metadata: name: abapEnvironmentCreateSystem description: Creates a SAP Cloud Platform ABAP Environment system (aka Steampunk system) longDescription: | This step creates a SAP Cloud Platform ABAP Environment system (aka Steampunk system) via the cloud foundry command line interface (cf CLI). This can be done by providing a service manifest as a configuration file (parameter `serviceManifest`) or by passing the configuration values directly via the other parameters of this step. spec: inputs: secrets: - name: cfCredentialsId description: Jenkins 'Username with password' credentials ID containing user and password to authenticate to the Cloud Foundry API. type: jenkins aliases: - name: cloudFoundry/credentialsId params: - name: cfApiEndpoint type: string description: Cloud Foundry API endpoint scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS - GENERAL mandatory: true aliases: - name: cloudFoundry/apiEndpoint default: "" - name: username type: string description: User or E-Mail for CF scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS mandatory: true secret: true resourceRef: - name: cfCredentialsId type: secret param: username - type: vaultSecret paths: - $(vaultPath)/cloudfoundry-$(cfOrg)-$(cfSpace) - $(vaultBasePath)/$(vaultPipelineName)/cloudfoundry-$(cfOrg)-$(cfSpace) - $(vaultBasePath)/GROUP-SECRETS/cloudfoundry-$(cfOrg)-$(cfSpace) - name: password type: string description: Password for Cloud Foundry User scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS mandatory: true secret: true resourceRef: - name: cfCredentialsId type: secret param: password - type: vaultSecret paths: - $(vaultPath)/cloudfoundry-$(cfOrg)-$(cfSpace) - $(vaultBasePath)/$(vaultPipelineName)/cloudfoundry-$(cfOrg)-$(cfSpace) - $(vaultBasePath)/GROUP-SECRETS/cloudfoundry-$(cfOrg)-$(cfSpace) - name: cfOrg type: string description: Cloud Foundry org scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS - GENERAL mandatory: true aliases: - name: cloudFoundry/org - name: cfSpace type: string description: Cloud Foundry Space scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS - GENERAL mandatory: true aliases: - name: cloudFoundry/space - name: cfService type: string description: Parameter for Cloud Foundry Service to be used for creating Cloud Foundry Service scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS - GENERAL mandatory: false aliases: - name: cloudFoundry/service - name: cfServicePlan type: string description: Parameter for Cloud Foundry Service Plan to be used when creating a Cloud Foundry Service scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS - GENERAL mandatory: false aliases: - name: cloudFoundry/servicePlan - name: cfServiceInstance type: string description: Parameter for naming the Service Instance when creating a Cloud Foundry Service scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS - GENERAL mandatory: false aliases: - name: cloudFoundry/serviceInstance - name: serviceManifest type: string description: Path to Cloud Foundry Service Manifest in YAML format for multiple service creations that are being passed to a Create-Service-Push Cloud Foundry cli plugin scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS - GENERAL mandatory: false aliases: - name: cloudFoundry/serviceManifest - name: cfServiceManifest - name: abapSystemAdminEmail type: string description: Admin E-Mail address for the initial administrator of the system scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS - GENERAL - name: abapSystemDescription description: Description for the ABAP Environment system type: string scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS - GENERAL default: 'Test system created by an automated pipeline' - name: abapSystemIsDevelopmentAllowed type: bool description: This parameter determines, if development is allowed on the system scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS - GENERAL default: true - name: abapSystemID description: The three character name of the system - maps to 'sapSystemName' type: string scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS - GENERAL default: 'H02' - name: abapSystemSizeOfPersistence description: The size of the persistence type: int scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS - GENERAL - name: abapSystemSizeOfRuntime description: The size of the runtime type: int scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS - GENERAL - name: addonDescriptorFileName description: The file name of the addonDescriptor type: string scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES - STEPS - GENERAL - name: includeAddon description: Must be set to true to install the addon provided via 'addonDescriptorFileName' type: bool scope: - PARAMETERS - STAGES default: false containers: - name: cf image: ppiper/cf-cli