site_name: 'Project "Piper": Continuous Delivery for the SAP Ecosystem' nav: - 'Home': - 'Getting Started With Project "Piper"' : - 'Configuration': - 'Infrastructure': - 'Overview': infrastructure/ - 'Custom Jenkins Setup': infrastructure/ - 'Vault For Pipline Secrets': infrastructure/ - 'Fixing docker rate limit': infrastructure/ - 'Pipelines': - 'ABAP Environment pipeline': - 'Introduction': pipelines/abapEnvironment/ - 'Configuration': pipelines/abapEnvironment/ - 'Extensibility': pipelines/abapEnvironment/ - 'Stages': - 'Initial Checks': pipelines/abapEnvironment/stages/ - 'Prepare System': pipelines/abapEnvironment/stages/ - 'Clone Repositories': pipelines/abapEnvironment/stages/ - 'Test': pipelines/abapEnvironment/stages/ - 'Build': pipelines/abapEnvironment/stages/ - 'Integration Tests': pipelines/abapEnvironment/stages/ - 'Confirm': pipelines/abapEnvironment/stages/ - 'Publish': pipelines/abapEnvironment/stages/ - 'Post': pipelines/abapEnvironment/stages/ - 'General purpose pipeline': - 'Introduction': stages/ - 'Examples': stages/ - 'Stages': - 'Init Stage': stages/ - 'Pull-Request Voting Stage': stages/ - 'Build Stage': stages/ - 'Additional Unit Test Stage': stages/ - 'Integration Stage': stages/ - 'Acceptance Stage': stages/ - 'Security Stage': stages/ - 'Performance Stage': stages/ - 'Compliance': stages/ - 'Confirm Stage': stages/ - 'Promote Stage': stages/ - 'Release Stage': stages/ - 'Scenarios': - 'Build and Deploy Hybrid Applications with SAP Solution Manager': scenarios/ - 'Build and Deploy SAPUI5/SAP Fiori Applications on SAP Cloud Platform': scenarios/ui5-sap-cp/ - 'Build and Deploy SAP Cloud Application Programming Model Applications': scenarios/ - 'Integrate SAP Cloud Transport Management Into Your CI/CD Pipeline': scenarios/ - 'Build and Deploy SAP Fiori Applications on SAP HANA Extended Application Services, Advanced Model': scenarios/xsa-deploy/ - 'Build an SAP Fiori Application and Attach It to a Transport Request on an ABAP System': scenarios/upload-to-transportrequest/ - 'Build and Publish Add-on Products on SAP BTP, ABAP Environment': scenarios/ - 'Continuous Testing on SAP BTP, ABAP Environment': scenarios/ - Extensibility: - 'Library steps': - abapAddonAssemblyKitCheckCVs: steps/ - abapAddonAssemblyKitCheckPV: steps/ - abapAddonAssemblyKitCreateTargetVector: steps/ - abapAddonAssemblyKitPublishTargetVector: steps/ - abapAddonAssemblyKitRegisterPackages: steps/ - abapAddonAssemblyKitReleasePackages: steps/ - abapAddonAssemblyKitReserveNextPackages: steps/ - abapEnvironmentBuild: steps/ - abapEnvironmentAssemblePackages: steps/ - abapEnvironmentAssembleConfirm: steps/ - abapEnvironmentCheckoutBranch: steps/ - abapEnvironmentCloneGitRepo: steps/ - abapEnvironmentCreateSystem: steps/ - abapEnvironmentPullGitRepo: steps/ - abapEnvironmentRunATCCheck: steps/ - abapEnvironmentRunAUnitTest: steps/ - apiKeyValueMapDownload: steps/ - apiProxyDownload: steps/ - artifactPrepareVersion: steps/ - batsExecuteTests: steps/ - buildExecute: steps/ - checkmarxExecuteScan: steps/ - checksPublishResults: steps/ - cfManifestSubstituteVariables: steps/ - cloudFoundryCreateService: steps/ - cloudFoundryCreateServiceKey: steps/ - cloudFoundryDeleteService: steps/ - cloudFoundryDeploy: steps/ - cnbBuild: steps/ - commonPipelineEnvironment: steps/ - containerExecuteStructureTests: steps/ - containerPushToRegistry: steps/ - debugReportArchive: steps/ - detectExecuteScan: steps/ - dockerExecute: steps/ - dockerExecuteOnKubernetes: steps/ - dubExecute: steps/ - durationMeasure: steps/ - fortifyExecuteScan: steps/ - gatlingExecuteTests: steps/ - gaugeExecuteTests: steps/ - gctsCloneRepository: steps/ - gctsCreateRepository: steps/ - gctsDeploy: steps/ - gctsExecuteABAPUnitTests: steps/ - gctsRollback: steps/ - githubCheckBranchProtection: steps/ - githubCommentIssue: steps/ - githubCreateIssue: steps/ - githubCreatePullRequest: steps/ - githubPublishRelease: steps/ - githubSetCommitStatus: steps/ - gitopsUpdateDeployment: steps/ - hadolintExecute: steps/ - handlePipelineStepErrors: steps/ - healthExecuteCheck: steps/ - influxWriteData: steps/ - integrationArtifactDeploy: steps/ - integrationArtifactDownload: steps/ - integrationArtifactGetMplStatus: steps/ - integrationArtifactGetServiceEndpoint: steps/ - integrationArtifactResource: steps/ - integrationArtifactUnDeploy: steps/ - integrationArtifactUpdateConfiguration: steps/ - integrationArtifactUpload: steps/ - isChangeInDevelopment: steps/ - jenkinsMaterializeLog: steps/ - kanikoExecute: steps/ - karmaExecuteTests: steps/ - kubernetesDeploy: steps/ - mailSendNotification: steps/ - malwareExecuteScan: steps/ - mavenBuild: steps/ - mavenExecute: steps/ - mavenExecuteIntegration: steps/ - mavenExecuteStaticCodeChecks: steps/ - mtaBuild: steps/ - multicloudDeploy: steps/ - neoDeploy: steps/ - newmanExecute: steps/ - nexusUpload: steps/ - npmExecuteEndToEndTests: steps/ - npmExecuteLint: steps/ - npmExecuteScripts: steps/ - pipelineExecute: steps/ - pipelineRestartSteps: steps/ - pipelineStashFiles: steps/ - pipelineStashFilesAfterBuild: steps/ - pipelineStashFilesBeforeBuild: steps/ - piperLoadGlobalExtensions: steps/ - piperPublishWarnings: steps/ - prepareDefaultValues: steps/ - protecodeExecuteScan: steps/ - seleniumExecuteTests: steps/ - setupCommonPipelineEnvironment: steps/ - shellExecute: steps/ - slackSendNotification: steps/ - snykExecute: steps/ - sonarExecuteScan: steps/ - spinnakerTriggerPipeline: steps/ - testsPublishResults: steps/ - tmsUpload: steps/ - transportRequestCreate: steps/ - transportRequestDocIDFromGit: steps/ - transportRequestRelease: steps/ - transportRequestReqIDFromGit: steps/ - transportRequestUploadCTS: steps/ - transportRequestUploadRFC: steps/ - transportRequestUploadSOLMAN: steps/ - uiVeri5ExecuteTests: steps/ - vaultRotateSecretId: steps/ - whitesourceExecuteScan: steps/ - writeTemporaryCredentials: steps/ - xsDeploy: steps/ - 'Library Steps (deprecated)': - artifactSetVersion: steps/ - checkChangeInDevelopment: steps/ - npmExecute: steps/ - transportRequestUploadFile: steps/ - 'Command line tool': cli/ theme: name: 'material' palette: primary: 'teal' accent: 'purple' logo: 'images/piper_400_white.png' favicon: 'images/favicon.ico' extra: font: text: 'Slabo 13px' code: 'Ubuntu Mono' markdown_extensions: - admonition - attr_list - codehilite: guess_lang: false - toc: permalink: true - footnotes - pymdownx.superfences - pymdownx.tabbed - pymdownx.details extra_css: - 'css/extra.css' edit_uri: edit/master/documentation/docs site_dir: docs-gen repo_url: