package cmd import ( "bufio" "bytes" "fmt" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "io" "os" "regexp" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "time" "unicode" ) type cfFileUtil interface { FileExists(string) (bool, error) FileRename(string, string) error FileRead(string) ([]byte, error) FileWrite(path string, content []byte, perm os.FileMode) error Getwd() (string, error) Glob(string) ([]string, error) Chmod(string, os.FileMode) error Copy(string, string) (int64, error) Stat(path string) (os.FileInfo, error) } var _now = time.Now var _cfLogin = cfLogin var _cfLogout = cfLogout var _getManifest = getManifest var _replaceVariables = yaml.Substitute var _getVarsOptions = cloudfoundry.GetVarsOptions var _getVarsFileOptions = cloudfoundry.GetVarsFileOptions var _environ = os.Environ var fileUtils cfFileUtil = piperutils.Files{} // for simplify mocking. Maybe we find a more elegant way (mock for CFUtils) func cfLogin(c command.ExecRunner, options cloudfoundry.LoginOptions) error { cf := &cloudfoundry.CFUtils{Exec: c} return cf.Login(options) } // for simplify mocking. Maybe we find a more elegant way (mock for CFUtils) func cfLogout(c command.ExecRunner) error { cf := &cloudfoundry.CFUtils{Exec: c} return cf.Logout() } const defaultSmokeTestScript = `#!/usr/bin/env bash # this is simply testing if the application root returns HTTP STATUS_CODE curl -so /dev/null -w '%{response_code}' https://$1 | grep $STATUS_CODE` func cloudFoundryDeploy(config cloudFoundryDeployOptions, telemetryData *telemetry.CustomData, influxData *cloudFoundryDeployInflux) { // for command execution use Command c := command.Command{} // reroute command output to logging framework c.Stdout(log.Writer()) c.Stderr(log.Writer()) // for http calls import piperhttp "" // and use a &piperhttp.Client{} in a custom system // Example: step checkmarxExecuteScan.go // error situations should stop execution through log.Entry().Fatal() call which leads to an os.Exit(1) in the end err := runCloudFoundryDeploy(&config, telemetryData, influxData, &c) if err != nil { log.Entry().WithError(err).Fatalf("step execution failed: %s", err) } } func runCloudFoundryDeploy(config *cloudFoundryDeployOptions, telemetryData *telemetry.CustomData, influxData *cloudFoundryDeployInflux, command command.ExecRunner) error { log.Entry().Infof("General parameters: deployTool='%s', deployType='%s', cfApiEndpoint='%s', cfOrg='%s', cfSpace='%s'", config.DeployTool, config.DeployType, config.APIEndpoint, config.Org, config.Space) err := validateAppName(config.AppName) if err != nil { return err } validateDeployTool(config) var deployTriggered bool if config.DeployTool == "mtaDeployPlugin" { deployTriggered = true err = handleMTADeployment(config, command) } else if config.DeployTool == "cf_native" { deployTriggered = true err = handleCFNativeDeployment(config, command) } else { log.Entry().Warningf("Found unsupported deployTool ('%s'). Skipping deployment. Supported deploy tools: 'mtaDeployPlugin', 'cf_native'", config.DeployTool) } if deployTriggered { prepareInflux(err == nil, config, influxData) } return err } func validateDeployTool(config *cloudFoundryDeployOptions) { if config.DeployTool != "" || config.BuildTool == "" { return } switch config.BuildTool { case "mta": config.DeployTool = "mtaDeployPlugin" default: config.DeployTool = "cf_native" } log.Entry().Infof("Parameter deployTool not specified - deriving from buildTool '%s': '%s'", config.BuildTool, config.DeployTool) } func validateAppName(appName string) error { // for the sake of brevity we consider the empty string as valid app name here isValidAppName, err := regexp.MatchString("^$|^[a-zA-Z0-9]$|^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9]$", appName) if err != nil { return err } if isValidAppName { return nil } const ( underscore = "_" dash = "-" docuLink = "" ) log.Entry().Warningf("Your application name '%s' contains non-alphanumeric characters which may lead to errors in the future, "+ "as they are not supported by CloudFoundry. For more details please visit %s", appName, docuLink) var fail bool message := []string{fmt.Sprintf("Your application name '%s'", appName)} if strings.Contains(appName, underscore) { message = append(message, fmt.Sprintf("contains a '%s' (underscore) which is not allowed, only letters, dashes and numbers can be used.", underscore)) fail = true } if strings.HasPrefix(appName, dash) || strings.HasSuffix(appName, dash) { message = append(message, fmt.Sprintf("starts or ends with a '%s' (dash) which is not allowed, only letters and numbers can be used.", dash)) fail = true } message = append(message, fmt.Sprintf("Please change the name to fit this requirement(s). For more details please visit %s.", docuLink)) if fail { return fmt.Errorf(strings.Join(message, " ")) } return nil } func prepareInflux(success bool, config *cloudFoundryDeployOptions, influxData *cloudFoundryDeployInflux) { if influxData == nil { return } result := "FAILURE" if success { result = "SUCCESS" } influxData.deployment_data.tags.artifactVersion = config.ArtifactVersion influxData.deployment_data.tags.deployUser = config.Username influxData.deployment_data.tags.deployResult = result influxData.deployment_data.tags.cfAPIEndpoint = config.APIEndpoint influxData.deployment_data.tags.cfOrg = config.Org influxData.deployment_data.tags.cfSpace = config.Space // n/a (literally) is also reported in groovy influxData.deployment_data.fields.artifactURL = "n/a" influxData.deployment_data.fields.deployTime = strings.ToUpper(_now().Format("Jan 02 2006 15:04:05")) // we should discuss how we handle the job trigger // 1.) outside Jenkins // 2.) inside Jenkins (how to get) influxData.deployment_data.fields.jobTrigger = "n/a" } func handleMTADeployment(config *cloudFoundryDeployOptions, command command.ExecRunner) error { mtarFilePath := config.MtaPath if len(mtarFilePath) == 0 { var err error mtarFilePath, err = findMtar() if err != nil { return err } log.Entry().Debugf("Using mtar file '%s' found in workspace", mtarFilePath) } else { exists, err := fileUtils.FileExists(mtarFilePath) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "Cannot check if file path '%s' exists", mtarFilePath) } if !exists { return fmt.Errorf("mtar file '%s' retrieved from configuration does not exist", mtarFilePath) } log.Entry().Debugf("Using mtar file '%s' from configuration", mtarFilePath) } return deployMta(config, mtarFilePath, command) } type deployConfig struct { DeployCommand string DeployOptions []string AppName string ManifestFile string SmokeTestScript []string } func handleCFNativeDeployment(config *cloudFoundryDeployOptions, command command.ExecRunner) error { deployType, err := checkAndUpdateDeployTypeForNotSupportedManifest(config) if err != nil { return err } var deployCommand string var smokeTestScript []string var deployOptions []string // deploy command will be provided by the prepare functions below if deployType == "blue-green" { deployCommand, deployOptions, smokeTestScript, err = prepareBlueGreenCfNativeDeploy(config) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "Cannot prepare cf native deployment. DeployType '%s'", deployType) } } else if deployType == "standard" { deployCommand, deployOptions, smokeTestScript, err = prepareCfPushCfNativeDeploy(config) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "Cannot prepare cf push native deployment. DeployType '%s'", deployType) } } else { return fmt.Errorf("Invalid deploy type received: '%s'. Supported values: %v", deployType, []string{"blue-green", "standard"}) } appName, err := getAppName(config) if err != nil { return err } log.Entry().Infof("CF native deployment ('%s') with:", config.DeployType) log.Entry().Infof("cfAppName='%s'", appName) log.Entry().Infof("cfManifest='%s'", config.Manifest) log.Entry().Infof("cfManifestVariables: '%v'", config.ManifestVariables) log.Entry().Infof("cfManifestVariablesFiles: '%v'", config.ManifestVariablesFiles) log.Entry().Infof("cfdeployDockerImage: '%s'", config.DeployDockerImage) log.Entry().Infof("smokeTestScript: '%s'", config.SmokeTestScript) additionalEnvironment := []string{ "STATUS_CODE=" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(config.SmokeTestStatusCode), 10), } if len(config.DockerPassword) > 0 { additionalEnvironment = append(additionalEnvironment, "CF_DOCKER_PASSWORD="+config.DockerPassword) } myDeployConfig := deployConfig{ DeployCommand: deployCommand, DeployOptions: deployOptions, AppName: config.AppName, ManifestFile: config.Manifest, SmokeTestScript: smokeTestScript, } log.Entry().Infof("DeployConfig: %v", myDeployConfig) return deployCfNative(myDeployConfig, config, additionalEnvironment, command) } func deployCfNative(deployConfig deployConfig, config *cloudFoundryDeployOptions, additionalEnvironment []string, cmd command.ExecRunner) error { deployStatement := []string{ deployConfig.DeployCommand, } if len(deployConfig.AppName) > 0 { deployStatement = append(deployStatement, deployConfig.AppName) } if len(deployConfig.DeployOptions) > 0 { deployStatement = append(deployStatement, deployConfig.DeployOptions...) } if len(deployConfig.ManifestFile) > 0 { deployStatement = append(deployStatement, "-f") deployStatement = append(deployStatement, deployConfig.ManifestFile) } if len(config.DeployDockerImage) > 0 && config.DeployType != "blue-green" { deployStatement = append(deployStatement, "--docker-image", config.DeployDockerImage) } if len(config.DockerUsername) > 0 && config.DeployType != "blue-green" { deployStatement = append(deployStatement, "--docker-username", config.DockerUsername) } if len(deployConfig.SmokeTestScript) > 0 { deployStatement = append(deployStatement, deployConfig.SmokeTestScript...) } if len(config.CfNativeDeployParameters) > 0 { deployStatement = append(deployStatement, strings.Fields(config.CfNativeDeployParameters)...) } stopOldAppIfRunning := func(_cmd command.ExecRunner) error { if config.KeepOldInstance && config.DeployType == "blue-green" { oldAppName := deployConfig.AppName + "-old" var buff bytes.Buffer _cmd.Stdout(&buff) defer func() { _cmd.Stdout(log.Writer()) }() err := _cmd.RunExecutable("cf", "stop", oldAppName) if err != nil { cfStopLog := buff.String() if !strings.Contains(cfStopLog, oldAppName+" not found") { return fmt.Errorf("Could not stop application '%s'. Error: %s", oldAppName, cfStopLog) } log.Entry().Infof("Cannot stop application '%s' since this appliation was not found.", oldAppName) } else { log.Entry().Infof("Old application '%s' has been stopped.", oldAppName) } } return nil } return cfDeploy(config, deployStatement, additionalEnvironment, stopOldAppIfRunning, cmd) } func getManifest(name string) (cloudfoundry.Manifest, error) { return cloudfoundry.ReadManifest(name) } func getAppName(config *cloudFoundryDeployOptions) (string, error) { if len(config.AppName) > 0 { return config.AppName, nil } if config.DeployType == "blue-green" { return "", fmt.Errorf("Blue-green plugin requires app name to be passed (see") } if len(config.Manifest) == 0 { return "", fmt.Errorf("Manifest file not provided in configuration. Cannot retrieve app name") } fileExists, err := fileUtils.FileExists(config.Manifest) if err != nil { return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "Cannot check if file '%s' exists", config.Manifest) } if !fileExists { return "", fmt.Errorf("Manifest file '%s' not found. Cannot retrieve app name", config.Manifest) } manifest, err := _getManifest(config.Manifest) if err != nil { return "", err } apps, err := manifest.GetApplications() if err != nil { return "", err } if len(apps) == 0 { return "", fmt.Errorf("No apps declared in manifest '%s'", config.Manifest) } namePropertyExists, err := manifest.ApplicationHasProperty(0, "name") if err != nil { return "", err } if !namePropertyExists { return "", fmt.Errorf("No appName available in manifest '%s'", config.Manifest) } appName, err := manifest.GetApplicationProperty(0, "name") if err != nil { return "", err } var name string var ok bool if name, ok = appName.(string); !ok { return "", fmt.Errorf("appName from manifest '%s' has wrong type", config.Manifest) } if len(name) == 0 { return "", fmt.Errorf("appName from manifest '%s' is empty", config.Manifest) } return name, nil } func handleSmokeTestScript(smokeTestScript string) ([]string, error) { if smokeTestScript == "" { // what should we do if there is already a script with the given name? Should we really overwrite ... err := fileUtils.FileWrite(smokeTestScript, []byte(defaultSmokeTestScript), 0755) if err != nil { return []string{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to write default smoke-test script: %w", err) } log.Entry().Debugf("smoke test script '%s' has been written.", smokeTestScript) } if len(smokeTestScript) > 0 { err := fileUtils.Chmod(smokeTestScript, 0755) if err != nil { return []string{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to make smoke-test script executable: %w", err) } pwd, err := fileUtils.Getwd() if err != nil { return []string{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to get current working directory for execution of smoke-test script: %w", err) } return []string{"--smoke-test", fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", pwd, smokeTestScript)}, nil } return []string{}, nil } func prepareBlueGreenCfNativeDeploy(config *cloudFoundryDeployOptions) (string, []string, []string, error) { smokeTest, err := handleSmokeTestScript(config.SmokeTestScript) if err != nil { return "", []string{}, []string{}, err } var deployOptions = []string{} if !config.KeepOldInstance { deployOptions = append(deployOptions, "--delete-old-apps") } if len(config.Manifest) > 0 { manifestFileExists, err := fileUtils.FileExists(config.Manifest) if err != nil { return "", []string{}, []string{}, errors.Wrapf(err, "Cannot check if file '%s' exists", config.Manifest) } if !manifestFileExists { log.Entry().Infof("Manifest file '%s' does not exist", config.Manifest) } else { manifestVariables, err := toStringInterfaceMap(toParameterMap(config.ManifestVariables)) if err != nil { return "", []string{}, []string{}, errors.Wrapf(err, "Cannot prepare manifest variables: '%v'", config.ManifestVariables) } manifestVariablesFiles, err := validateManifestVariablesFiles(config.ManifestVariablesFiles) if err != nil { return "", []string{}, []string{}, errors.Wrapf(err, "Cannot validate manifest variables files '%v'", config.ManifestVariablesFiles) } modified, err := _replaceVariables(config.Manifest, manifestVariables, manifestVariablesFiles) if err != nil { return "", []string{}, []string{}, errors.Wrap(err, "Cannot prepare manifest file") } if modified { log.Entry().Infof("Manifest file '%s' has been updated (variable substitution)", config.Manifest) } else { log.Entry().Infof("Manifest file '%s' has not been updated (no variable substitution)", config.Manifest) } err = handleLegacyCfManifest(config.Manifest) if err != nil { return "", []string{}, []string{}, errors.Wrapf(err, "Cannot handle legacy manifest '%s'", config.Manifest) } } } else { log.Entry().Info("No manifest file configured") } return "blue-green-deploy", deployOptions, smokeTest, nil } // validateManifestVariablesFiles: in case the only provided file is 'manifest-variables.yml' and this file does not // exist we ignore that file. For any other file there is no check if that file exists. In case several files are // provided we also do not check for the default file 'manifest-variables.yml' func validateManifestVariablesFiles(manifestVariablesFiles []string) ([]string, error) { const defaultManifestVariableFileName = "manifest-variables.yml" if len(manifestVariablesFiles) == 1 && manifestVariablesFiles[0] == defaultManifestVariableFileName { // we have only the default file. Most likely this is not configured, but we simply have the default. // In case this file does not exist we ignore that file. exists, err := fileUtils.FileExists(defaultManifestVariableFileName) if err != nil { return []string{}, errors.Wrapf(err, "Cannot check if file '%s' exists", defaultManifestVariableFileName) } if !exists { return []string{}, nil } } return manifestVariablesFiles, nil } func toParameterMap(parameters []string) (*orderedmap.OrderedMap, error) { parameterMap := orderedmap.NewOrderedMap() for _, p := range parameters { keyVal := strings.Split(p, "=") if len(keyVal) != 2 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid parameter provided (expected format =: '%s'", p) } parameterMap.Set(keyVal[0], keyVal[1]) } return parameterMap, nil } func handleLegacyCfManifest(manifestFile string) error { manifest, err := _getManifest(manifestFile) if err != nil { return err } err = manifest.Transform() if err != nil { return err } if manifest.IsModified() { err = manifest.WriteManifest() if err != nil { return err } log.Entry().Infof("Manifest file '%s' was in legacy format has been transformed and updated.", manifestFile) } else { log.Entry().Debugf("Manifest file '%s' was not in legacy format. No transformation needed, no update performed.", manifestFile) } return nil } func prepareCfPushCfNativeDeploy(config *cloudFoundryDeployOptions) (string, []string, []string, error) { deployOptions := []string{} varOptions, err := _getVarsOptions(config.ManifestVariables) if err != nil { return "", []string{}, []string{}, errors.Wrapf(err, "Cannot prepare var-options: '%v'", config.ManifestVariables) } varFileOptions, err := _getVarsFileOptions(config.ManifestVariablesFiles) if err != nil { if e, ok := err.(*cloudfoundry.VarsFilesNotFoundError); ok { for _, missingVarFile := range e.MissingFiles { log.Entry().Warningf("We skip adding not-existing file '%s' as a vars-file to the cf create-service-push call", missingVarFile) } } else { return "", []string{}, []string{}, errors.Wrapf(err, "Cannot prepare var-file-options: '%v'", config.ManifestVariablesFiles) } } deployOptions = append(deployOptions, varOptions...) deployOptions = append(deployOptions, varFileOptions...) return "push", deployOptions, []string{}, nil } func toStringInterfaceMap(in *orderedmap.OrderedMap, err error) (map[string]interface{}, error) { out := map[string]interface{}{} if err == nil { for _, key := range in.Keys() { if k, ok := key.(string); ok { val, exists := in.Get(key) if exists { out[k] = val } else { return nil, fmt.Errorf("No entry found for '%v'", key) } } else { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot cast key '%v' to string", key) } } } return out, err } func checkAndUpdateDeployTypeForNotSupportedManifest(config *cloudFoundryDeployOptions) (string, error) { manifestFile := config.Manifest if len(manifestFile) == 0 { manifestFile = "manifest.yml" } manifestFileExists, err := fileUtils.FileExists(manifestFile) if err != nil { return "", err } if config.DeployType == "blue-green" && manifestFileExists { manifest, _ := _getManifest(manifestFile) apps, err := manifest.GetApplications() if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to obtain applications from manifest: %w", err) } if len(apps) > 1 { return "", fmt.Errorf("Your manifest contains more than one application. For blue green deployments your manifest file may contain only one application") } hasNoRouteProperty, err := manifest.ApplicationHasProperty(0, "no-route") if err != nil { return "", errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to obtain 'no-route' property from manifest") } if len(apps) == 1 && hasNoRouteProperty { const deployTypeStandard = "standard" log.Entry().Warningf("Blue green deployment is not possible for application without route. Using deployment type '%s' instead.", deployTypeStandard) return deployTypeStandard, nil } } return config.DeployType, nil } func deployMta(config *cloudFoundryDeployOptions, mtarFilePath string, command command.ExecRunner) error { deployCommand := "deploy" deployParams := []string{} if len(config.MtaDeployParameters) > 0 { deployParams = append(deployParams, strings.Split(config.MtaDeployParameters, " ")...) } if config.DeployType == "bg-deploy" || config.DeployType == "blue-green" { deployCommand = "bg-deploy" const noConfirmFlag = "--no-confirm" if !piperutils.ContainsString(deployParams, noConfirmFlag) { deployParams = append(deployParams, noConfirmFlag) } } cfDeployParams := []string{ deployCommand, mtarFilePath, } if len(deployParams) > 0 { cfDeployParams = append(cfDeployParams, deployParams...) } extFileParams, extFiles := handleMtaExtensionDescriptors(config.MtaExtensionDescriptor) for _, extFile := range extFiles { _, err := fileUtils.Copy(extFile, extFile+".original") if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Cannot prepare mta extension files: %w", err) } err = handleMtaExtensionCredentials(extFile, config.MtaExtensionCredentials) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Cannot handle credentials inside mta extension files: %w", err) } } cfDeployParams = append(cfDeployParams, extFileParams...) err := cfDeploy(config, cfDeployParams, nil, nil, command) for _, extFile := range extFiles { renameError := fileUtils.FileRename(extFile+".original", extFile) if err == nil && renameError != nil { return renameError } } return err } func handleMtaExtensionCredentials(extFile string, credentials map[string]interface{}) error { log.Entry().Debugf("Inserting credentials into extension file '%s'", extFile) b, err := fileUtils.FileRead(extFile) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "Cannot handle credentials for mta extension file '%s'", extFile) } content := string(b) env, err := toMap(_environ(), "=") if err != nil { errors.Wrap(err, "Cannot handle mta extension credentials.") } updated := false missingCredentials := []string{} for name, credentialKey := range credentials { credKey, ok := credentialKey.(string) if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("Cannot handle mta extension credentials: Cannot cast '%v' (type %T) to string", credentialKey, credentialKey) } pattern := "<%= " + name + " %>" if strings.Contains(content, pattern) { cred := env[toEnvVarKey(credKey)] if len(cred) == 0 { missingCredentials = append(missingCredentials, credKey) continue } content = strings.Replace(content, pattern, cred, -1) updated = true log.Entry().Debugf("Mta extension credentials handling: Placeholder '%s' has been replaced by credential denoted by '%s'/'%s' in file '%s'", name, credKey, toEnvVarKey(credKey), extFile) } } if len(missingCredentials) > 0 { missinCredsEnvVarKeyCompatible := []string{} for _, missingKey := range missingCredentials { missinCredsEnvVarKeyCompatible = append(missinCredsEnvVarKeyCompatible, toEnvVarKey(missingKey)) } // ensure stable order of the entries. Needed e.g. for the tests. sort.Strings(missingCredentials) sort.Strings(missinCredsEnvVarKeyCompatible) return fmt.Errorf("Cannot handle mta extension credentials: No credentials found for '%s'/'%s'. Are these credentials maintained?", missingCredentials, missinCredsEnvVarKeyCompatible) } if !updated { log.Entry().Debugf("Mta extension credentials handling: Extension file '%s' has not been updated. Seems to contain no credentials.", extFile) } else { fInfo, err := fileUtils.Stat(extFile) fMode := fInfo.Mode() if err != nil { errors.Wrap(err, "Cannot handle mta extension credentials.") } err = fileUtils.FileWrite(extFile, []byte(content), fMode) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "Cannot handle mta extension credentials.") } log.Entry().Debugf("Mta extension credentials handling: Extension file '%s' has been updated.", extFile) } re := regexp.MustCompile(`<%= .* %>`) placeholders := re.FindAll([]byte(content), -1) if len(placeholders) > 0 { log.Entry().Warningf("mta extension credential handling: Unresolved placeholders found after inserting credentials: %s", placeholders) } return nil } func toEnvVarKey(key string) string { key = regexp.MustCompile(`[^A-Za-z0-9]`).ReplaceAllString(key, "_") // from here on we have only ascii modifiedKey := "" last := '_' for _, runeVal := range key { if unicode.IsUpper(runeVal) && last != '_' { modifiedKey += "_" } modifiedKey += string(unicode.ToUpper(runeVal)) last = runeVal } return modifiedKey // since golang regex does not support negative lookbehinds we have to code it ourselvs } func toMap(keyValue []string, separator string) (map[string]string, error) { result := map[string]string{} for _, entry := range keyValue { kv := strings.Split(entry, separator) if len(kv) < 2 { return map[string]string{}, fmt.Errorf("Cannot convert to map: separator '%s' not found in entry '%s'", separator, entry) } result[kv[0]] = strings.Join(kv[1:], separator) } return result, nil } func handleMtaExtensionDescriptors(mtaExtensionDescriptor string) ([]string, []string) { var result = []string{} var extFiles = []string{} for _, part := range strings.Fields(strings.Trim(mtaExtensionDescriptor, " ")) { if part == "-e" || part == "" { continue } // REVISIT: maybe check if the extension descriptor exists result = append(result, "-e", part) extFiles = append(extFiles, part) } return result, extFiles } func cfDeploy( config *cloudFoundryDeployOptions, cfDeployParams []string, additionalEnvironment []string, postDeployAction func(command command.ExecRunner) error, command command.ExecRunner) error { const cfLogFile = "cf.log" var err error var loginPerformed bool additionalEnvironment = append(additionalEnvironment, "CF_TRACE="+cfLogFile) if len(config.CfHome) > 0 { additionalEnvironment = append(additionalEnvironment, "CF_HOME="+config.CfHome) } if len(config.CfPluginHome) > 0 { additionalEnvironment = append(additionalEnvironment, "CF_PLUGIN_HOME="+config.CfPluginHome) } log.Entry().Infof("Using additional environment variables: %s", additionalEnvironment) // TODO set HOME to config.DockerWorkspace command.SetEnv(additionalEnvironment) err = _cfLogin(command, cloudfoundry.LoginOptions{ CfAPIEndpoint: config.APIEndpoint, CfOrg: config.Org, CfSpace: config.Space, Username: config.Username, Password: config.Password, CfLoginOpts: strings.Fields(config.LoginParameters), }) if err == nil { loginPerformed = true err = command.RunExecutable("cf", []string{"plugins"}...) if err != nil { log.Entry().WithError(err).Errorf("Command '%s' failed.", []string{"plugins"}) } } if err == nil { err = command.RunExecutable("cf", cfDeployParams...) if err != nil { log.Entry().WithError(err).Errorf("Command '%s' failed.", cfDeployParams) } } if err == nil && postDeployAction != nil { err = postDeployAction(command) } if loginPerformed { logoutErr := _cfLogout(command) if logoutErr != nil { log.Entry().WithError(logoutErr).Errorf("Cannot perform cf logout") if err == nil { err = logoutErr } } } if err != nil || GeneralConfig.Verbose { e := handleCfCliLog(cfLogFile) if e != nil { log.Entry().WithError(err).Errorf("Error reading cf log file '%s'.", cfLogFile) } } return err } func findMtar() (string, error) { const pattern = "**/*.mtar" mtars, err := fileUtils.Glob(pattern) if err != nil { return "", err } if len(mtars) == 0 { return "", fmt.Errorf("No mtar file matching pattern '%s' found", pattern) } if len(mtars) > 1 { sMtars := []string{} for _, mtar := range mtars { sMtars = append(sMtars, mtar) } return "", fmt.Errorf("Found multiple mtar files matching pattern '%s' (%s), please specify file via parameter 'mtarPath'", pattern, strings.Join(sMtars, ",")) } return mtars[0], nil } func handleCfCliLog(logFile string) error { fExists, err := fileUtils.FileExists(logFile) if err != nil { return err } log.Entry().Info("### START OF CF CLI TRACE OUTPUT ###") if fExists { f, err := os.Open(logFile) if err != nil { return err } defer f.Close() bReader := bufio.NewReader(f) for { line, err := bReader.ReadString('\n') if err == nil || err == io.EOF { // maybe inappropriate to log as info. Maybe the line from the // log indicates an error, but that is something like a project // standard. log.Entry().Info(strings.TrimSuffix(line, "\n")) } if err != nil { break } } } else { log.Entry().Warningf("No trace file found at '%s'", logFile) } log.Entry().Info("### END OF CF CLI TRACE OUTPUT ###") return err }