package util import org.junit.rules.TestRule import org.junit.runner.Description import org.junit.runners.model.Statement import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml import com.lesfurets.jenkins.unit.BasePipelineTest class JenkinsReadYamlRule implements TestRule { final BasePipelineTest testInstance // Empty project configuration file registered by default // since almost every test needs it. def ymls = ['.pipeline/config.yml': {''}] JenkinsReadYamlRule(BasePipelineTest testInstance) { this.testInstance = testInstance } JenkinsReadYamlRule registerYaml(fileName, yaml) { ymls.put(fileName, yaml) return this } @Override Statement apply(Statement base, Description description) { return statement(base) } private Statement statement(final Statement base) { return new Statement() { @Override void evaluate() throws Throwable { testInstance.helper.registerAllowedMethod("readYaml", [Map], { Map m -> def yml if(m.text) { yml = m.text } else if(m.file) { yml = ymls.get(m.file) if(yml == null) throw new NullPointerException("yaml file '${m.file}' not registered.") if(yml instanceof Closure) yml = yml() } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Key 'text' and 'file' are both missing in map ${m}.") } return readYaml(yml) }) base.evaluate() } } } /** * Mimicking code of the original library (link below). *

* Yaml files may contain several YAML sections, separated by ---. * This loads them all and returns a {@code List} of entries in case multiple sections were found or just * a single {@code Object}, if only one section was read. * @see */ private def readYaml(def yml) { Iterable yaml = new Yaml().loadAll(yml) List result = new LinkedList() for (Object data : yaml) { result.add(data) } // If only one YAML document, return it directly if (result.size() == 1) { return result.get(0); } return result; } }