package cmd
import (
type fileInfo struct {
nam string // base name of the file
siz int64 // length in bytes for regular files; system-dependent for others
mod os.FileMode // file mode bits
modtime time.Time // modification time
dir bool // abbreviation for Mode().IsDir()
syss interface{} // underlying data source (can return nil)
func (fi fileInfo) IsDir() bool {
return fi.dir
func (fi fileInfo) Name() string {
return fi.nam
func (fi fileInfo) Size() int64 {
return fi.siz
func (fi fileInfo) ModTime() time.Time {
return fi.modtime
func (fi fileInfo) Mode() os.FileMode {
return fi.mod
func (fi fileInfo) Sys() interface{} {
return fi.syss
type systemMock struct {
response interface{}
isIncremental bool
isPublic bool
forceScan bool
createProject bool
previousPName string
func (sys *systemMock) FilterPresetByName(presets []checkmarx.Preset, presetName string) checkmarx.Preset {
return checkmarx.Preset{ID: 10050, Name: "SAP_JS_Default", OwnerName: "16"}
func (sys *systemMock) FilterPresetByID(presets []checkmarx.Preset, presetID int) checkmarx.Preset {
return checkmarx.Preset{ID: 10048, Name: "SAP_Default", OwnerName: "16"}
func (sys *systemMock) FilterProjectByName(projects []checkmarx.Project, projectName string) checkmarx.Project {
return checkmarx.Project{ID: 1, Name: "Test", TeamID: "16", IsPublic: true}
func (sys *systemMock) GetProjectByID(projectID int) (checkmarx.Project, error) {
if projectID == 17 {
return checkmarx.Project{ID: 17, Name: "Test_PR-17", TeamID: "16", IsPublic: true}, nil
return checkmarx.Project{ID: 19, Name: "Test_PR-19", TeamID: "16", IsPublic: true}, nil
func (sys *systemMock) GetProjectsByNameAndTeam(projectName, teamID string) ([]checkmarx.Project, error) {
if !sys.createProject || sys.previousPName == projectName {
if strings.Contains(projectName, "PR-17") {
return []checkmarx.Project{{ID: 17, Name: projectName, TeamID: teamID, IsPublic: true}}, nil
return []checkmarx.Project{{ID: 19, Name: projectName, TeamID: teamID, IsPublic: true}}, nil
if projectName == "Test" {
return []checkmarx.Project{{ID: 1, Name: projectName, TeamID: teamID, IsPublic: true}}, nil
sys.previousPName = projectName
return []checkmarx.Project{}, fmt.Errorf("no project error")
func (sys *systemMock) FilterTeamByName(teams []checkmarx.Team, teamName string) checkmarx.Team {
return checkmarx.Team{ID: "16", FullName: "OpenSource/Cracks/16"}
func (sys *systemMock) FilterTeamByID(teams []checkmarx.Team, teamID string) checkmarx.Team {
return checkmarx.Team{ID: "15", FullName: "OpenSource/Cracks/15"}
func (sys *systemMock) DownloadReport(reportID int) ([]byte, error) {
return sys.response.([]byte), nil
func (sys *systemMock) GetReportStatus(reportID int) (checkmarx.ReportStatusResponse, error) {
return checkmarx.ReportStatusResponse{Status: checkmarx.ReportStatus{ID: 2, Value: "Created"}}, nil
func (sys *systemMock) RequestNewReport(scanID int, reportType string) (checkmarx.Report, error) {
return checkmarx.Report{ReportID: 17}, nil
func (sys *systemMock) GetResults(scanID int) checkmarx.ResultsStatistics {
return checkmarx.ResultsStatistics{}
func (sys *systemMock) GetScans(projectID int) ([]checkmarx.ScanStatus, error) {
return []checkmarx.ScanStatus{{IsIncremental: true}, {IsIncremental: true}, {IsIncremental: true}, {IsIncremental: false}}, nil
func (sys *systemMock) GetScanStatusAndDetail(scanID int) (string, checkmarx.ScanStatusDetail) {
return "Finished", checkmarx.ScanStatusDetail{Stage: "Step 1 of 25", Step: "Scan something"}
func (sys *systemMock) ScanProject(projectID int, isIncrementalV, isPublicV, forceScanV bool) (checkmarx.Scan, error) {
sys.isIncremental = isIncrementalV
sys.isPublic = isPublicV
sys.forceScan = forceScanV
return checkmarx.Scan{ID: 16}, nil
func (sys *systemMock) UpdateProjectConfiguration(projectID int, presetID int, engineConfigurationID string) error {
return nil
func (sys *systemMock) UpdateProjectExcludeSettings(projectID int, excludeFolders string, excludeFiles string) error {
return nil
func (sys *systemMock) UploadProjectSourceCode(projectID int, zipFile string) error {
return nil
func (sys *systemMock) CreateProject(projectName string, teamID string) (checkmarx.ProjectCreateResult, error) {
return checkmarx.ProjectCreateResult{ID: 20}, nil
func (sys *systemMock) CreateBranch(projectID int, branchName string) int {
return 18
func (sys *systemMock) GetPresets() []checkmarx.Preset {
return []checkmarx.Preset{{ID: 10078, Name: "SAP Java Default", OwnerName: "16"}, {ID: 10048, Name: "SAP JS Default", OwnerName: "16"}}
func (sys *systemMock) GetProjects() ([]checkmarx.Project, error) {
return []checkmarx.Project{{ID: 15, Name: "OtherTest", TeamID: "16"}, {ID: 1, Name: "Test", TeamID: "16"}}, nil
func (sys *systemMock) GetTeams() []checkmarx.Team {
return []checkmarx.Team{{ID: "16", FullName: "OpenSource/Cracks/16"}, {ID: "15", FullName: "OpenSource/Cracks/15"}}
type systemMockForExistingProject struct {
response interface{}
isIncremental bool
isPublic bool
forceScan bool
scanProjectCalled bool
func (sys *systemMockForExistingProject) FilterPresetByName(presets []checkmarx.Preset, presetName string) checkmarx.Preset {
return checkmarx.Preset{ID: 10050, Name: "SAP_JS_Default", OwnerName: "16"}
func (sys *systemMockForExistingProject) FilterPresetByID(presets []checkmarx.Preset, presetID int) checkmarx.Preset {
return checkmarx.Preset{ID: 10048, Name: "SAP_Default", OwnerName: "16"}
func (sys *systemMockForExistingProject) FilterProjectByName(projects []checkmarx.Project, projectName string) checkmarx.Project {
return checkmarx.Project{ID: 1, Name: "TestExisting", TeamID: "16", IsPublic: true}
func (sys *systemMockForExistingProject) GetProjectByID(projectID int) (checkmarx.Project, error) {
return checkmarx.Project{}, nil
func (sys *systemMockForExistingProject) GetProjectsByNameAndTeam(projectName, teamID string) ([]checkmarx.Project, error) {
return []checkmarx.Project{{ID: 19, Name: projectName, TeamID: teamID, IsPublic: true}}, nil
func (sys *systemMockForExistingProject) FilterTeamByName(teams []checkmarx.Team, teamName string) checkmarx.Team {
return checkmarx.Team{ID: "16", FullName: "OpenSource/Cracks/16"}
func (sys *systemMockForExistingProject) FilterTeamByID(teams []checkmarx.Team, teamID string) checkmarx.Team {
return checkmarx.Team{ID: "15", FullName: "OpenSource/Cracks/15"}
func (sys *systemMockForExistingProject) DownloadReport(reportID int) ([]byte, error) {
return sys.response.([]byte), nil
func (sys *systemMockForExistingProject) GetReportStatus(reportID int) (checkmarx.ReportStatusResponse, error) {
return checkmarx.ReportStatusResponse{Status: checkmarx.ReportStatus{ID: 2, Value: "Created"}}, nil
func (sys *systemMockForExistingProject) RequestNewReport(scanID int, reportType string) (checkmarx.Report, error) {
return checkmarx.Report{ReportID: 17}, nil
func (sys *systemMockForExistingProject) GetResults(scanID int) checkmarx.ResultsStatistics {
return checkmarx.ResultsStatistics{}
func (sys *systemMockForExistingProject) GetScans(projectID int) ([]checkmarx.ScanStatus, error) {
return []checkmarx.ScanStatus{{IsIncremental: true}, {IsIncremental: true}, {IsIncremental: true}, {IsIncremental: false}}, nil
func (sys *systemMockForExistingProject) GetScanStatusAndDetail(scanID int) (string, checkmarx.ScanStatusDetail) {
return "Finished", checkmarx.ScanStatusDetail{Stage: "", Step: ""}
func (sys *systemMockForExistingProject) ScanProject(projectID int, isIncrementalV, isPublicV, forceScanV bool) (checkmarx.Scan, error) {
sys.scanProjectCalled = true
sys.isIncremental = isIncrementalV
sys.isPublic = isPublicV
sys.forceScan = forceScanV
return checkmarx.Scan{ID: 16}, nil
func (sys *systemMockForExistingProject) UpdateProjectConfiguration(projectID int, presetID int, engineConfigurationID string) error {
return nil
func (sys *systemMockForExistingProject) UpdateProjectExcludeSettings(projectID int, excludeFolders string, excludeFiles string) error {
return nil
func (sys *systemMockForExistingProject) UploadProjectSourceCode(projectID int, zipFile string) error {
return nil
func (sys *systemMockForExistingProject) CreateProject(projectName string, teamID string) (checkmarx.ProjectCreateResult, error) {
return checkmarx.ProjectCreateResult{}, fmt.Errorf("create project error")
func (sys *systemMockForExistingProject) CreateBranch(projectID int, branchName string) int {
return 0
func (sys *systemMockForExistingProject) GetPresets() []checkmarx.Preset {
return []checkmarx.Preset{{ID: 10078, Name: "SAP Java Default", OwnerName: "16"}, {ID: 10048, Name: "SAP JS Default", OwnerName: "16"}}
func (sys *systemMockForExistingProject) GetProjects() ([]checkmarx.Project, error) {
return []checkmarx.Project{{ID: 1, Name: "TestExisting", TeamID: "16"}}, nil
func (sys *systemMockForExistingProject) GetTeams() []checkmarx.Team {
return []checkmarx.Team{{ID: "16", FullName: "OpenSource/Cracks/16"}, {ID: "15", FullName: "OpenSource/Cracks/15"}}
func TestFilterFileGlob(t *testing.T) {
tt := []struct {
input string
fInfo fileInfo
expected bool
{input: "somepath/node_modules/someOther/some.file", fInfo: fileInfo{}, expected: true},
{input: "somepath/non_modules/someOther/some.go", fInfo: fileInfo{}, expected: false},
{input: ".xmake/someOther/some.go", fInfo: fileInfo{}, expected: true},
{input: "another/vendor/some.html", fInfo: fileInfo{}, expected: false},
{input: "another/vendor/some.pdf", fInfo: fileInfo{}, expected: true},
{input: "another/vendor/some.test", fInfo: fileInfo{}, expected: true},
{input: "some.test", fInfo: fileInfo{}, expected: false},
{input: "a/b/c", fInfo: fileInfo{dir: true}, expected: false},
for k, v := range tt {
assert.Equal(t, v.expected, filterFileGlob([]string{"!**/node_modules/**", "!**/.xmake/**", "!**/*_test.go", "!**/vendor/**/*.go", "**/*.go", "**/*.html", "*.test"}, v.input, v.fInfo), fmt.Sprintf("wrong long name for run %v", k))
func TestZipFolder(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("zip files", func(t *testing.T) {
dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "test zip files")
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Failed to create temporary directory")
// clean up tmp dir
defer os.RemoveAll(dir)
ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dir, "abcd.go"), []byte{byte(1), byte(2), byte(3)}, 0700)
ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dir, "somepath", "abcd.txt"), []byte{byte(1), byte(2), byte(3)}, 0700)
ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dir, "abcd_test.go"), []byte{byte(1), byte(2), byte(3)}, 0700)
var zipFileMock bytes.Buffer
zipFolder(dir, &zipFileMock, []string{"!abc_test.go", "**/abcd.txt", "**/abc.go"})
got := zipFileMock.Len()
want := 164
if got != want {
t.Errorf("Zipping test failed expected %v but got %v", want, got)
func TestGetDetailedResults(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("success case", func(t *testing.T) {
sys := &systemMock{response: []byte(`
dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "test detailed results")
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Failed to create temporary directory")
// clean up tmp dir
defer os.RemoveAll(dir)
result, err := getDetailedResults(sys, filepath.Join(dir, "abc.xml"), 2635)
assert.NoError(t, err, "error occured but none expected")
assert.Equal(t, "2", result["ProjectId"], "Project ID incorrect")
assert.Equal(t, "Project 1", result["ProjectName"], "Project name incorrect")
assert.Equal(t, 2, result["High"].(map[string]int)["Issues"], "Number of High issues incorrect")
assert.Equal(t, 2, result["High"].(map[string]int)["NotFalsePositive"], "Number of High NotFalsePositive issues incorrect")
assert.Equal(t, 1, result["Medium"].(map[string]int)["Issues"], "Number of Medium issues incorrect")
assert.Equal(t, 0, result["Medium"].(map[string]int)["NotFalsePositive"], "Number of Medium NotFalsePositive issues incorrect")
func TestRunScan(t *testing.T) {
sys := &systemMockForExistingProject{response: []byte(``)}
options := checkmarxExecuteScanOptions{ProjectName: "TestExisting", VulnerabilityThresholdUnit: "absolute", FullScanCycle: "2", Incremental: true, FullScansScheduled: true, Preset: "10048", TeamID: "16", VulnerabilityThresholdEnabled: true, GeneratePdfReport: true}
workspace, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "workspace1")
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Failed to create temporary workspace directory")
// clean up tmp dir
defer os.RemoveAll(workspace)
influx := checkmarxExecuteScanInflux{}
err = runScan(options, sys, workspace, &influx)
assert.NoError(t, err, "error occured but none expected")
assert.Equal(t, false, sys.isIncremental, "isIncremental has wrong value")
assert.Equal(t, true, sys.isPublic, "isPublic has wrong value")
assert.Equal(t, true, sys.forceScan, "forceScan has wrong value")
assert.Equal(t, true, sys.scanProjectCalled, "ScanProject was not invoked")
func TestVerifyOnly(t *testing.T) {
sys := &systemMockForExistingProject{response: []byte(``)}
options := checkmarxExecuteScanOptions{VerifyOnly: true, ProjectName: "TestExisting", VulnerabilityThresholdUnit: "absolute", FullScanCycle: "2", Incremental: true, FullScansScheduled: true, Preset: "10048", TeamID: "16", VulnerabilityThresholdEnabled: true, GeneratePdfReport: true}
workspace, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "workspace1")
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Failed to create temporary workspace directory")
// clean up tmp dir
defer os.RemoveAll(workspace)
influx := checkmarxExecuteScanInflux{}
err = runScan(options, sys, workspace, &influx)
assert.NoError(t, err, "error occured but none expected")
assert.Equal(t, false, sys.scanProjectCalled, "ScanProject was invoked but shouldn't")
func TestRunScanWOtherCycle(t *testing.T) {
sys := &systemMock{response: []byte(``), createProject: true}
options := checkmarxExecuteScanOptions{VulnerabilityThresholdUnit: "percentage", FullScanCycle: "3", Incremental: true, FullScansScheduled: true, Preset: "SAP_JS_Default", TeamID: "16", VulnerabilityThresholdEnabled: true, GeneratePdfReport: true}
workspace, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "workspace2")
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Failed to create temporary workspace directory")
// clean up tmp dir
defer os.RemoveAll(workspace)
influx := checkmarxExecuteScanInflux{}
err = runScan(options, sys, workspace, &influx)
assert.NoError(t, err, "error occured but none expected")
assert.Equal(t, true, sys.isIncremental, "isIncremental has wrong value")
assert.Equal(t, true, sys.isPublic, "isPublic has wrong value")
assert.Equal(t, true, sys.forceScan, "forceScan has wrong value")
func TestRunScanForPullRequest(t *testing.T) {
sys := &systemMock{response: []byte(``)}
options := checkmarxExecuteScanOptions{PullRequestName: "PR-19", ProjectName: "Test", VulnerabilityThresholdUnit: "percentage", FullScanCycle: "3", Incremental: true, FullScansScheduled: true, Preset: "SAP_JS_Default", TeamID: "16", VulnerabilityThresholdEnabled: true, GeneratePdfReport: true, AvoidDuplicateProjectScans: false}
workspace, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "workspace3")
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Failed to create temporary workspace directory")
// clean up tmp dir
defer os.RemoveAll(workspace)
influx := checkmarxExecuteScanInflux{}
err = runScan(options, sys, workspace, &influx)
assert.Equal(t, true, sys.isIncremental, "isIncremental has wrong value")
assert.Equal(t, true, sys.isPublic, "isPublic has wrong value")
assert.Equal(t, true, sys.forceScan, "forceScan has wrong value")
func TestRunScanForPullRequestProjectNew(t *testing.T) {
sys := &systemMock{response: []byte(``), createProject: true}
options := checkmarxExecuteScanOptions{PullRequestName: "PR-17", ProjectName: "Test", VulnerabilityThresholdUnit: "percentage", FullScanCycle: "3", Incremental: true, FullScansScheduled: true, Preset: "10048", TeamName: "OpenSource/Cracks/15", VulnerabilityThresholdEnabled: true, GeneratePdfReport: true}
workspace, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "workspace4")
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Failed to create temporary workspace directory")
// clean up tmp dir
defer os.RemoveAll(workspace)
influx := checkmarxExecuteScanInflux{}
err = runScan(options, sys, workspace, &influx)
assert.Equal(t, true, sys.isIncremental, "isIncremental has wrong value")
assert.Equal(t, true, sys.isPublic, "isPublic has wrong value")
assert.Equal(t, true, sys.forceScan, "forceScan has wrong value")
func TestRunScanHighViolationPercentage(t *testing.T) {
sys := &systemMock{response: []byte(`
options := checkmarxExecuteScanOptions{VulnerabilityThresholdUnit: "percentage", VulnerabilityThresholdResult: "FAILURE", VulnerabilityThresholdHigh: 100, FullScanCycle: "10", FullScansScheduled: true, Preset: "10048", TeamID: "16", VulnerabilityThresholdEnabled: true, GeneratePdfReport: true}
workspace, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "workspace5")
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Failed to create temporary workspace directory")
// clean up tmp dir
defer os.RemoveAll(workspace)
influx := checkmarxExecuteScanInflux{}
err = runScan(options, sys, workspace, &influx)
assert.Contains(t, fmt.Sprint(err), "the project is not compliant", "Expected different error")
func TestRunScanHighViolationAbsolute(t *testing.T) {
sys := &systemMock{response: []byte(`
options := checkmarxExecuteScanOptions{VulnerabilityThresholdUnit: "absolute", VulnerabilityThresholdResult: "FAILURE", VulnerabilityThresholdLow: 1, FullScanCycle: "10", FullScansScheduled: true, Preset: "10048", TeamID: "16", VulnerabilityThresholdEnabled: true, GeneratePdfReport: true}
workspace, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "workspace6")
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Failed to create temporary workspace directory")
// clean up tmp dir
defer os.RemoveAll(workspace)
influx := checkmarxExecuteScanInflux{}
err = runScan(options, sys, workspace, &influx)
assert.Contains(t, fmt.Sprint(err), "the project is not compliant", "Expected different error")
func TestEnforceThresholds(t *testing.T) {
results := map[string]interface{}{}
results["High"] = map[string]int{}
results["Medium"] = map[string]int{}
results["Low"] = map[string]int{}
results["High"].(map[string]int)["NotFalsePositive"] = 10
results["Medium"].(map[string]int)["NotFalsePositive"] = 10
results["Low"].(map[string]int)["NotFalsePositive"] = 10
results["Low"].(map[string]int)["NotExploitable"] = 0
results["Low"].(map[string]int)["Confirmed"] = 0
results["High"].(map[string]int)["Issues"] = 10
results["Medium"].(map[string]int)["Issues"] = 10
results["Low"].(map[string]int)["Issues"] = 10
t.Run("percentage high violation", func(t *testing.T) {
options := checkmarxExecuteScanOptions{VulnerabilityThresholdUnit: "percentage", VulnerabilityThresholdHigh: 100, VulnerabilityThresholdEnabled: true}
insecure := enforceThresholds(options, results)
assert.Equal(t, true, insecure, "Expected results to be insecure but where not")
t.Run("absolute high violation", func(t *testing.T) {
options := checkmarxExecuteScanOptions{VulnerabilityThresholdUnit: "absolute", VulnerabilityThresholdHigh: 5, VulnerabilityThresholdEnabled: true}
insecure := enforceThresholds(options, results)
assert.Equal(t, true, insecure, "Expected results to be insecure but where not")
t.Run("percentage medium violation", func(t *testing.T) {
options := checkmarxExecuteScanOptions{VulnerabilityThresholdUnit: "percentage", VulnerabilityThresholdMedium: 100, VulnerabilityThresholdEnabled: true}
insecure := enforceThresholds(options, results)
assert.Equal(t, true, insecure, "Expected results to be insecure but where not")
t.Run("absolute medium violation", func(t *testing.T) {
options := checkmarxExecuteScanOptions{VulnerabilityThresholdUnit: "absolute", VulnerabilityThresholdMedium: 5, VulnerabilityThresholdEnabled: true}
insecure := enforceThresholds(options, results)
assert.Equal(t, true, insecure, "Expected results to be insecure but where not")
t.Run("percentage low violation", func(t *testing.T) {
options := checkmarxExecuteScanOptions{VulnerabilityThresholdUnit: "percentage", VulnerabilityThresholdLow: 100, VulnerabilityThresholdEnabled: true}
insecure := enforceThresholds(options, results)
assert.Equal(t, true, insecure, "Expected results to be insecure but where not")
t.Run("absolute low violation", func(t *testing.T) {
options := checkmarxExecuteScanOptions{VulnerabilityThresholdUnit: "absolute", VulnerabilityThresholdLow: 5, VulnerabilityThresholdEnabled: true}
insecure := enforceThresholds(options, results)
assert.Equal(t, true, insecure, "Expected results to be insecure but where not")
t.Run("percentage no violation", func(t *testing.T) {
options := checkmarxExecuteScanOptions{VulnerabilityThresholdUnit: "percentage", VulnerabilityThresholdLow: 0, VulnerabilityThresholdEnabled: true}
insecure := enforceThresholds(options, results)
assert.Equal(t, false, insecure, "Expected results to be insecure but where not")
t.Run("absolute no violation", func(t *testing.T) {
options := checkmarxExecuteScanOptions{VulnerabilityThresholdUnit: "absolute", VulnerabilityThresholdLow: 15, VulnerabilityThresholdMedium: 15, VulnerabilityThresholdHigh: 15, VulnerabilityThresholdEnabled: true}
insecure := enforceThresholds(options, results)
assert.Equal(t, false, insecure, "Expected results to be insecure but where not")
func TestLoadPreset(t *testing.T) {
sys := &systemMock{}
t.Run("resolve via code", func(t *testing.T) {
preset, err := loadPreset(sys, "10048")
assert.NoError(t, err, "Expected success but failed")
assert.Equal(t, 10048, preset.ID, "Expected result but got none")
t.Run("resolve via name", func(t *testing.T) {
preset, err := loadPreset(sys, "SAP_JS_Default")
assert.NoError(t, err, "Expected success but failed")
assert.Equal(t, "SAP_JS_Default", preset.Name, "Expected result but got none")
t.Run("error case", func(t *testing.T) {
preset, err := loadPreset(sys, "")
assert.Contains(t, fmt.Sprint(err), "preset SAP_JS_Default not found", "Expected different error")
assert.Equal(t, 0, preset.ID, "Expected result but got none")