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package helper
import (
// StepData defines the metadata for a step, like step descriptions, parameters, ...
type ContextDefaultData struct {
Metadata ContextDefaultMetadata `json:"metadata"`
Parameters []ContextDefaultParameters `json:"params"`
// StepMetadata defines the metadata for a step, like step descriptions, parameters, ...
type ContextDefaultMetadata struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Description string `json:"description"`
LongDescription string `json:"longDescription,omitempty"`
// StepParameters defines the parameters for a step
type ContextDefaultParameters struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Description string `json:"description"`
// ReadPipelineStepData loads step definition in yaml format
func (m *ContextDefaultData) readPipelineContextDefaultData(metadata io.ReadCloser) {
defer metadata.Close()
content, err := ioutil.ReadAll(metadata)
err = yaml.Unmarshal(content, &m)
func (c *ContextDefaultData) readContextDefaultMap() map[string]string {
var m map[string]string = make(map[string]string)
for _, param := range c.Parameters {
m[param.Name] = param.Description
return m
func readContextDefaultDescription(contextDefaultPath string) map[string]string {
//read context default description
var ContextDefaultData ContextDefaultData
contextDefaultFile, err := os.Open(contextDefaultPath)
defer contextDefaultFile.Close()
return ContextDefaultData.readContextDefaultMap()
// generates the step documentation and replaces the template with the generated documentation
func generateStepDocumentation(stepData config.StepData, docTemplatePath string) {
docTemplateFilePath := fmt.Sprintf("%v%v.md", docTemplatePath, stepData.Metadata.Name)
//check if template exists otherwise print No Template found
if _, err := os.Stat(docTemplateFilePath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
fmt.Printf("No Template found for Step: %v \n", stepData.Metadata.Name)
content := readAndAdjustTemplate(docTemplateFilePath)
// binding of functions and placeholder
funcMap := template.FuncMap{
"docGenDescription": docGenDescription,
"docGenStepName": docGenStepName,
"docGenParameters": docGenParameters,
"docGenConfiguration": docGenConfiguration,
"docJenkinsPluginDependencies": docJenkinsPluginDependencies,
tmpl, err := template.New("doc").Funcs(funcMap).Parse(content)
// add secrets, context defaults to the step parameters
//overwrite existing file
docFile, err := os.OpenFile(docTemplateFilePath, os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
defer docFile.Close()
//write executed template data to the previously opened file
err = tmpl.Execute(docFile, stepData)
fmt.Printf("Documentation generation complete for: %v\n", stepData.Metadata.Name)
func setDefaultStepParameters(stepData *config.StepData) {
for k, param := range stepData.Spec.Inputs.Parameters {
if param.Default == nil {
switch param.Type {
case "bool":
param.Default = "false"
} else {
switch param.Type {
case "string":
param.Default = fmt.Sprintf("\"%v\"", param.Default)
case "bool":
boolVal := "false"
if param.Default.(bool) == true {
boolVal = "true"
param.Default = boolVal
stepData.Spec.Inputs.Parameters[k] = param
func readAndAdjustTemplate(docTemplateFilePath string) string {
fmt.Printf("Open template: %v\n", docTemplateFilePath)
docFile, err := os.Open(docTemplateFilePath)
defer docFile.Close()
//read template content
content, err := ioutil.ReadAll(docFile)
contentStr := string(content)
//replace old placeholder with new ones
contentStr = strings.ReplaceAll(contentStr, "${docGenStepName}", "{{docGenStepName .}}")
contentStr = strings.ReplaceAll(contentStr, "${docGenConfiguration}", "{{docGenConfiguration .}}")
contentStr = strings.ReplaceAll(contentStr, "${docGenParameters}", "{{docGenParameters .}}")
contentStr = strings.ReplaceAll(contentStr, "${docGenDescription}", "{{docGenDescription .}}")
contentStr = strings.ReplaceAll(contentStr, "${docJenkinsPluginDependencies}", "{{docJenkinsPluginDependencies .}}")
return contentStr
// Replaces the docGenDescription placeholder with content from the yaml
func docGenDescription(stepData config.StepData) string {
desc := "Description \n\n"
desc += stepData.Metadata.LongDescription
return desc
// Replaces the docGenStepName placeholder with the content from the yaml
func docGenStepName(stepData config.StepData) string {
return stepData.Metadata.Name
// Replaces the docGenParameters placeholder with the content from the yaml
func docGenParameters(stepData config.StepData) string {
//create step parameter table
parametersTable := createParametersTable(stepData.Spec.Inputs.Parameters)
//create parameters detail section
parametersDetail := createParametersDetail(stepData.Spec.Inputs.Parameters)
return "Parameters\n\n" + parametersTable + parametersDetail
// Replaces the docGenConfiguration placeholder with the content from the yaml
func docGenConfiguration(stepData config.StepData) string {
var conf = "We recommend to define values of step parameters via [config.yml file](../configuration.md). \n\n"
conf += "In following sections of the config.yml the configuration is possible:\n\n"
// create step configuration table
conf += createConfigurationTable(stepData.Spec.Inputs.Parameters)
return conf
// Replaces the docGenConfiguration placeholder with default content
func docJenkinsPluginDependencies(stepData config.StepData) string {
t := "Dependencies \n\n"
t += "The step depends on the following Jenkins plugins \n\n"
t += "* <none> \n\n"
t += "Transitive dependencies are omitted. \n"
t += " \n"
t += "The list might be incomplete. \n"
t += " \n"
t += "Consider using the [ppiper/jenkins-master](https://cloud.docker.com/u/ppiper/repository/docker/ppiper/jenkins-master) \n"
t += "docker image. This images comes with preinstalled plugins. \n\n"
return t
func createParametersTable(parameters []config.StepParameters) string {
var table = "| name | mandatory | default |\n"
table += "| ---- | --------- | ------- |\n"
m := combineEqualParametersTogether(parameters)
for _, param := range parameters {
if v, ok := m[param.Name]; ok {
table += fmt.Sprintf(" | %v | %v | %v | \n ", param.Name, ifThenElse(param.Mandatory && param.Default == nil, "Yes", "No"), v)
delete(m, param.Name)
return table
func createParametersDetail(parameters []config.StepParameters) string {
var detail = "## Details\n"
var m map[string]bool = make(map[string]bool)
for _, param := range parameters {
if _, ok := m[param.Name]; !ok {
if len(param.Description) > 0 {
detail += fmt.Sprintf(" * ` %v ` : %v \n ", param.Name, param.Description)
m[param.Name] = true
return detail
//combines equal parameters and the values
func combineEqualParametersTogether(parameters []config.StepParameters) map[string]string {
var m map[string]string = make(map[string]string)
for _, param := range parameters {
if _, ok := m[param.Name]; ok {
if param.Conditions != nil {
for _, con := range param.Conditions {
if con.Params != nil {
for _, p := range con.Params {
m[param.Name] = fmt.Sprintf("%v <br> %v=%v:%v ", m[param.Name], p.Name, p.Value, param.Default)
} else {
if param.Conditions != nil {
m[param.Name] = ""
for _, con := range param.Conditions {
if con.Params != nil {
for _, p := range con.Params {
m[param.Name] += fmt.Sprintf("%v=%v:%v", p.Name, p.Value, param.Default)
} else {
m[param.Name] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", param.Default)
return m
func createConfigurationTable(parameters []config.StepParameters) string {
var table = "| parameter | general | step/stage |\n"
table += "|-----------|---------|------------|\n"
for _, param := range parameters {
if len(param.Scope) > 0 {
general := contains(param.Scope, "GENERAL")
step := contains(param.Scope, "STEPS")
table += fmt.Sprintf(" | %v | %v | %v | \n ", param.Name, ifThenElse(general, "X", ""), ifThenElse(step, "X", ""))
return table
func handleStepParameters(stepData *config.StepData) {
//add secrets to pstep arameters
//get the context defaults
context := getDocuContextDefaults(stepData)
if len(context) > 0 {
contextDefaultPath := "pkg/generator/helper/piper-context-defaults.yaml"
mCD := readContextDefaultDescription(contextDefaultPath)
//create StepParemeters items for context defaults
for k, v := range context {
if len(v) > 0 {
stepData.Spec.Inputs.Parameters = append(stepData.Spec.Inputs.Parameters, config.StepParameters{Name: k, Default: v, Mandatory: false, Description: mCD[k]})
//Sort Parameters
func appendSecretsToParameters(stepData *config.StepData) {
secrets := stepData.Spec.Inputs.Secrets
if secrets != nil {
for _, secret := range secrets {
item := config.StepParameters{Name: secret.Name, Type: secret.Type, Description: secret.Description, Mandatory: true}
stepData.Spec.Inputs.Parameters = append(stepData.Spec.Inputs.Parameters, item)
func getDocuContextDefaults(m *config.StepData) map[string]string {
var result map[string]string = make(map[string]string)
//creates the context defaults for containers
if len(m.Spec.Containers) > 0 {
keys := []string{}
resources := map[string][]string{}
for _, container := range m.Spec.Containers {
key := ""
if len(container.Conditions) > 0 {
key = fmt.Sprintf("%v=%v", container.Conditions[0].Params[0].Name, container.Conditions[0].Params[0].Value)
if len(container.Command) > 0 {
keys = append(keys, key+"_containerCommand")
if m.Metadata.Name == "dockerExecuteOnKubernetes" {
keys = append(keys, key+"_containerName")
keys = append(keys, key+"_containerShell")
keys = append(keys, key+"_dockerEnvVars")
keys = append(keys, key+"_dockerImage")
keys = append(keys, key+"_dockerName")
keys = append(keys, key+"_dockerPullImage")
keys = append(keys, key+"_dockerWorkspace")
workingDir := ifThenElse(len(container.WorkingDir) > 0, container.WorkingDir, "\\<empty\\>")
resources[key+"_containerShell"] = append(resources[key+"_containerShell"], container.Shell)
resources[key+"_dockerName"] = append(resources[key+"_dockerName"], container.Name)
//Only for Step: dockerExecuteOnKubernetes
if m.Metadata.Name == "dockerExecuteOnKubernetes" {
resources[key+"_containerName"] = append(resources[key+"_containerName"], container.Name)
//ContainerCommand > 0
if len(container.Command) > 0 {
resources[key+"_containerCommand"] = append(resources[key+"_containerCommand"], container.Command[0])
//ImagePullPolicy > 0
if len(container.ImagePullPolicy) > 0 {
resources[key+"_dockerPullImage"] = []string{fmt.Sprintf("%v", container.ImagePullPolicy != "Never")}
//Different when key is set (Param.Name + Param.Value)
if len(key) > 0 {
resources[key+"_dockerEnvVars"] = append(resources[key+"_dockerEnvVars"], fmt.Sprintf("%v:\\[%v\\]", key, strings.Join(envVarsAsStringSlice(container.EnvVars), "")))
resources[key+"_dockerImage"] = append(resources[key+"_dockerImage"], fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", key, container.Image))
resources[key+"_dockerWorkspace"] = append(resources[key+"_dockerWorkspace"], fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", key, workingDir))
} else {
resources[key+"_dockerEnvVars"] = append(resources[key+"_dockerEnvVars"], fmt.Sprintf("%v", strings.Join(envVarsAsStringSlice(container.EnvVars), "")))
resources[key+"_dockerImage"] = append(resources[key+"_dockerImage"], container.Image)
resources[key+"_dockerWorkspace"] = append(resources[key+"_dockerWorkspace"], workingDir)
// Ready command not relevant for main runtime container so far
//p[] = container.ReadyCommand
for _, key := range keys {
s := strings.Split(key, "_")
if len(strings.Join(resources[key], ", ")) > 1 {
result[s[1]] += fmt.Sprintf("%v <br>", strings.Join(resources[key], ", "))
} else if len(strings.Join(resources[key], ", ")) == 1 {
if _, ok := result[s[1]]; !ok {
result[s[1]] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", strings.Join(resources[key], ", "))
//creates the context defaults for sidecars
if len(m.Spec.Sidecars) > 0 {
if len(m.Spec.Sidecars[0].Command) > 0 {
result["sidecarCommand"] += m.Spec.Sidecars[0].Command[0]
result["sidecarEnvVars"] = strings.Join(envVarsAsStringSlice(m.Spec.Sidecars[0].EnvVars), "")
result["sidecarImage"] = m.Spec.Sidecars[0].Image
result["sidecarName"] = m.Spec.Sidecars[0].Name
if len(m.Spec.Sidecars[0].ImagePullPolicy) > 0 {
result["sidecarPullImage"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", m.Spec.Sidecars[0].ImagePullPolicy != "Never")
result["sidecarReadyCommand"] = m.Spec.Sidecars[0].ReadyCommand
result["sidecarWorkspace"] = m.Spec.Sidecars[0].WorkingDir
// not filled for now since this is not relevant in Kubernetes case
//p["dockerOptions"] = container.
//p["dockerVolumeBind"] = container.
//root["containerPortMappings"] = m.Spec.Sidecars[0].
//root["sidecarOptions"] = m.Spec.Sidecars[0].
//root["sidecarVolumeBind"] = m.Spec.Sidecars[0].
//creates the context defaults for resources
if len(m.Spec.Inputs.Resources) > 0 {
keys := []string{}
resources := map[string][]string{}
//fill the map with the key (condition) and the values (resource.Name) to combine the conditions under the resource.Name
for _, resource := range m.Spec.Inputs.Resources {
if resource.Type == "stash" {
key := ""
if len(resource.Conditions) > 0 {
key = fmt.Sprintf("%v=%v", resource.Conditions[0].Params[0].Name, resource.Conditions[0].Params[0].Value)
if resources[key] == nil {
keys = append(keys, key)
resources[key] = []string{}
resources[key] = append(resources[key], resource.Name)
for _, key := range keys {
//more than one key when there are conditions
if len(key) > 0 {
result["stashContent"] += fmt.Sprintf("%v:\\[%v\\] <br>", key, strings.Join(resources[key], ", "))
} else {
//single entry for stash content (no condition)
result["stashContent"] += fmt.Sprintf("\\[%v\\] <br>", strings.Join(resources[key], ", "))
return result
func envVarsAsStringSlice(envVars []config.EnvVar) []string {
e := []string{}
c := len(envVars) - 1
for k, v := range envVars {
if k < c {
e = append(e, fmt.Sprintf("%v=%v, <br>", v.Name, ifThenElse(len(v.Value) > 0, v.Value, "\\<empty\\>")))
} else {
e = append(e, fmt.Sprintf("%v=%v", v.Name, ifThenElse(len(v.Value) > 0, v.Value, "\\<empty\\>")))
return e
func sortStepParameters(stepData *config.StepData) {
if stepData.Spec.Inputs.Parameters != nil {
parameters := stepData.Spec.Inputs.Parameters
sort.Slice(parameters[:], func(i, j int) bool {
return parameters[i].Name < parameters[j].Name