mta deploy plugin has flag:
` --no-confirm` which is described as _"Do not require confirmation for deleting the previously deployed MTA apps"_
This flag is essentials for performing fully automated blue-green deployments.
Add reporting of operations-related data to Influx (if configured), like:
* Version of deployed artifact
* Deployment time
* Target infrastructure for deployment
* cloudFoundryDeploy - blue-green plugin extensions
* support blue-green application cleanup with new plugin flag
* enhance error reporting in case no app name is available
* include PR feedback
When we register a closure as file, the closure will be exectutd.
Otherwise we return what is registered.
This gives us a maximum level of flexibility. We can throw exceptions (e.g. FileNotFound) as
as test setup requires this, in simple cases we provide the yaml as a string.
read yaml rule is a very frequently used rule. But having the rule in the common rules
means we cannot register text or files to that rule, which makes it less handy to work
with yaml files in the tests.