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package cmd
import (
type configCommandOptions struct {
output string //output format, so far only JSON
parametersJSON string //parameters to be considered in JSON format
stepMetadata string //metadata to be considered, can be filePath or ENV containing JSON in format 'ENV:MY_ENV_VAR'
stepName string
contextConfig bool
openFile func(s string) (io.ReadCloser, error)
var configOptions configCommandOptions
// ConfigCommand is the entry command for loading the configuration of a pipeline step
func ConfigCommand() *cobra.Command {
configOptions.openFile = config.OpenPiperFile
var createConfigCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "getConfig",
Short: "Loads the project 'Piper' configuration respecting defaults and parameters.",
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) error {
return generateConfig()
return createConfigCmd
func generateConfig() error {
var myConfig config.Config
var stepConfig config.StepConfig
var metadata config.StepData
metadataFile, err := configOptions.openFile(configOptions.stepMetadata)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "metadata: open failed")
err = metadata.ReadPipelineStepData(metadataFile)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "metadata: read failed")
var customConfig io.ReadCloser
exists, e := piperutils.FileExists(GeneralConfig.CustomConfig)
if e != nil {
return e
if exists {
customConfig, err = configOptions.openFile(GeneralConfig.CustomConfig)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "config: open failed")
defaultConfig, paramFilter, err := defaultsAndFilters(&metadata, metadata.Metadata.Name)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "defaults: retrieving step defaults failed")
for _, f := range GeneralConfig.DefaultConfig {
fc, err := configOptions.openFile(f)
// only create error for non-default values
if err != nil && f != ".pipeline/defaults.yaml" {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "config: getting defaults failed: '%v'", f)
defaultConfig = append(defaultConfig, fc)
var flags map[string]interface{}
params := []config.StepParameters{}
if !configOptions.contextConfig {
params = metadata.Spec.Inputs.Parameters
stepConfig, err = myConfig.GetStepConfig(flags, GeneralConfig.ParametersJSON, customConfig, defaultConfig, paramFilter, params, GeneralConfig.StageName, metadata.Metadata.Name)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "getting step config failed")
myConfigJSON, _ := config.GetJSON(stepConfig.Config)
return nil
func addConfigFlags(cmd *cobra.Command) {
//ToDo: support more output options, like https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/overview/#formatting-output
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&configOptions.output, "output", "json", "Defines the output format")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&configOptions.parametersJSON, "parametersJSON", os.Getenv("PIPER_parametersJSON"), "Parameters to be considered in JSON format")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&configOptions.stepMetadata, "stepMetadata", "", "Step metadata, passed as path to yaml")
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&configOptions.contextConfig, "contextConfig", false, "Defines if step context configuration should be loaded instead of step config")
func defaultsAndFilters(metadata *config.StepData, stepName string) ([]io.ReadCloser, config.StepFilters, error) {
if configOptions.contextConfig {
defaults, err := metadata.GetContextDefaults(stepName)
if err != nil {
return nil, config.StepFilters{}, errors.Wrap(err, "metadata: getting context defaults failed")
return []io.ReadCloser{defaults}, metadata.GetContextParameterFilters(), nil
//ToDo: retrieve default values from metadata
return nil, metadata.GetParameterFilters(), nil