package import hudson.AbortException import org.junit.Before import org.junit.Rule import org.junit.Test import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException import org.junit.rules.RuleChain import util.BasePiperTest import util.JenkinsShellCallRule import util.Rules import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse import static import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.notNullValue import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat class VersionUtilsTest extends BasePiperTest { ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none() @Rule public RuleChain ruleChain = Rules.getCommonRules(this).around(thrown) @Before void init() throws Exception { } @Test void test_if_getVersionDesc_returns_desc() { helper.registerAllowedMethod('sh', [Map], { Map m -> return 'SAP Cloud Platform Console Client\n\n\nSDK version :\nRuntime : neo-javaee6-wp\n'}) assertEquals('SAP Cloud Platform Console Client\n\n\nSDK version :\nRuntime : neo-javaee6-wp\n',VersionUtils.getVersionDesc(nullScript, "test", "", "version")) } @Test void test_if_getVersion_returns_version() { helper.registerAllowedMethod('sh', [Map], { Map m -> return 'SAP Cloud Platform Console Client\n\n\nSDK version :\nRuntime : neo-javaee6-wp\n'}) assertEquals(new Version(''),VersionUtils.getVersion(nullScript, "test", "", "version")) } @Test void test_if_verifyVersion_succeeds_compatible() { helper.registerAllowedMethod('sh', [Map], { Map m -> return 'version : 1.0.0\runtime: key' }) VersionUtils.verifyVersion(nullScript, "test", "", '1.0.0', "version") } @Test void test_if_verifyVersion_fails_incompatible() { helper.registerAllowedMethod('sh', [Map], { Map m -> return 'version : 1.0.0\runtime: key' }) thrown.expect(AbortException) thrown.expectMessage("The installed version of test is 1.0.0. Please install version 1.0.1 or a compatible version.") VersionUtils.verifyVersion(nullScript, "test", "", '1.0.1', "version") } @Test void test_if_verifyVersion_map_succeeds_compatible() { Map versionMap = ['key1': '1.0.0', 'key2': '2.0.0', 'key3': '3.0.0'] helper.registerAllowedMethod('sh', [Map], { Map m -> return 'version : 1.0.0\runtime: key1' }) VersionUtils.verifyVersion(nullScript, "test", "", versionMap, "version") } @Test void test_if_verifyVersion_map_fails_incompatible() { Map versionMap = ['key1': '1.0.1', 'key2': '2.0.1', 'key3': '3.0.1'] helper.registerAllowedMethod('sh', [Map], { Map m -> return 'version : 1.0.0\runtime: key1' }) thrown.expect(AbortException) thrown.expectMessage("The installed version of test is 1.0.0. Please install version 1.0.1 or a compatible version.") VersionUtils.verifyVersion(nullScript, "test", "", versionMap, "version") } }