# ${docGenStepName} ## ${docGenDescription} ## Prerequisites - On SAP Cloud Platform, Cloud Foundry needs to be enabled on subaccount level. This can be done on the Subaccount Overview page. The subaccount is then mapped to a “Cloud Foundry Organization”, for which you must provide a suitable name during the creation. Have a look at the [documentation](https://help.sap.com/viewer/a96b1df8525f41f79484717368e30626/Cloud/en-US/dc18bac42270468d84b6c030a668e003.html) for more details. - A (technical) user is required to access the SAP Cloud Platform via the cf CLI. The user needs to be a [member of the global account](https://help.sap.com/viewer/65de2977205c403bbc107264b8eccf4b/Cloud/en-US/4a0491330a164f5a873fa630c7f45f06.html) and has to have the [Space Developer](https://help.sap.com/viewer/a96b1df8525f41f79484717368e30626/Cloud/en-US/967fc4e2b1314cf7afc7d7043b53e566.html) role. The user and password need to be stored in the Jenkins Credentials Store. - Please make sure, that there are enough entitlements in the subaccount for the [Service Plan](https://help.sap.com/viewer/a96b1df8525f41f79484717368e30626/Cloud/en-US/c40cb18aeaa343389036fdcdd03c41d0.html), which you want to use for this step. ## ${docGenParameters} ## ${docGenConfiguration} ## ${docJenkinsPluginDependencies} ## Example: Configuration in the config.yml The recommended way to configure your pipeline is via the config.yml file. In this case, calling the step in the Jenkinsfile is reduced to one line: ```groovy abapEnvironmentCreateSystem script: this ``` The configuration values for the system can be passed through the `config.yml` file: ```yaml steps: abapEnvironmentCreateSystem: cfCredentialsId: 'cfCredentialsId' cfApiEndpoint: 'https://test.server.com' cfOrg: 'cfOrg' cfSpace: 'cfSpace' cfServiceInstance: 'H02_Q_system' cfService: 'abap' cfServicePlan: 'standard' abapSystemAdminEmail: 'user@example.com' abapSystemDescription: 'ABAP Environment Q System' abapSystemIsDevelopmentAllowed: true abapSystemID: 'H02' abapSystemSizeOfPersistence: 4 abapSystemSizeOfRuntime: 1 ``` ## Example: Configuration in the Jenkinsfile The step, including all parameters, can also be called directly from the Jenkinsfile. In the following example, a configuration file is used. ```groovy abapEnvironmentCreateSystem ( script: this, cfCredentialsId: 'cfCredentialsId', cfApiEndpoint: 'https://test.server.com', cfOrg: 'cfOrg', cfSpace: 'cfSpace', cfServiceManifest: 'manifest.yml' ) ``` The file `manifest.yml` would look like this: ```yaml --- create-services: - name: "H02_Q_system" broker: "abap" plan: "standard" parameters: "{ \"admin_email\" : \"user@example.com\", \"description\" : \"ABAP Environment Q System\", \"is_development_allowed\" : true, \"sapsystemname\" : \"H02\", \"size_of_persistence\" : 4, \"size_of_runtime\" : 1 }" ```