package maven import ( "fmt" "" "" "net/http" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" ) var getenv = os.Getenv type SettingsDownloadUtils interface { DownloadFile(url, filename string, header http.Header, cookies []*http.Cookie) error } func DownloadAndGetMavenParameters(globalSettingsFile string, projectSettingsFile string, fileUtils piperutils.FileUtils, httpClient SettingsDownloadUtils) ([]string, error) { mavenArgs := []string{} if len(globalSettingsFile) > 0 { globalSettingsFileName, err := downloadSettingsIfURL(globalSettingsFile, ".pipeline/mavenGlobalSettings.xml", fileUtils, httpClient, false) if err != nil { return nil, err } mavenArgs = append(mavenArgs, "--global-settings", globalSettingsFileName) } else { log.Entry().Debugf("Global settings file not provided via configuration.") } if len(projectSettingsFile) > 0 { projectSettingsFileName, err := downloadSettingsIfURL(projectSettingsFile, ".pipeline/mavenProjectSettings.xml", fileUtils, httpClient, false) if err != nil { return nil, err } mavenArgs = append(mavenArgs, "--settings", projectSettingsFileName) } else { log.Entry().Debugf("Project settings file not provided via configuration.") } return mavenArgs, nil } func DownloadAndCopySettingsFiles(globalSettingsFile string, projectSettingsFile string, fileUtils piperutils.FileUtils, httpClient SettingsDownloadUtils) error { if len(projectSettingsFile) > 0 { destination, err := getProjectSettingsFileDest() if err != nil { return err } if err := downloadAndCopySettingsFile(projectSettingsFile, destination, fileUtils, httpClient); err != nil { return err } } else { log.Entry().Debugf("Project settings file not provided via configuration.") } if len(globalSettingsFile) > 0 { destination, err := getGlobalSettingsFileDest() if err != nil { return err } if err := downloadAndCopySettingsFile(globalSettingsFile, destination, fileUtils, httpClient); err != nil { return err } } else { log.Entry().Debugf("Global settings file not provided via configuration.") } return nil } func downloadAndCopySettingsFile(src string, dest string, fileUtils piperutils.FileUtils, httpClient SettingsDownloadUtils) error { if len(src) == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("Settings file source location not provided") } if len(dest) == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("Settings file destination location not provided") } log.Entry().Debugf("Copying file \"%s\" to \"%s\"", src, dest) if strings.HasPrefix(src, "http:") || strings.HasPrefix(src, "https:") { err := downloadSettingsFromURL(src, dest, fileUtils, httpClient, true) if err != nil { return err } } else { // for sake os symmetry it would be better to use a file protocol prefix here (file:) parent := filepath.Dir(dest) parentFolderExists, err := fileUtils.FileExists(parent) if err != nil { return err } if !parentFolderExists { if err = fileUtils.MkdirAll(parent, 0775); err != nil { return err } } if _, err := fileUtils.Copy(src, dest); err != nil { return err } } return nil } func downloadSettingsIfURL(settingsFileOption, settingsFile string, fileUtils piperutils.FileUtils, httpClient SettingsDownloadUtils, overwrite bool) (string, error) { result := settingsFileOption if strings.HasPrefix(settingsFileOption, "http:") || strings.HasPrefix(settingsFileOption, "https:") { err := downloadSettingsFromURL(settingsFileOption, settingsFile, fileUtils, httpClient, overwrite) if err != nil { return "", err } result = settingsFile } return result, nil } func downloadSettingsFromURL(url, filename string, fileUtils piperutils.FileUtils, httpClient SettingsDownloadUtils, overwrite bool) error { exists, _ := fileUtils.FileExists(filename) if exists && !overwrite { log.Entry().Infof("Not downloading maven settings file, because it already exists at '%s'", filename) return nil } err := httpClient.DownloadFile(url, filename, nil, nil) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to download maven settings from URL '%s' to file '%s': %w", url, filename, err) } return nil } func getGlobalSettingsFileDest() (string, error) { m2Home, err := getEnvironmentVariable("M2_HOME") if err != nil { return "", err } return m2Home + "/conf/settings.xml", nil } func getProjectSettingsFileDest() (string, error) { home, err := getEnvironmentVariable("HOME") if err != nil { return "", err } return home + "/.m2/settings.xml", nil } func getEnvironmentVariable(name string) (string, error) { envVar := getenv(name) if len(envVar) == 0 { return "", fmt.Errorf("Environment variable \"%s\" not set or empty", name) } return envVar, nil }