metadata: name: fortifyExecuteScan description: This step executes a Fortify scan on the specified project to perform static code analysis and check the source code for security flaws. longDescription: |- This step executes a Fortify scan on the specified project to perform static code analysis and check the source code for security flaws. The Fortify step triggers a scan locally on your Jenkins within a docker container so finally you have to supply a docker image with a Fortify SCA and Java plus Maven or alternatively Python installed into it for being able to perform any scans. !!! hint "Scanning MTA projects" Build type `maven` requires a so called aggregator pom which includes all modules to be scanned. If used in a mta-project which includes non-java submodules as maven dependency (e.g. node via frontend-maven-plugin), exclude those by specifying java path explicitly, e.g. `java/**/src/main/java/**/*`. Besides triggering a scan the step verifies the results after they have been uploaded and processed by the Fortify SSC. By default the following KPIs are enforced: * All issues must be audited from the Corporate Security Requirements folder. * All issues must be audited from the Audit All folder. * At least one issue per category must be audited from the Spot Checks of Each Category folder. * Nothing needs to be audited from the Optional folder. spec: inputs: secrets: - name: fortifyCredentialsId description: Jenkins 'Secret text' credentials ID containing token to authenticate to Fortify SSC. type: jenkins - name: githubTokenCredentialsId description: Jenkins 'Secret text' credentials ID containing token to authenticate to GitHub. type: jenkins resources: - name: commonPipelineEnvironment resourceSpec: type: piperEnvironment - name: buildDescriptor type: stash - name: deployDescriptor type: stash - name: tests type: stash - name: opensourceConfiguration type: stash params: - name: additionalScanParameters description: List of additional scan parameters to be used for Fortify sourceanalyzer command execution. type: "[]string" scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS - name: assignees description: Defines the assignees for the Github Issue created/updated with the results of the scan as a list of login names. scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS type: "[]string" default: [] mandatory: false - name: authToken type: string description: "The FortifyToken to use for authentication" scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS mandatory: true secret: true resourceRef: - name: fortifyCredentialsId type: secret - type: vaultSecret name: fortifyVaultSecretName default: fortify - name: buildDescriptorExcludeList type: "[]string" description: "List of build descriptors and therefore modules to exclude from the scan and assessment activities." scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS default: ["unit-tests/pom.xml", "integration-tests/pom.xml"] - name: customScanVersion type: string description: Custom version of the Fortify project used as source. longDescription: |- Defines a custom version for the Fortify scan which deviates from the typical versioning pattern using [`version`](#version) and [`versioningModel`](#versioningModel). It allows to set non-numeric versions as well and supersedes the value of [`version`](#version) which is calculated automatically. The parameter is also used by other scan steps (e.g. Detect, Sonar, WhiteSource) and thus allows a common custom version across scan tools. scope: - GENERAL - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS - name: githubToken description: "GitHub personal access token as per" scope: - GENERAL - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS type: string secret: true aliases: - name: access_token resourceRef: - name: githubTokenCredentialsId type: secret - type: vaultSecret default: github name: githubVaultSecretName - name: autoCreate type: bool description: "Whether Fortify project and project version shall be implicitly auto created in case they cannot be found in the backend" scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS - name: modulePath type: string description: "Allows providing the path for the module to scan" scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS default: "./" - name: pythonRequirementsFile type: string description: "The requirements file used in `buildTool: 'pip'` to populate the build environment with the necessary dependencies" scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS - name: autodetectClasspath type: bool description: "Whether the classpath is automatically determined via build tool i.e. maven or pip or not at all" scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS default: true - name: mustAuditIssueGroups type: string description: "Comma separated list of issue groups that must be audited completely" scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS default: "Corporate Security Requirements, Audit All" - name: spotAuditIssueGroups type: string description: "Comma separated list of issue groups that are spot checked and for which `spotCheckMinimum` audited issues are enforced" scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS default: "Spot Checks of Each Category" - name: pythonRequirementsInstallSuffix type: string description: "The suffix for the command used to install the requirements file in `buildTool: 'pip'` to populate the build environment with the necessary dependencies" scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS - name: pythonVersion type: string description: "Python version to be used in `buildTool: 'pip'`" scope: - GENERAL - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS default: python3 - name: uploadResults type: bool description: "Whether results shall be uploaded or not" scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS default: true - name: version aliases: - name: fortifyProjectVersion deprecated: true type: string description: Version used in conjunction with [`versioningModel`](#versioningModel) to identify the Fortify project to be created and used for results aggregation. longDescription: |- Version used in conjunction with [`versioningModel`](#versioningModel) to identify the Fortify project to be created and used for results aggregation. This is usually determined automatically based on the information in the buildTool specific build descriptor file. scope: - GENERAL - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS resourceRef: - name: commonPipelineEnvironment param: artifactVersion - name: buildDescriptorFile type: string conditions: - conditionRef: strings-equal params: - name: buildTool value: maven description: "Path to the build descriptor file addressing the module/folder to be scanned." scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS default: ./pom.xml - name: buildDescriptorFile type: string conditions: - conditionRef: strings-equal params: - name: buildTool value: pip description: "Path to the build descriptor file addressing the module/folder to be scanned." scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS default: ./ - name: commitId description: "Set the Git commit ID for identifying artifacts throughout the scan." resourceRef: - name: commonPipelineEnvironment param: git/commitId scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS type: string - name: commitMessage description: "Set the Git commit message for identifying pull request merges throughout the scan." resourceRef: - name: commonPipelineEnvironment param: git/commitMessage scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS type: string - name: githubApiUrl description: "Set the GitHub API URL." scope: - GENERAL - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS type: string default: "" - name: owner aliases: - name: githubOrg description: "Set the GitHub organization." resourceRef: - name: commonPipelineEnvironment param: github/owner scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS type: string - name: repository aliases: - name: githubRepo description: "Set the GitHub repository." resourceRef: - name: commonPipelineEnvironment param: github/repository scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS type: string - name: memory type: string description: "The amount of memory granted to the translate/scan executions" scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS default: "-Xmx4G -Xms512M" - name: updateRulePack type: bool description: "Whether the rule pack shall be updated and pulled from Fortify SSC before scanning or not" scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS default: true - name: reportDownloadEndpoint aliases: - name: fortifyReportDownloadEndpoint type: string description: "Fortify SSC endpoint for Report downloads" scope: - GENERAL - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS default: "/transfer/reportDownload.html" - name: pollingMinutes type: int description: "The number of minutes for which an uploaded FPR artifact''s status is being polled to finish queuing/processing, if exceeded polling will be stopped and an error will be thrown" scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS default: 30 - name: quickScan type: bool description: "Whether a quick scan should be performed, please consult the related Fortify documentation on JAM on the impact of this setting" scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS default: false - name: translate type: string description: "Options for translate phase of Fortify. Most likely, you do not need to set this parameter. See src, exclude. If `'src'` and `'exclude'` are set they are automatically used. Technical details: It has to be a JSON string of list of maps with required key `'src'`, and optional keys `'exclude'`, `'libDirs'`, `'aspnetcore'`, and `'dotNetCoreVersion'`" scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS - name: src type: "[]string" description: "A list of source directories to scan. Wildcards can be used, e.g., `'src/main/java/**/*'`. If `'translate'` is set, this will ignored. The default value for `buildTool: 'maven'` is `['**/*.xml', '**/*.html', '**/*.jsp', '**/*.js', '**/src/main/resources/**/*', '**/src/main/java/**/*', '**/target/main/java/**/*', '**/target/main/resources/**/*', '**/target/generated-sources/**/*']`, for `buildTool: 'pip'` it is `['./**/*']`." scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS - name: exclude type: "[]string" description: "A list of directories/files to be excluded from the scan. Wildcards can be used, e.g., `'**/'`. If `translate` is set, this will ignored. The default value for `buildTool: 'maven'` is `['**/src/test/**/*']`, for `buildTool: 'pip'` it is `['./**/tests/**/*', './**/']`." scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS - name: apiEndpoint aliases: - name: fortifyApiEndpoint type: string description: "Fortify SSC endpoint used for uploading the scan results and checking the audit state" scope: - GENERAL - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS default: "/api/v1" - name: reportType type: string description: The type of report to be generated scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS default: "PDF" - name: pythonAdditionalPath type: "[]string" description: "A list of additional paths which can be used in `buildTool: 'pip'` for customization purposes" scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS default: ["./lib", "."] deprecated: true - name: artifactUrl type: string description: "Path/URL pointing to an additional artifact repository for resolution of additional artifacts during the build" scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS - name: considerSuspicious type: bool description: "Whether suspicious issues should trigger the check to fail or not" scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS default: true - name: convertToSarif type: bool description: "[BETA] Convert the proprietary format of Fortify scan results to the open SARIF standard. Uploaded through Cumulus later on." scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS default: false - name: fprUploadEndpoint aliases: - name: fortifyFprUploadEndpoint type: string description: "Fortify SSC endpoint for FPR uploads" scope: - GENERAL - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS default: "/upload/resultFileUpload.html" - name: projectName aliases: - name: fortifyProjectName type: string description: "The project used for reporting results in SSC" scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS default: '{{list .GroupID .ArtifactID | join "-" | trimAll "-"}}' - name: reporting type: bool description: Influences whether a report is generated or not scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS default: false - name: serverUrl aliases: - name: fortifyServerUrl - name: sscUrl deprecated: true type: string description: "Fortify SSC Url to be used for accessing the APIs" mandatory: true scope: - GENERAL - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS - name: pullRequestMessageRegexGroup type: int description: "The group number for extracting the pull request id in `'pullRequestMessageRegex'`" scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS default: 1 - name: deltaMinutes type: int description: "The number of minutes for which an uploaded FPR artifact is considered to be recent and healthy, if exceeded an error will be thrown" scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS default: 5 - name: spotCheckMinimum type: int description: "The minimum number of issues that must be audited per category in the `Spot Checks of each Category` folder to avoid an error being thrown" scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS default: 1 - name: fprDownloadEndpoint aliases: - name: fortifyFprDownloadEndpoint type: string description: "Fortify SSC endpoint for FPR downloads" scope: - GENERAL - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS default: "/download/currentStateFprDownload.html" - name: versioningModel aliases: - name: defaultVersioningModel deprecated: true type: string description: "The default project versioning model used for creating the version based on the build descriptor version to report results in SSC, can be one of `'major'`, `'major-minor'`, `'semantic'`, `'full'`" scope: - PARAMETERS - GENERAL - STAGES - STEPS default: "major" possibleValues: - major - major-minor - semantic - full - name: pythonInstallCommand type: string description: "Additional install command that can be run when `buildTool: 'pip'` is used which allows further customizing the execution environment of the scan" scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS default: "{{.Pip}} install --user ." - name: reportTemplateId type: int description: "Report template ID to be used for generating the Fortify report" scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS default: 18 - name: filterSetTitle type: string description: "Title of the filter set to use for analysing the results" scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS default: "SAP" - name: pullRequestName type: string description: "The name of the pull request branch which will trigger creation of a new version in Fortify SSC based on the master branch version" scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS - name: pullRequestMessageRegex type: string description: "Regex used to identify the PR-XXX reference within the merge commit message" scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS default: '.*Merge pull request #(\\d+) from.*' - name: buildTool type: string description: "Scan type used for the step which can be `'maven'`, `'pip'`" scope: - GENERAL - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS default: maven # Global maven settings, should be added to all maven steps - name: projectSettingsFile type: string description: Path to the mvn settings file that should be used as project settings file. scope: - GENERAL - STEPS - STAGES - PARAMETERS aliases: - name: maven/projectSettingsFile - name: globalSettingsFile type: string description: Path to the mvn settings file that should be used as global settings file. scope: - GENERAL - STEPS - STAGES - PARAMETERS aliases: - name: maven/globalSettingsFile - name: m2Path type: string description: Path to the location of the local repository that should be used. scope: - GENERAL - STEPS - STAGES - PARAMETERS aliases: - name: maven/m2Path - name: verifyOnly type: bool description: Whether the step shall only apply verification checks or whether it does a full scan and check cycle scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS default: false - name: installArtifacts type: bool description: "If enabled, it will install all artifacts to the local maven repository to make them available before running Fortify. This is required if any maven module has dependencies to other modules in the repository and they were not installed before." scope: - GENERAL - STEPS - STAGES - PARAMETERS - name: createResultIssue type: bool description: "Whether the step creates a GitHub issue containing the scan results in the originating repo. Since optimized pipelines are headless the creation is implicitly activated for schedules runs." resourceRef: - name: commonPipelineEnvironment param: custom/optimizedAndScheduled scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS default: false containers: - image: "" outputs: resources: - name: influx type: influx params: - name: step_data fields: - name: fortify type: bool - name: fortify_data fields: - name: projectName - name: projectVersion - name: projectVersionId type: int64 - name: violations type: int - name: corporateTotal type: int - name: corporateAudited type: int - name: auditAllTotal type: int - name: auditAllAudited type: int - name: spotChecksTotal type: int - name: spotChecksAudited type: int - name: spotChecksGap type: int - name: suspicious type: int - name: exploitable type: int - name: suppressed type: int