package cmd import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "" "" "" ) func kubernetesDeploy(config kubernetesDeployOptions, telemetryData *telemetry.CustomData) { c := command.Command{ ErrorCategoryMapping: map[string][]string{ log.ErrorConfiguration.String(): { "Error: Get * no such host", "Error: path * not found", "Error: rendered manifests contain a resource that already exists.", "Error: unknown flag", "Error: UPGRADE FAILED: * failed to replace object: * is invalid", "Error: UPGRADE FAILED: * failed to create resource: * is invalid", "Error: UPGRADE FAILED: an error occurred * not found", "Error: UPGRADE FAILED: query: failed to query with labels:", "Invalid value: \"\": field is immutable", }, log.ErrorCustom.String(): { "Error: release * failed, * timed out waiting for the condition", }, }, } // reroute stderr output to logging framework, stdout will be used for command interactions c.Stderr(log.Writer()) // error situations should stop execution through log.Entry().Fatal() call which leads to an os.Exit(1) in the end err := runKubernetesDeploy(config, &c, log.Writer()) if err != nil { log.Entry().WithError(err).Fatal("step execution failed") } } func runKubernetesDeploy(config kubernetesDeployOptions, command command.ExecRunner, stdout io.Writer) error { if config.DeployTool == "helm" || config.DeployTool == "helm3" { return runHelmDeploy(config, command, stdout) } else if config.DeployTool == "kubectl" { return runKubectlDeploy(config, command) } return fmt.Errorf("Failed to execute deployments") } func runHelmDeploy(config kubernetesDeployOptions, command command.ExecRunner, stdout io.Writer) error { if len(config.ChartPath) <= 0 { return fmt.Errorf("chart path has not been set, please configure chartPath parameter") } if len(config.DeploymentName) <= 0 { return fmt.Errorf("deployment name has not been set, please configure deploymentName parameter") } _, containerRegistry, err := splitRegistryURL(config.ContainerRegistryURL) if err != nil { log.Entry().WithError(err).Fatalf("Container registry url '%v' incorrect", config.ContainerRegistryURL) } //support either image or containerImageName and containerImageTag containerImageName := "" containerImageTag := "" if len(config.Image) > 0 { containerImageName, containerImageTag, err = splitFullImageName(config.Image) if err != nil { log.Entry().WithError(err).Fatalf("Container image '%v' incorrect", config.Image) } } else if len(config.ContainerImageName) > 0 && len(config.ContainerImageTag) > 0 { containerImageName = config.ContainerImageName containerImageTag = config.ContainerImageTag } else { return fmt.Errorf("image information not given - please either set image or containerImageName and containerImageTag") } helmLogFields := map[string]interface{}{} helmLogFields["Chart Path"] = config.ChartPath helmLogFields["Namespace"] = config.Namespace helmLogFields["Deployment Name"] = config.DeploymentName helmLogFields["Context"] = config.KubeContext helmLogFields["Kubeconfig"] = config.KubeConfig log.Entry().WithFields(helmLogFields).Debug("Calling Helm") helmEnv := []string{fmt.Sprintf("KUBECONFIG=%v", config.KubeConfig)} if config.DeployTool == "helm" && len(config.TillerNamespace) > 0 { helmEnv = append(helmEnv, fmt.Sprintf("TILLER_NAMESPACE=%v", config.TillerNamespace)) } log.Entry().Debugf("Helm SetEnv: %v", helmEnv) command.SetEnv(helmEnv) command.Stdout(stdout) if config.DeployTool == "helm" { initParams := []string{"init", "--client-only"} if err := command.RunExecutable("helm", initParams...); err != nil { log.Entry().WithError(err).Fatal("Helm init call failed") } } var secretsData string if len(config.DockerConfigJSON) == 0 && (len(config.ContainerRegistryUser) == 0 || len(config.ContainerRegistryPassword) == 0) { log.Entry().Info("No container registry credentials or docker config.json file provided or credentials incomplete: skipping secret creation") if len(config.ContainerRegistrySecret) > 0 { secretsData = fmt.Sprintf(",imagePullSecrets[0].name=%v", config.ContainerRegistrySecret) } } else { var dockerRegistrySecret bytes.Buffer command.Stdout(&dockerRegistrySecret) kubeSecretParams := defineKubeSecretParams(config, containerRegistry) log.Entry().Infof("Calling kubectl create secret --dry-run=true ...") log.Entry().Debugf("kubectl parameters %v", kubeSecretParams) if err := command.RunExecutable("kubectl", kubeSecretParams...); err != nil { log.Entry().WithError(err).Fatal("Retrieving Docker config via kubectl failed") } var dockerRegistrySecretData struct { Kind string `json:"kind"` Data struct { DockerConfJSON string `json:".dockerconfigjson"` } `json:"data"` Type string `json:"type"` } if err := json.Unmarshal(dockerRegistrySecret.Bytes(), &dockerRegistrySecretData); err != nil { log.Entry().WithError(err).Fatal("Reading docker registry secret json failed") } // make sure that secret is hidden in log output log.RegisterSecret(dockerRegistrySecretData.Data.DockerConfJSON) log.Entry().Debugf("Secret created: %v", string(dockerRegistrySecret.Bytes())) // pass secret in helm default template way and in Piper backward compatible way secretsData = fmt.Sprintf(",,secret.dockerconfigjson=%v,imagePullSecrets[0].name=%v", config.ContainerRegistrySecret, dockerRegistrySecretData.Data.DockerConfJSON, config.ContainerRegistrySecret) } // Deprecated functionality // only for backward compatible handling of ingress.hosts // this requires an adoption of the default ingress.yaml template // Due to the way helm is implemented it is currently not possible to overwrite a part of a list: // see: // Recommended way is to use a custom values file which contains the appropriate data ingressHosts := "" for i, h := range config.IngressHosts { ingressHosts += fmt.Sprintf(",ingress.hosts[%v]=%v", i, h) } upgradeParams := []string{ "upgrade", config.DeploymentName, config.ChartPath, } for _, v := range config.HelmValues { upgradeParams = append(upgradeParams, "--values", v) } upgradeParams = append( upgradeParams, "--install", "--namespace", config.Namespace, "--set", fmt.Sprintf("image.repository=%v/%v,image.tag=%v%v%v", containerRegistry, containerImageName, containerImageTag, secretsData, ingressHosts), ) if config.ForceUpdates { upgradeParams = append(upgradeParams, "--force") } if config.DeployTool == "helm" { upgradeParams = append(upgradeParams, "--wait", "--timeout", strconv.Itoa(config.HelmDeployWaitSeconds)) } if config.DeployTool == "helm3" { upgradeParams = append(upgradeParams, "--wait", "--timeout", fmt.Sprintf("%vs", config.HelmDeployWaitSeconds)) } if !config.KeepFailedDeployments { upgradeParams = append(upgradeParams, "--atomic") } if len(config.KubeContext) > 0 { upgradeParams = append(upgradeParams, "--kube-context", config.KubeContext) } if len(config.AdditionalParameters) > 0 { upgradeParams = append(upgradeParams, config.AdditionalParameters...) } command.Stdout(stdout) log.Entry().Info("Calling helm upgrade ...") log.Entry().Debugf("Helm parameters %v", upgradeParams) if err := command.RunExecutable("helm", upgradeParams...); err != nil { log.Entry().WithError(err).Fatal("Helm upgrade call failed") } return nil } func runKubectlDeploy(config kubernetesDeployOptions, command command.ExecRunner) error { _, containerRegistry, err := splitRegistryURL(config.ContainerRegistryURL) if err != nil { log.Entry().WithError(err).Fatalf("Container registry url '%v' incorrect", config.ContainerRegistryURL) } kubeParams := []string{ "--insecure-skip-tls-verify=true", fmt.Sprintf("--namespace=%v", config.Namespace), } if len(config.KubeConfig) > 0 { log.Entry().Info("Using KUBECONFIG environment for authentication.") kubeEnv := []string{fmt.Sprintf("KUBECONFIG=%v", config.KubeConfig)} command.SetEnv(kubeEnv) if len(config.KubeContext) > 0 { kubeParams = append(kubeParams, fmt.Sprintf("--context=%v", config.KubeContext)) } } else { log.Entry().Info("Using --token parameter for authentication.") kubeParams = append(kubeParams, fmt.Sprintf("--server=%v", config.APIServer)) kubeParams = append(kubeParams, fmt.Sprintf("--token=%v", config.KubeToken)) } if config.CreateDockerRegistrySecret { if len(config.DockerConfigJSON) == 0 && (len(config.ContainerRegistryUser) == 0 || len(config.ContainerRegistryPassword) == 0) { log.Entry().Fatal("Cannot create Container registry secret without proper registry username/password or docker config.json file") } // first check if secret already exists kubeCheckParams := append(kubeParams, "get", "secret", config.ContainerRegistrySecret) if err := command.RunExecutable("kubectl", kubeCheckParams...); err != nil { log.Entry().Infof("Registry secret '%v' does not exist, let's create it ...", config.ContainerRegistrySecret) kubeSecretParams := defineKubeSecretParams(config, containerRegistry) kubeSecretParams = append(kubeParams, kubeSecretParams...) log.Entry().Infof("Creating container registry secret '%v'", config.ContainerRegistrySecret) log.Entry().Debugf("Running kubectl with following parameters: %v", kubeSecretParams) if err := command.RunExecutable("kubectl", kubeSecretParams...); err != nil { log.Entry().WithError(err).Fatal("Creating container registry secret failed") } } } appTemplate, err := ioutil.ReadFile(config.AppTemplate) if err != nil { log.Entry().WithError(err).Fatalf("Error when reading appTemplate '%v'", config.AppTemplate) } //support either image or containerImageName and containerImageTag fullImage := "" if len(config.Image) > 0 { fullImage = config.Image } else if len(config.ContainerImageName) > 0 && len(config.ContainerImageTag) > 0 { fullImage = config.ContainerImageName + ":" + config.ContainerImageTag } else { return fmt.Errorf("image information not given - please either set image or containerImageName and containerImageTag") } // Update image name in deployment yaml, expects placeholder like 'image: ' re := regexp.MustCompile(`image:[ ]*`) appTemplate = []byte(re.ReplaceAllString(string(appTemplate), fmt.Sprintf("image: %v/%v", containerRegistry, fullImage))) err = ioutil.WriteFile(config.AppTemplate, appTemplate, 0700) if err != nil { log.Entry().WithError(err).Fatalf("Error when updating appTemplate '%v'", config.AppTemplate) } kubeApplyParams := append(kubeParams, "apply", "--filename", config.AppTemplate) if len(config.AdditionalParameters) > 0 { kubeApplyParams = append(kubeApplyParams, config.AdditionalParameters...) } if err := command.RunExecutable("kubectl", kubeApplyParams...); err != nil { log.Entry().Debugf("Running kubectl with following parameters: %v", kubeApplyParams) log.Entry().WithError(err).Fatal("Deployment with kubectl failed.") } return nil } func splitRegistryURL(registryURL string) (protocol, registry string, err error) { parts := strings.Split(registryURL, "://") if len(parts) != 2 || len(parts[1]) == 0 { return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to split registry url '%v'", registryURL) } return parts[0], parts[1], nil } func splitFullImageName(image string) (imageName, tag string, err error) { parts := strings.Split(image, ":") switch len(parts) { case 0: return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to split image name '%v'", image) case 1: if len(parts[0]) > 0 { return parts[0], "", nil } return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to split image name '%v'", image) case 2: return parts[0], parts[1], nil } return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to split image name '%v'", image) } func defineKubeSecretParams(config kubernetesDeployOptions, containerRegistry string) []string { kubeSecretParams := []string{ "create", "secret", } if config.DeployTool == "helm" || config.DeployTool == "helm3" { kubeSecretParams = append( kubeSecretParams, "--insecure-skip-tls-verify=true", "--dry-run=true", "--output=json", ) } if len(config.DockerConfigJSON) > 0 { return append( kubeSecretParams, "generic", config.ContainerRegistrySecret, fmt.Sprintf("--from-file=.dockerconfigjson=%v", config.DockerConfigJSON), "", ) } return append( kubeSecretParams, "docker-registry", config.ContainerRegistrySecret, fmt.Sprintf("--docker-server=%v", containerRegistry), fmt.Sprintf("--docker-username=%v", config.ContainerRegistryUser), fmt.Sprintf("--docker-password=%v", config.ContainerRegistryPassword), ) }