# ${docGenStepName} ## ${docGenDescription} ## Prerequisites A SAP Cloud Platform ABAP Environment system is available. On this system, a [Communication User](https://help.sap.com/viewer/65de2977205c403bbc107264b8eccf4b/Cloud/en-US/0377adea0401467f939827242c1f4014.html), a [Communication System](https://help.sap.com/viewer/65de2977205c403bbc107264b8eccf4b/Cloud/en-US/1bfe32ae08074b7186e375ab425fb114.html) and a [Communication Arrangement](https://help.sap.com/viewer/65de2977205c403bbc107264b8eccf4b/Cloud/en-US/a0771f6765f54e1c8193ad8582a32edb.html) is setup for the Communication Scenario "SAP Cloud Platform ABAP Environment - Software Component Test Integration (SAP_COM_0510)". This can be done manually through the respective applications on the SAP Cloud Platform ABAP Environment System or through creating a service key for the system on cloud foundry with the parameters {"scenario_id": "SAP_COM_0510", "type": "basic"}. In a pipeline, you can do this with the step [cloudFoundryCreateServiceKey](https://sap.github.io/jenkins-library/steps/cloudFoundryCreateServiceKey/). ## ${docGenParameters} ## ${docGenConfiguration} ## ${docJenkinsPluginDependencies} ## Example: Configuration in the config.yml The recommended way to configure your pipeline is via the config.yml file. In this case, calling the step in the Jenkinsfile is reduced to one line: ```groovy abapEnvironmentPullGitRepo script: this ``` If you want to provide the host and credentials of the Communication Arrangement directly, the configuration could look as follows: ```yaml steps: abapEnvironmentPullGitRepo: repositoryNames: ['/DMO/GIT_REPOSITORY'] abapCredentialsId: 'abapCredentialsId' host: '1234-abcd-5678-efgh-ijk.abap.eu10.hana.ondemand.com' ``` However, we recommend to use a dedicated file, e.g. `repositories.yml` to specify the repositories to be pulled: ```yaml steps: abapEnvironmentPullGitRepo: repositories: 'repositories.yml' abapCredentialsId: 'abapCredentialsId' host: '1234-abcd-5678-efgh-ijk.abap.eu10.hana.ondemand.com' ``` The associated config file, e.g. `repositories.yml` could look as follows: ```yaml repositories: - name: '/DMO/GIT_REPOSITORY' branch: 'master' - name: '/DMO/GIT_REPO' branch: 'master' ``` It is optional to provide a branch. However, if you also want to use this file for the abapEnvironmentCheckoutBranch step it is recommended to follow the above structure. !!! note "Commit IDs" CommitIDs will also be supported in the future. While the step already includes the handling of commit IDs, the ABAP Environment system will support this not until a later release. If you want to read the host and credentials from the cloud foundry service key of the respective instance, the configuration could look as follows: ```yaml steps: abapEnvironmentPullGitRepo: repositoryNames: ['/DMO/GIT_REPOSITORY'] cfCredentialsId: 'cfCredentialsId' cfApiEndpoint: 'https://test.server.com' cfOrg: 'cfOrg' cfSpace: 'cfSpace' cfServiceInstance: 'cfServiceInstance' cfServiceKeyName: 'cfServiceKeyName' ``` ## Example: Configuration in the Jenkinsfile It is also possible to call the steps - including all parameters - directly in the Jenkinsfile. In the first example, the host and the credentialsId of the Communication Arrangement are directly provided. ```groovy abapEnvironmentPullGitRepo ( script: this, repositoryNames: ['/DMO/GIT_REPOSITORY'], abapCredentialsId: 'abapCredentialsId', host: '1234-abcd-5678-efgh-ijk.abap.eu10.hana.ondemand.com' ) ``` In the second example, the host and credentialsId will be read from the provided cloud foundry service key of the specified service instance. ```groovy abapEnvironmentPullGitRepo ( script: this, repositoryNames: ['/DMO/GIT_REPOSITORY', '/DMO/GIT_REPO'], abapCredentialsId: 'cfCredentialsId', cfApiEndpoint: 'https://test.server.com', cfOrg: 'cfOrg', cfSpace: 'cfSpace', cfServiceInstance: 'cfServiceInstance', cfServiceKeyName: 'cfServiceKeyName' ) ```