import import static groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson COMMIT_HASH = null RUNNING_LOCALLY = false AUXILIARY_SLEEP_MS = 10000 START_TIME_MS = System.currentTimeMillis() WORKSPACES_ROOT = 'workspaces' TEST_CASES_DIR = 'testCases' LIBRARY_VERSION_UNDER_TEST = "git log --format=%H -n 1".execute().text.trim() EXCLUDED_FROM_CONSUMER_TESTING_REGEXES = [ /^documentation\/.*$/, /^.travis.yml$/, /^test\/.*$/ ] newEmptyDir(WORKSPACES_ROOT) TestRunnerThread.workspacesRootDir = WORKSPACES_ROOT TestRunnerThread.libraryVersionUnderTest = LIBRARY_VERSION_UNDER_TEST TestRunnerThread.repositoryUnderTest = System.getenv('TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG') ?: 'SAP/jenkins-library' def testCaseThreads def cli = new CliBuilder( usage: 'groovy consumerTestController.groovy []', header: 'Options:', footer: 'If no options are set, all tests are run centrally, i.e. on travisCI.') cli.with { h longOpt: 'help', 'Print this help text and exit.' l longOpt: 'run-locally', 'Run consumer tests locally in Docker, i.e. skip reporting of GitHub status.' s longOpt: 'single-test', args: 1, argName: 'filePath', 'Run single test.' } def options = cli.parse(args) if (options.h) { cli.usage() return } if (options.l) { RUNNING_LOCALLY = true } if (!RUNNING_LOCALLY) { /* In case the build is performed for a pull request TRAVIS_COMMIT is a merge commit between the base branch and the PR branch HEAD. That commit is actually built. But for notifying about a build status we need the commit which is currently the HEAD of the PR branch. In case the build is performed for a simple branch (not associated with a PR) In this case there is no merge commit between any base branch and HEAD of a PR branch. The commit which we need for notifying about a build status is in this case simply TRAVIS_COMMIT itself. */ COMMIT_HASH = System.getenv('TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_SHA') ?: System.getenv('TRAVIS_COMMIT') if (changeDoesNotNeedConsumerTesting()) { println 'No consumer tests necessary.' notifyGithub("success", "No consumer tests necessary.") return } else { notifyGithub("pending", "Consumer tests are in progress.") } } if (options.s) { def file = new File(options.s) if (!file.exists()) { exitPrematurely("Test case configuration file '${file}' does not exist. " + "Please provide path to a configuration file of structure '/rootDir/areaDir/testCase.yml'.") } testCaseThreads = [new TestRunnerThread(file)] } else { testCaseThreads = listTestCaseThreads() } testCaseThreads.each { it -> it.start() } //The thread below will print to console while the test cases are running. //Otherwise the job would be canceled after 10 minutes without output. def done = false Thread.start { def outputWasPrintedPrematurely = false def singleTestCase = (testCaseThreads.size() == 1) if (singleTestCase) { AUXILIARY_SLEEP_MS = 1000 //for a single test case we print the running output every second } for (; ;) { if (singleTestCase) { testCaseThreads[0].printRunningStdOut() } else { println "[INFO] Consumer tests are still running." } // Build is killed at 50 min, print log to console at minute 45 int MINUTES_SINCE_START = (System.currentTimeMillis() - START_TIME_MS) / (1000 * 60) if (!singleTestCase && MINUTES_SINCE_START > 44 && !outputWasPrintedPrematurely) { testCaseThreads.each { thread -> thread.printOutput() } outputWasPrintedPrematurely = true } sleep(AUXILIARY_SLEEP_MS) if (done) { break } } } testCaseThreads.each { it -> it.join() } done = true def failedThreads = testCaseThreads.findAll { thread -> thread.returnCode != 0 } def status def statusMessage if (failedThreads.size() == 0) { status = "success" statusMessage = "All consumer tests finished successfully. Congratulations!" } else { failedThreads.each { failedThread -> println "[ERROR] ${failedThread.uniqueName}: Process execution of command: '${failedThread.lastCommand}' failed. " + "Return code: ${failedThread.returnCode}." failedThread.printOutput() } status = "failure" statusMessage = "The following consumer test(s) failed: ${failedThreads}" } if (!RUNNING_LOCALLY) { notifyGithub(status, statusMessage) } println statusMessage if (status == "failure") { System.exit(1) } def listTestCaseThreads() { //Each dir that includes a yml file is a test case def threads = [] new File(TEST_CASES_DIR).traverse(type: FileType.FILES, nameFilter: ~/^.+\.yml\u0024/) { file -> threads << new TestRunnerThread(file) } return threads } def notifyGithub(state, description) { println "[INFO] Notifying about state '${state}' for commit '${COMMIT_HASH}'." URL url = new URL("${COMMIT_HASH}") HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection() con.setRequestMethod('POST') con.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json; utf-8"); con.setRequestProperty('User-Agent', 'groovy-script') con.setRequestProperty('Authorization', "token ${System.getenv('INTEGRATION_TEST_VOTING_TOKEN')}") def postBody = [ state : state, target_url : System.getenv('TRAVIS_BUILD_WEB_URL'), description: description, context : "integration-tests" ] con.setDoOutput(true) con.getOutputStream().withStream { os -> os.write(toJson(postBody).getBytes("UTF-8")) } int responseCode = con.getResponseCode() if (responseCode != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED) { exitPrematurely("[ERROR] Posting status to github failed. Expected response code " + "'${HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED}', but got '${responseCode}'. " + "Response message: '${con.getResponseMessage()}'", 34) // Error code taken from curl: CURLE_HTTP_POST_ERROR } } def changeDoesNotNeedConsumerTesting() { if (System.getenv('TRAVIS_BRANCH') == 'master') { return false } def excludesRegex = '(' + EXCLUDED_FROM_CONSUMER_TESTING_REGEXES.join('|') + ')' "git remote add sap".execute().waitFor() "git fetch sap".execute().waitFor() def diff = "git diff --name-only sap/master ${LIBRARY_VERSION_UNDER_TEST}".execute().text.trim() for (def line : diff.readLines()) { if (!(line ==~ excludesRegex)) { return false } } return true } static def newEmptyDir(String dirName) { def dir = new File(dirName) if (dir.exists()) { if (!dir.deleteDir()) { exitPrematurely("Deletion of dir '${dirName}' failed.") } } if (!dir.mkdirs()) { exitPrematurely("Creation of dir '${dirName}' failed.") } } static def exitPrematurely(String message, int returnCode = 1) { println message System.exit(returnCode) }