import import import import groovy.transform.Field import static @Field String STEP_NAME = getClass().getName() @Field Set GENERAL_CONFIG_KEYS = [ /** Directory where the extensions are cloned to*/ 'globalExtensionsDirectory', /** Git url of the repository containing the extensions*/ 'globalExtensionsRepository', /** Credentials required to clone the repository*/ 'globalExtensionsRepositoryCredentialsId', /** Version of the extensions which should be used, e.g. the tag name*/ 'globalExtensionsVersion' ] @Field Set STEP_CONFIG_KEYS = [] @Field Set PARAMETER_KEYS = [ /** This step will reinitialize the defaults. Make sure to pass the same customDefaults as to the step setupCommonPipelineEnvironment*/ 'customDefaults', /** This step will reinitialize the defaults. Make sure to pass the same customDefaultsFromFiles as to the step setupCommonPipelineEnvironment*/ 'customDefaultsFromFiles' ] /** * This step is part of the step setupCommonPipelineEnvironment and should not be used outside independently in a custom pipeline. * This step allows users to define extensions ( globally instead of in each repository. * Instead of defining the extensions in the .pipeline folder the extensions are defined in another repository. * You can also place a file called extension_configuration.yml in this repository. * Configuration defined in this file will be treated as default values with a lower precedence then custom defaults defined in the project configuration. * You can also define additional Jenkins libraries these extensions depend on using a yaml file called sharedLibraries.yml: * Example: * - name: my-extension-dependency * version: git-tag */ @GenerateDocumentation void call(Map parameters = [:]) { handlePipelineStepErrors (stepName: STEP_NAME, stepParameters: parameters) { def script = checkScript(this, parameters) // load default & individual configuration Map configuration = ConfigurationHelper.newInstance(this) .loadStepDefaults() .mixinGeneralConfig(script.commonPipelineEnvironment, GENERAL_CONFIG_KEYS) .mixinStepConfig(script.commonPipelineEnvironment, STEP_CONFIG_KEYS) .mixin(parameters, PARAMETER_KEYS) .use() if(!configuration.globalExtensionsRepository){ return } dir(configuration.globalExtensionsDirectory){ Map gitParameters = [ $class: 'GitSCM', userRemoteConfigs: [[url: configuration.globalExtensionsRepository]] ] if(configuration.globalExtensionsRepositoryCredentialsId){ gitParameters.userRemoteConfigs[0].credentialsId = configuration.globalExtensionsRepositoryCredentialsId } if(configuration.globalExtensionsVersion){ gitParameters.branches = [[name: configuration.globalExtensionsVersion]] } checkout(gitParameters) } String extensionConfigurationFilePath = "${configuration.globalExtensionsDirectory}/extension_configuration.yml" if (fileExists(extensionConfigurationFilePath)) { writeFile file: ".pipeline/extension_configuration.yml", text: readFile(file: extensionConfigurationFilePath) DebugReport.instance.globalExtensionConfigurationFilePath = extensionConfigurationFilePath prepareDefaultValues([ script: script, customDefaults: parameters.customDefaults, customDefaultsFromFiles: ['extension_configuration.yml'] + parameters.customDefaultsFromFiles ]) } def globalExtensionsLibraryConfig = "${configuration.globalExtensionsDirectory}/sharedLibraries.yml" if(fileExists(globalExtensionsLibraryConfig)){ loadLibrariesFromFile(globalExtensionsLibraryConfig) } } } private loadLibrariesFromFile(String filename) { List libs try { libs = readYaml file: filename } catch (Exception ex){ error("Could not read extension libraries from ${filename}. The file has to contain a list of libraries where each entry should contain the name and the version of the library. (${ex.getMessage()})") } Set additionalLibraries = [] for (int i = 0; i < libs.size(); i++) { Map lib = libs[i] String libName = if(!libName){ error("Could not read extension libraries from ${filename}. Each library definition has to have the field name defined.") } String branch = lib.version ?: 'master' additionalLibraries.add("${libName} | ${branch}") library "${libName}@${branch}" } DebugReport.instance.additionalSharedLibraries.addAll(additionalLibraries) }