import import import import import groovy.json.JsonOutput class commonPipelineEnvironment implements Serializable { //Project identifier which might be used to distinguish resources which are available globally, e.g. for locking def projectName //stores version of the artifact which is build during pipeline run def artifactVersion def originalArtifactVersion // stores additional artifact coordinates def artifactId def groupId def packaging //stores the build tools if it inferred automatically, e.g. in the SAP Cloud SDK pipeline String buildTool //Stores the current buildResult String buildResult = 'SUCCESS' //stores the gitCommitId and gitRemoteCommitId as additional git information for the build during pipeline run /* Incase of 'Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision' stratergy in jenkins, the jenkins creates its own local merge commit which is stored in gitCommitId. gitRemoteCommitId will contain the actual remote merge commitId on git rather than local commitId */ String gitCommitId String gitRemoteCommitId String gitHeadCommitId String gitCommitMessage String gitSshUrl String gitHttpsUrl String gitBranch String gitRef String xsDeploymentId //GitHub specific information String githubOrg String githubRepo //stores properties for a pipeline which build an artifact and then bundles it into a container private Map appContainerProperties = [:] Map configuration = [:] Map containerProperties = [:] Map defaultConfiguration = [:] // Location of the file from where the configuration was parsed. See setupCommonPipelineEnvironment.groovy // Useful for making sure that the piper binary uses the same file when called from Jenkins. String configurationFile = '' String mtarFilePath = null String abapAddonDescriptor private Map valueMap = [:] void setValue(String property, value) { valueMap[property] = value } void removeValue(String property) { valueMap.remove(property) } def getValue(String property) { return valueMap.get(property) } String changeDocumentId def reset() { projectName = null abapAddonDescriptor = null appContainerProperties = [:] artifactVersion = null originalArtifactVersion = null artifactId = null groupId = null packaging = null buildTool = null configuration = [:] containerProperties = [:] gitCommitId = null gitRemoteCommitId = null gitHeadCommitId = null gitCommitMessage = null gitSshUrl = null gitHttpsUrl = null gitBranch = null gitRef = null githubOrg = null githubRepo = null mtarFilePath = null valueMap = [:] changeDocumentId = null InfluxData.reset() } def setAppContainerProperty(property, value) { appContainerProperties[property] = value } def getAppContainerProperty(property) { return appContainerProperties[property] } def setContainerProperty(property, value) { containerProperties[property] = value } def getContainerProperty(property) { return containerProperties[property] } // goes into measurement jenkins_custom_data def setInfluxCustomDataEntry(key, value) { InfluxData.addField('jenkins_custom_data', key, value) } // goes into measurement jenkins_custom_data @Deprecated // not used in library def getInfluxCustomData() { return InfluxData.getInstance().getFields().jenkins_custom_data } // goes into measurement jenkins_custom_data def setInfluxCustomDataTagsEntry(key, value) { InfluxData.addTag('jenkins_custom_data', key, value) } // goes into measurement jenkins_custom_data @Deprecated // not used in library def getInfluxCustomDataTags() { return InfluxData.getInstance().getTags().jenkins_custom_data } void setInfluxCustomDataMapEntry(measurement, field, value) { InfluxData.addField(measurement, field, value) } @Deprecated // not used in library def getInfluxCustomDataMap() { return InfluxData.getInstance().getFields() } def setInfluxCustomDataMapTagsEntry(measurement, tag, value) { InfluxData.addTag(measurement, tag, value) } @Deprecated // not used in library def getInfluxCustomDataMapTags() { return InfluxData.getInstance().getTags() } @Deprecated // not used in library def setInfluxStepData(key, value) { InfluxData.addField('step_data', key, value) } @Deprecated // not used in library def getInfluxStepData(key) { return InfluxData.getInstance().getFields()['step_data'][key] } @Deprecated // not used in library def setInfluxPipelineData(key, value) { InfluxData.addField('pipeline_data', key, value) } @Deprecated // not used in library def setPipelineMeasurement(key, value){ setInfluxPipelineData(key, value) } @Deprecated // not used in library def getPipelineMeasurement(key) { return InfluxData.getInstance().getFields()['pipeline_data'][key] } Map getStepConfiguration(stepName, stageName = env.STAGE_NAME, includeDefaults = true) { Map defaults = [:] if (includeDefaults) { defaults = ConfigurationLoader.defaultGeneralConfiguration() defaults = ConfigurationMerger.merge(ConfigurationLoader.defaultStepConfiguration(null, stepName), null, defaults) defaults = ConfigurationMerger.merge(ConfigurationLoader.defaultStageConfiguration(null, stageName), null, defaults) } Map config = ConfigurationMerger.merge(configuration.get('general') ?: [:] as Map, null, defaults) config = ConfigurationMerger.merge(configuration.get('steps')?.get(stepName) ?: [:], null, config) config = ConfigurationMerger.merge(configuration.get('stages')?.get(stageName) ?: [:], null, config) return config } def files = [ [filename: '.pipeline/commonPipelineEnvironment/artifactVersion', property: 'artifactVersion'], [filename: '.pipeline/commonPipelineEnvironment/artifactId', property: 'artifactId'], [filename: '.pipeline/commonPipelineEnvironment/groupId', property: 'groupId'], [filename: '.pipeline/commonPipelineEnvironment/packaging', property: 'packaging'], [filename: '.pipeline/commonPipelineEnvironment/buildTool', property: 'buildTool'], [filename: '.pipeline/commonPipelineEnvironment/originalArtifactVersion', property: 'originalArtifactVersion'], [filename: '.pipeline/commonPipelineEnvironment/github/owner', property: 'githubOrg'], [filename: '.pipeline/commonPipelineEnvironment/github/repository', property: 'githubRepo'], [filename: '.pipeline/commonPipelineEnvironment/git/branch', property: 'gitBranch'], [filename: '.pipeline/commonPipelineEnvironment/git/commitId', property: 'gitCommitId'], [filename: '.pipeline/commonPipelineEnvironment/git/remoteCommitId', property: 'gitRemoteCommitId'], [filename: '.pipeline/commonPipelineEnvironment/git/headCommitId', property: 'gitHeadCommitId'], [filename: '.pipeline/commonPipelineEnvironment/git/httpsUrl', property: 'gitHttpsUrl'], [filename: '.pipeline/commonPipelineEnvironment/git/ref', property: 'gitRef'], [filename: '.pipeline/commonPipelineEnvironment/git/commitMessage', property: 'gitCommitMessage'], [filename: '.pipeline/commonPipelineEnvironment/mtarFilePath', property: 'mtarFilePath'], [filename: '.pipeline/commonPipelineEnvironment/abap/addonDescriptor', property: 'abapAddonDescriptor'], ] Map getCPEMap(script) { def cpeMap = [:] files.each({f -> createMapEntry(script, cpeMap, f.filename, this[]) }) containerProperties.each({key, value -> def filename = ".pipeline/commonPipelineEnvironment/container/${key}" createMapEntry(script, cpeMap, filename, value) }) valueMap.each({key, value -> def filename = ".pipeline/commonPipelineEnvironment/custom/${key}" createMapEntry(script, cpeMap, filename, value) }) return cpeMap } void createMapEntry(script, Map resMap, String filename, value) { // net.sf.json.JSONNull can come in through readPipelineEnv via readJSON() // leaving them in will create a StackOverflowError further down in writePipelineEnv() // thus removing them from the map for now if (value != null && !(value instanceof net.sf.json.JSONNull)) { // prefix is assumed by step if nothing else is specified def prefix = ~/^.pipeline\/commonPipelineEnvironment\// filename -= prefix resMap[filename] = value } } def setCPEMap(script, Map cpeMap) { if (cpeMap == null) return def prefix = ~/^.pipeline\/commonPipelineEnvironment\// files.each({f -> def key = f.filename - prefix if (cpeMap.containsKey(key)) this[] = cpeMap[key] }) cpeMap.each { if (it.key.startsWith("custom/")) valueMap[it.key - ~/^custom\//] = it.value if (it.key.startsWith("container/")) containerProperties[it.key - ~/^container\//] = it.value } } List getCustomDefaults() { DefaultValueCache.getInstance().getCustomDefaults() } }