mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 15:02:35 +02:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/docGeneration' into docGeneration
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ cache:
# Travis Lifecycle: https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/job-lifecycle#the-job-lifecycle
# Travis Stages: https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/build-stages/
# Travis Conditions: https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/conditional-builds-stages-jobs
# Travis GHPages deploy provider: https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/deployment/pages/
- stage: Tests
@ -28,33 +29,22 @@ jobs:
- JACOCO_SOURCE_PATH="src vars test" ./cc-test-reporter format-coverage target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml --input-type jacoco
- ./cc-test-reporter upload-coverage
- name: Docs Build
if: type = pull_request
install: docker pull squidfunk/mkdocs-material:3.0.4
- |
cp -r documentation/docs documentation/docs-tmp
documentation/bin/createDocu.sh vars documentation/docs-tmp/steps
docker run --rm -it -v ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}:/docs -w /docs/documentation squidfunk/mkdocs-material:3.0.4 build --clean --verbose --strict
- name: Consumer Tests
if: repo = "SAP/jenkins-library" && ( (type != pull_request && branch =~ /^master$|^it\/.*$/) || (type == pull_request && head_repo = "SAP/jenkins-library" && head_branch =~ /^it\/.*$/) )
script: cd consumer-test && chmod +x integrationTestController.sh && ./integrationTestController.sh
- stage: Docs
name: Deploy
if: repo = "SAP/jenkins-library" AND branch = master AND NOT type = pull_request
- docker pull squidfunk/mkdocs-material:3.0.4
- |
echo "Found change on master: Deployment of documentation"
openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_12c8071d2874_key -iv $encrypted_12c8071d2874_iv -in cfg/id_rsa.enc -out "${PRIVATE_KEY}" -d
chmod a+x gh-pages-deploy.sh
cp -r documentation/docs documentation/docs-tmp
documentation/bin/createDocu.sh vars documentation/docs-tmp/steps
script: docker run --rm -it --entrypoint "./gh-pages-deploy.sh" -e "TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG=${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}" -v ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}:/docs -w /docs squidfunk/mkdocs-material:3.0.4
# TODO: make use of GHPages deploy provider: https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/deployment/pages/
# slack:
# secure: UYzfd4QYLtAX39r8LzV1dYp7cKMhYRRjI/xswMEkR+RgdMWxVPPH3kcsNLwkdNGSPn1b8Aidz8YLss9JolrepWjwI283dK8EUthZAOw03+PmL5X/3nOJ7aGv0sxwYqF5ypltBrerTf6jtPUTcQdtao+0O8bgnzShc6nWWE4MLXonjOm1pZLRUo81un+0bzm8C2ABIeHC6xuZCRycXP5u1mW1nDLK3900uY1rxIDTSZKEzA0IzLQhE9uROvI1r48fW8cKJQQjMMO5PPorq+0eDl2YTE8rQr9ldvuRE7A/ubsOQR0N5F8iAv1JTZXuXGt62fw6eKDQ1h94suEk7X+baV0EwlfhsHXcI1MxRFwxNSr9k1WaVFfA4TrM8XYBAcW3JGRA51ZK3q4EcjpuxpupaA7kZDtH53W7ePzH2TIp6yknln1q+yfcsP7cGv38sSKpKwOyMgAPRElkZzcoo31kw/PLzKPXYJEovRqx/0lWzczbFSscsroNaGCavC02++bUnyUXW2W+PG4gDSBFVZjtrvTPKnZ6DpHXV97x6xC/CzyhFj/Nf+ao/J9IIfocnc4vXJojwS550KIvM7xCDJwa/+29dajj2l6dQqrcOe3UT3O5UGU9I0KkGEDMfkLOD71eRy58qiYz3y953e52DvvzWQJbvfuk8ubMO+Fmn4GyRz8=
name: Build & Deploy
install: docker pull squidfunk/mkdocs-material:3.0.4
before_script: documentation/bin/createDocu.sh
script: docker run --rm -it -v ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/documentation:/docs squidfunk/mkdocs-material:3.0.4 build --clean --strict
branch: master
provider: pages
skip_cleanup: true
github_token: ${GITHUB_TOKEN}
name: 'Travis CI Publisher'
local_dir: 'documentation/docs-gen'
keep_history: true
#verbose: true
@ -1,41 +1,17 @@
# transportRequestRelease
# ${docGenStepName}
## Description
Releases a Transport Request.
## ${docGenDescription}
## Prerequisites
* **[Change Management Client 2.0.0 or compatible version](http://central.maven.org/maven2/com/sap/devops/cmclient/dist.cli/)** - available for download on Maven Central.
## Parameters
## ${docGenParameters}
| parameter | mandatory | default | possible values |
| -----------------|-----------|--------------------------------------------------------|--------------------|
| `script` | yes | | |
| `changeDocumentId` | `SOLMAN` only | | |
| `transportRequestId`| yes | | |
| `changeManagement/changeDocumentLabel` | no | `ChangeDocument\s?:` | regex pattern |
| `changeManagment/transportRequestLabel` | no | `TransportRequest\s?:` | regex pattern |
| `changeManagement/credentialsId` | yes | | |
| `changeManagement/endpoint` | yes | | |
| `changeManagement/git/from` | no | `origin/master` | |
| `changeManagement/git/to` | no | `HEAD` | |
| `changeManagement/git/format` | no | `%b` | see `git log --help` |
| `changeManagement/type` | no | `SOLMAN` | `SOLMAN`, `CTS` |
* `script` - The common script environment of the Jenkinsfile running. Typically the reference to the script calling the pipeline step is provided with the `this` parameter, as in `script: this`. This allows the function to access the [`commonPipelineEnvironment`](commonPipelineEnvironment.md) for retrieving, for example, configuration parameters.
* `changeDocumentId` - for `SOLMAN` only. The id of the change document related to the transport request to release.
* `transportRequestId` - The id of the transport request to release.
* `changeManagement/changeDocumentLabel` - for `SOLMAN` only. A pattern used for identifying lines holding the change document id.
* `changeManagment/transportRequestLabel` - A pattern used for identifying lines holding the transport request id.
* `changeManagement/credentialsId` - The credentials to connect to the service endpoint (Solution Manager, ABAP System).
* `changeManagement/endpoint` - The service endpoint (Solution Manager, ABAP System).
* `changeManagement/git/from` - The starting point for retrieving the change document id and/or transport request id
* `changeManagement/git/to` - The end point for retrieving the change document id and/or transport request id
* `changeManagement/git/format` - Specifies what part of the commit is scanned. By default the body of the commit message is scanned.
## ${docGenConfiguration}
## Step configuration
The step is configured using a customer configuration file provided as
resource in an custom shared library.
@ -1,46 +1,14 @@
# transportRequestUploadFile
# ${docGenStepName}
## Description
Uploads a file to a Transport Request.
## ${docGenDescription}
## Prerequisites
* **[Change Management Client 2.0.0 or compatible version](http://central.maven.org/maven2/com/sap/devops/cmclient/dist.cli/)** - available for download on Maven Central.
## Parameters
## ${docGenParameters}
| parameter | mandatory | default | possible values |
| -----------------|-----------|--------------------------------------------------------|--------------------|
| `script` | yes | | |
| `changeDocumentId` | `SOLMAN` only | | |
| `transportRequestId`| yes | | |
| `applicationId` | `SOLMAN` only | | |
| `filePath` | yes | | |
| `changeManagement/credentialsId` | yes | | |
| `changeManagement/endpoint` | yes | | |
| `changeManagement/git/from` | no | `origin/master` | |
| `changeManagement/git/to` | no | `HEAD` | |
| `changeManagement/changeDocumentLabel` | no | `ChangeDocument\s?:` | regex pattern |
| `changeManagement/transportRequestLabel` | no | `TransportRequest\s?:` | regex pattern |
| `changeManagement/git/format` | no | `%b` | see `git log --help` |
| `changeManagement/type` | no | `SOLMAN` | `SOLMAN`, `CTS` |
* `script` - The common script environment of the Jenkinsfile running. Typically the reference to the script calling the pipeline step is provided with the `this` parameter, as in `script: this`. This allows the function to access the [`commonPipelineEnvironment`](commonPipelineEnvironment.md) for retrieving, for example, configuration parameters.
* `changeDocumentId` - For type `SOLMAN` only. The id of the change document related to the transport request to release. Typically provided via commit history.
* `transportRequestId` - The id of the transport request to release. Typically provided via commit history.
* `applicationId` - For type `SOLMAN` only. The id of the application.
* `filePath` - The path of the file to upload.
* `changeManagement/credentialsId` - The credentials to connect to the service endpoint (Solution Manager, ABAP System).
* `changeManagement/endpoint` - The service endpoint (Solution Manager, ABAP System).
* `changeManagement/git/from` - The starting point for retrieving the change document id and/or transport request id
* `changeManagement/git/to` - The end point for retrieving the change document id and/or transport request id
* `changeManagement/changeDocumentLabel` - For type `SOLMAN` only. A pattern used for identifying lines holding the change document id.
* `changeManagement/transportRequestLabel` - A pattern used for identifying lines holding the transport request id.
* `changeManagement/type` Where/how the transport request is created (via SAP Solution Manager, ABAP).
* `changeManagement/git/format` - Specifies what part of the commit is scanned. By default the body of the commit message is scanned.
## Step configuration
## ${docGenConfiguration}
The step is configured using a customer configuration file provided as
resource in an custom shared library.
@ -65,6 +65,5 @@ markdown_extensions:
- 'css/extra.css'
edit_uri: edit/master/documentation/docs
docs_dir: docs-tmp
site_dir: docs-gen
repo_url: https://github.com/SAP/jenkins-library
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
chmod 600 "${PRIVATE_KEY}"
eval `ssh-agent -s`
ssh-add "${PRIVATE_KEY}"
mkdir ~/.ssh
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
ssh-keyscan github.com >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
git config user.name "Travis CI Publisher"
git remote add docu "git@github.com:$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG.git";
git fetch docu gh-pages:gh-pages
echo "Pushing to gh-pages of repository $TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG"
cd documentation
mkdocs gh-deploy -v --clean --remote-name docu
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import static com.sap.piper.Prerequisites.checkScript
import com.sap.piper.Utils
import groovy.transform.Field
import com.sap.piper.GenerateDocumentation
import com.sap.piper.ConfigurationHelper
import com.sap.piper.cm.BackendType
import com.sap.piper.cm.ChangeManagement
@ -19,15 +20,60 @@ import static com.sap.piper.cm.StepHelpers.getBackendTypeAndLogInfoIfCMIntegrati
* @see checkChangeInDevelopment
* @parentConfigKey changeManagement
* @see checkChangeInDevelopment
* @parentConfigKey changeManagement
* @see checkChangeInDevelopment
* @parentConfigKey changeManagement
* @see checkChangeInDevelopment
* @parentConfigKey changeManagement
* @see checkChangeInDevelopment
* @parentConfigKey changeManagement
* @see checkChangeInDevelopment
* @parentConfigKey changeManagement
* @see transportRequestCreate
* @parentConfigKey changeManagement
* @see transportRequestCreate
* @parentConfigKey changeManagement
/** @see transportRequestCreate */
/** The id of the transport request to release. */
/** @see transportRequestCreate */
/** Releases a Transport Request. */
void call(parameters = [:]) {
handlePipelineStepErrors (stepName: STEP_NAME, stepParameters: parameters) {
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import static com.sap.piper.Prerequisites.checkScript
import com.sap.piper.Utils
import groovy.transform.Field
import com.sap.piper.GenerateDocumentation
import com.sap.piper.ConfigurationHelper
import com.sap.piper.cm.ChangeManagement
import com.sap.piper.cm.BackendType
@ -17,25 +18,91 @@ import static com.sap.piper.cm.StepHelpers.getBackendTypeAndLogInfoIfCMIntegrati
@Field def STEP_NAME = getClass().getName()
* @see checkChangeInDevelopment
* @parentConfigKey changeManagement
* Defines where the transport request is created, e.g. SAP Solution Manager, ABAP System.
* @parentConfigKey changeManagement
* @possibleValues `SOLMAN`, `CTS`, `RFC`
* @see checkChangeInDevelopment
* @parentConfigKey changeManagement
* @see checkChangeInDevelopment
* @parentConfigKey changeManagement
* @see checkChangeInDevelopment
* @parentConfigKey changeManagement
* @see checkChangeInDevelopment
* @parentConfigKey changeManagement
* @see checkChangeInDevelopment
* @parentConfigKey changeManagement
* @see checkChangeInDevelopment
* @parentConfigKey changeManagement
* @see transportRequestCreate
* @parentConfigKey changeManagement
* @see transportRequestCreate
* @parentConfigKey changeManagement
* A pattern used for identifying lines holding the transport request id.
* @parentConfigKey changeManagement
'applicationName', // RFC
/** The id of the application. Only for `SOLMAN`.*/
'applicationId', // SOLMAN
/** The path of the file to upload.*/
'filePath', // SOLMAN, CTS
/** The URL where to find the UI5 package to upload to the transport request. Only for `RFC`. */
'applicationUrl', // RFC
/** The ABAP package name of your application. */
/** The code page of your ABAP system. E.g. UTF-8. */
'codePage', //RFC
'acceptUnixStyleLineEndings', // RFC
/** @see transportRequestCreate */
'verbose', // RFC
/** @see transportRequestCreate */
/** The id of the transport request to upload the file.*/
/** Uploads a file to a Transport Request. */
void call(parameters = [:]) {
handlePipelineStepErrors (stepName: STEP_NAME, stepParameters: parameters) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user