package cmd import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "os" "path/filepath" "strconv" "strings" "time" piperDocker "" piperGithub "" piperhttp "" ws "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // ScanOptions is just used to make the lines less long type ScanOptions = whitesourceExecuteScanOptions // WhiteSource defines the functions that are expected by the step implementation to // be available from the WhiteSource system. type whitesource interface { GetProductByName(productName string) (ws.Product, error) CreateProduct(productName string) (string, error) SetProductAssignments(productToken string, membership, admins, alertReceivers *ws.Assignment) error GetProjectsMetaInfo(productToken string) ([]ws.Project, error) GetProjectToken(productToken, projectName string) (string, error) GetProjectByToken(projectToken string) (ws.Project, error) GetProjectRiskReport(projectToken string) ([]byte, error) GetProjectVulnerabilityReport(projectToken string, format string) ([]byte, error) GetProjectAlerts(projectToken string) ([]ws.Alert, error) GetProjectAlertsByType(projectToken, alertType string) ([]ws.Alert, error) GetProjectLibraryLocations(projectToken string) ([]ws.Library, error) } type whitesourceUtils interface { ws.Utils piperutils.FileUtils GetArtifactCoordinates(buildTool, buildDescriptorFile string, options *versioning.Options) (versioning.Coordinates, error) CreateIssue(ghCreateIssueOptions *piperGithub.CreateIssueOptions) error Now() time.Time } type whitesourceUtilsBundle struct { *piperhttp.Client *command.Command *piperutils.Files npmExecutor npm.Executor } // CreateIssue supplies capability for GitHub issue creation func (w *whitesourceUtilsBundle) CreateIssue(ghCreateIssueOptions *piperGithub.CreateIssueOptions) error { return piperGithub.CreateIssue(ghCreateIssueOptions) } func (w *whitesourceUtilsBundle) FileOpen(name string, flag int, perm os.FileMode) (ws.File, error) { return os.OpenFile(name, flag, perm) } func (w *whitesourceUtilsBundle) GetArtifactCoordinates(buildTool, buildDescriptorFile string, options *versioning.Options) (versioning.Coordinates, error) { artifact, err := versioning.GetArtifact(buildTool, buildDescriptorFile, options, w) if err != nil { return versioning.Coordinates{}, err } return artifact.GetCoordinates() } func (w *whitesourceUtilsBundle) getNpmExecutor(config *ws.ScanOptions) npm.Executor { if w.npmExecutor == nil { w.npmExecutor = npm.NewExecutor(npm.ExecutorOptions{DefaultNpmRegistry: config.DefaultNpmRegistry}) } return w.npmExecutor } func (w *whitesourceUtilsBundle) FindPackageJSONFiles(config *ws.ScanOptions) ([]string, error) { return w.getNpmExecutor(config).FindPackageJSONFilesWithExcludes(config.BuildDescriptorExcludeList) } func (w *whitesourceUtilsBundle) InstallAllNPMDependencies(config *ws.ScanOptions, packageJSONFiles []string) error { return w.getNpmExecutor(config).InstallAllDependencies(packageJSONFiles) } func (w *whitesourceUtilsBundle) SetOptions(o piperhttp.ClientOptions) { w.Client.SetOptions(o) } func (w *whitesourceUtilsBundle) Now() time.Time { return time.Now() } func newWhitesourceUtils(config *ScanOptions) *whitesourceUtilsBundle { utils := whitesourceUtilsBundle{ Client: &piperhttp.Client{}, Command: &command.Command{}, Files: &piperutils.Files{}, } // Reroute cmd output to logging framework utils.Stdout(log.Writer()) utils.Stderr(log.Writer()) // Configure HTTP Client utils.SetOptions(piperhttp.ClientOptions{TransportTimeout: time.Duration(config.Timeout) * time.Second}) return &utils } func newWhitesourceScan(config *ScanOptions) *ws.Scan { return &ws.Scan{ AggregateProjectName: config.ProjectName, ProductVersion: config.Version, } } func whitesourceExecuteScan(config ScanOptions, _ *telemetry.CustomData, commonPipelineEnvironment *whitesourceExecuteScanCommonPipelineEnvironment, influx *whitesourceExecuteScanInflux) { utils := newWhitesourceUtils(&config) scan := newWhitesourceScan(&config) sys := ws.NewSystem(config.ServiceURL, config.OrgToken, config.UserToken, time.Duration(config.Timeout)*time.Second) influx.step_data.fields.whitesource = false err := runWhitesourceExecuteScan(&config, scan, utils, sys, commonPipelineEnvironment, influx) if err != nil { log.Entry().WithError(err).Fatal("step execution failed") } influx.step_data.fields.whitesource = true } func runWhitesourceExecuteScan(config *ScanOptions, scan *ws.Scan, utils whitesourceUtils, sys whitesource, commonPipelineEnvironment *whitesourceExecuteScanCommonPipelineEnvironment, influx *whitesourceExecuteScanInflux) error { if err := resolveAggregateProjectName(config, scan, sys); err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to resolve and aggregate project name") } if err := resolveProjectIdentifiers(config, scan, utils, sys); err != nil { if strings.Contains(fmt.Sprint(err), "User is not allowed to perform this action") { log.SetErrorCategory(log.ErrorConfiguration) } return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to resolve project identifiers") } if config.AggregateVersionWideReport { // Generate a vulnerability report for all projects with version = config.ProjectVersion // Note that this is not guaranteed that all projects are from the same scan. // For example, if a module was removed from the source code, the project may still // exist in the WhiteSource system. if err := aggregateVersionWideLibraries(config, utils, sys); err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to aggregate version wide libraries") } if err := aggregateVersionWideVulnerabilities(config, utils, sys); err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to aggregate version wide vulnerabilities") } } else { if err := runWhitesourceScan(config, scan, utils, sys, commonPipelineEnvironment, influx); err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to execute WhiteSource scan") } } return nil } func runWhitesourceScan(config *ScanOptions, scan *ws.Scan, utils whitesourceUtils, sys whitesource, commonPipelineEnvironment *whitesourceExecuteScanCommonPipelineEnvironment, influx *whitesourceExecuteScanInflux) error { // Download Docker image for container scan // ToDo: move it to improve testability if config.BuildTool == "docker" { saveImageOptions := containerSaveImageOptions{ ContainerImage: config.ScanImage, ContainerRegistryURL: config.ScanImageRegistryURL, ContainerRegistryUser: config.ContainerRegistryUser, ContainerRegistryPassword: config.ContainerRegistryPassword, DockerConfigJSON: config.DockerConfigJSON, FilePath: config.ProjectName, ImageFormat: "legacy", // keep the image format legacy or whitesource is not able to read layers } dClientOptions := piperDocker.ClientOptions{ImageName: saveImageOptions.ContainerImage, RegistryURL: saveImageOptions.ContainerRegistryURL, LocalPath: "", ImageFormat: "legacy"} dClient := &piperDocker.Client{} dClient.SetOptions(dClientOptions) if _, err := runContainerSaveImage(&saveImageOptions, &telemetry.CustomData{}, "./cache", "", dClient, utils); err != nil { if strings.Contains(fmt.Sprint(err), "no image found") { log.SetErrorCategory(log.ErrorConfiguration) } return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to download Docker image %v", config.ScanImage) } } // Start the scan if err := executeScan(config, scan, utils); err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to execute Scan") } // ToDo: Check this: // Why is this required at all, resolveProjectIdentifiers() is already called before the scan in runWhitesourceExecuteScan() // Could perhaps use scan.updateProjects(sys) directly... have not investigated what could break if err := resolveProjectIdentifiers(config, scan, utils, sys); err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to resolve project identifiers") } log.Entry().Info("-----------------------------------------------------") log.Entry().Infof("Product Version: '%s'", config.Version) log.Entry().Info("Scanned projects:") for _, project := range scan.ScannedProjects() { log.Entry().Infof(" Name: '%s', token: %s", project.Name, project.Token) } log.Entry().Info("-----------------------------------------------------") paths, err := checkAndReportScanResults(config, scan, utils, sys, influx) piperutils.PersistReportsAndLinks("whitesourceExecuteScan", "", paths, nil) persistScannedProjects(config, scan, commonPipelineEnvironment) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to check and report scan results") } return nil } func checkAndReportScanResults(config *ScanOptions, scan *ws.Scan, utils whitesourceUtils, sys whitesource, influx *whitesourceExecuteScanInflux) ([]piperutils.Path, error) { reportPaths := []piperutils.Path{} if !config.Reporting && !config.SecurityVulnerabilities { return reportPaths, nil } // Wait for WhiteSource backend to propagate the changes before downloading any reports. if err := scan.BlockUntilReportsAreReady(sys); err != nil { return reportPaths, err } if config.Reporting { var err error reportPaths, err = scan.DownloadReports(ws.ReportOptions{ ReportDirectory: ws.ReportsDirectory, VulnerabilityReportFormat: config.VulnerabilityReportFormat, }, utils, sys) if err != nil { return reportPaths, err } } checkErrors := []string{} rPath, err := checkPolicyViolations(config, scan, sys, utils, reportPaths, influx) if err != nil { checkErrors = append(checkErrors, fmt.Sprint(err)) } reportPaths = append(reportPaths, rPath) if config.SecurityVulnerabilities { rPaths, err := checkSecurityViolations(config, scan, sys, utils, influx) reportPaths = append(reportPaths, rPaths...) if err != nil { checkErrors = append(checkErrors, fmt.Sprint(err)) } } // create toolrecord file // tbd - how to handle verifyOnly toolRecordFileName, err := createToolRecordWhitesource("./", config, scan) if err != nil { // do not fail until the framework is well established log.Entry().Warning("TR_WHITESOURCE: Failed to create toolrecord file ...", err) } else { reportPaths = append(reportPaths, piperutils.Path{Target: toolRecordFileName}) } if len(checkErrors) > 0 { return reportPaths, fmt.Errorf(strings.Join(checkErrors, ": ")) } return reportPaths, nil } func createWhiteSourceProduct(config *ScanOptions, sys whitesource) (string, error) { log.Entry().Infof("Attempting to create new WhiteSource product for '%s'..", config.ProductName) productToken, err := sys.CreateProduct(config.ProductName) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to create WhiteSource product: %w", err) } var admins ws.Assignment for _, address := range config.EmailAddressesOfInitialProductAdmins { admins.UserAssignments = append(admins.UserAssignments, ws.UserAssignment{Email: address}) } err = sys.SetProductAssignments(productToken, nil, &admins, nil) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to set admins on new WhiteSource product: %w", err) } return productToken, nil } func resolveProjectIdentifiers(config *ScanOptions, scan *ws.Scan, utils whitesourceUtils, sys whitesource) error { if len(scan.AggregateProjectName) > 0 && (len(config.Version)+len(config.CustomScanVersion) > 0) { if config.Version == "" { config.Version = config.CustomScanVersion } } else { options := &versioning.Options{ DockerImage: config.ScanImage, ProjectSettingsFile: config.ProjectSettingsFile, GlobalSettingsFile: config.GlobalSettingsFile, M2Path: config.M2Path, } coordinates, err := utils.GetArtifactCoordinates(config.BuildTool, config.BuildDescriptorFile, options) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get build artifact description") } if len(config.Version) > 0 { log.Entry().Infof("Resolving product version from default provided '%s' with versioning '%s'", config.Version, config.VersioningModel) coordinates.Version = config.Version } nameTmpl := `{{list .GroupID .ArtifactID | join "-" | trimAll "-"}}` name, version := versioning.DetermineProjectCoordinatesWithCustomVersion(nameTmpl, config.VersioningModel, config.CustomScanVersion, coordinates) if scan.AggregateProjectName == "" { log.Entry().Infof("Resolved project name '%s' from descriptor file", name) scan.AggregateProjectName = name } config.Version = version log.Entry().Infof("Resolved product version '%s'", version) } scan.ProductVersion = validateProductVersion(config.Version) if err := resolveProductToken(config, sys); err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "error resolving product token") } if err := resolveAggregateProjectToken(config, sys); err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "error resolving aggregate project token") } return scan.UpdateProjects(config.ProductToken, sys) } // resolveProductToken resolves the token of the WhiteSource Product specified by config.ProductName, // unless the user provided a token in config.ProductToken already, or it was previously resolved. // If no Product can be found for the given config.ProductName, and the parameter // config.CreatePipelineFromProduct is set, an attempt will be made to create the product and // configure the initial product admins. func resolveProductToken(config *ScanOptions, sys whitesource) error { if config.ProductToken != "" { return nil } log.Entry().Infof("Attempting to resolve product token for product '%s'..", config.ProductName) product, err := sys.GetProductByName(config.ProductName) if err != nil && config.CreateProductFromPipeline { product = ws.Product{} product.Token, err = createWhiteSourceProduct(config, sys) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to create whitesource product") } } if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get product by name") } log.Entry().Infof("Resolved product token: '%s'..", product.Token) config.ProductToken = product.Token return nil } // resolveAggregateProjectName checks if config.ProjectToken is configured, and if so, expects a WhiteSource // project with that token to exist. The AggregateProjectName in the ws.Scan is then configured with that // project's name. func resolveAggregateProjectName(config *ScanOptions, scan *ws.Scan, sys whitesource) error { if config.ProjectToken == "" { return nil } log.Entry().Infof("Attempting to resolve aggregate project name for token '%s'..", config.ProjectToken) // If the user configured the "projectToken" parameter, we expect this project to exist in the backend. project, err := sys.GetProjectByToken(config.ProjectToken) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get project by token") } nameVersion := strings.Split(project.Name, " - ") scan.AggregateProjectName = nameVersion[0] log.Entry().Infof("Resolve aggregate project name '%s'..", scan.AggregateProjectName) return nil } // resolveAggregateProjectToken fetches the token of the WhiteSource Project specified by config.ProjectName // and stores it in config.ProjectToken. // The user can configure a projectName or projectToken of the project to be used as for aggregation of scan results. func resolveAggregateProjectToken(config *ScanOptions, sys whitesource) error { if config.ProjectToken != "" || config.ProjectName == "" { return nil } log.Entry().Infof("Attempting to resolve project token for project '%s'..", config.ProjectName) fullProjName := fmt.Sprintf("%s - %s", config.ProjectName, config.Version) projectToken, err := sys.GetProjectToken(config.ProductToken, fullProjName) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get project token") } // A project may not yet exist for this project name-version combo. // It will be created by the scan, we retrieve the token again after scanning. if projectToken != "" { log.Entry().Infof("Resolved project token: '%s'..", projectToken) config.ProjectToken = projectToken } else { log.Entry().Infof("Project '%s' not yet present in WhiteSource", fullProjName) } return nil } // validateProductVersion makes sure that the version does not contain a dash "-". func validateProductVersion(version string) string { // TrimLeft() removes all "-" from the beginning, unlike TrimPrefix()! version = strings.TrimLeft(version, "-") if strings.Contains(version, "-") { version = strings.SplitN(version, "-", 1)[0] } return version } func wsScanOptions(config *ScanOptions) *ws.ScanOptions { return &ws.ScanOptions{ BuildTool: config.BuildTool, ScanType: "", // no longer provided via config OrgToken: config.OrgToken, UserToken: config.UserToken, ProductName: config.ProductName, ProductToken: config.ProductToken, ProductVersion: config.Version, ProjectName: config.ProjectName, BuildDescriptorFile: config.BuildDescriptorFile, BuildDescriptorExcludeList: config.BuildDescriptorExcludeList, PomPath: config.BuildDescriptorFile, M2Path: config.M2Path, GlobalSettingsFile: config.GlobalSettingsFile, ProjectSettingsFile: config.ProjectSettingsFile, InstallArtifacts: config.InstallArtifacts, DefaultNpmRegistry: config.DefaultNpmRegistry, AgentDownloadURL: config.AgentDownloadURL, AgentFileName: config.AgentFileName, ConfigFilePath: config.ConfigFilePath, Includes: config.Includes, Excludes: config.Excludes, JreDownloadURL: config.JreDownloadURL, AgentURL: config.AgentURL, ServiceURL: config.ServiceURL, ScanPath: config.ScanPath, Verbose: GeneralConfig.Verbose, } } // Unified Agent is the only supported option by WhiteSource going forward: // The Unified Agent will be used to perform the scan. func executeScan(config *ScanOptions, scan *ws.Scan, utils whitesourceUtils) error { options := wsScanOptions(config) // Execute scan with Unified Agent jar file if err := scan.ExecuteUAScan(options, utils); err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to execute Unified Agent scan") } return nil } func checkPolicyViolations(config *ScanOptions, scan *ws.Scan, sys whitesource, utils whitesourceUtils, reportPaths []piperutils.Path, influx *whitesourceExecuteScanInflux) (piperutils.Path, error) { policyViolationCount := 0 for _, project := range scan.ScannedProjects() { alerts, err := sys.GetProjectAlertsByType(project.Token, "REJECTED_BY_POLICY_RESOURCE") if err != nil { return piperutils.Path{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve project policy alerts from WhiteSource: %w", err) } policyViolationCount += len(alerts) } violations := struct { PolicyViolations int `json:"policyViolations"` Reports []string `json:"reports"` }{ PolicyViolations: policyViolationCount, Reports: []string{}, } for _, report := range reportPaths { _, reportFile := filepath.Split(report.Target) violations.Reports = append(violations.Reports, reportFile) } violationContent, err := json.Marshal(violations) if err != nil { return piperutils.Path{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal policy violation data: %w", err) } jsonViolationReportPath := filepath.Join(ws.ReportsDirectory, "whitesource-ip.json") err = utils.FileWrite(jsonViolationReportPath, violationContent, 0666) if err != nil { return piperutils.Path{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to write policy violation report: %w", err) } policyReport := piperutils.Path{Name: "WhiteSource Policy Violation Report", Target: jsonViolationReportPath} // create a json report to be used later, e.g. issue creation in GitHub ipReport := reporting.ScanReport{ ReportTitle: "WhiteSource IP Report", Subheaders: []reporting.Subheader{ {Description: "WhiteSource product name", Details: config.ProductName}, {Description: "Filtered project names", Details: strings.Join(scan.ScannedProjectNames(), ", ")}, }, Overview: []reporting.OverviewRow{ {Description: "Total number of licensing vulnerabilities", Details: fmt.Sprint(policyViolationCount)}, }, SuccessfulScan: policyViolationCount == 0, ReportTime: utils.Now(), } // JSON reports are used by step pipelineCreateSummary in order to e.g. prepare an issue creation in GitHub // ignore JSON errors since structure is in our hands jsonReport, _ := ipReport.ToJSON() if exists, _ := utils.DirExists(reporting.StepReportDirectory); !exists { err := utils.MkdirAll(reporting.StepReportDirectory, 0777) if err != nil { return policyReport, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create reporting directory") } } if err := utils.FileWrite(filepath.Join(reporting.StepReportDirectory, fmt.Sprintf("whitesourceExecuteScan_ip_%v.json", ws.ReportSha(config.ProductName, scan))), jsonReport, 0666); err != nil { return policyReport, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to write json report") } // we do not add the json report to the overall list of reports for now, // since it is just an intermediary report used as input for later // and there does not seem to be real benefit in archiving it. if policyViolationCount > 0 { log.SetErrorCategory(log.ErrorCompliance) influx.whitesource_data.fields.policy_violations = policyViolationCount return policyReport, fmt.Errorf("%v policy violation(s) found", policyViolationCount) } return policyReport, nil } func checkSecurityViolations(config *ScanOptions, scan *ws.Scan, sys whitesource, utils whitesourceUtils, influx *whitesourceExecuteScanInflux) ([]piperutils.Path, error) { var reportPaths []piperutils.Path // Check for security vulnerabilities and fail the build if cvssSeverityLimit threshold is crossed // convert config.CvssSeverityLimit to float64 cvssSeverityLimit, err := strconv.ParseFloat(config.CvssSeverityLimit, 64) if err != nil { log.SetErrorCategory(log.ErrorConfiguration) return reportPaths, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse parameter cvssSeverityLimit (%s) "+ "as floating point number: %w", config.CvssSeverityLimit, err) } if config.ProjectToken != "" { project := ws.Project{Name: config.ProjectName, Token: config.ProjectToken} // ToDo: see if HTML report generation is really required here // we anyway need to do some refactoring here since config.ProjectToken != "" essentially indicates an aggregated project if _, _, err := checkProjectSecurityViolations(cvssSeverityLimit, project, sys, influx); err != nil { return reportPaths, err } } else { vulnerabilitiesCount := 0 var errorsOccured []string allAlerts := []ws.Alert{} for _, project := range scan.ScannedProjects() { // collect errors and aggregate vulnerabilities from all projects if vulCount, alerts, err := checkProjectSecurityViolations(cvssSeverityLimit, project, sys, influx); err != nil { allAlerts = append(allAlerts, alerts...) vulnerabilitiesCount += vulCount errorsOccured = append(errorsOccured, fmt.Sprint(err)) } } log.Entry().Debugf("Aggregated %v alerts for scanned projects", len(allAlerts)) if config.CreateResultIssue && vulnerabilitiesCount > 0 && len(config.GithubToken) > 0 && len(config.GithubAPIURL) > 0 && len(config.Owner) > 0 && len(config.Repository) > 0 { log.Entry().Debugf("Creating result issues for %v alert(s)", vulnerabilitiesCount) issueDetails := make([]reporting.IssueDetail, len(allAlerts)) piperutils.CopyAtoB(allAlerts, issueDetails) err = reporting.UploadMultipleReportsToGithub(&issueDetails, config.GithubToken, config.GithubAPIURL, config.Owner, config.Repository, config.Assignees, config.CustomTLSCertificateLinks, utils) if err != nil { errorsOccured = append(errorsOccured, fmt.Sprint(err)) } } scanReport := ws.CreateCustomVulnerabilityReport(config.ProductName, scan, &allAlerts, cvssSeverityLimit) paths, err := ws.WriteCustomVulnerabilityReports(config.ProductName, scan, scanReport, utils) if err != nil { errorsOccured = append(errorsOccured, fmt.Sprint(err)) } reportPaths = append(reportPaths, paths...) sarif := ws.CreateSarifResultFile(scan, &allAlerts) paths, err = ws.WriteSarifFile(sarif, utils) if err != nil { errorsOccured = append(errorsOccured, fmt.Sprint(err)) } reportPaths = append(reportPaths, paths...) if len(errorsOccured) > 0 { if vulnerabilitiesCount > 0 { log.SetErrorCategory(log.ErrorCompliance) } return reportPaths, fmt.Errorf(strings.Join(errorsOccured, ": ")) } } return reportPaths, nil } // checkSecurityViolations checks security violations and returns an error if the configured severity limit is crossed. func checkProjectSecurityViolations(cvssSeverityLimit float64, project ws.Project, sys whitesource, influx *whitesourceExecuteScanInflux) (int, []ws.Alert, error) { // get project alerts (vulnerabilities) alerts, err := sys.GetProjectAlertsByType(project.Token, "SECURITY_VULNERABILITY") if err != nil { return 0, alerts, fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve project alerts from WhiteSource: %w", err) } severeVulnerabilities, nonSevereVulnerabilities := ws.CountSecurityVulnerabilities(&alerts, cvssSeverityLimit) influx.whitesource_data.fields.minor_vulnerabilities = nonSevereVulnerabilities influx.whitesource_data.fields.major_vulnerabilities = severeVulnerabilities influx.whitesource_data.fields.vulnerabilities = nonSevereVulnerabilities + severeVulnerabilities if nonSevereVulnerabilities > 0 { log.Entry().Warnf("WARNING: %v Open Source Software Security vulnerabilities with "+ "CVSS score below threshold %.1f detected in project %s.", nonSevereVulnerabilities, cvssSeverityLimit, project.Name) } else if len(alerts) == 0 { log.Entry().Infof("No Open Source Software Security vulnerabilities detected in project %s", project.Name) } // if severeVulnerabilities > 0 { log.SetErrorCategory(log.ErrorCompliance) return severeVulnerabilities, alerts, fmt.Errorf("%v Open Source Software Security vulnerabilities with CVSS score greater "+ "or equal to %.1f detected in project %s", severeVulnerabilities, cvssSeverityLimit, project.Name) } return 0, alerts, nil } func aggregateVersionWideLibraries(config *ScanOptions, utils whitesourceUtils, sys whitesource) error { log.Entry().Infof("Aggregating list of libraries used for all projects with version: %s", config.Version) projects, err := sys.GetProjectsMetaInfo(config.ProductToken) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get projects meta info") } versionWideLibraries := map[string][]ws.Library{} // maps project name to slice of libraries for _, project := range projects { projectVersion := strings.Split(project.Name, " - ")[1] projectName := strings.Split(project.Name, " - ")[0] if projectVersion == config.Version { libs, err := sys.GetProjectLibraryLocations(project.Token) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get project library locations") } log.Entry().Infof("Found project: %s with %v libraries.", project.Name, len(libs)) versionWideLibraries[projectName] = libs } } if err := newLibraryCSVReport(versionWideLibraries, config, utils); err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed toget new libary CSV report") } return nil } func aggregateVersionWideVulnerabilities(config *ScanOptions, utils whitesourceUtils, sys whitesource) error { log.Entry().Infof("Aggregating list of vulnerabilities for all projects with version: %s", config.Version) projects, err := sys.GetProjectsMetaInfo(config.ProductToken) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get projects meta info") } var versionWideAlerts []ws.Alert // all alerts for a given project version projectNames := `` // holds all project tokens considered a part of the report for debugging for _, project := range projects { projectVersion := strings.Split(project.Name, " - ")[1] if projectVersion == config.Version { projectNames += project.Name + "\n" alerts, err := sys.GetProjectAlertsByType(project.Token, "SECURITY_VULNERABILITY") if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get project alerts by type") } log.Entry().Infof("Found project: %s with %v vulnerabilities.", project.Name, len(alerts)) versionWideAlerts = append(versionWideAlerts, alerts...) } } reportPath := filepath.Join(ws.ReportsDirectory, "project-names-aggregated.txt") if err := utils.FileWrite(reportPath, []byte(projectNames), 0666); err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to write report: %s", reportPath) } if err := newVulnerabilityExcelReport(versionWideAlerts, config, utils); err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to create new vulnerability excel report") } return nil } const wsReportTimeStampLayout = "20060102-150405" // outputs an slice of alerts to an excel file func newVulnerabilityExcelReport(alerts []ws.Alert, config *ScanOptions, utils whitesourceUtils) error { file := excelize.NewFile() streamWriter, err := file.NewStreamWriter("Sheet1") if err != nil { return err } styleID, err := file.NewStyle(`{"font":{"color":"#777777"}}`) if err != nil { return err } if err := fillVulnerabilityExcelReport(alerts, streamWriter, styleID); err != nil { return err } if err := streamWriter.Flush(); err != nil { return err } if err := utils.MkdirAll(ws.ReportsDirectory, 0777); err != nil { return err } fileName := filepath.Join(ws.ReportsDirectory, fmt.Sprintf("vulnerabilities-%s.xlsx", utils.Now().Format(wsReportTimeStampLayout))) stream, err := utils.FileOpen(fileName, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC|os.O_CREATE, 0666) if err != nil { return err } if err := file.Write(stream); err != nil { return err } filePath := piperutils.Path{Name: "aggregated-vulnerabilities", Target: fileName} piperutils.PersistReportsAndLinks("whitesourceExecuteScan", "", []piperutils.Path{filePath}, nil) return nil } func fillVulnerabilityExcelReport(alerts []ws.Alert, streamWriter *excelize.StreamWriter, styleID int) error { rows := []struct { axis string title string }{ {"A1", "Severity"}, {"B1", "Library"}, {"C1", "Vulnerability Id"}, {"D1", "CVSS 3"}, {"E1", "Project"}, {"F1", "Resolution"}, } for _, row := range rows { err := streamWriter.SetRow(row.axis, []interface{}{excelize.Cell{StyleID: styleID, Value: row.title}}) if err != nil { return err } } for i, alert := range alerts { row := make([]interface{}, 6) vuln := alert.Vulnerability row[0] = vuln.CVSS3Severity row[1] = alert.Library.Filename row[2] = vuln.Name row[3] = vuln.CVSS3Score row[4] = alert.Project row[5] = vuln.FixResolutionText cell, _ := excelize.CoordinatesToCellName(1, i+2) if err := streamWriter.SetRow(cell, row); err != nil { log.Entry().Errorf("failed to write alert row: %v", err) } } return nil } // outputs an slice of libraries to an excel file based on projects with version == config.Version func newLibraryCSVReport(libraries map[string][]ws.Library, config *ScanOptions, utils whitesourceUtils) error { output := "Library Name, Project Name\n" for projectName, libraries := range libraries { log.Entry().Infof("Writing %v libraries for project %s to excel report..", len(libraries), projectName) for _, library := range libraries { output += library.Name + ", " + projectName + "\n" } } // Ensure reporting directory exists if err := utils.MkdirAll(ws.ReportsDirectory, 0777); err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to create directories: %s", ws.ReportsDirectory) } // Write result to file fileName := fmt.Sprintf("%s/libraries-%s.csv", ws.ReportsDirectory, utils.Now().Format(wsReportTimeStampLayout)) if err := utils.FileWrite(fileName, []byte(output), 0666); err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to write file: %s", fileName) } filePath := piperutils.Path{Name: "aggregated-libraries", Target: fileName} piperutils.PersistReportsAndLinks("whitesourceExecuteScan", "", []piperutils.Path{filePath}, nil) return nil } // persistScannedProjects writes all actually scanned WhiteSource project names as list // into the Common Pipeline Environment, from where it can be used by sub-sequent steps. func persistScannedProjects(config *ScanOptions, scan *ws.Scan, commonPipelineEnvironment *whitesourceExecuteScanCommonPipelineEnvironment) { projectNames := []string{} if config.ProjectName != "" { projectNames = []string{config.ProjectName + " - " + config.Version} } else { projectNames = scan.ScannedProjectNames() } commonPipelineEnvironment.custom.whitesourceProjectNames = projectNames } // create toolrecord file for whitesource // func createToolRecordWhitesource(workspace string, config *whitesourceExecuteScanOptions, scan *ws.Scan) (string, error) { record := toolrecord.New(workspace, "whitesource", config.ServiceURL) wsUiRoot := "" productURL := wsUiRoot + "/Wss/WSS.html#!product;token=" + config.ProductToken err := record.AddKeyData("product", config.ProductToken, config.ProductName, productURL) if err != nil { return "", err } max_idx := 0 for idx, project := range scan.ScannedProjects() { max_idx = idx name := project.Name token := project.Token projectURL := "" if token != "" { projectURL = wsUiRoot + "/Wss/WSS.html#!project;token=" + token } else { // token is empty, provide a dummy to have an indication token = "unknown" } err = record.AddKeyData("project", token, name, projectURL) if err != nil { return "", err } } // set overall display data to product if there // is more than one project if max_idx > 1 { record.SetOverallDisplayData(config.ProductName, productURL) } err = record.Persist() if err != nil { return "", err } return record.GetFileName(), nil }