import groovy.transform.Field import import import static @Field String STEP_NAME = getClass().getName() @Field Set GENERAL_CONFIG_KEYS = [] @Field STAGE_STEP_KEYS = [ /** Creates a SAP Cloud Platform ABAP Environment system via the cloud foundry command line interface */ 'abapEnvironmentCreateSystem', /** Deletes a SAP Cloud Platform ABAP Environment system via the cloud foundry command line interface */ 'cloudFoundryDeleteService', /** If set to true, a confirmation is required to delete the system */ 'confirmDeletion' ] @Field Set STEP_CONFIG_KEYS = @Field Set PARAMETER_KEYS = STEP_CONFIG_KEYS /** * This stage creates a system for Integration Tests. The (custom) tests themselves can be added via a stage extension. */ void call(Map parameters = [:]) { def script = checkScript(this, parameters) ?: this def stageName = parameters.stageName?:env.STAGE_NAME Map config = ConfigurationHelper.newInstance(this) .loadStepDefaults() .mixinGeneralConfig(script.commonPipelineEnvironment, GENERAL_CONFIG_KEYS) .mixinStageConfig(script.commonPipelineEnvironment, stageName, STEP_CONFIG_KEYS) .mixin(parameters, PARAMETER_KEYS) .addIfEmpty('confirmDeletion', true) .use() piperStageWrapper (script: script, stageName: stageName, stashContent: [], stageLocking: false) { try { abapEnvironmentCreateSystem(script: parameters.script, includeAddon: true) } catch (Exception e) { script.currentBuild.result = 'UNSTABLE' } if (config.confirmDeletion) { input message: "Add-on product was installed successfully? Once you proceed, the test system will be deleted." } cloudFoundryDeleteService script: parameters.script } }