , params : [ ] string { "--version" } } )
assert . Contains ( t , utils . executedExecutables , executedExecutables { executable : "npm" , params : [ ] string { "--version" } } )
assert . Contains ( t , utils . executedExecutables , executedExecutables { executable : "npm" , params : [ ] string { "install" , "newman" , "--global" , "--quiet" , "--prefix=~/.npm-global" } } )
2021-10-18 15:01:51 +02:00
assert . Contains ( t , utils . executedExecutables , executedExecutables { executable : filepath . FromSlash ( "/home/node/.npm-global/bin/newman" ) , params : [ ] string { "run" , "localFile.json" , "--environment" , "env.json" , "--globals" , "globals.json" , "--reporters" , "junit,html" , "--reporter-junit-export" , "target/newman/TEST-localFile.xml" , "--reporter-html-export" , "target/newman/TEST-localFile.html" } } )
assert . Contains ( t , utils . executedExecutables , executedExecutables { executable : filepath . FromSlash ( "/home/node/.npm-global/bin/newman" ) , params : [ ] string { "run" , "localFile2.json" , "--environment" , "env.json" , "--globals" , "globals.json" , "--reporters" , "junit,html" , "--reporter-junit-export" , "target/newman/TEST-localFile2.xml" , "--reporter-html-export" , "target/newman/TEST-localFile2.html" } } )
2021-03-17 08:08:33 +01:00
} )
t . Run ( "error on newman execution" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
// init
utils := newNewmanExecuteMockUtils ( )
utils . errorOnNewmanExecution = true
// test
err := runNewmanExecute ( & allFineConfig , & utils )
// assert
assert . EqualError ( t , err , "The execution of the newman tests failed, see the log for details.: error on newman execution" )
} )
t . Run ( "error on newman installation" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
// init
utils := newNewmanExecuteMockUtils ( )
utils . errorOnNewmanInstall = true
// test
err := runNewmanExecute ( & allFineConfig , & utils )
// assert
assert . EqualError ( t , err , "error installing newman: error on newman install" )
} )
t . Run ( "error on npm version logging" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
// init
utils := newNewmanExecuteMockUtils ( )
utils . errorOnLoggingNpm = true
// test
err := runNewmanExecute ( & allFineConfig , & utils )
// assert
assert . EqualError ( t , err , "error logging npm version: error on RunExecutable" )
} )
t . Run ( "error on template resolution" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
// init
utils := newNewmanExecuteMockUtils ( )
config := allFineConfig
config . NewmanRunCommand = "this is my erroneous command {{.collectionDisplayName}"
// test
err := runNewmanExecute ( & config , & utils )
// assert
assert . EqualError ( t , err , "could not parse newman command template: template: template:1: unexpected \"}\" in operand" )
} )
t . Run ( "error on file search" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
// init
utils := newNewmanExecuteMockUtils ( )
utils . filesToFind = nil
// test
err := runNewmanExecute ( & allFineConfig , & utils )
// assert
assert . EqualError ( t , err , "no collection found with pattern '**.json'" )
} )
t . Run ( "no newman file" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
// init
utils := newNewmanExecuteMockUtils ( )
utils . errorOnGlob = true
// test
err := runNewmanExecute ( & allFineConfig , & utils )
// assert
assert . EqualError ( t , err , "Could not execute global search for '**.json': error on Glob" )
} )
func TestDefineCollectionDisplayName ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
t . Run ( "normal path" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
path := filepath . Join ( "dir1" , "dir2" , "fancyFile.txt" )
result := defineCollectionDisplayName ( path )
assert . Equal ( t , "dir1_dir2_fancyFile" , result )
} )
t . Run ( "directory" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
path := filepath . Join ( "dir1" , "dir2" , "dir3" )
result := defineCollectionDisplayName ( path )
assert . Equal ( t , "dir1_dir2_dir3" , result )
} )
t . Run ( "directory with dot prefix" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
path := filepath . Join ( ".dir1" , "dir2" , "dir3" , "file.json" )
result := defineCollectionDisplayName ( path )
assert . Equal ( t , "dir1_dir2_dir3_file" , result )
} )
t . Run ( "empty path" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
path := filepath . Join ( "." )
result := defineCollectionDisplayName ( path )
assert . Equal ( t , "" , result )
} )
func TestResolveTemplate ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
t . Run ( "nothing to replace" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
// config := newmanExecuteOptions{NewmanRunCommand: "this is my fancy command"}
config := newmanExecuteOptions { RunOptions : [ ] string { "this" , "is" , "my" , "fancy" , "command" } }
cmd , err := resolveTemplate ( & config , "collectionsDisplayName" )
assert . NoError ( t , err )
assert . Equal ( t , [ ] string { "this" , "is" , "my" , "fancy" , "command" } , cmd )
} )
t . Run ( "replace display name" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
config := newmanExecuteOptions { RunOptions : [ ] string { "this" , "is" , "my" , "fancy" , "command" , "{{.CollectionDisplayName}}" } }
cmd , err := resolveTemplate ( & config , "theDisplayName" )
assert . NoError ( t , err )
assert . Equal ( t , [ ] string { "this" , "is" , "my" , "fancy" , "command" , "theDisplayName" } , cmd )
2023-01-11 11:59:09 +01:00
} )
t . Run ( "get environment variable" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
temporaryEnvVarName := uuid . New ( ) . String ( )
os . Setenv ( temporaryEnvVarName , "myEnvVar" )
defer os . Unsetenv ( temporaryEnvVarName )
config := newmanExecuteOptions { RunOptions : [ ] string { "this" , "is" , "my" , "fancy" , "command" , "with" , "--env-var" , "{{getenv \"" + temporaryEnvVarName + "\"}}" } }
cmd , err := resolveTemplate ( & config , "collectionsDisplayName" )
assert . NoError ( t , err )
assert . Equal ( t , [ ] string { "this" , "is" , "my" , "fancy" , "command" , "with" , "--env-var" , "myEnvVar" } , cmd )
2021-03-17 08:08:33 +01:00
} )
t . Run ( "error when parameter cannot be resolved" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
config := newmanExecuteOptions { RunOptions : [ ] string { "this" , "is" , "my" , "fancy" , "command" , "{{.collectionDisplayName}}" } }
_ , err := resolveTemplate ( & config , "theDisplayName" )
assert . EqualError ( t , err , "error on executing template: template: template:1:2: executing \"template\" at <.collectionDisplayName>: can't evaluate field collectionDisplayName in type cmd.TemplateConfig" )
} )
t . Run ( "error when template cannot be parsed" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
config := newmanExecuteOptions { RunOptions : [ ] string { "this" , "is" , "my" , "fancy" , "command" , "{{.collectionDisplayName}" } }
_ , err := resolveTemplate ( & config , "theDisplayName" )
assert . EqualError ( t , err , "could not parse newman command template: template: template:1: unexpected \"}\" in operand" )
} )
func TestLogVersions ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
t . Run ( "happy path" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
utils := newNewmanExecuteMockUtils ( )
err := logVersions ( & utils )
assert . NoError ( t , err )
assert . Contains ( t , utils . executedExecutables , executedExecutables { executable : "npm" , params : [ ] string { "--version" } } )
} )
t . Run ( "error in node execution" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
utils := newNewmanExecuteMockUtils ( )
utils . errorOnLoggingNode = true
err := logVersions ( & utils )
assert . EqualError ( t , err , "error logging node version: error on RunExecutable" )
} )
t . Run ( "error in npm execution" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
utils := newNewmanExecuteMockUtils ( )
utils . errorOnLoggingNpm = true
err := logVersions ( & utils )
assert . EqualError ( t , err , "error logging npm version: error on RunExecutable" )
assert . Contains ( t , utils . executedExecutables , executedExecutables { executable : "node" , params : [ ] string { "--version" } } )
} )
func ( e * newmanExecuteMockUtils ) Glob ( string ) ( matches [ ] string , err error ) {
if e . errorOnGlob {
return nil , errors . New ( "error on Glob" )
return e . filesToFind , nil
func ( e * newmanExecuteMockUtils ) RunExecutable ( executable string , params ... string ) error {
if e . errorOnRunShell {
return errors . New ( "error on RunExecutable" )
if e . errorOnLoggingNode && executable == "node" && params [ 0 ] == "--version" {
return errors . New ( "error on RunExecutable" )
if e . errorOnLoggingNpm && executable == "npm" && params [ 0 ] == "--version" {
return errors . New ( "error on RunExecutable" )
if e . errorOnNewmanExecution && strings . Contains ( executable , "newman" ) {
return errors . New ( "error on newman execution" )
if e . errorOnNewmanInstall && sliceUtils . ContainsString ( params , "install" ) {
return errors . New ( "error on newman install" )
length := len ( e . executedExecutables )
if length < e . commandIndex + 1 {
e . executedExecutables = append ( e . executedExecutables , executedExecutables { } )
length ++
e . executedExecutables [ length - 1 ] . executable = executable
e . executedExecutables [ length - 1 ] . params = params
e . commandIndex ++
return nil
func ( e * newmanExecuteMockUtils ) Getenv ( key string ) string {
if key == "HOME" {
return "/home/node"
return ""