* Add new config mtarName for mtaBuild step
* Remove unnecessary whitespace changes in unit test
* Sort new config & avoid file operation when this config provided
* Modify the test to take the custom name without extension
* Update new config documentation
Co-Authored-By: Christopher Fenner <26137398+CCFenner@users.noreply.github.com>
* custom mta name should be given with mtar extension
* Updated the config documentation
* Streamline url parsing in piperPipelineStageInit
* Remove .git appendix only once
* Improve the regex for parsing urls
now the colon for the port is contained in the port group. This increases the
understandability of the regex.
* Improve the regex for parsing the urls again
now the leading slash of the path is contained in the path group. This increases the
understandability of the regex.
The parameter map is directly handed over from outside into the step via signature of the call method.
The container map is defined as step parameters, not as parameter handed over (only) via the parameters map.
With the current approach only the container map from the parameters is taken into account. In case the
parametersMap is defined elsewhere it is not taken into account.
* [refactoring] condence common coding for cf deploy
Small change beyond refactoring: for mtaDeploy the user is now quoted.
* more general name: logoutAction -> postDeployAction
# Changes
This PR adds a new step: cloudFoundryServiceCreate
There is a cf community plugin [Create-Service-Push](https://github.com/dawu415/CF-CLI-Create-Service-Push-Plugin) available to apply infrastructure as code to Cloud Foundry. The plugin uses a manifest.yml to create services in a targeted CF space.
The proposed step provides an interface to this plugin.
Already done:
- [x] Tests
- [x] Documentation
Further actions:
- a Refactoring: Move varOptions and varsFileOption code into a class and make us of this here and in cloudFoundryDeploy step. -> Is it ok to use the CfManifestUtils, or add it as a new class to variablesubstitiion package?
- enhance the s4sdk cf cli docker image to include the plugin.
* Provide additional opts for cf deploy
Inside cloudFoundyDeploy we use these cf commands
o login
o plugins
o blue-green-deploy
o push
o deploy
o bg-deploy
o stop
o logout
o logout and stop does not provide any options
o plugins provides options (--checksum --outdated) but it is unlikely that
these options can be used in a reasonable way during the deploy process.
o login now uses `loginOpts`
o The other commands uses now `deployOpts`
* provide additional opts also for cf api calls
* Provide more log when verbose
* re-use mtaDeployParameters and adjust names of other params (api, login) accordingly
* Streamline naming
* distinuish between cfNative and mta deploy params
* Add cfNativeDeployParam default
* login and api paramters are not under cloudFoundry
* Back commonPipelineEnvironment step by shared class
Each pipeline step comes with its own instance of a commonPipelineEnvironment.
Properties stored on one instance was not shared with the other instances.
Now we strip down the commonPipelineEnvironment step and forward basically
everything to a shared singleton instance.
With that approach all instances of commonPipelineEnvironment shares the
same data and can now be really used for information exchange between the steps.
Before that change only the commonPipelineEnvironment instance associated with
the pipeline script itself could be used for that purpose.
* Remove unneeded commented line