import import static import import import import import groovy.transform.Field import hudson.AbortException @Field String STEP_NAME = getClass().getName() @Field Set GENERAL_CONFIG_KEYS = STEP_CONFIG_KEYS @Field Set STEP_CONFIG_KEYS = [ 'action', 'apiUrl', 'credentialsId', 'deploymentId', 'deployIdLogPattern', 'deployOpts', /** A map containing properties forwarded to dockerExecute. For more details see [here][dockerExecute] */ 'docker', 'loginOpts', 'mode', 'mtaPath', 'org', 'space', 'xsSessionFile', ] @Field Set PARAMETER_KEYS = STEP_CONFIG_KEYS enum DeployMode { DEPLOY, BG_DEPLOY, NONE String toString() { name().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).replaceAll('_', '-') } } enum Action { RESUME, ABORT, RETRY, NONE String toString() { name().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH) } } /** * Performs an XS deployment * * In case of blue-green deployments the step is called for the deployment in the narrower sense * and later again for resuming or aborting. In this case both calls needs to be performed from the * same directory. */ @GenerateDocumentation void call(Map parameters = [:]) { handlePipelineStepErrors (stepName: STEP_NAME, stepParameters: parameters) { def utils = parameters.juStabUtils ?: new Utils() final script = checkScript(this, parameters) ?: this ConfigurationHelper configHelper = ConfigurationHelper.newInstance(this) .loadStepDefaults() .mixinGeneralConfig(script.commonPipelineEnvironment, GENERAL_CONFIG_KEYS) .mixinStepConfig(script.commonPipelineEnvironment, STEP_CONFIG_KEYS) .mixinStageConfig(script.commonPipelineEnvironment, parameters.stageName?:env.STAGE_NAME, STEP_CONFIG_KEYS) .addIfEmpty('mtaPath', script.commonPipelineEnvironment.getMtarFilePath()) .addIfEmpty('deploymentId', script.commonPipelineEnvironment.xsDeploymentId) .mixin(parameters, PARAMETER_KEYS) Map config = configHelper.use() DeployMode mode = config.mode if(mode == DeployMode.NONE) { echo "Deployment skipped intentionally. Deploy mode '${mode.toString()}'." return } Action action = config.action if(mode == DeployMode.DEPLOY && action != Action.NONE) { error "Cannot perform action '${action.toString()}' in mode '${mode.toString()}'. Only action '${Action.NONE.toString()}' is allowed." } boolean performLogin = ((mode == DeployMode.DEPLOY) || (mode == DeployMode.BG_DEPLOY && !(action in [Action.RESUME, Action.ABORT]))) boolean performLogout = ((mode == DeployMode.DEPLOY) || (mode == DeployMode.BG_DEPLOY && action != Action.NONE)) boolean sessionExists = fileExists file: config.xsSessionFile if( (! performLogin) && (! sessionExists) ) { error 'For the current configuration an already existing session is required. But there is no already existing session.' } configHelper .collectValidationFailures() /** * Used for finalizing the blue-green deployment. * @possibleValues RESUME, ABORT, RETRY */ .withMandatoryProperty('action') /** The file name of the file representing the sesssion after `xs login`. Should not be changed normally. */ .withMandatoryProperty('xsSessionFile') /** Regex pattern for retrieving the ID of the deployment. */ .withMandatoryProperty('deployIdLogPattern') /** * Controls if there is a standard deployment or a blue green deployment * @possibleValues DEPLOY, BG_DEPLOY */ .withMandatoryProperty('mode') /** The endpoint */ .withMandatoryProperty('apiUrl') /** The organization */ .withMandatoryProperty('org') /** The space */ .withMandatoryProperty('space') /** Additional options appended to the login command. Only needed for sophisticated cases. * When provided it is the duty of the provider to ensure proper quoting / escaping. */ .withMandatoryProperty('loginOpts') /** Additional options appended to the deploy command. Only needed for sophisticated cases. * When provided it is the duty of the provider to ensure proper quoting / escaping. */ .withMandatoryProperty('deployOpts') /** The credentialsId */ .withMandatoryProperty('credentialsId') /** The path to the deployable. If not provided explicitly it is retrieved from the common pipeline environment * (Parameter `mtarFilePath`). */ .withMandatoryProperty('mtaPath', null, {action == Action.NONE}) .withMandatoryProperty('deploymentId', 'No deployment id provided, neither via parameters nor via common pipeline environment. Was there a deployment before?', {action in [Action.RESUME, Action.ABORT, Action.RETRY]}) .use() utils.pushToSWA([ step: STEP_NAME, ], config) if(action == Action.NONE) { boolean deployableExists = fileExists file: config.mtaPath if(! deployableExists) error "Deployable '${config.mtaPath}' does not exist." } if(performLogin) { login(script, config) } def failures = [] if(action in [Action.RESUME, Action.ABORT, Action.RETRY]) { complete(script, mode, action, config, failures) } else { deploy(script, mode, config, failures) } if (performLogout || failures) { logout(script, config, failures) } else { echo "Skipping logout in order to be able to resume or abort later." } if(failures) { error "Failed command(s): ${failures}. Check earlier log for details." } } } void login(Script script, Map config) { withCredentials([usernamePassword( credentialsId: config.credentialsId, passwordVariable: 'password', usernameVariable: 'username' )]) { def returnCode = executeXSCommand([script: script].plus(config.docker), [ "xs login -a ${config.apiUrl} -u ${username} -p ${BashUtils.quoteAndEscape(password)} -o ${} -s ${} ${config.loginOpts}", 'RC=$?', "[ \$RC == 0 ] && cp \"\${HOME}/${config.xsSessionFile}\" .", 'exit $RC' ]) if(returnCode != 0) error "xs login failed." } boolean existsXsSessionFileAfterLogin = fileExists file: config.xsSessionFile if(! existsXsSessionFileAfterLogin) error "Session file ${config.xsSessionFile} not found in current working directory after login." } void deploy(Script script, DeployMode mode, Map config, def failures) { def deploymentLog try { lock(getLockIdentifier(config)) { deploymentLog = executeXSCommand([script: script].plus(config.docker), [ "cp ${config.xsSessionFile} \${HOME}", "xs ${mode.toString()} '${config.mtaPath}' -f ${config.deployOpts}" ], true) } echo "Deploy log: ${deploymentLog}" } catch(AbortException e) { echo "deployment failed. Message: ${e.getMessage()}, Log: ${deploymentLog}}" failures << "xs ${mode.toString()}" } if(mode == DeployMode.BG_DEPLOY) { if(! failures.isEmpty()) { echo "Retrieval of deploymentId skipped since prior deployment was not successfull." } else { for (def logLine : deploymentLog.readLines()) { def matcher = logLine =~ config.deployIdLogPattern if(matcher.find()) { script.commonPipelineEnvironment.xsDeploymentId = matcher[0][1] echo "DeploymentId: ${script.commonPipelineEnvironment.xsDeploymentId}." break } } if(script.commonPipelineEnvironment.xsDeploymentId == null) { failures << "Cannot lookup deploymentId. Search pattern was: '${config.deployIdLogPattern}'." } } } } void complete(Script script, DeployMode mode, Action action, Map config, def failures) { if(mode != DeployMode.BG_DEPLOY) error "Action '${action.toString()}' can only be performed for mode '${DeployMode.BG_DEPLOY.toString()}'. Current mode is: '${mode.toString()}'." def returnCode = 1 lock(getLockIdentifier(config)) { returnCode = executeXSCommand([script: script].plus(config.docker), [ "cp ${config.xsSessionFile} \${HOME}", "xs ${mode.toString()} -i ${config.deploymentId} -a ${action.toString()}" ]) } if(returnCode != 0) { echo "${mode.toString()} with action '${action.toString()}' failed with return code ${returnCode}." failures << "xs ${mode.toString()} -a ${action.toString()}" } } void logout(Script script, Map config, def failures) { def returnCode = executeXSCommand([script: script].plus(config.docker), [ "cp ${config.xsSessionFile} \${HOME}", 'xs logout' ]) if(returnCode != 0) { failures << 'xs logout' } sh "XSCONFIG=${config.xsSessionFile}; [ -f \${XSCONFIG} ] && rm \${XSCONFIG}" } String getLockIdentifier(Map config) { "$STEP_NAME:${config.apiUrl}:${}:${}" } def executeXSCommand(Map dockerOptions, List commands, boolean returnStdout = false) { def r dockerExecute(dockerOptions) { // in case there are credentials contained in the commands we assume // the call is properly wrapped by withCredentials(./.) echo "Executing: '${commands}'." List prelude = [ '#!/bin/bash' ] List script = (prelude + commands) params = [ script: script.join('\n') ] if(returnStdout) { params << [ returnStdout: true ] } else { params << [ returnStatus: true ] } r = sh params if( (! returnStdout ) && r != 0) { try { echo "xs logs:" sh 'LOG_FOLDER=${HOME}/.xs_logs; [ -d ${LOG_FOLDER} ] && cat ${LOG_FOLDER}/*' } catch(Exception e) { echo "Cannot provide xs logs: ${e.getMessage()}." } echo "Executing of commands '${commands}' failed. Check earlier logs for details." } } r }