import import static import import import groovy.transform.Field @Field String STEP_NAME = getClass().getName() @Field Set GENERAL_CONFIG_KEYS = [ /** * Print more detailed information into the log. * @possibleValues `true`, `false` */ 'verbose', /** * The branch used as productive branch, defaults to master. */ 'productiveBranch', /** * Location for individual stage extensions. */ 'projectExtensionsDirectory', /** * Location for global extensions. */ 'globalExtensionsDirectory' ] @Field Set STEP_CONFIG_KEYS =[ /** * Defines the library resource that contains the stage configuration settings */ 'stageConfigResource' ]) @Field Set PARAMETER_KEYS = STEP_CONFIG_KEYS void call(Map parameters = [:]) { def script = checkScript(this, parameters) ?: this String stageName = parameters.stageName ?: env.STAGE_NAME script.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStage = [:] script.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStep = [:] // load default & individual configuration Map config = ConfigurationHelper.newInstance(this) .loadStepDefaults([:], stageName) .mixinGeneralConfig(script.commonPipelineEnvironment, GENERAL_CONFIG_KEYS) .mixinStepConfig(script.commonPipelineEnvironment, STEP_CONFIG_KEYS) .mixinStageConfig(script.commonPipelineEnvironment, stageName, STEP_CONFIG_KEYS) .mixin(parameters, PARAMETER_KEYS) .withMandatoryProperty('stageConfigResource') .use() // Go logic to check if the step is active String piperGoPath = parameters?.piperGoPath ?: './piper' def resource = libraryResource(config.stageConfigResource) config.stages = (readYaml(text: resource)).spec.stages writeFile(file: ".pipeline/stage_conditions.yaml", text: resource) def success = piperExecuteBin.checkIfStepActive(parameters, script, piperGoPath, ".pipeline/stage_conditions.yaml", ".pipeline/step_out.json", ".pipeline/stage_out.json") if (!success) { throw new Exception("checkIfStepActive finished with error") } def stagesJSONObject = script.readJSON file: ".pipeline/stage_out.json" def stepsJSONObject = script.readJSON file: ".pipeline/step_out.json" if (stagesJSONObject) { script.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStage = new LinkedHashMap(stagesJSONObject) } if (stepsJSONObject) { script.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStep = new LinkedHashMap(stepsJSONObject) } // Retaining this groovy code as some additional checks for activating-deactivating a stage seems to be done. script.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStage.each {stage -> String currentStage = stage.getKey() Map stageConfig = ConfigurationHelper.newInstance(this) .loadStepDefaults([:], currentStage) .mixinStageConfig(script.commonPipelineEnvironment, currentStage) .use() boolean runStage = stage.getValue() if (stageConfig.runInAllBranches == false && (config.productiveBranch != env.BRANCH_NAME)) { runStage = false } else if (ConfigurationLoader.stageConfiguration(script, currentStage)) { //activate stage if stage configuration is available runStage = true } else { def extensionExists = config.stages.find {e -> e.displayName == currentStage && e.extensionExists == true?true:false} if (extensionExists != null) { runStage = runStage || checkExtensionExists(script, config, currentStage) } } script.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStage[currentStage] = runStage } if (config.verbose) { echo "[${STEP_NAME}] Debug - Run Stage Configuration: ${script.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStage}" echo "[${STEP_NAME}] Debug - Run Step Configuration: ${script.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStep}" } } private static boolean checkExtensionExists(Script script, Map config, String stageName) { if (!script.piperStageWrapper.allowExtensions(script)) { return false } // NOTE: These keys exist in "config" if they are configured in the general section of the project // config or the defaults. However, in piperStageWrapper, these keys could also be configured for // the step "piperStageWrapper" to be effective. Don't know if this should be considered here for consistency. if (!config.globalExtensionsDirectory && !config.projectExtensionsDirectory) { return false } def projectInterceptorFile = "${config.projectExtensionsDirectory}${stageName}.groovy" def globalInterceptorFile = "${config.globalExtensionsDirectory}${stageName}.groovy" return script.fileExists(projectInterceptorFile) || script.fileExists(globalInterceptorFile) }