package cmd import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "io" "os" "path/filepath" "reflect" "strconv" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" ) // GeneralConfigOptions contains all global configuration options for piper binary type GeneralConfigOptions struct { CorrelationID string CustomConfig string DefaultConfig []string //ordered list of Piper default configurations. Can be filePath or ENV containing JSON in format 'ENV:MY_ENV_VAR' IgnoreCustomDefaults bool ParametersJSON string EnvRootPath string NoTelemetry bool StageName string StepConfigJSON string StepMetadata string //metadata to be considered, can be filePath or ENV containing JSON in format 'ENV:MY_ENV_VAR' StepName string Verbose bool LogFormat string HookConfig HookConfiguration } // HookConfiguration contains the configuration for supported hooks, so far only Sentry is supported. type HookConfiguration struct { SentryConfig SentryConfiguration `json:"sentry,omitempty"` } // SentryConfiguration defines the configuration options for the Sentry logging system type SentryConfiguration struct { Dsn string `json:"dsn,omitempty"` } var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "piper", Short: "Executes CI/CD steps from project 'Piper' ", Long: ` This project 'Piper' binary provides a CI/CD step library. It contains many steps which can be used within CI/CD systems as well as directly on e.g. a developer's machine. `, //ToDo: respect stageName to also come from parametersJSON -> first env.STAGE_NAME, second: parametersJSON, third: flag } // GeneralConfig contains global configuration flags for piper binary var GeneralConfig GeneralConfigOptions // Execute is the starting point of the piper command line tool func Execute() { rootCmd.AddCommand(ArtifactPrepareVersionCommand()) rootCmd.AddCommand(ConfigCommand()) rootCmd.AddCommand(ContainerSaveImageCommand()) rootCmd.AddCommand(VersionCommand()) rootCmd.AddCommand(DetectExecuteScanCommand()) rootCmd.AddCommand(KarmaExecuteTestsCommand()) rootCmd.AddCommand(SonarExecuteScanCommand()) rootCmd.AddCommand(KubernetesDeployCommand()) rootCmd.AddCommand(XsDeployCommand()) rootCmd.AddCommand(GithubPublishReleaseCommand()) rootCmd.AddCommand(GithubCreatePullRequestCommand()) rootCmd.AddCommand(CloudFoundryDeleteServiceCommand()) rootCmd.AddCommand(AbapEnvironmentPullGitRepoCommand()) rootCmd.AddCommand(CheckmarxExecuteScanCommand()) rootCmd.AddCommand(FortifyExecuteScanCommand()) rootCmd.AddCommand(MtaBuildCommand()) rootCmd.AddCommand(ProtecodeExecuteScanCommand()) rootCmd.AddCommand(MavenExecuteCommand()) rootCmd.AddCommand(CloudFoundryCreateServiceKeyCommand()) rootCmd.AddCommand(MavenBuildCommand()) rootCmd.AddCommand(MavenExecuteIntegrationCommand()) rootCmd.AddCommand(MavenExecuteStaticCodeChecksCommand()) rootCmd.AddCommand(NexusUploadCommand()) rootCmd.AddCommand(AbapEnvironmentRunATCCheckCommand()) rootCmd.AddCommand(NpmExecuteScriptsCommand()) rootCmd.AddCommand(NpmExecuteLintCommand()) rootCmd.AddCommand(GctsCreateRepositoryCommand()) rootCmd.AddCommand(GctsExecuteABAPUnitTestsCommand()) rootCmd.AddCommand(GctsDeployCommand()) rootCmd.AddCommand(MalwareExecuteScanCommand()) rootCmd.AddCommand(GctsRollbackCommand()) rootCmd.AddCommand(WhitesourceExecuteScanCommand()) rootCmd.AddCommand(GctsCloneRepositoryCommand()) rootCmd.AddCommand(JsonApplyPatchCommand()) rootCmd.AddCommand(KanikoExecuteCommand()) addRootFlags(rootCmd) if err := rootCmd.Execute(); err != nil { log.Entry().WithError(err).Fatal("configuration error") } } func addRootFlags(rootCmd *cobra.Command) { rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&GeneralConfig.CorrelationID, "correlationID", os.Getenv("PIPER_correlationID"), "ID for unique identification of a pipeline run") rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&GeneralConfig.CustomConfig, "customConfig", ".pipeline/config.yml", "Path to the pipeline configuration file") rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringSliceVar(&GeneralConfig.DefaultConfig, "defaultConfig", []string{".pipeline/defaults.yaml"}, "Default configurations, passed as path to yaml file") rootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&GeneralConfig.IgnoreCustomDefaults, "ignoreCustomDefaults", false, "Disables evaluation of the parameter 'customDefaults' in the pipeline configuration file") rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&GeneralConfig.ParametersJSON, "parametersJSON", os.Getenv("PIPER_parametersJSON"), "Parameters to be considered in JSON format") rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&GeneralConfig.EnvRootPath, "envRootPath", ".pipeline", "Root path to Piper pipeline shared environments") rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&GeneralConfig.StageName, "stageName", os.Getenv("STAGE_NAME"), "Name of the stage for which configuration should be included") rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&GeneralConfig.StepConfigJSON, "stepConfigJSON", os.Getenv("PIPER_stepConfigJSON"), "Step configuration in JSON format") rootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&GeneralConfig.NoTelemetry, "noTelemetry", false, "Disables telemetry reporting") rootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&GeneralConfig.Verbose, "verbose", "v", false, "verbose output") rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&GeneralConfig.LogFormat, "logFormat", "default", "Log format to use. Options: default, timestamp, plain, full.") } // PrepareConfig reads step configuration from various sources and merges it (defaults, config file, flags, ...) func PrepareConfig(cmd *cobra.Command, metadata *config.StepData, stepName string, options interface{}, openFile func(s string) (io.ReadCloser, error)) error { filters := metadata.GetParameterFilters() // add telemetry parameter "collectTelemetryData" to ALL, GENERAL and PARAMETER filters filters.All = append(filters.All, "collectTelemetryData") filters.General = append(filters.General, "collectTelemetryData") filters.Parameters = append(filters.Parameters, "collectTelemetryData") resourceParams := metadata.GetResourceParameters(GeneralConfig.EnvRootPath, "commonPipelineEnvironment") flagValues := config.AvailableFlagValues(cmd, &filters) var myConfig config.Config var stepConfig config.StepConfig log.SetFormatter(GeneralConfig.LogFormat) if len(GeneralConfig.StepConfigJSON) != 0 { // ignore config & defaults in favor of passed stepConfigJSON stepConfig = config.GetStepConfigWithJSON(flagValues, GeneralConfig.StepConfigJSON, filters) log.Entry().Infof("Project config: passed via JSON") log.Entry().Infof("Project defaults: passed via JSON") } else { // use config & defaults var customConfig io.ReadCloser var err error //accept that config file and defaults cannot be loaded since both are not mandatory here { projectConfigFile := getProjectConfigFile(GeneralConfig.CustomConfig) if exists, err := piperutils.FileExists(projectConfigFile); exists { log.Entry().Infof("Project config: '%s'", projectConfigFile) if customConfig, err = openFile(projectConfigFile); err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "Cannot read '%s'", projectConfigFile) } } else { log.Entry().Infof("Project config: NONE ('%s' does not exist)", projectConfigFile) customConfig = nil } } var defaultConfig []io.ReadCloser if len(GeneralConfig.DefaultConfig) == 0 { log.Entry().Info("Project defaults: NONE") } for _, projectDefaultFile := range GeneralConfig.DefaultConfig { fc, err := openFile(projectDefaultFile) // only create error for non-default values if err != nil { if projectDefaultFile != ".pipeline/defaults.yaml" { log.Entry().Infof("Project defaults: '%s'", projectDefaultFile) return errors.Wrapf(err, "Cannot read '%s'", projectDefaultFile) } } else { log.Entry().Infof("Project defaults: '%s'", projectDefaultFile) defaultConfig = append(defaultConfig, fc) } } stepConfig, err = myConfig.GetStepConfig(flagValues, GeneralConfig.ParametersJSON, customConfig, defaultConfig, GeneralConfig.IgnoreCustomDefaults, filters, metadata.Spec.Inputs.Parameters, metadata.Spec.Inputs.Secrets, resourceParams, GeneralConfig.StageName, stepName, metadata.Metadata.Aliases) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "retrieving step configuration failed") } } if fmt.Sprintf("%v", stepConfig.Config["collectTelemetryData"]) == "false" { GeneralConfig.NoTelemetry = true } if !GeneralConfig.Verbose && stepConfig.Config["verbose"] != nil { if verboseValue, ok := stepConfig.Config["verbose"].(bool); ok { log.SetVerbose(verboseValue) } else { return fmt.Errorf("invalid value for parameter verbose: '%v'", stepConfig.Config["verbose"]) } } stepConfig.Config = checkTypes(stepConfig.Config, options) confJSON, _ := json.Marshal(stepConfig.Config) _ = json.Unmarshal(confJSON, &options) config.MarkFlagsWithValue(cmd, stepConfig) retrieveHookConfig(stepConfig.HookConfig, &GeneralConfig.HookConfig) return nil } func retrieveHookConfig(source *json.RawMessage, target *HookConfiguration) { if source != nil { log.Entry().Info("Retrieving hook configuration") err := json.Unmarshal(*source, target) if err != nil { log.Entry().Warningf("Failed to retrieve hook configuration: %v", err) } } } var errIncompatibleTypes = fmt.Errorf("incompatible types") func checkTypes(config map[string]interface{}, options interface{}) map[string]interface{} { optionsType := getStepOptionsStructType(options) for paramName := range config { optionsField := findStructFieldByJSONTag(paramName, optionsType) if optionsField == nil { continue } if config[paramName] == nil { // There is a key, but no value. This can result from merging values from the CPE. continue } paramValueType := reflect.ValueOf(config[paramName]) if optionsField.Type.Kind() == paramValueType.Kind() { // Types already match, nothing to do continue } var typeError error = nil switch paramValueType.Kind() { case reflect.String: typeError = convertValueFromString(config, optionsField, paramName, paramValueType.String()) case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: typeError = convertValueFromFloat(config, optionsField, paramName, paramValueType.Float()) case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: typeError = convertValueFromInt(config, optionsField, paramName, paramValueType.Int()) default: log.Entry().Warnf("Config value for '%s' is of unexpected type %s, expected %s. "+ "The value may be ignored as a result. To avoid any risk, specify this value with explicit type.", paramName, paramValueType.Kind(), optionsField.Type.Kind()) } if typeError != nil { typeError = fmt.Errorf("config value for '%s' is of unexpected type %s, expected %s: %w", paramName, paramValueType.Kind(), optionsField.Type.Kind(), typeError) log.SetErrorCategory(log.ErrorConfiguration) log.Entry().WithError(typeError).Fatal() } } return config } func convertValueFromString(config map[string]interface{}, optionsField *reflect.StructField, paramName, paramValue string) error { switch optionsField.Type.Kind() { case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array: // Could do automatic conversion for those types in theory, // but that might obscure what really happens in error cases. return fmt.Errorf("expected type to be a list (or slice, or array) but got string") case reflect.Bool: // Sensible to convert strings "true"/"false" to respective boolean values as it is // common practice to write booleans as string in yaml files. paramValue = strings.ToLower(paramValue) if paramValue == "true" { config[paramName] = true return nil } else if paramValue == "false" { config[paramName] = false return nil } } return errIncompatibleTypes } func convertValueFromFloat(config map[string]interface{}, optionsField *reflect.StructField, paramName string, paramValue float64) error { switch optionsField.Type.Kind() { case reflect.String: config[paramName] = strconv.FormatFloat(paramValue, 'f', -1, 64) return nil case reflect.Float32: config[paramName] = float32(paramValue) return nil case reflect.Float64: config[paramName] = paramValue return nil case reflect.Int: // Treat as type-mismatch only in case the conversion would be lossy. // In that case, the json.Unmarshall() would indeed just drop it, so we want to fail. if float64(int(paramValue)) == paramValue { config[paramName] = int(paramValue) return nil } } return errIncompatibleTypes } func convertValueFromInt(config map[string]interface{}, optionsField *reflect.StructField, paramName string, paramValue int64) error { switch optionsField.Type.Kind() { case reflect.String: config[paramName] = strconv.FormatInt(paramValue, 10) return nil case reflect.Float32: config[paramName] = float32(paramValue) return nil case reflect.Float64: config[paramName] = float64(paramValue) return nil } return errIncompatibleTypes } func findStructFieldByJSONTag(tagName string, optionsType reflect.Type) *reflect.StructField { for i := 0; i < optionsType.NumField(); i++ { field := optionsType.Field(i) tag := field.Tag.Get("json") if tagName == tag || tagName+",omitempty" == tag { return &field } } return nil } func getStepOptionsStructType(stepOptions interface{}) reflect.Type { typedOptions := reflect.ValueOf(stepOptions) if typedOptions.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { typedOptions = typedOptions.Elem() } return typedOptions.Type() } func getProjectConfigFile(name string) string { var altName string if ext := filepath.Ext(name); ext == ".yml" { altName = fmt.Sprintf("%v.yaml", strings.TrimSuffix(name, ext)) } else if ext == "yaml" { altName = fmt.Sprintf("%v.yml", strings.TrimSuffix(name, ext)) } fileExists, _ := piperutils.FileExists(name) altExists, _ := piperutils.FileExists(altName) // configured filename will always take precedence, even if not existing if !fileExists && altExists { return altName } return name }