package orchestrator import ( "io/ioutil" "os" "strconv" "strings" "time" piperHttp "" "" ) type AzureDevOpsConfigProvider struct { client piperHttp.Client options piperHttp.ClientOptions apiInformation map[string]interface{} } // InitOrchestratorProvider initializes http client for AzureDevopsConfigProvider func (a *AzureDevOpsConfigProvider) InitOrchestratorProvider(settings *OrchestratorSettings) { a.client = piperHttp.Client{} a.options = piperHttp.ClientOptions{ Username: "", Password: settings.AzureToken, MaxRetries: 3, TransportTimeout: time.Second * 10, } a.client.SetOptions(a.options) log.Entry().Debug("Successfully initialized Azure config provider") } // fetchAPIInformation fetches Azure API information of current build func (a *AzureDevOpsConfigProvider) fetchAPIInformation() { // if apiInformation is empty fill it otherwise do nothing if len(a.apiInformation) == 0 { log.Entry().Debugf("apiInformation is empty, getting infos from API") URL := a.getSystemCollectionURI() + a.getTeamProjectID() + "/_apis/build/builds/" + a.getAzureBuildID() + "/" log.Entry().Debugf("API URL: %s", URL) response, err := a.client.GetRequest(URL, nil, nil) if err != nil { log.Entry().Error("failed to get HTTP response, returning empty API information", err) a.apiInformation = map[string]interface{}{} return } else if response.StatusCode != 200 { //http.StatusNoContent log.Entry().Errorf("response code is %v, could not get API information from AzureDevOps. Returning with empty interface.", response.StatusCode) a.apiInformation = map[string]interface{}{} return } err = piperHttp.ParseHTTPResponseBodyJSON(response, &a.apiInformation) if err != nil { log.Entry().Error("failed to parse HTTP response, returning with empty interface", err) a.apiInformation = map[string]interface{}{} return } log.Entry().Debugf("successfully retrieved apiInformation") } else { log.Entry().Debugf("apiInformation already set") } } func (a *AzureDevOpsConfigProvider) GetChangeSet() []ChangeSet { log.Entry().Warn("GetChangeSet for AzureDevOps not yet implemented") return []ChangeSet{} } // getSystemCollectionURI returns the URI of the TFS collection or Azure DevOps organization e.g. func (a *AzureDevOpsConfigProvider) getSystemCollectionURI() string { return getEnv("SYSTEM_COLLECTIONURI", "n/a") } // getTeamProjectID is the name of the project that contains this build e.g. 123a4567-ab1c-12a1-1234-123456ab7890 func (a *AzureDevOpsConfigProvider) getTeamProjectID() string { return getEnv("SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECTID", "n/a") } // getAzureBuildID returns the id of the build, e.g. 1234 func (a *AzureDevOpsConfigProvider) getAzureBuildID() string { // INFO: Private function only used for API requests, buildId for e.g. reporting // is GetBuildNumber to align with the UI of ADO return getEnv("BUILD_BUILDID", "n/a") } // GetJobName returns the pipeline job name, currently org/repo func (a *AzureDevOpsConfigProvider) GetJobName() string { return getEnv("BUILD_REPOSITORY_NAME", "n/a") } // OrchestratorVersion returns the agent version on ADO func (a *AzureDevOpsConfigProvider) OrchestratorVersion() string { return getEnv("AGENT_VERSION", "n/a") } // OrchestratorType returns the orchestrator name e.g. Azure/GitHubActions/Jenkins func (a *AzureDevOpsConfigProvider) OrchestratorType() string { return "Azure" } // GetBuildStatus returns status of the build. Return variables are aligned with Jenkins build statuses. func (a *AzureDevOpsConfigProvider) GetBuildStatus() string { // cases to align with Jenkins: SUCCESS, FAILURE, NOT_BUILD, ABORTED switch buildStatus := getEnv("AGENT_JOBSTATUS", "FAILURE"); buildStatus { case "Succeeded": return "SUCCESS" case "Canceled": return "ABORTED" default: // Failed, SucceededWithIssues return "FAILURE" } } // GetLog returns the whole logfile for the current pipeline run func (a *AzureDevOpsConfigProvider) GetLog() ([]byte, error) { URL := a.getSystemCollectionURI() + a.getTeamProjectID() + "/_apis/build/builds/" + a.getAzureBuildID() + "/logs" response, err := a.client.GetRequest(URL, nil, nil) if err != nil { log.Entry().Error("failed to get HTTP response: ", err) return []byte{}, err } if response.StatusCode != 200 { //http.StatusNoContent -> also empty log! log.Entry().Errorf("response-Code is %v, could not get log information from AzureDevOps, returning with empty log.", response.StatusCode) return []byte{}, nil } var responseInterface map[string]interface{} err = piperHttp.ParseHTTPResponseBodyJSON(response, &responseInterface) if err != nil { log.Entry().Error("failed to parse http response: ", err) return []byte{}, err } // check if response interface is empty or non-existent var logCount int if val, ok := responseInterface["count"]; ok { logCount = int(val.(float64)) } else { log.Entry().Error("log count variable not found, returning empty log") return []byte{}, err } var logs []byte for i := 1; i <= logCount; i++ { counter := strconv.Itoa(i) logURL := URL + "/" + counter log.Entry().Debugf("Getting log no.: %d from %v", i, logURL) response, err := a.client.GetRequest(logURL, nil, nil) if err != nil { log.Entry().Error("failed to get log", err) return []byte{}, err } if response.StatusCode != 200 { //http.StatusNoContent -> also empty log! log.Entry().Errorf("response code is %v, could not get log information from AzureDevOps ", response.StatusCode) return []byte{}, err } content, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body) if err != nil { log.Entry().Error("failed to parse http response", err) return []byte{}, err } logs = append(logs, content...) } return logs, nil } // GetPipelineStartTime returns the pipeline start time in UTC func (a *AzureDevOpsConfigProvider) GetPipelineStartTime() time.Time { //"2022-03-18T07:30:31.1915758Z" a.fetchAPIInformation() if val, ok := a.apiInformation["startTime"]; ok { parsed, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, val.(string)) if err != nil { log.Entry().Errorf("could not parse timestamp, %v", err) parsed = time.Time{} } return parsed.UTC() } return time.Time{}.UTC() } // GetBuildID returns the BuildNumber displayed in the ADO UI func (a *AzureDevOpsConfigProvider) GetBuildID() string { // INFO: ADO has BUILD_ID and buildNumber, as buildNumber is used in the UI we return this value // for the buildID used only for API requests we have a private method getAzureBuildID // example: buildNumber: 20220318.16 buildId: 76443 return getEnv("BUILD_BUILDNUMBER", "n/a") } // GetStageName returns the human-readable name given to a stage. e.g. "Promote" or "Init" func (a *AzureDevOpsConfigProvider) GetStageName() string { return getEnv("SYSTEM_STAGEDISPLAYNAME", "n/a") } // GetBranch returns the source branch name, e.g. main func (a *AzureDevOpsConfigProvider) GetBranch() string { tmp := getEnv("BUILD_SOURCEBRANCH", "n/a") return strings.TrimPrefix(tmp, "refs/heads/") } // GetReference return the git reference func (a *AzureDevOpsConfigProvider) GetReference() string { return getEnv("BUILD_SOURCEBRANCH", "n/a") } // GetBuildURL returns the builds URL e.g. func (a *AzureDevOpsConfigProvider) GetBuildURL() string { return os.Getenv("SYSTEM_TEAMFOUNDATIONCOLLECTIONURI") + os.Getenv("SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECT") + "/" + os.Getenv("SYSTEM_DEFINITIONNAME") + "/_build/results?buildId=" + a.getAzureBuildID() } // GetJobURL returns tje current job url e.g. func (a *AzureDevOpsConfigProvider) GetJobURL() string { // TODO: Check if this is the correct URL return os.Getenv("SYSTEM_TEAMFOUNDATIONCOLLECTIONURI") + os.Getenv("SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECT") + "/" + os.Getenv("SYSTEM_DEFINITIONNAME") + "/_build?definitionId=" + os.Getenv("SYSTEM_DEFINITIONID") } // GetCommit returns commit SHA of current build func (a *AzureDevOpsConfigProvider) GetCommit() string { return getEnv("BUILD_SOURCEVERSION", "n/a") } // GetRepoURL returns current repo URL e.g. func (a *AzureDevOpsConfigProvider) GetRepoURL() string { return getEnv("BUILD_REPOSITORY_URI", "n/a") } // GetBuildReason returns the build reason func (a *AzureDevOpsConfigProvider) GetBuildReason() string { // return getEnv("BUILD_REASON", "n/a") } // GetPullRequestConfig returns pull request configuration func (a *AzureDevOpsConfigProvider) GetPullRequestConfig() PullRequestConfig { prKey := getEnv("SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_PULLREQUESTID", "n/a") // This variable is populated for pull requests which have a different pull request ID and pull request number. // In this case the pull request ID will contain an internal numeric ID and the pull request number will be provided // as part of the 'SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_PULLREQUESTNUMBER' environment variable. prNumber, prNumberEnvVarSet := os.LookupEnv("SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_PULLREQUESTNUMBER") if prNumberEnvVarSet == true { prKey = prNumber } return PullRequestConfig{ Branch: os.Getenv("SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_SOURCEBRANCH"), Base: os.Getenv("SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_TARGETBRANCH"), Key: prKey, } } // IsPullRequest indicates whether the current build is a PR func (a *AzureDevOpsConfigProvider) IsPullRequest() bool { return getEnv("BUILD_REASON", "n/a") == "PullRequest" } func isAzure() bool { envVars := []string{"AZURE_HTTP_USER_AGENT"} return areIndicatingEnvVarsSet(envVars) }