package cmd import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "os" "path" "path/filepath" "regexp" "strings" "time" "" "" "" piperDocker "" "" StepResults "" "" "" ) const ( webReportPath = "%s/products/%v/" scanResultFile = "protecodescan_vulns.json" stepResultFile = "protecodeExecuteScan.json" ) var reportPath = "./" var cachePath = "./cache" var cacheProtecodeImagePath = "/protecode/Image" var cacheProtecodePath = "/protecode" func protecodeExecuteScan(config protecodeExecuteScanOptions, telemetryData *telemetry.CustomData, influx *protecodeExecuteScanInflux) { c := command.Command{} // reroute command output to loging framework c.Stdout(log.Writer()) c.Stderr(log.Writer()) dClient := createDockerClient(&config) if err := runProtecodeScan(&config, influx, dClient); err != nil { log.Entry().WithError(err).Fatal("Failed to execute protecode scan.") } } func runProtecodeScan(config *protecodeExecuteScanOptions, influx *protecodeExecuteScanInflux, dClient piperDocker.Download) error { correctDockerConfigEnvVar(config) var fileName, filePath string var err error //create client for sending api request log.Entry().Debug("Create protecode client") client := createClient(config) if len(config.FetchURL) <= 0 { log.Entry().Debugf("Get docker image: %v, %v, %v, %v", config.ScanImage, config.DockerRegistryURL, config.FilePath, config.IncludeLayers) fileName, filePath, err = getDockerImage(dClient, config) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get Docker image") } if len(config.FilePath) <= 0 { (*config).FilePath = filePath log.Entry().Debugf("Filepath for upload image: %v", config.FilePath) } } log.Entry().Debug("Execute protecode scan") if err := executeProtecodeScan(influx, client, config, fileName, writeReportToFile); err != nil { return err } defer os.Remove(config.FilePath) if err := os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(cachePath, cacheProtecodePath)); err != nil { log.Entry().Warnf("Error during cleanup folder %v", err) } return nil } // reused by cmd/sonarExecuteScan.go // TODO: extract to version utils func handleArtifactVersion(artifactVersion string) string { matches, _ := regexp.MatchString("([\\d\\.]){1,}-[\\d]{14}([\\Wa-z\\d]{41})?", artifactVersion) if matches { split := strings.SplitN(artifactVersion, ".", 2) log.Entry().WithField("old", artifactVersion).WithField("new", split[0]).Debug("Trimming version to major version digit.") return split[0] } return artifactVersion } func getDockerImage(dClient piperDocker.Download, config *protecodeExecuteScanOptions) (string, string, error) { cacheImagePath := filepath.Join(cachePath, cacheProtecodeImagePath) deletePath := filepath.Join(cachePath, cacheProtecodePath) err := os.RemoveAll(deletePath) os.Mkdir(cacheImagePath, 600) imageSource, err := dClient.GetImageSource() if err != nil { log.SetErrorCategory(log.ErrorConfiguration) return "", "", errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get docker image") } image, err := dClient.DownloadImageToPath(imageSource, cacheImagePath) if err != nil { return "", "", errors.Wrap(err, "failed to download docker image") } var fileName string if util.IsTar(config.ScanImage) { fileName = config.ScanImage } else { fileName = getTarName(config) tarFilePath := filepath.Join(cachePath, fileName) tarFile, err := os.Create(tarFilePath) if err != nil { log.SetErrorCategory(log.ErrorCustom) return "", "", errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create tar for the docker image") } defer tarFile.Close() if err := os.Chmod(tarFilePath, 0644); err != nil { log.SetErrorCategory(log.ErrorCustom) return "", "", errors.Wrap(err, "failed to set permissions on tar for the docker image") } if err = dClient.TarImage(tarFile, image); err != nil { return "", "", errors.Wrap(err, "failed to tar the docker image") } } resultFilePath := config.FilePath if len(config.FilePath) <= 0 { resultFilePath = cachePath } return fileName, resultFilePath, nil } func executeProtecodeScan(influx *protecodeExecuteScanInflux, client protecode.Protecode, config *protecodeExecuteScanOptions, fileName string, writeReportToFile func(resp io.ReadCloser, reportFileName string) error) error { //load existing product by filename log.Entry().Debugf("Load existing product Group:%v Reuse:%v", config.Group, config.ReuseExisting) productID := client.LoadExistingProduct(config.Group, config.ReuseExisting) // check if no existing is found or reuse existing is false productID = uploadScanOrDeclareFetch(*config, productID, client, fileName) if productID <= 0 { return fmt.Errorf("the product id is not valid '%d'", productID) } //pollForResult log.Entry().Debugf("Poll for scan result %v", productID) result := client.PollForResult(productID, config.TimeoutMinutes) // write results to file jsonData, _ := json.Marshal(result) ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(reportPath, scanResultFile), jsonData, 0644) //check if result is ok else notify if protecode.HasFailed(result) { log.SetErrorCategory(log.ErrorService) return fmt.Errorf("protecode scan failed: %v/products/%v", config.ServerURL, productID) } //loadReport log.Entry().Debugf("Load report %v for %v", config.ReportFileName, productID) resp := client.LoadReport(config.ReportFileName, productID) //save report to filesystem if err := writeReportToFile(*resp, config.ReportFileName); err != nil { log.Entry().Warningf("failed to write report: %s", err) } //clean scan from server log.Entry().Debugf("Delete scan %v for %v", config.CleanupMode, productID) client.DeleteScan(config.CleanupMode, productID) //count vulnerabilities log.Entry().Debug("Parse scan result") parsedResult, vulns := client.ParseResultForInflux(result.Result, config.ExcludeCVEs) log.Entry().Debug("Write report to filesystem") if err := protecode.WriteReport( protecode.ReportData{ ServerURL: config.ServerURL, FailOnSevereVulnerabilities: config.FailOnSevereVulnerabilities, ExcludeCVEs: config.ExcludeCVEs, Target: config.ReportFileName, Vulnerabilities: vulns, ProductID: fmt.Sprintf("%v", productID), }, reportPath, stepResultFile, parsedResult, ioutil.WriteFile); err != nil { log.Entry().Warningf("failed to write report: %v", err) } log.Entry().Debug("Write influx data") setInfluxData(influx, parsedResult) // write reports JSON reports := []StepResults.Path{ {Target: config.ReportFileName, Mandatory: true}, {Target: stepResultFile, Mandatory: true}, {Target: scanResultFile, Mandatory: true}, } // write links JSON links := []StepResults.Path{ {Name: "Protecode WebUI", Target: fmt.Sprintf(webReportPath, config.ServerURL, productID)}, {Name: "Protecode Report", Target: path.Join("artifact", config.ReportFileName), Scope: "job"}, } StepResults.PersistReportsAndLinks("protecodeExecuteScan", "", reports, links) if config.FailOnSevereVulnerabilities && protecode.HasSevereVulnerabilities(result.Result, config.ExcludeCVEs) { log.SetErrorCategory(log.ErrorCompliance) return fmt.Errorf("the product is not compliant") } return nil } func setInfluxData(influx *protecodeExecuteScanInflux, result map[string]int) { influx.protecode_data.fields.historical_vulnerabilities = fmt.Sprintf("%v", result["historical_vulnerabilities"]) influx.protecode_data.fields.triaged_vulnerabilities = fmt.Sprintf("%v", result["triaged_vulnerabilities"]) influx.protecode_data.fields.excluded_vulnerabilities = fmt.Sprintf("%v", result["excluded_vulnerabilities"]) influx.protecode_data.fields.minor_vulnerabilities = fmt.Sprintf("%v", result["minor_vulnerabilities"]) influx.protecode_data.fields.major_vulnerabilities = fmt.Sprintf("%v", result["major_vulnerabilities"]) influx.protecode_data.fields.vulnerabilities = fmt.Sprintf("%v", result["vulnerabilities"]) } func createClient(config *protecodeExecuteScanOptions) protecode.Protecode { var duration time.Duration = time.Duration(time.Minute * 1) if len(config.TimeoutMinutes) > 0 { dur, err := time.ParseDuration(fmt.Sprintf("%vm", config.TimeoutMinutes)) if err != nil { log.Entry().Warnf("Failed to parse timeout %v, switched back to default timeout %v minutes", config.TimeoutMinutes, duration) } else { duration = dur } } pc := protecode.Protecode{} protecodeOptions := protecode.Options{ ServerURL: config.ServerURL, Logger: log.Entry().WithField("package", "SAP/jenkins-library/pkg/protecode"), Duration: duration, Username: config.Username, Password: config.Password, } pc.SetOptions(protecodeOptions) return pc } func createDockerClient(config *protecodeExecuteScanOptions) piperDocker.Download { dClientOptions := piperDocker.ClientOptions{ImageName: config.ScanImage, RegistryURL: config.DockerRegistryURL, LocalPath: config.FilePath, IncludeLayers: config.IncludeLayers} dClient := &piperDocker.Client{} dClient.SetOptions(dClientOptions) return dClient } func uploadScanOrDeclareFetch(config protecodeExecuteScanOptions, productID int, client protecode.Protecode, fileName string) int { //check if the LoadExistingProduct) before returns an valid product id, than scip this if !hasExisting(productID, config.ReuseExisting) { if len(config.FetchURL) > 0 { log.Entry().Debugf("Declare fetch url %v", config.FetchURL) resultData := client.DeclareFetchURL(config.CleanupMode, config.Group, config.FetchURL) productID = resultData.Result.ProductID } else { log.Entry().Debugf("Upload file path: %v", config.FilePath) if len(config.FilePath) <= 0 { log.Entry().Fatalf("There is no file path configured for upload : %v", config.FilePath) } pathToFile := filepath.Join(config.FilePath, fileName) if !(fileExists(pathToFile)) { log.Entry().Fatalf("There is no file for upload: %v", pathToFile) } combinedFileName := fileName if len(config.PullRequestName) > 0 { combinedFileName = fmt.Sprintf("%v_%v", config.PullRequestName, fileName) } resultData := client.UploadScanFile(config.CleanupMode, config.Group, pathToFile, combinedFileName) productID = resultData.Result.ProductID } } return productID } func fileExists(filename string) bool { info, err := os.Stat(filename) if os.IsNotExist(err) { return false } return !info.IsDir() } func hasExisting(productID int, reuseExisting bool) bool { if (productID > 0) || reuseExisting { return true } return false } var writeReportToFile = func(resp io.ReadCloser, reportFileName string) error { filePath := filepath.Join(reportPath, reportFileName) f, err := os.Create(filePath) if err == nil { defer f.Close() _, err = io.Copy(f, resp) } return err } func correctDockerConfigEnvVar(config *protecodeExecuteScanOptions) { path := config.DockerConfigJSON if len(path) > 0 { log.Entry().Infof("Docker credentials configuration: %v", path) path, _ := filepath.Abs(path) // use parent directory path = filepath.Dir(path) os.Setenv("DOCKER_CONFIG", path) } else { log.Entry().Info("Docker credentials configuration: NONE") } } func getTarName(config *protecodeExecuteScanOptions) string { // remove original version fileName := strings.TrimSuffix(config.ScanImage, ":"+config.ArtifactVersion) // remove sha digest if exists sha256 := "@sha256" if index := strings.Index(fileName, sha256); index > -1 { fileName = fileName[:index] } // append trimmed version if version := handleArtifactVersion(config.ArtifactVersion); len(version) > 0 { fileName = fileName + "_" + version } fileName = strings.ReplaceAll(fileName, "/", "_") return fileName + ".tar" }