import import import hudson.AbortException /** * toolValidate: validates if a tool is installed with the expected version. * * @param tool * the tool to validate: java, mta, neo or cm. * @param home * the directory containing the tool. */ def call(Map parameters = [:]) { handlePipelineStepErrors (stepName: 'toolValidate', stepParameters: parameters) { def tool = parameters.tool def home = parameters.home if (!tool) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The parameter 'tool' can not be null or empty.") if (!home) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The parameter 'home' can not be null or empty.") FileUtils.validateDirectoryIsNotEmpty(home) switch(tool) { case 'java': validateJava(home) return case 'mta': validateMta(home) return case 'neo': validateNeo(home) return case 'cm': validateCm(home) return default: throw new AbortException("The tool \'$tool\' is not supported. The following tools are supported: java, mta, neo and cm.") } } } def validateJava(home) { validateTool('Java', home, "$home/bin/java -version 2>&1", new Version(1,8,0)) } def validateMta(home) { validateTool('SAP Multitarget Application Archive Builder', home, "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar $home/mta.jar -v", new Version(1, 0, 6)) } def validateNeo(home) { validateTool('SAP Cloud Platform Console Client', home, "$home/tools/ version", new Version(3, 39, 10)) } def validateCm(home) { validateTool('Change Management Command Line Interface', home, "$home/bin/cmclient -v", new Version(0, 0, 1)) } def validateTool(name, home, command, expectedVersion) { if (!name) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The parameter 'name' can not be null or empty.") if (!home ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The parameter 'home' can not be null or empty.") if (!command ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The parameter 'command' can not be null or empty.") if (!expectedVersion) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The parameter 'expectedVersion' can not be null or empty.") echo "[INFO] Validating $name version ${expectedVersion.toString()} or compatible version." def output try { output = sh returnStdout: true, script: command } catch(AbortException e) { throw new AbortException("The validation of $name failed. Please check $name home '$home': $e.message.") } def version = new Version(output) if (!version.isCompatibleVersion(expectedVersion)) { throw new AbortException("The installed version of $name is ${version.toString()}. Please install version ${expectedVersion.toString()} or a compatible version.") } echo "[INFO] $name version ${version.toString()} is installed." }