<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">

    <name>SAP CP Piper Library</name>
    <description>Shared library containing steps and utilities to set up continuous deployment processes for SAP technologies.</description>

            <name>Apache License 2.0</name>













        <!--LesFurets Jenkins Pipeline Unit testing framework: https://github.com/lesfurets/JenkinsPipelineUnit-->
            <!-- any version of Groovy \>= 1.5.0 should work here -->
        <!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.yaml/snakeyaml -->



                    <!-- UNIT TESTS -->
                    <!-- http://www.eclemma.org/jacoco/trunk/doc/maven.html
                    Default settings
                        propertyName: argLine
                        destFile: ${project.build.directory}/jacoco.exec
                        dataFile: ${project.build.directory}/jacoco.exec
                        outputDirectory: ${project.reporting.outputDirectory}/jacoco
                    <!-- Prepares the property pointing to the JaCoCo runtime agent which is passed as VM argument when Maven the Surefire plugin is executed. -->
                    <!-- Ensures that the code coverage report for unit tests is created after unit tests have been run. -->
                    <!-- INTEGRATION TESTS -->
                    <!-- http://www.eclemma.org/jacoco/trunk/doc/maven.html
                    Default settings
                        propertyName: argLine
                        destFile: ${project.build.directory}/jacoco-it.exec
                        dataFile: ${project.build.directory}/jacoco-it.exec
                        outputDirectory: ${project.reporting.outputDirectory}/jacoco-it
                    <!-- Prepares the property pointing to the JaCoCo runtime agent which is passed as VM argument when Maven the Failsafe plugin is executed. -->
                    <!-- Ensures that the code coverage report for integration tests after integration tests have been run. -->