mirror of https://github.com/SAP/jenkins-library.git synced 2025-03-03 15:02:35 +02:00

use configuration framework

This commit is contained in:
Christopher Fenner 2018-02-01 12:57:25 +01:00
parent 134d8e0b50
commit c5188ef1cd

View File

@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
import com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.NonCPS
import com.sap.piper.ConfigurationLoader
import com.sap.piper.ConfigurationMerger
import com.sap.piper.JsonUtils
import com.sap.piper.Utils
def getStepName(){return 'checkResultsPublish'}
import groovy.transform.Field
@Field def STEP_NAME = 'checkResultsPublish'
* checkResultsPublish
@ -9,69 +15,160 @@ def getStepName(){return 'checkResultsPublish'}
* @param others document all parameters
def call(Map parameters = [:]) {
handlePipelineStepErrors (stepName: getStepName(), stepParameters: parameters) {
def tasks = parameters.get('tasks', false)
def aggregation = parameters.get('aggregation', [:])
def doArchive = parameters.get('archive', false)
handlePipelineStepErrors (stepName: STEP_NAME, stepParameters: parameters) {
def script = parameters.script
if (script == null)
script = [commonPipelineEnvironment: commonPipelineEnvironment]
prepareDefaultValues script: script
Map configurationKeys = [
'aggregation': [
'active': null,
'healthy': null,
'unHealthy': null,
'thresholds': [
'fail': ['all': null,'low': null,'normal': null,'high': null],
'unstable': ['all': null,'low': null,'normal': null,'high': null]
'tasks': [
'pattern': null,
'low': null,
'normal': null,
'high': null,
'archive': null,
'active': null,
'healthy': null,
'unHealthy': null,
'thresholds': [
'fail': ['all': null,'low': null,'normal': null,'high': null],
'unstable': ['all': null,'low': null,'normal': null,'high': null]
'pmd': [
'pattern': null,
'archive': null,
'active': null,
'healthy': null,
'unHealthy': null,
'thresholds': [
'fail': ['all': null,'low': null,'normal': null,'high': null],
'unstable': ['all': null,'low': null,'normal': null,'high': null]
'cpd': [
'pattern': null,
'archive': null,
'active': null,
'healthy': null,
'unHealthy': null,
'thresholds': [
'fail': ['all': null,'low': null,'normal': null,'high': null],
'unstable': ['all': null,'low': null,'normal': null,'high': null]
'findbugs': [
'pattern': null,
'archive': null,
'active': null,
'healthy': null,
'unHealthy': null,
'thresholds': [
'fail': ['all': null,'low': null,'normal': null,'high': null],
'unstable': ['all': null,'low': null,'normal': null,'high': null]
'checkstyle': [
'pattern': null,
'archive': null,
'active': null,
'healthy': null,
'unHealthy': null,
'thresholds': [
'fail': ['all': null,'low': null,'normal': null,'high': null],
'unstable': ['all': null,'low': null,'normal': null,'high': null]
'eslint': [
'pattern': null,
'archive': null,
'active': null,
'healthy': null,
'unHealthy': null,
'thresholds': [
'fail': ['all': null,'low': null,'normal': null,'high': null],
'unstable': ['all': null,'low': null,'normal': null,'high': null]
'pylint': [
'pattern': null,
'archive': null,
'active': null,
'healthy': null,
'unHealthy': null,
'thresholds': [
'fail': ['all': null,'low': null,'normal': null,'high': null],
'unstable': ['all': null,'low': null,'normal': null,'high': null]
'archive': null
final Map stepDefaults = ConfigurationLoader.defaultStepConfiguration(script, STEP_NAME)
final Map stepConfiguration = ConfigurationLoader.stepConfiguration(script, STEP_NAME)
Map configuration = ConfigurationMerger.mergeDeepStructure(parameters, configurationKeys, stepConfiguration, configurationKeys, stepDefaults)
def doArchive = configuration.get('archive')
def pmd = parameters.get('pmd', false)
def cpd = parameters.get('cpd', false)
def findbugs = parameters.get('findbugs', false)
def checkstyle = parameters.get('checkstyle', false)
report('PmdPublisher', configuration.get('pmd'), doArchive)
report('DryPublisher', configuration.get('cpd'), doArchive)
report('FindBugsPublisher', configuration.get('findbugs'), doArchive)
report('CheckStylePublisher', configuration.get('checkstyle'), doArchive)
def eslint = parameters.get('eslint', false)
reportWarnings('JSLint', configuration.get('eslint'), doArchive)
def pylint = parameters.get('pylint', false)
// report TODOs
reportTasks(tasks, '**/*.java')
// report PMD
report('PmdPublisher', pmd, '**/target/pmd.xml', doArchive)
// report CPD
report('DryPublisher', cpd, '**/target/cpd.xml', doArchive)
// report Findbugs
report('FindBugsPublisher', findbugs, '**/target/findbugsXml.xml, **/target/findbugs.xml', doArchive)
// report Checkstyle
report('CheckStylePublisher', checkstyle, '**/target/checkstyle-result.xml', doArchive)
// report ESLint
reportWarnings('JSLint', eslint, '**/eslint.xml', doArchive)
// report PyLint
reportWarnings('PyLint', pylint, '**/pylint.log', doArchive)
// aggregate results
reportWarnings('PyLint', configuration.get('pylint'), doArchive)
def aggregate(settings){
if (!Boolean.FALSE.equals(settings)) {
settings = asMap(settings)
if (settings.active) {
def options = createCommonOptionsMap('AnalysisPublisher', settings)
// publish
def report(publisherName, settings, defaultPattern, doArchive){
// exit if set to FALSE
settings = asMap(settings)
def pattern = settings.get('pattern', defaultPattern)
def reportTasks(settings){
if (settings.active) {
def options = createCommonOptionsMap('TasksPublisher', settings)
options.put('pattern', settings.get('pattern'))
options.put('high', settings.get('high'))
options.put('normal', settings.get('normal'))
options.put('low', settings.get('low'))
// publish
def report(publisherName, settings, doArchive){
if (settings.active) {
def pattern = settings.get('pattern')
def options = createCommonOptionsMap(publisherName, settings)
options.put('pattern', pattern)
// publish
// archive check results
archiveResults(doArchive && settings.get('archive', 'true'), pattern, true)
archiveResults(doArchive && settings.get('archive'), pattern, true)
def reportWarnings(parserName, settings, defaultPattern, doArchive){
// exit if set to FALSE
settings = asMap(settings)
def pattern = settings.get('pattern', defaultPattern)
def reportWarnings(parserName, settings, doArchive){
if (settings.active) {
def pattern = settings.get('pattern')
def options = createCommonOptionsMap('WarningsPublisher', settings)
options.put('parserConfigurations', [[
parserName: parserName,
@ -80,21 +177,7 @@ def reportWarnings(parserName, settings, defaultPattern, doArchive){
// publish
// archive check results
archiveResults(doArchive && settings.get('archive', 'true'), pattern, true)
def reportTasks(settings, defaultPattern){
// exit if set to FALSE
settings = asMap(settings)
def options = createCommonOptionsMap('TasksPublisher', settings)
options.put('pattern', settings.get('pattern', defaultPattern))
options.put('high', settings.get('high', 'FIXME'))
options.put('normal', settings.get('normal', 'TODO,REVISE,XXX'))
options.put('low', settings.get('low', ''))
// publish
archiveResults(doArchive && settings.get('archive'), pattern, true)
@ -102,25 +185,29 @@ def reportTasks(settings, defaultPattern){
def ensureMap(parameters, name){
def value = parameters.get(name, [:])
error "Expected parameter ${name} to be a map."
error "[${STEP_NAME}] Expected parameter ${name} to be a map."
return value
def asMap(parameter){
return [:]
return parameter
def isMap(object){
return object in Map
def toMap(parameter, activeByDefault = false){
parameter.put('active', true)
else if(activeByDefault && !Boolean.FALSE.equals(parameter) || Boolean.TRUE.equals(parameter))
parameter = [active: true]
parameter = [active: false]
return parameter
def archiveResults(archive, pattern, allowEmpty){
echo "[${getStepName()}] archive ${pattern}"
echo "[${STEP_NAME}] archive ${pattern}"
archiveArtifacts artifacts: pattern, allowEmptyArchive: allowEmpty
@ -128,22 +215,36 @@ def archiveResults(archive, pattern, allowEmpty){
def createCommonOptionsMap(publisherName, settings){
Map result = [:]
def thresholds = ensureMap(settings, 'thresholds')
def fail = ensureMap(thresholds, 'fail')
def unstable = ensureMap(thresholds, 'unstable')
def thresholds = settings.get('thresholds')
def fail = thresholds.get('fail')
def unstable = thresholds.get('unstable')
result.put('$class', publisherName)
result.put('healthy', settings.get('healthy', ''))
result.put('unHealthy', settings.get('unHealthy', ''))
result.put('healthy', settings.get('healthy'))
result.put('unHealthy', settings.get('unHealthy'))
result.put('canRunOnFailed', true)
result.put('failedTotalAll', '' + fail.get('all', ''))
result.put('failedTotalHigh', '' + fail.get('high', ''))
result.put('failedTotalNormal', '' + fail.get('normal', ''))
result.put('failedTotalLow', '' + fail.get('low', ''))
result.put('unstableTotalAll', '' + unstable.get('all', ''))
result.put('unstableTotalHigh', '' + unstable.get('high', ''))
result.put('unstableTotalNormal', '' + unstable.get('normal', ''))
result.put('unstableTotalLow', '' + unstable.get('low', ''))
result.put('failedTotalAll', '' + fail.get('all'))
result.put('failedTotalHigh', '' + fail.get('high'))
result.put('failedTotalNormal', '' + fail.get('normal'))
result.put('failedTotalLow', '' + fail.get('low'))
result.put('unstableTotalAll', '' + unstable.get('all'))
result.put('unstableTotalHigh', '' + unstable.get('high'))
result.put('unstableTotalNormal', '' + unstable.get('normal'))
result.put('unstableTotalLow', '' + unstable.get('low'))
return result
def prepare(parameters){
// ensure tool maps are initialized
parameters.aggregation = toMap(parameters.aggregation, true)
parameters.tasks = toMap(parameters.tasks)
parameters.pmd = toMap(parameters.pmd)
parameters.cpd = toMap(parameters.cpd)
parameters.findbugs = toMap(parameters.findbugs)
parameters.checkstyle = toMap(parameters.checkstyle)
parameters.eslint = toMap(parameters.eslint)
parameters.pylint = toMap(parameters.pylint)
return parameters