2022-02-10 13:25:03 +04:00
package cmd
import (
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2022-07-25 14:14:30 +06:00
2022-02-10 13:25:03 +04:00
2022-07-25 14:14:30 +06:00
2022-02-10 13:25:03 +04:00
2022-07-25 14:14:30 +06:00
type helmMockUtilsBundle struct {
* mock . ExecMockRunner
* mock . FilesMock
* mock . HttpClientMock
func newHelmMockUtilsBundle ( ) helmMockUtilsBundle {
utils := helmMockUtilsBundle {
ExecMockRunner : & mock . ExecMockRunner { } ,
FilesMock : & mock . FilesMock { } ,
HttpClientMock : & mock . HttpClientMock {
FileUploads : map [ string ] string { } ,
} ,
return utils
2022-02-10 13:25:03 +04:00
func TestRunHelmUpgrade ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
testTable := [ ] struct {
config helmExecuteOptions
methodError error
expectedErrStr string
} {
config : helmExecuteOptions {
HelmCommand : "upgrade" ,
} ,
methodError : nil ,
} ,
config : helmExecuteOptions {
HelmCommand : "upgrade" ,
} ,
methodError : errors . New ( "some error" ) ,
expectedErrStr : "failed to execute upgrade: some error" ,
} ,
for i , testCase := range testTable {
t . Run ( fmt . Sprint ( "case " , i ) , func ( t * testing . T ) {
helmExecute := & mocks . HelmExecutor { }
helmExecute . On ( "RunHelmUpgrade" ) . Return ( testCase . methodError )
2022-03-17 20:13:34 +04:00
err := runHelmExecute ( testCase . config , helmExecute )
2022-02-10 13:25:03 +04:00
if err != nil {
assert . Equal ( t , testCase . expectedErrStr , err . Error ( ) )
} )
func TestRunHelmLint ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
testTable := [ ] struct {
config helmExecuteOptions
expectedConfig [ ] string
methodError error
expectedErrStr string
} {
config : helmExecuteOptions {
HelmCommand : "lint" ,
} ,
methodError : nil ,
} ,
config : helmExecuteOptions {
HelmCommand : "lint" ,
} ,
methodError : errors . New ( "some error" ) ,
expectedErrStr : "failed to execute helm lint: some error" ,
} ,
for i , testCase := range testTable {
t . Run ( fmt . Sprint ( "case " , i ) , func ( t * testing . T ) {
helmExecute := & mocks . HelmExecutor { }
helmExecute . On ( "RunHelmLint" ) . Return ( testCase . methodError )
2022-03-17 20:13:34 +04:00
err := runHelmExecute ( testCase . config , helmExecute )
2022-02-10 13:25:03 +04:00
if err != nil {
assert . Equal ( t , testCase . expectedErrStr , err . Error ( ) )
} )
func TestRunHelmInstall ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
testTable := [ ] struct {
config helmExecuteOptions
expectedConfig [ ] string
methodError error
expectedErrStr string
} {
config : helmExecuteOptions {
HelmCommand : "install" ,
} ,
methodError : nil ,
} ,
config : helmExecuteOptions {
HelmCommand : "install" ,
} ,
methodError : errors . New ( "some error" ) ,
expectedErrStr : "failed to execute helm install: some error" ,
} ,
for i , testCase := range testTable {
t . Run ( fmt . Sprint ( "case " , i ) , func ( t * testing . T ) {
helmExecute := & mocks . HelmExecutor { }
helmExecute . On ( "RunHelmInstall" ) . Return ( testCase . methodError )
2022-03-17 20:13:34 +04:00
err := runHelmExecute ( testCase . config , helmExecute )
2022-02-10 13:25:03 +04:00
if err != nil {
assert . Equal ( t , testCase . expectedErrStr , err . Error ( ) )
} )
func TestRunHelmTest ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
testTable := [ ] struct {
config helmExecuteOptions
methodError error
expectedErrStr string
} {
config : helmExecuteOptions {
HelmCommand : "test" ,
} ,
methodError : nil ,
} ,
config : helmExecuteOptions {
HelmCommand : "test" ,
} ,
methodError : errors . New ( "some error" ) ,
expectedErrStr : "failed to execute helm test: some error" ,
} ,
for i , testCase := range testTable {
t . Run ( fmt . Sprint ( "case " , i ) , func ( t * testing . T ) {
helmExecute := & mocks . HelmExecutor { }
helmExecute . On ( "RunHelmTest" ) . Return ( testCase . methodError )
2022-03-17 20:13:34 +04:00
err := runHelmExecute ( testCase . config , helmExecute )
2022-02-10 13:25:03 +04:00
if err != nil {
assert . Equal ( t , testCase . expectedErrStr , err . Error ( ) )
} )
func TestRunHelmUninstall ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
testTable := [ ] struct {
config helmExecuteOptions
methodError error
expectedErrStr string
} {
config : helmExecuteOptions {
HelmCommand : "uninstall" ,
} ,
methodError : nil ,
} ,
config : helmExecuteOptions {
HelmCommand : "uninstall" ,
} ,
methodError : errors . New ( "some error" ) ,
expectedErrStr : "failed to execute helm uninstall: some error" ,
} ,
for i , testCase := range testTable {
t . Run ( fmt . Sprint ( "case " , i ) , func ( t * testing . T ) {
helmExecute := & mocks . HelmExecutor { }
helmExecute . On ( "RunHelmUninstall" ) . Return ( testCase . methodError )
2022-03-17 20:13:34 +04:00
err := runHelmExecute ( testCase . config , helmExecute )
2022-02-10 13:25:03 +04:00
if err != nil {
assert . Equal ( t , testCase . expectedErrStr , err . Error ( ) )
} )
2022-03-30 10:18:51 +04:00
func TestRunHelmDependency ( t * testing . T ) {
2022-02-10 13:25:03 +04:00
t . Parallel ( )
testTable := [ ] struct {
config helmExecuteOptions
methodError error
expectedErrStr string
} {
config : helmExecuteOptions {
2022-03-30 10:18:51 +04:00
HelmCommand : "dependency" ,
2022-02-10 13:25:03 +04:00
} ,
methodError : nil ,
} ,
config : helmExecuteOptions {
2022-03-30 10:18:51 +04:00
HelmCommand : "dependency" ,
2022-02-10 13:25:03 +04:00
} ,
methodError : errors . New ( "some error" ) ,
2022-03-30 10:18:51 +04:00
expectedErrStr : "failed to execute helm dependency: some error" ,
2022-02-10 13:25:03 +04:00
} ,
for i , testCase := range testTable {
t . Run ( fmt . Sprint ( "case " , i ) , func ( t * testing . T ) {
helmExecute := & mocks . HelmExecutor { }
2022-03-30 10:18:51 +04:00
helmExecute . On ( "RunHelmDependency" ) . Return ( testCase . methodError )
2022-02-10 13:25:03 +04:00
2022-03-17 20:13:34 +04:00
err := runHelmExecute ( testCase . config , helmExecute )
2022-02-10 13:25:03 +04:00
if err != nil {
assert . Equal ( t , testCase . expectedErrStr , err . Error ( ) )
} )
func TestRunHelmPush ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
testTable := [ ] struct {
config helmExecuteOptions
methodError error
expectedErrStr string
} {
config : helmExecuteOptions {
2022-03-17 20:13:34 +04:00
HelmCommand : "publish" ,
2022-02-10 13:25:03 +04:00
} ,
methodError : nil ,
} ,
config : helmExecuteOptions {
2022-03-17 20:13:34 +04:00
HelmCommand : "publish" ,
2022-02-10 13:25:03 +04:00
} ,
methodError : errors . New ( "some error" ) ,
2022-03-17 20:13:34 +04:00
expectedErrStr : "failed to execute helm publish: some error" ,
2022-02-10 13:25:03 +04:00
} ,
for i , testCase := range testTable {
t . Run ( fmt . Sprint ( "case " , i ) , func ( t * testing . T ) {
helmExecute := & mocks . HelmExecutor { }
2022-03-17 20:13:34 +04:00
helmExecute . On ( "RunHelmPublish" ) . Return ( testCase . methodError )
2022-02-10 13:25:03 +04:00
2022-03-17 20:13:34 +04:00
err := runHelmExecute ( testCase . config , helmExecute )
2022-02-10 13:25:03 +04:00
if err != nil {
assert . Equal ( t , testCase . expectedErrStr , err . Error ( ) )
} )
2022-03-17 20:13:34 +04:00
func TestRunHelmDefaultCommand ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
testTable := [ ] struct {
config helmExecuteOptions
methodLintError error
methodPackageError error
methodPublishError error
expectedErrStr string
} {
config : helmExecuteOptions {
HelmCommand : "" ,
} ,
methodLintError : nil ,
methodPackageError : nil ,
methodPublishError : nil ,
} ,
config : helmExecuteOptions {
HelmCommand : "" ,
} ,
methodLintError : errors . New ( "some error" ) ,
expectedErrStr : "failed to execute helm lint: some error" ,
} ,
config : helmExecuteOptions {
HelmCommand : "" ,
} ,
methodPackageError : errors . New ( "some error" ) ,
2022-03-30 10:18:51 +04:00
expectedErrStr : "failed to execute helm dependency: some error" ,
2022-03-17 20:13:34 +04:00
} ,
config : helmExecuteOptions {
HelmCommand : "" ,
} ,
methodPublishError : errors . New ( "some error" ) ,
expectedErrStr : "failed to execute helm publish: some error" ,
} ,
for i , testCase := range testTable {
t . Run ( fmt . Sprint ( "case " , i ) , func ( t * testing . T ) {
helmExecute := & mocks . HelmExecutor { }
helmExecute . On ( "RunHelmLint" ) . Return ( testCase . methodLintError )
2022-03-30 10:18:51 +04:00
helmExecute . On ( "RunHelmDependency" ) . Return ( testCase . methodPackageError )
2022-03-17 20:13:34 +04:00
helmExecute . On ( "RunHelmPublish" ) . Return ( testCase . methodPublishError )
err := runHelmExecute ( testCase . config , helmExecute )
if err != nil {
assert . Equal ( t , testCase . expectedErrStr , err . Error ( ) )
} )
2022-07-25 14:14:30 +06:00
func TestParseAndRenderCPETemplate ( t * testing . T ) {
commonPipelineEnvironment := "commonPipelineEnvironment"
valuesYaml := [ ] byte ( `
image : "image_1"
tag : { { cpe "artifactVersion" } }
` )
values1Yaml := [ ] byte ( `
image : "image_2"
tag : { { cpe "artVersion" } }
` )
values3Yaml := [ ] byte ( `
image : "image_3"
tag : { { . CPE . artVersion
` )
values4Yaml := [ ] byte ( `
image : "test-image"
tag : { { imageTag "test-image" } }
` )
tmpDir := t . TempDir ( )
require . DirExists ( t , tmpDir )
err := os . Mkdir ( path . Join ( tmpDir , commonPipelineEnvironment ) , 0700 )
require . NoError ( t , err )
cpe := piperenv . CPEMap {
"artifactVersion" : "1.0.0-123456789" ,
"container/imageNameTags" : [ ] string { "test-image:1.0.0-123456789" } ,
err = cpe . WriteToDisk ( tmpDir )
require . NoError ( t , err )
defaultValueFile := "values.yaml"
config := helmExecuteOptions {
ChartPath : "." ,
tt := [ ] struct {
name string
defaultValueFile string
config helmExecuteOptions
expectedErr error
valueFile [ ] byte
} {
name : "'artifactVersion' file exists in CPE" ,
defaultValueFile : defaultValueFile ,
config : config ,
expectedErr : nil ,
valueFile : valuesYaml ,
} ,
name : "'artVersion' file does not exist in CPE" ,
defaultValueFile : defaultValueFile ,
config : config ,
expectedErr : nil ,
valueFile : values1Yaml ,
} ,
name : "Good template ({{ imageTag 'test-image' }})" ,
defaultValueFile : defaultValueFile ,
config : config ,
expectedErr : nil ,
valueFile : values4Yaml ,
} ,
name : "Wrong template ({{ .CPE.artVersion)" ,
defaultValueFile : defaultValueFile ,
config : config ,
expectedErr : fmt . Errorf ( "failed to parse template: failed to parse cpe template '\nimage: \"image_3\"\ntag: {{ .CPE.artVersion\n': template: cpetemplate:4: unclosed action started at cpetemplate:3" ) ,
valueFile : values3Yaml ,
} ,
name : "Multiple value files" ,
defaultValueFile : defaultValueFile ,
config : helmExecuteOptions {
ChartPath : "." ,
HelmValues : [ ] string { "./values_1.yaml" , "./values_2.yaml" } ,
} ,
expectedErr : nil ,
valueFile : valuesYaml ,
} ,
name : "No value file is provided" ,
defaultValueFile : "" ,
config : helmExecuteOptions {
ChartPath : "." ,
HelmValues : [ ] string { } ,
} ,
expectedErr : fmt . Errorf ( "no value file to proccess, please provide value file(s)" ) ,
valueFile : valuesYaml ,
} ,
name : "Wrong path to value file" ,
defaultValueFile : defaultValueFile ,
config : helmExecuteOptions {
ChartPath : "." ,
HelmValues : [ ] string { "wrong/path/to/values_1.yaml" } ,
} ,
expectedErr : fmt . Errorf ( "failed to read file: could not read 'wrong/path/to/values_1.yaml'" ) ,
valueFile : valuesYaml ,
} ,
for _ , test := range tt {
t . Run ( test . name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
utils := newHelmMockUtilsBundle ( )
utils . AddFile ( fmt . Sprintf ( "%s/%s" , config . ChartPath , test . defaultValueFile ) , test . valueFile )
if len ( test . config . HelmValues ) == 2 {
for _ , value := range test . config . HelmValues {
utils . AddFile ( value , test . valueFile )
err := parseAndRenderCPETemplate ( test . config , tmpDir , utils )
if test . expectedErr != nil {
assert . EqualError ( t , err , test . expectedErr . Error ( ) )
} else {
assert . NoError ( t , err )
} )