diff --git a/documentation/bin/createDocu.groovy b/documentation/bin/createDocu.groovy
index bccb56cfa..83bce877d 100644
--- a/documentation/bin/createDocu.groovy
+++ b/documentation/bin/createDocu.groovy
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class Helper {
static getConfigHelper(classLoader, roots, script) {
def compilerConfig = new CompilerConfiguration()
- compilerConfig.setClasspathList( roots )
+ compilerConfig.setClasspathList( roots )
new GroovyClassLoader(classLoader, compilerConfig, true)
.parseClass(new File(projectRoot, 'src/com/sap/piper/ConfigurationHelper.groovy'))
@@ -210,114 +210,114 @@ class Helper {
f.eachLine {
line ->
- if(line ==~ /.*dependingOn.*/) {
- def dependentConfigKey = (line =~ /.*dependingOn\('(.*)'\).mixin\('(.*)'/)[0][1]
- def configKey = (line =~ /.*dependingOn\('(.*)'\).mixin\('(.*)'/)[0][2]
- if(! step.dependentConfig[configKey]) {
- step.dependentConfig[configKey] = []
+ if(line ==~ /.*dependingOn.*/) {
+ def dependentConfigKey = (line =~ /.*dependingOn\('(.*)'\).mixin\('(.*)'/)[0][1]
+ def configKey = (line =~ /.*dependingOn\('(.*)'\).mixin\('(.*)'/)[0][2]
+ if(! step.dependentConfig[configKey]) {
+ step.dependentConfig[configKey] = []
+ }
+ step.dependentConfig[configKey] << dependentConfigKey
- step.dependentConfig[configKey] << dependentConfigKey
- }
- if(docuEnd) {
- docuEnd = false
+ if(docuEnd) {
+ docuEnd = false
- if(isHeader(line)) {
- def _docu = []
- docuLines.each { _docu << it }
- _docu = Helper.trim(_docu)
- step.description = _docu.join('\n')
- } else {
+ if(isHeader(line)) {
+ def _docu = []
+ docuLines.each { _docu << it }
+ _docu = Helper.trim(_docu)
+ step.description = _docu.join('\n')
+ } else {
- def param = retrieveParameterName(line)
+ def param = retrieveParameterName(line)
- if(!param) {
- throw new RuntimeException('Cannot retrieve parameter for a comment')
+ if(!param) {
+ throw new RuntimeException('Cannot retrieve parameter for a comment')
+ }
+ def _docu = [], _value = [], _mandatory = [], _parentObject = []
+ docuLines.each { _docu << it }
+ valueLines.each { _value << it }
+ mandatoryLines.each { _mandatory << it }
+ parentObjectLines.each { _parentObject << it }
+ _parentObject << param
+ param = _parentObject*.trim().join('/').trim()
+ if(step.parameters[param].docu || step.parameters[param].value)
+ System.err << "[WARNING] There is already some documentation for parameter '${param}. Is this parameter documented twice?'\n"
+ step.parameters[param].docu = _docu*.trim().join(' ').trim()
+ step.parameters[param].value = _value*.trim().join(' ').trim()
+ step.parameters[param].mandatory = _mandatory*.trim().join(' ').trim()
+ }
+ docuLines.clear()
+ valueLines.clear()
+ mandatoryLines.clear()
+ parentObjectLines.clear()
+ }
+ if( line.trim() ==~ /^\/\*\*.*/ ) {
+ docu = true
+ }
+ if(docu) {
+ def _line = line
+ _line = _line.replaceAll('^\\s*', '') // leading white spaces
+ if(_line.startsWith('/**')) _line = _line.replaceAll('^\\/\\*\\*', '') // start comment
+ if(_line.startsWith('*/') || _line.trim().endsWith('*/')) _line = _line.replaceAll('^\\*/', '').replaceAll('\\*/\\s*$', '') // end comment
+ if(_line.startsWith('*')) _line = _line.replaceAll('^\\*', '') // continue comment
+ if(_line.startsWith(' ')) _line = _line.replaceAll('^\\s', '')
+ if(_line ==~ /.*@possibleValues.*/) {
+ mandatory = false // should be something like reset attributes
+ value = true
+ parentObject = false
+ }
+ // some remark for mandatory e.g. some parameters are only mandatory under certain conditions
+ if(_line ==~ /.*@mandatory.*/) {
+ value = false // should be something like reset attributes ...
+ mandatory = true
+ parentObject = false
+ }
+ // grouping config properties within a parent object for easier readability
+ if(_line ==~ /.*@parentConfigKey.*/) {
+ value = false // should be something like reset attributes ...
+ mandatory = false
+ parentObject = true
- def _docu = [], _value = [], _mandatory = [], _parentObject = []
- docuLines.each { _docu << it }
- valueLines.each { _value << it }
- mandatoryLines.each { _mandatory << it }
- parentObjectLines.each { _parentObject << it }
- _parentObject << param
- param = _parentObject*.trim().join('/').trim()
+ if(value) {
+ if(_line) {
+ _line = (_line =~ /.*@possibleValues\s*?(.*)/)[0][1]
+ valueLines << _line
+ }
+ }
- if(step.parameters[param].docu || step.parameters[param].value)
- System.err << "[WARNING] There is already some documentation for parameter '${param}. Is this parameter documented twice?'\n"
+ if(mandatory) {
+ if(_line) {
+ _line = (_line =~ /.*@mandatory\s*?(.*)/)[0][1]
+ mandatoryLines << _line
+ }
+ }
- step.parameters[param].docu = _docu*.trim().join(' ').trim()
- step.parameters[param].value = _value*.trim().join(' ').trim()
- step.parameters[param].mandatory = _mandatory*.trim().join(' ').trim()
+ if(parentObject) {
+ if(_line) {
+ _line = (_line =~ /.*@parentConfigKey\s*?(.*)/)[0][1]
+ parentObjectLines << _line
+ }
+ }
+ if(!value && !mandatory && !parentObject) {
+ docuLines << _line
+ }
- docuLines.clear()
- valueLines.clear()
- mandatoryLines.clear()
- parentObjectLines.clear()
- }
- if( line.trim() ==~ /^\/\*\*.*/ ) {
- docu = true
- }
- if(docu) {
- def _line = line
- _line = _line.replaceAll('^\\s*', '') // leading white spaces
- if(_line.startsWith('/**')) _line = _line.replaceAll('^\\/\\*\\*', '') // start comment
- if(_line.startsWith('*/') || _line.trim().endsWith('*/')) _line = _line.replaceAll('^\\*/', '').replaceAll('\\*/\\s*$', '') // end comment
- if(_line.startsWith('*')) _line = _line.replaceAll('^\\*', '') // continue comment
- if(_line.startsWith(' ')) _line = _line.replaceAll('^\\s', '')
- if(_line ==~ /.*@possibleValues.*/) {
- mandatory = false // should be something like reset attributes
- value = true
- parentObject = false
- }
- // some remark for mandatory e.g. some parameters are only mandatory under certain conditions
- if(_line ==~ /.*@mandatory.*/) {
- value = false // should be something like reset attributes ...
- mandatory = true
- parentObject = false
- }
- // grouping config properties within a parent object for easier readability
- if(_line ==~ /.*@parentConfigKey.*/) {
- value = false // should be something like reset attributes ...
+ if(docu && line.trim() ==~ /^.*\*\//) {
+ docu = false
+ value = false
mandatory = false
- parentObject = true
+ parentObject = false
+ docuEnd = true
- if(value) {
- if(_line) {
- _line = (_line =~ /.*@possibleValues\s*?(.*)/)[0][1]
- valueLines << _line
- }
- }
- if(mandatory) {
- if(_line) {
- _line = (_line =~ /.*@mandatory\s*?(.*)/)[0][1]
- mandatoryLines << _line
- }
- }
- if(parentObject) {
- if(_line) {
- _line = (_line =~ /.*@parentConfigKey\s*?(.*)/)[0][1]
- parentObjectLines << _line
- }
- }
- if(!value && !mandatory && !parentObject) {
- docuLines << _line
- }
- }
- if(docu && line.trim() ==~ /^.*\*\//) {
- docu = false
- value = false
- mandatory = false
- parentObject = false
- docuEnd = true
- }
@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ class Helper {
roots = [
new File(Helper.projectRoot, "vars").getAbsolutePath(),
new File(Helper.projectRoot, "src").getAbsolutePath()
- ]
stepsDir = null
stepsDocuDir = null
@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ if(args.length >= 3 && args[2].contains('.yml')) {
if(args.length >= 3)
steps = (args as List).drop(argsDrop) // the first two entries are stepsDir and docuDir
- // the other parts are considered as step names
+// the other parts are considered as step names
// assign parameters
@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ def fetchMandatoryFrom(def step, def parameterName, def steps) {
def fetchPossibleValuesFrom(def step, def parameterName, def steps) {
- return steps[step]?.parameters[parameterName]?.value ?: ''
+ return steps[step]?.parameters[parameterName]?.value ?: ''
def handleStep(stepName, prepareDefaultValuesStep, gse, customDefaults) {
@@ -578,8 +578,8 @@ def handleStep(stepName, prepareDefaultValuesStep, gse, customDefaults) {
prepareDefaultValuesStepParams.customDefaults = customDefaults
def defaultConfig = Helper.getConfigHelper(getClass().getClassLoader(),
- roots,
- Helper.getDummyScript(prepareDefaultValuesStep, stepName, prepareDefaultValuesStepParams)).use()
+ roots,
+ Helper.getDummyScript(prepareDefaultValuesStep, stepName, prepareDefaultValuesStepParams)).use()
def params = [] as Set
@@ -605,10 +605,10 @@ def handleStep(stepName, prepareDefaultValuesStep, gse, customDefaults) {
def compatibleParams = [] as Set
if(parentObjectMappings) {
params.each {
- if (parentObjectMappings[it])
- compatibleParams.add(parentObjectMappings[it] + '/' + it)
- else
- compatibleParams.add(it)
+ if (parentObjectMappings[it])
+ compatibleParams.add(parentObjectMappings[it] + '/' + it)
+ else
+ compatibleParams.add(it)
if (compatibleParams)
params = compatibleParams
@@ -623,16 +623,16 @@ def handleStep(stepName, prepareDefaultValuesStep, gse, customDefaults) {
// ... would be better if there is no special handling required ...
step.parameters['script'] = [
- docu: 'The common script environment of the Jenkinsfile running. ' +
- 'Typically the reference to the script calling the pipeline ' +
- 'step is provided with the this parameter, as in `script: this`. ' +
- 'This allows the function to access the ' +
- 'commonPipelineEnvironment for retrieving, for example, configuration parameters.',
- required: true,
+ docu: 'The common script environment of the Jenkinsfile running. ' +
+ 'Typically the reference to the script calling the pipeline ' +
+ 'step is provided with the this parameter, as in `script: this`. ' +
+ 'This allows the function to access the ' +
+ 'commonPipelineEnvironment for retrieving, for example, configuration parameters.',
+ required: true,
- STEP_CONFIG: false
- ]
+ STEP_CONFIG: false
+ ]
// END special handling for 'script' parameter
@@ -643,9 +643,9 @@ def handleStep(stepName, prepareDefaultValuesStep, gse, customDefaults) {
def defaultValue = Helper.getValue(defaultConfig, it.split('/'))
def parameterProperties = [
- defaultValue: defaultValue,
- required: requiredParameters.contains((it as String)) && defaultValue == null
- ]
+ defaultValue: defaultValue,
+ required: requiredParameters.contains((it as String)) && defaultValue == null
+ ]
step.parameters.put(it, parameterProperties)
diff --git a/documentation/docs/steps/detectExecuteScan.md b/documentation/docs/steps/detectExecuteScan.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e92b1db5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/docs/steps/detectExecuteScan.md
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# ${docGenStepName}
+## ${docGenDescription}
+## Prerequsites
+You need to store the API token for the Detect service as _'Secret text'_ credential in your Jenkins system.
+!!! note "minimum plugin requirement"
+ This step requires [synopsys-detect-plugin](https://github.com/jenkinsci/synopsys-detect-plugin) with at least version `2.0.0`.
+## Example
+detectExecuteScan script: this, scanProperties: ['--logging.level.com.synopsys.integration=TRACE']
+## ${docGenParameters}
+## ${docGenConfiguration}
diff --git a/resources/default_pipeline_environment.yml b/resources/default_pipeline_environment.yml
index 26af56c35..1bb4c467c 100644
--- a/resources/default_pipeline_environment.yml
+++ b/resources/default_pipeline_environment.yml
@@ -177,6 +177,27 @@ steps:
- 'tests'
testReportFilePath: 'cst-report.json'
+ detectExecuteScan:
+ detect:
+ projectVersion: '1'
+ scanners:
+ - signature
+ scanPaths:
+ - '.'
+ scanProperties:
+ - '--blackduck.signature.scanner.memory=4096'
+ - '--blackduck.timeout=6000'
+ - '--blackduck.trust.cert=true'
+ - '--detect.policy.check.fail.on.severities=BLOCKER,CRITICAL,MAJOR'
+ - '--detect.report.timeout=4800'
+ - '--logging.level.com.synopsys.integration=DEBUG'
+ stashContent:
+ - 'buildDescriptor'
+ - 'checkmarx'
+ # buildTool specific settings
+ golang:
+ dockerImage: 'golang:1.12-stretch'
+ dockerWorkspace: ''
dockerPullImage: true
sidecarPullImage: true
diff --git a/test/groovy/DetectExecuteScanTest.groovy b/test/groovy/DetectExecuteScanTest.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..800e68d35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/groovy/DetectExecuteScanTest.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+import org.junit.Before
+import org.junit.Rule
+import org.junit.Test
+import org.junit.rules.RuleChain
+import util.BasePiperTest
+import util.JenkinsCredentialsRule
+import util.JenkinsDockerExecuteRule
+import util.JenkinsReadYamlRule
+import util.JenkinsShellCallRule
+import util.JenkinsStepRule
+import util.Rules
+import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.containsString
+import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.is
+import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.allOf
+import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.hasItem
+import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.not
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat
+class DetectExecuteScanTest extends BasePiperTest {
+ private JenkinsDockerExecuteRule dockerRule = new JenkinsDockerExecuteRule(this)
+ private JenkinsShellCallRule shellRule = new JenkinsShellCallRule(this)
+ private JenkinsStepRule stepRule = new JenkinsStepRule(this)
+ private String detectProperties = ''
+ @Rule
+ public RuleChain rules = Rules
+ .getCommonRules(this)
+ .around(new JenkinsReadYamlRule(this))
+ .around(shellRule)
+ .around(dockerRule)
+ .around(stepRule)
+ .around(new JenkinsCredentialsRule(this)
+ .withCredentials('testCredentials', 'testToken')
+ )
+ @Before
+ void init() {
+ detectProperties = ''
+ helper.registerAllowedMethod('synopsys_detect', [String.class], {s ->
+ detectProperties = s
+ })
+ }
+ @Test
+ void testDetectDefault() {
+ stepRule.step.detectExecuteScan([
+ apiTokenCredentialsId: 'testCredentials',
+ projectName: 'testProject',
+ serverUrl: 'https://test.blackducksoftware.com',
+ juStabUtils: utils,
+ script: nullScript
+ ])
+ //ToDo: assert unstashing
+ assertThat(detectProperties, containsString("--detect.project.name='testProject'"))
+ assertThat(detectProperties, containsString("--detect.project.version.name='1'"))
+ assertThat(detectProperties, containsString("--blackduck.url=https://test.blackducksoftware.com"))
+ assertThat(detectProperties, containsString("--blackduck.api.token=testToken"))
+ assertThat(detectProperties, containsString("--detect.blackduck.signature.scanner.paths=."))
+ assertThat(detectProperties, containsString("--blackduck.signature.scanner.memory=4096"))
+ assertThat(detectProperties, containsString("--blackduck.timeout=6000"))
+ assertThat(detectProperties, containsString("--blackduck.trust.cert=true"))
+ assertThat(detectProperties, containsString("--detect.report.timeout=4800"))
+ }
+ @Test
+ void testDetectCustomPaths() {
+ stepRule.step.detectExecuteScan([
+ apiTokenCredentialsId: 'testCredentials',
+ projectName: 'testProject',
+ scanPaths: ['test1/', 'test2/'],
+ serverUrl: 'https://test.blackducksoftware.com',
+ juStabUtils: utils,
+ script: nullScript
+ ])
+ assertThat(detectProperties, containsString("--detect.blackduck.signature.scanner.paths=test1/,test2/"))
+ }
+ @Test
+ void testDetectSourceScanOnly() {
+ stepRule.step.detectExecuteScan([
+ apiTokenCredentialsId: 'testCredentials',
+ projectName: 'testProject',
+ scanners: ['source'],
+ serverUrl: 'https://test.blackducksoftware.com',
+ juStabUtils: utils,
+ script: nullScript
+ ])
+ assertThat(detectProperties, not(containsString("--detect.blackduck.signature.scanner.paths=.")))
+ assertThat(detectProperties, containsString("--detect.source.path=."))
+ }
+ @Test
+ void testDetectGolang() {
+ stepRule.step.detectExecuteScan([
+ buildTool: 'golang',
+ apiTokenCredentialsId: 'testCredentials',
+ projectName: 'testProject',
+ serverUrl: 'https://test.blackducksoftware.com',
+ juStabUtils: utils,
+ script: nullScript
+ ])
+ assertThat(dockerRule.dockerParams.dockerImage, is('golang:1.12-stretch'))
+ assertThat(dockerRule.dockerParams.dockerWorkspace, is(''))
+ assertThat(dockerRule.dockerParams.stashContent, allOf(hasItem('buildDescriptor'),hasItem('checkmarx')))
+ assertThat(shellRule.shell, hasItem('curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golang/dep/master/install.sh | sh'))
+ assertThat(shellRule.shell, hasItem('ln --symbolic $(pwd) $GOPATH/src/hub'))
+ assertThat(shellRule.shell, hasItem('cd $GOPATH/src/hub && dep ensure'))
+ }
+ @Test
+ void testCustomScanProperties() {
+ def detectProps = [
+ '--blackduck.signature.scanner.memory=1024'
+ ]
+ stepRule.step.detectExecuteScan([
+ //scanProperties: detectProps,
+ scanProperties: ['--blackduck.signature.scanner.memory=1024', '--myNewOne'],
+ apiTokenCredentialsId: 'testCredentials',
+ projectName: 'testProject',
+ serverUrl: 'https://test.blackducksoftware.com',
+ juStabUtils: utils,
+ script: nullScript
+ ])
+ assertThat(detectProperties, containsString("--detect.project.name='testProject'"))
+ assertThat(detectProperties, containsString("--detect.project.version.name='1'"))
+ assertThat(detectProperties, containsString("--blackduck.signature.scanner.memory=1024"))
+ assertThat(detectProperties, not(containsString("--blackduck.signature.scanner.memory=4096")))
+ assertThat(detectProperties, not(containsString("--detect.report.timeout=4800")))
+ assertThat(detectProperties, containsString("--myNewOne"))
+ }
diff --git a/vars/detectExecuteScan.groovy b/vars/detectExecuteScan.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bb08c68e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vars/detectExecuteScan.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+import com.sap.piper.GenerateDocumentation
+import com.sap.piper.Utils
+import com.sap.piper.ConfigurationHelper
+import groovy.transform.Field
+import static com.sap.piper.Prerequisites.checkScript
+@Field String STEP_NAME = getClass().getName()
+ 'detect',
+ /**
+ * Jenkins 'Secret text' credentials ID containing the API token used to authenticate with the Synopsis Detect (formerly BlackDuck) Server.
+ * @parentConfigKey detect
+ */
+ 'apiTokenCredentialsId',
+ /**
+ * Defines the tool which is used for building the artifact.
+ * Currently, it is possible to select two behaviors of the step:
+ *
+ * 1. Golang-specific behavior (`buildTool: golang`). Assumption here is that project uses the dependency management tool _dep_
+ * 2. Custom-specific behavior for all other values of `buildTool`
+ *
+ * @possibleValues `golang`, any other build tool
+ */
+ 'buildTool',
+ /**
+ * Name of the Synopsis Detect (formerly BlackDuck) project.
+ * @parentConfigKey detect
+ */
+ 'projectName',
+ /**
+ * Version of the Synopsis Detect (formerly BlackDuck) project.
+ * @parentConfigKey detect
+ */
+ 'projectVersion',
+ /**
+ * List of paths which should be scanned by the Synopsis Detect (formerly BlackDuck) scan.
+ * @parentConfigKey detect
+ */
+ 'scanPaths',
+ /**
+ * Properties passed to the Synopsis Detect (formerly BlackDuck) scan. You can find details in the [Synopsis Detect documentation](https://synopsys.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/INTDOCS/pages/622846/Using+Synopsys+Detect+Properties)
+ * @parentConfigKey detect
+ */
+ 'scanProperties',
+ /**
+ * List of scanners to be used for Synopsis Detect (formerly BlackDuck) scan.
+ * @possibleValues `['signature']`
+ * @parentConfigKey detect
+ */
+ 'scanners',
+ /**
+ * Server url to the Synopsis Detect (formerly BlackDuck) Server.
+ * @parentConfigKey detect
+ */
+ 'serverUrl'
+ /** @see dockerExecute */
+ 'dockerImage',
+ /** @see dockerExecute */
+ 'dockerWorkspace',
+ /** If specific stashes should be considered for the scan, their names need to be passed via the parameter `stashContent`. */
+ 'stashContent'
+ detect: [
+ apiTokenCredentialsId: 'apiTokenCredentialsId',
+ projectName: 'projectName',
+ projectVersion: 'projectVersion',
+ scanners: 'scanners',
+ scanPaths: 'scanPaths',
+ scanProperties: 'scanProperties',
+ serverUrl: 'serverUrl'
+ ]
+ * This step executes [Synopsis Detect](https://synopsys.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/INTDOCS/pages/62423113/Synopsys+Detect) scans.
+ */
+void call(Map parameters = [:]) {
+ handlePipelineStepErrors (stepName: STEP_NAME, stepParameters: parameters) {
+ def script = checkScript(this, parameters) ?: this
+ def utils = parameters.juStabUtils ?: new Utils()
+ // load default & individual configuration
+ Map config = ConfigurationHelper.newInstance(this)
+ .loadStepDefaults()
+ .mixinGeneralConfig(script.commonPipelineEnvironment, GENERAL_CONFIG_KEYS, CONFIG_KEY_COMPATIBILITY)
+ .mixinStepConfig(script.commonPipelineEnvironment, STEP_CONFIG_KEYS,CONFIG_KEY_COMPATIBILITY)
+ .mixinStageConfig(script.commonPipelineEnvironment, parameters.stageName?:env.STAGE_NAME, STEP_CONFIG_KEYS, CONFIG_KEY_COMPATIBILITY)
+ .dependingOn('buildTool').mixin('dockerImage')
+ .dependingOn('buildTool').mixin('dockerWorkspace')
+ .withMandatoryProperty('detect/apiTokenCredentialsId')
+ .withMandatoryProperty('detect/projectName')
+ .withMandatoryProperty('detect/projectVersion')
+ .use()
+ config.stashContent = utils.unstashAll(config.stashContent)
+ script.commonPipelineEnvironment.setInfluxStepData('detect', false)
+ utils.pushToSWA([
+ step: STEP_NAME,
+ stepParamKey1: 'buildTool',
+ stepParam1: config.buildTool ?: 'default'
+ ], config)
+ //prepare Hub Detect execution using package manager
+ switch (config.buildTool) {
+ case 'golang':
+ dockerExecute(script: script, dockerImage: config.dockerImage, dockerWorkspace: config.dockerWorkspace, stashContent: config.stashContent) {
+ sh 'curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golang/dep/master/install.sh | sh'
+ sh 'ln --symbolic $(pwd) $GOPATH/src/hub'
+ sh 'cd $GOPATH/src/hub && dep ensure'
+ }
+ break
+ default:
+ //no additional tasks are performed
+ echo "[${STEP_NAME}] No preparation steps performed for scan. Please make sure to properly set configuration for `detect.scanProperties`"
+ }
+ withCredentials ([string(
+ credentialsId: config.detect.apiTokenCredentialsId,
+ variable: 'detectApiToken'
+ )]) {
+ def authentication = "--blackduck.api.token=${detectApiToken}"
+ config.detect.scanProperties += [
+ "--detect.project.name='${config.detect.projectName}'",
+ "--detect.project.version.name='${config.detect.projectVersion}'",
+ "--detect.code.location.name='${config.detect.projectName}/${config.detect.projectVersion}'",
+ "--blackduck.url=${config.detect.serverUrl}",
+ ]
+ if ('signature' in config.detect.scanners) [
+ config.detect.scanProperties.add("--detect.blackduck.signature.scanner.paths=${config.detect.scanPaths.join(',')}")
+ ]
+ if ('source' in config.detect.scanners) [
+ config.detect.scanProperties.add("--detect.source.path=${config.detect.scanPaths[0]}")
+ ]
+ def detectProperties = config.detect.scanProperties.join(' ') + " ${authentication}"
+ echo "[${STEP_NAME}] Running with following Detect configuration: ${detectProperties}"
+ synopsys_detect detectProperties
+ script.commonPipelineEnvironment.setInfluxStepData('detect', true)
+ }
+ }