import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.allOf import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString import java.util.Map import org.hamcrest.Matchers import org.hamcrest.core.StringContains import org.junit.After import org.junit.Before import org.junit.Rule import org.junit.Test import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException import org.junit.rules.RuleChain import import import import import util.BasePiperTest import util.JenkinsCredentialsRule import util.JenkinsStepRule import util.JenkinsLoggingRule import util.JenkinsReadYamlRule import util.Rules import hudson.AbortException public class TransportRequestCreateTest extends BasePiperTest { private ExpectedException thrown = new ExpectedException() private JenkinsStepRule stepRule = new JenkinsStepRule(this) private JenkinsLoggingRule loggingRule = new JenkinsLoggingRule(this) @Rule public RuleChain ruleChain = Rules.getCommonRules(this) .around(new JenkinsReadYamlRule(this)) .around(thrown) .around(stepRule) .around(loggingRule) .around(new JenkinsCredentialsRule(this) .withCredentials('CM', 'anonymous', '********')) @Before public void setup() { Utils.metaClass.echo = { def m -> } nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration = [general: [changeManagement: [ credentialsId: 'CM', type: 'SOLMAN', endpoint: '', clientOpts: '-DmyProp=myVal', changeDocumentLabel: 'ChangeId\\s?:', git: [from: 'origin/master', to: 'HEAD', format: '%b'] ] ] ] } @After public void tearDown() { Utils.metaClass = null } @Test public void changeIdNotProvidedSOLANTest() { thrown.expect(IllegalArgumentException) thrown.expectMessage("Change document id not provided (parameter: 'changeDocumentId' provided to the step call or via commit history).") ChangeManagement cm = new ChangeManagement(nullScript) { String getChangeDocumentId( String from, String to, String label, String format ) { throw new ChangeManagementException('Cannot retrieve changeId from git commits.') } } stepRule.step.transportRequestCreate(script: nullScript, developmentSystemId: '001', cmUtils: cm) } @Test public void developmentSystemIdNotProvidedSOLMANTest() { thrown.expect(IllegalArgumentException) thrown.expectMessage("ERROR - NO VALUE AVAILABLE FOR developmentSystemId") stepRule.step.transportRequestCreate(script: nullScript, changeDocumentId: '001') } @Test public void createTransportRequestFailureSOLMANTest() { ChangeManagement cm = new ChangeManagement(nullScript) { String createTransportRequestSOLMAN( Map docker, String changeId, String developmentSystemId, String cmEndpoint, String credentialId, String clientOpts) { throw new ChangeManagementException('Exception message.') } } thrown.expect(AbortException) thrown.expectMessage("Exception message.") stepRule.step.transportRequestCreate(script: nullScript, changeDocumentId: '001', developmentSystemId: '001', cmUtils: cm) } @Test public void createTransportRequestSuccessSOLMANTest() { def result = [:] ChangeManagement cm = new ChangeManagement(nullScript) { String createTransportRequestSOLMAN( Map docker, String changeId, String developmentSystemId, String cmEndpoint, String credentialId, String clientOpts) { result.docker = docker result.changeId = changeId result.developmentSystemId = developmentSystemId result.cmEndpoint = cmEndpoint result.credentialId = credentialId result.clientOpts = clientOpts return '001' } } stepRule.step.transportRequestCreate(script: nullScript, changeDocumentId: '001', developmentSystemId: '001', cmUtils: cm) assert nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.getValue('transportRequestId') == '001' assert result == [ docker: [ image: 'ppiper/cm-client', pullImage: true, options: [], envVars: [:], ], changeId: '001', developmentSystemId: '001', cmEndpoint: '', credentialId: 'CM', clientOpts: '-DmyProp=myVal' ] assert loggingRule.log.contains("[INFO] Creating transport request for change document '001' and development system '001'.") assert loggingRule.log.contains("[INFO] Transport Request '001' has been successfully created.") } @Test public void createTransportRequestSuccessCTSTest() { def result = [:] ChangeManagement cm = new ChangeManagement(nullScript) { String createTransportRequestCTS( Map docker, String transportType, String targetSystemId, String description, String endpoint, String credentialsId, String clientOpts) { result.docker = docker result.transportType = transportType result.targetSystemId = targetSystemId result.description = description result.endpoint = endpoint result.credentialsId = credentialsId result.clientOpts = clientOpts return '001' } } nullScript, transportType: 'W', targetSystem: 'XYZ', description: 'desc', changeManagement: [type: 'CTS'], cmUtils: cm) assert nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.getValue('transportRequestId') == '001' assert result == [ docker: [ image: 'ppiper/cm-client', pullImage: true, envVars: [:], options: [], ], transportType: 'W', targetSystemId: 'XYZ', description: 'desc', endpoint: '', credentialsId: 'CM', clientOpts: '-DmyProp=myVal' ] assert loggingRule.log.contains("[INFO] Creating transport request.") assert loggingRule.log.contains("[INFO] Transport Request '001' has been successfully created.") } @Test public void createTransportRequestSuccessRFCTest() { def result = [:] ChangeManagement cm = new ChangeManagement(nullScript) { String createTransportRequestRFC( Map docker, String endpoint, String developmentInstance, String developmentClient, String credentialsId, String description, boolean verbose) { result.docker = docker result.endpoint = endpoint result.developmentClient = developmentClient result.developmentInstance= developmentInstance result.credentialsId = credentialsId result.description = description result.verbose = verbose return '001' } } stepRule.step.transportRequestCreate( script: nullScript, changeManagement: [ type: 'RFC', rfc: [ developmentInstance: '01', developmentClient: '001', ], endpoint: '', ], developmentSystemId: '001', description: '', cmUtils: cm, verbose: true) assert nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.getValue('transportRequestId') == '001' assert result == [ docker: [ image: 'rfc', options: [], envVars: [:], pullImage: true ], endpoint: '', developmentClient: '001', developmentInstance: '01', credentialsId: 'CM', description: '', verbose: true ] assert loggingRule.log.contains("[INFO] Creating transport request.") assert loggingRule.log.contains("[INFO] Transport Request '001' has been successfully created.") } @Test public void createTransportRequestFailureRFCTest() { thrown.expect(AbortException) thrown.expectMessage('upload failed') ChangeManagement cm = new ChangeManagement(nullScript) { String createTransportRequestRFC( Map docker, String endpoint, String developmentClient, String developmentInstance, String credentialsId, String description, boolean verbose) { throw new ChangeManagementException('upload failed') } } stepRule.step.transportRequestCreate( script: nullScript, changeManagement: [ type: 'RFC', rfc: [ developmentInstance: '01', developmentClient: '001', ], endpoint: '', ], developmentSystemId: '001', description: '', cmUtils: cm) } @Test public void createTransportRequestSanityChecksRFCTest() { thrown.expect(IllegalArgumentException) thrown.expectMessage(allOf( containsString('changeManagement/rfc/developmentInstance'), containsString('changeManagement/rfc/developmentClient'), )) stepRule.step.transportRequestCreate( script: nullScript, changeManagement: [ type: 'RFC', ]) } @Test public void cmIntegrationSwichtedOffTest() { loggingRule.expect('[INFO] Change management integration intentionally switched off.') stepRule.step.transportRequestCreate(script: nullScript, changeManagement: [type: 'NONE']) } }