To authenticate you need to provide `PIPER_vaultAppRoleID` and `PIPER_vaultAppRoleSecretID` if you use app role authentication or `PIPER_vaultToken` if you use token authentication.
When running a step via the Jenkins library you can use Jenkins credentials for pass this values. Use `vaultAppRoleTokenCredentialsId` and `vaultAppRoleSecretTokenCredentialsId` or `vaultTokenCredentialsId` in your `config.yml`.
Vault can be used with piper to fetch any credentials, e.g. when they need to be appended to custom piper extensions or when they need to be appended to test command. The configuration for Vault general purpose credentials can be added to **any** piper golang-based step. The configuration has to be done as follows:
The `vaultCredentialPath` parameter is the endpoint of your credential path in Vault. Depending on your _general_ config, the lookup for the credential IDs will be done in the following order respectively locations. The first path with found general purpose credentials will be used.
The `vaultCredentialKeys`parameter is a list of credential IDs. The secret value of the credential will be exposed as an environment variable prefixed by "PIPER_VAULTCREDENTIAL_" and transformed to a valid variable name. For a credential ID named `myAppId` the forwarded environment variable to the step will be `PIPER_VAULTCREDENTIAL_MYAPPID` containing the secret. The Base64 encoded secret value will be exposed as environment variable to the step as `PIPER_VAULTCREDENTIAL_MYAPPID_BASE64`. Hyphens will be replaced by underscores and other non-alphanumeric characters will be removed.
Vault can be used with piper to fetch any credentials, e.g. when they need to be appended to test command. The configuration for Vault test credentials can be added to **any** piper golang-based step. The configuration has to be done as follows:
The `vaultTestCredentialPath` parameter is the endpoint of your credential path in vault. Depending on your _general_ config, the lookup for the credential IDs will be done in the following order respectively locations. The first path with found test credentials will be used.
The `vaultTestCredentialKeys`parameter is a list of credential IDs. The secret value of the credential will be exposed as an environment variable prefixed by "PIPER_TESTCREDENTIAL_" and transformed to a valid variable name. For a credential ID named `myAppId` the forwarded environment variable to the step will be `PIPER_TESTCREDENTIAL_MYAPPID` containing the secret. Hyphens will be replaced by underscores and other non-alphanumeric characters will be removed.