We know about two issues:
1.) groovy based file systems checks seems to be executed on Jenkins
master even if there is a node which is dispatched to a slave.
2.) Environment variable contained in the value of a provided
variable are not expanded. Example: In case we describe neoHome like
"$JENKINS_HOME/tools/neo" we do not expand $JENKINS_HOME. Hence the
file exists check for file '$JENKINS_HOME/tools/neo' fails.
The characteristics of a list are
o the order of the entries is significant
o duplicates are allowed
The characteristics of a set are
o the order is not significant
o duplicates are not allowed.
When describing keys for a step the characteristics of a
set applies here, whereas the characteristics of a list does
not apply.
When running on a slave we have to use the Pipeline method fileExists,
using the File class' exist on the absolute path fails.
The neo deployment uses the relative path as well.
The fileExists method is mocked with LesFurets.
Without proper quotation characters with a special semantics
on shell level (e.g. "${}", "!", """ gets escaped on shell level
before handed over to the neo tool.
neoExecutable is surrounded by double quotes since we may have
shell ${variables} inside the groovy variable.
All other variables (user, host, account, password) are surrounded
by single quotes since we do not expect to be variables used here.
The neoExecutable is