This step allows to perform a basic health check on an installed application.
It verifies that your app has a simple health endpoint available and that there is no error when calling it.
since now handlePipelineStepError does not return anything anymore we need to put the
corresponding return statement inside createTransportRequest outside the handlinePipelineStepError
* simplify parameter handover
* extract default contaner name and map
* condense pod execution methods
* simplify closure handling
* fix map issue
* simplify
* stash only if needed
* fix test case
It comes with an extension to executeDocker and executeDockerOnKubernetes to run sidecar containers.
This helps to execute Selenium tests using two Docker images:
1. Execution runtime for tests (e.g. node image)
2. Selenium instance which holds Selenium server + browser
* add documentation & some name cleanup
* include PR feedback
* add step documentation to structure
Up to now we had two constructors, one with a Script and the other one with a map holding some defaults.
In case the constructor with the map was called the step name was uninitialized
- there is no need to do the git commit inside the body of sshAgent
- there is no need to do the git tag inside the body of sshAgent
- side catch: availablility of git user name and git user email is
checked at its own. If one is missing the other may be present
~somehow~ in the configuration.
We can now registering files to JenkinsReadYamlRule by
providing the file name alongside with the expected content
(or e.g. an expception)
With that change it is possible to remove pwd statements
from mtaBuild. These statements was used in order to pass
a temporary directory inside the mtaBuild (code under test).
This is not needed anymore since we can register the files
Having pwd implies working with absolute pathes which is
also a no-go when working with docker, since the absolute
pathes inside and outside docker are normally not the same.
For pathes relative to a build root directory it is rather
easy to keep the pathes consistent the same.
Adjust sources according to registering yaml file to jenkins rule.
For mtaBuild this means also: get ride of absolute pathes for denoting the yaml file.
Having absolute pathes makes it difficult/impossible to work also with dockerized versions
of mtaBuild since the absolute pathes are most probably not the same inside and outside
the docker container, but the relatives pathes can be kept the same easily.