import import import groovy.transform.Field import hudson.AbortException import static @Field String STEP_NAME = getClass().getName() @Field String METADATA_FILE = 'metadata/npmExecuteLint.yaml' //Metadata maintained in file project://resources/metadata/npmExecuteLint.yaml void call(Map parameters = [:]) { final script = checkScript(this, parameters) ?: this parameters = DownloadCacheUtils.injectDownloadCacheInParameters(script, parameters, BuildTool.NPM) try { piperExecuteBin(parameters, STEP_NAME, METADATA_FILE, []) } catch (Exception exception) { error("Linter execution failed. Please examine the reports which are also available in the Jenkins user interface.") } finally { visualizeLintingResults(script) } } private visualizeLintingResults(Script script) { try { recordIssues skipBlames: true, enabledForFailure: true, aggregatingResults: false, tool: script.checkStyle(id: "lint", name: "Lint", pattern: "*lint.xml") } catch (e) { echo "recordIssues has failed. Possibly due to an outdated version of the warnings-ng plugin." e.printStackTrace() } }