package cmd import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "fmt" "" "" "" "" "" "io" "io/ioutil" "os" "regexp" "strings" "sync" "text/template" ) // DeployMode ... type DeployMode int const ( // NoDeploy ... NoDeploy DeployMode = iota //Deploy ... Deploy DeployMode = iota //BGDeploy ... BGDeploy DeployMode = iota ) // ValueOfMode ... func ValueOfMode(str string) (DeployMode, error) { switch str { case "NONE": return NoDeploy, nil case "DEPLOY": return Deploy, nil case "BG_DEPLOY": return BGDeploy, nil default: return NoDeploy, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown DeployMode: '%s'", str)) } } // String ... func (m DeployMode) String() string { return [...]string{ "NONE", "DEPLOY", "BG_DEPLOY", }[m] } // Action ... type Action int const ( //None ... None Action = iota //Resume ... Resume Action = iota //Abort ... Abort Action = iota //Retry ... Retry Action = iota ) // ValueOfAction ... func ValueOfAction(str string) (Action, error) { switch str { case "NONE": return None, nil case "RESUME": return Resume, nil case "ABORT": return Abort, nil case "RETRY": return Retry, nil default: return None, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown Action: '%s'", str)) } } // String ... func (a Action) String() string { return [...]string{ "NONE", "RESUME", "ABORT", "RETRY", }[a] } const loginScript = `#!/bin/bash xs login -a {{.APIURL}} -u {{.Username}} -p '{{.Password}}' -o {{.Org}} -s {{.Space}} {{.LoginOpts}} ` const logoutScript = `#!/bin/bash xs logout` const deployScript = `#!/bin/bash xs {{.Mode}} {{.MtaPath}} {{.DeployOpts}}` const completeScript = `#!/bin/bash xs {{.Mode.GetDeployCommand}} -i {{.OperationID}} -a {{.Action.GetAction}} ` func xsDeploy(config xsDeployOptions, telemetryData *telemetry.CustomData, piperEnvironment *xsDeployCommonPipelineEnvironment) { c := command.Command{} fileUtils := piperutils.Files{} err := runXsDeploy(config, piperEnvironment, &c, fileUtils, os.Remove, os.Stdout) if err != nil { log.Entry(). WithError(err). Fatal("failed to execute xs deployment") } } func runXsDeploy(XsDeployOptions xsDeployOptions, piperEnvironment *xsDeployCommonPipelineEnvironment, s command.ShellRunner, fileUtils piperutils.FileUtils, fRemove func(string) error, stdout io.Writer) error { mode, err := ValueOfMode(XsDeployOptions.Mode) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "Extracting mode failed: '%s'", XsDeployOptions.Mode) } if mode == NoDeploy { log.Entry().Infof("Deployment skipped intentionally. Deploy mode '%s'", mode.String()) return nil } action, err := ValueOfAction(XsDeployOptions.Action) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "Extracting action failed: '%s'", XsDeployOptions.Action) } if mode == Deploy && action != None { return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Cannot perform action '%s' in mode '%s'. Only action '%s' is allowed.", action, mode, None)) } log.Entry().Debugf("Mode: '%s', Action: '%s'", mode, action) performLogin := mode == Deploy || (mode == BGDeploy && !(action == Resume || action == Abort)) performLogout := mode == Deploy || (mode == BGDeploy && action != None) log.Entry().Debugf("performLogin: %t, performLogout: %t", performLogin, performLogout) { exists, e := fileUtils.FileExists(XsDeployOptions.MtaPath) if e != nil { return e } if action == None && !exists { return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Deployable '%s' does not exist", XsDeployOptions.MtaPath)) } } if action != None && len(XsDeployOptions.OperationID) == 0 { return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("OperationID was not provided. This is required for action '%s'.", action)) } prOut, pwOut := io.Pipe() prErr, pwErr := io.Pipe() s.Stdout(pwOut) s.Stderr(pwErr) var e, o string var wg sync.WaitGroup wg.Add(2) go func() { buf := new(bytes.Buffer) r := io.TeeReader(prOut, os.Stderr) io.Copy(buf, r) o = buf.String() wg.Done() }() go func() { buf := new(bytes.Buffer) r := io.TeeReader(prErr, os.Stderr) io.Copy(buf, r) e = buf.String() wg.Done() }() var loginErr error xsSessionFile := ".xsconfig" if len(XsDeployOptions.XsSessionFile) > 0 { xsSessionFile = XsDeployOptions.XsSessionFile } if performLogin { loginErr = xsLogin(XsDeployOptions, s) if loginErr == nil { err = copyFileFromHomeToPwd(xsSessionFile, fileUtils) } } if loginErr == nil && err == nil { { exists, e := fileUtils.FileExists(xsSessionFile) if e != nil { return e } if !exists { return fmt.Errorf("xs session file does not exist (%s)", xsSessionFile) } } copyFileFromPwdToHome(xsSessionFile, fileUtils) switch action { case Resume, Abort, Retry: err = complete(mode, action, XsDeployOptions.OperationID, s) default: err = deploy(mode, XsDeployOptions, s) } } if loginErr == nil && (performLogout || err != nil) { if logoutErr := xsLogout(XsDeployOptions, s); logoutErr != nil { if err == nil { err = logoutErr } } else { // we delete the xs session file from workspace. From home directory it is deleted by the // xs command itself. if e := fRemove(xsSessionFile); e != nil { err = e } log.Entry().Debugf("xs session file '%s' has been deleted from workspace", xsSessionFile) } } else { if loginErr != nil { log.Entry().Info("Logout skipped since login did not succeed.") } else if !performLogout { log.Entry().Info("Logout skipped in order to be able to resume or abort later") } } if err == nil { err = loginErr } if err != nil { if e := handleLog(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", os.Getenv("HOME"), ".xs_logs")); e != nil { log.Entry().Warningf("Cannot provide the logs: %s", e.Error()) } } pwOut.Close() pwErr.Close() wg.Wait() if err == nil && (mode == BGDeploy && action == None) { piperEnvironment.operationID = retrieveOperationID(o, XsDeployOptions.OperationIDLogPattern) if len(piperEnvironment.operationID) == 0 && err == nil { err = errors.New("No operationID found") } XsDeployOptions.OperationID = piperEnvironment.operationID // for backward compatibility as long as we render that struc to stdout (printStatus) } if err != nil { log.Entry().Errorf("An error occured. Stdout from underlying process: >>%s<<. Stderr from underlying process: >>%s<<", o, e) } if e := printStatus(XsDeployOptions, stdout); e != nil { if err == nil { err = e } } return err } func printStatus(XsDeployOptions xsDeployOptions, stdout io.Writer) error { XsDeployOptionsCopy := XsDeployOptions XsDeployOptionsCopy.Password = "" var e error if b, e := json.Marshal(XsDeployOptionsCopy); e == nil { fmt.Fprintln(stdout, string(b)) } return e } func handleLog(logDir string) error { if _, e := os.Stat(logDir); !os.IsNotExist(e) { log.Entry().Warningf(fmt.Sprintf("Here are the logs (%s):", logDir)) logFiles, e := ioutil.ReadDir(logDir) if e != nil { return e } if len(logFiles) == 0 { log.Entry().Warningf("Cannot provide xs logs. No log files found inside '%s'.", logDir) } for _, logFile := range logFiles { buf := make([]byte, 32*1024) log.Entry().Infof("File: '%s'", logFile.Name()) if f, e := os.Open(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", logDir, logFile.Name())); e == nil { for { if n, e := f.Read(buf); e != nil { if e == io.EOF { break } return e } else { os.Stderr.WriteString(string(buf[:n])) } } } else { return e } } } else { log.Entry().Warningf("Cannot provide xs logs. Log directory '%s' does not exist.", logDir) } return nil } func retrieveOperationID(deployLog, pattern string) string { re := regexp.MustCompile(pattern) lines := strings.Split(deployLog, "\n") var operationID string for _, line := range lines { matched := re.FindStringSubmatch(line) if len(matched) >= 1 { operationID = matched[1] break } } if len(operationID) > 0 { log.Entry().Infof("Operation identifier: '%s'", operationID) } else { log.Entry().Infof("No operation identifier found in >>>>%s<<<<.", deployLog) } return operationID } func xsLogin(XsDeployOptions xsDeployOptions, s command.ShellRunner) error { log.Entry().Debugf("Performing xs login. api-url: '%s', org: '%s', space: '%s'", XsDeployOptions.APIURL, XsDeployOptions.Org, XsDeployOptions.Space) if e := executeCmd("login", loginScript, XsDeployOptions, s); e != nil { log.Entry().Errorf("xs login failed: %s", e.Error()) return e } log.Entry().Infof("xs login has been performed. api-url: '%s', org: '%s', space: '%s'", XsDeployOptions.APIURL, XsDeployOptions.Org, XsDeployOptions.Space) return nil } func xsLogout(XsDeployOptions xsDeployOptions, s command.ShellRunner) error { log.Entry().Debug("Performing xs logout.") if e := executeCmd("logout", logoutScript, XsDeployOptions, s); e != nil { return e } log.Entry().Info("xs logout has been performed") return nil } func deploy(mode DeployMode, XsDeployOptions xsDeployOptions, s command.ShellRunner) error { deployCommand, err := mode.GetDeployCommand() if err != nil { return err } type deployProperties struct { xsDeployOptions Mode string } log.Entry().Infof("Performing xs %s.", deployCommand) if e := executeCmd("deploy", deployScript, deployProperties{xsDeployOptions: XsDeployOptions, Mode: deployCommand}, s); e != nil { return e } log.Entry().Infof("xs %s performed.", deployCommand) return nil } func complete(mode DeployMode, action Action, operationID string, s command.ShellRunner) error { log.Entry().Debugf("Performing xs %s", action) type completeProperties struct { xsDeployOptions Mode DeployMode Action Action OperationID string } CompleteProperties := completeProperties{Mode: mode, Action: action, OperationID: operationID} if e := executeCmd("complete", completeScript, CompleteProperties, s); e != nil { return e } return nil } func executeCmd(templateID string, commandPattern string, properties interface{}, s command.ShellRunner) error { tmpl, e := template.New(templateID).Parse(commandPattern) if e != nil { return e } var script bytes.Buffer tmpl.Execute(&script, properties) if e := s.RunShell("/bin/bash", script.String()); e != nil { return e } return nil } func copyFileFromHomeToPwd(xsSessionFile string, fileUtils piperutils.FileUtils) error { src, dest := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", os.Getenv("HOME"), xsSessionFile), fmt.Sprintf("%s", xsSessionFile) log.Entry().Debugf("Copying xs session file from home directory ('%s') to workspace ('%s')", src, dest) if _, err := fileUtils.Copy(src, dest); err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "Cannot copy xssession file from home directory ('%s') to workspace ('%s')", src, dest) } log.Entry().Debugf("xs session file copied from home directory ('%s') to workspace ('%s')", src, dest) return nil } func copyFileFromPwdToHome(xsSessionFile string, fileUtils piperutils.FileUtils) error { // // We rely on running inside a docker container which is discarded after a single use. // In general it is not a good idea to update files in the build users home directory in case // we are on an infrastructure which is used not only for single builds since updates at that level // affects also other builds. // src, dest := fmt.Sprintf("%s", xsSessionFile), fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", os.Getenv("HOME"), xsSessionFile) log.Entry().Debugf("Copying xs session file from workspace ('%s') to home directory ('%s')", src, dest) if _, err := fileUtils.Copy(src, dest); err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "Cannot copy xssession file from workspace ('%s') to home directory ('%s')", src, dest) } log.Entry().Debugf("xs session file copied from workspace ('%s') to home directory ('%s')", src, dest) return nil } //GetAction ... func (a Action) GetAction() (string, error) { switch a { case Resume, Abort, Retry: return strings.ToLower(a.String()), nil } return "", errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid deploy mode: '%s'.", a)) } //GetDeployCommand ... func (m DeployMode) GetDeployCommand() (string, error) { switch m { case Deploy: return "deploy", nil case BGDeploy: return "bg-deploy", nil } return "", errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid deploy mode: '%s'.", m)) }